197 research outputs found

    Freedom in Exile: A Linguistic-discursive Analysis of the Representations of the China x Tibet Conflict in the 14th Dalai Lama’s Autobiography

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    This article is part of an undergraduate course paper that studies the autobiography of the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet, Tenzin Gyatso: Freedom in Exile. We analyse the discursive-linguistic representations of the conflict between China and Tibet within this autobiographical narrative through systemic functional linguistics. We understand the potential of the autobiographical narrative as a means to construe and organize life experiences through language and also giving new meanings to them. In this study we employ the theoretical and methodological apparatus of critical discourse analysis and the philosophy of critical realism in the attempt to understand the representational aspect of the texts. We use a qualitative research approach. The general objective of this study is to analyse the representations that the narrator creates of the contents of his vital experience by privileging and working with the ones that emerge from the conflict between China and Tibet. The specific objectives include: (i) to identify the lexical-grammatical choices regarding the constituents that structure these representations; (ii) to explore autobiographical writing; (iii) to analyse the representations discursively, in order to proceed to an explanatory critique of the discourse; (iv) to discuss and reflect upon the intransitivity of moral values to human emancipation and meta-Reality

    The relationship between the publication language and its impact on public and collective health

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    Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between scientific output published in a native language and its degree of exposure and impact on Public and Collective Health. Methods: This bibliometric study was carried out on the basis of the scientific production from the most prolific countries that are members of the SciELO Network, in Public and Collective Health, in the period 2011-2015. The data was collected from the SciELO Citation Index database (SciELO CI) and the citations were analysed by language and source. Findings: Brazilian publications in Portuguese had the greatest citation impact in the same language (55.7%), while its publications in English had 47.9% of impact in Portuguese and 34.4% in Spanish publications (34.4%). The impact on the national language is also significant to Colombian and Spanish publications. To Spain, the percentage of citing articles in Spanish for papers in the same language is more than twice that of its impact in English. To US-American articles, 42.5% of the citations are in a native language when published in English. Cuban and Peruvian publications presented more than 90% of their impact in the national language. In contrast, the USA and Brazil presented greater citation impact on other languages, especially when publishing in Spanish. Conclusion: The extent of the exposure of a publication language varies in accordance with the country´s scientific output. In the case of Brazilian and US-American publications, the effects on audiences in other languages can be measured by the citation impact. Furthermore, the degree of exposure offered by SciELO CI makes it useful for evaluation, particularly for publications in the national language

    The relationship between the language of scientific publication and its impact in the field of public and collective health

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    The language of scientific publications is a crucial factor when seeking to reach an international audience, because it affects linguistic accessibility and the geographical reach of research results. English is the language of science and the fact that it can be understood by most readers represents an undeniable advantage. Moreover, the fact that a large proportion of Ibero-American research has been published in national languages, is often cited as one of the reasons for its limited exposure. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between scientific output published in a native language and its degree of exposure and impact in the field of Public and Collective Health. This bibliometric study was carried out based on the scientific output data obtained from the most prolific countries that are members of the SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) Network in Public and Collective Health, in the 2011-2018 period. The data was collected from the SciELO Citation Index database (SciELO CI), which was integrated into the larger WoS platform in 2014 and was chosen on account of its importance as one of the few regional indexes that is still scarcely used in studies of this nature. The data shows that Brazilian articles in Portuguese had the greatest citation impact on publications in its own language (48.7%), while its articles in English present practically the same impact (48.5%) on Portuguese publications, followed by 34.5% on Spanish publications. The impact on the national language is also significant in the case of both Mexican and Spanish publications, to whom the percentage of citing articles in Spanish, for documents cited in the same language, is higher than for documents cited in English (respectively 1.6 and 1.8). The same applies to Portuguese and US-American articles where, respectively 56.6% and 43.9% of the citing articles are in their native language. Cuban and Peruvian articles have more than 90% of their citing articles in the national language. In contrast, the USA and Brazil are countries that have a greater citation impact on other languages, especially when published in Spanish. The extent of exposure of a given language of the scientific publication varies per the country´s scientific output. In the case of Brazilian and US-American publications, including publications in the national languages of these countries, the effects on audiences in other languages can be measured by the citation impact. Furthermore, the degree of exposure of certain publications suggests that SciELO CI represents a useful database for evaluating local scientific output, and this can be observed, particularly, for publications in the national language

    Análise da longevidade e do tamanho das coautorias acadêmicas: os caminhares na ciência brasileira

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    This article offers a method of detection, identification and visualization of longevity (time) and co-authorship size (number of people) in Brazilian Science, which makes it possible to analyze the paths of researchers according to knowledge areas. The data used for all active PhDs in 2019 registered in the Lattes Platform. The method allowed us to observe over time all possible research groups in the co-authorship collaboration. The results provide evidence that smaller groups have a longer lifespan compared to larger size groups. This article highlights in unprecedented way the paths (due to longevity and size) of Brazilian researchers, allowing to observe the performance of each researcher not in an isolated / independent way, but in a group way / dependent on collaborative and social interaction, as Science is performed nowadays.Este artículo propone un método de detección, identificación y visualización de la longevidad (tiempo) y el tamaño de la coautoría (número de personas) en la ciencia brasileña, que permite analizar los caminos de los investigadores según áreas de conocimiento. Los datos utilizados se refieren a todos los doctores activos en 2019 registrados en la Plataforma Lattes. El método utilizado nos permite observar todos los posibles grupos de investigadores en la colaboración, en términos de coautoría, a lo largo del tiempo. Los resultados presentados muestran que los grupos más pequeños tienen una vida útil más larga en comparación con los grupos de mayor tamaño. Este artículo caracteriza de manera inédita los caminares (por longevidad y tamaño) de los investigadores brasileños, permitiendo observar el desempeño de cada investigador, no de manera aislada/independiente y si de forma grupal/dependiente de la interacción colaborativa y social, como es realizada la ciencia en la actualidadO presente artigo propõe um método de detecção, identificação e visualização da longevidade (tempo) e do tamanho da coautoria (número de pessoas) na ciência brasileira, possibilitando a análise dos caminhares dos pesquisadores de acordo com as áreas do conhecimento. Os dados utilizados referem-se a todos os doutores ativos em 2019 registrados na Plataforma Lattes. O método empregado permite observar todos os possíveis agrupamentos de pesquisadores na colaboração em coautoria ao longo do tempo. Os resultados apresentados evidenciam que grupos menores têm uma longevidade maior em relação aos grupos de tamanhos maiores. Este artigo caracteriza de maneira inédita os caminhares (em função da longevidade e tamanho) dos pesquisadores brasileiros, permitindo observar o atuar de cada pesquisador não de forma isolada/independente mas de forma grupal/dependente da interação colaborativa e social, como a ciência é realizada na atualidade

    Arqueologia de contrato no Brasil

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    Espectro solar: refração da luz

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    A Astronomia é uma Ciência com identidade própria e que reúne quase todas as áreas do conhecimento, sendo assim, pode ser trabalhada de modo interdisciplinar na escola e deve se fazer presente no Ensino Fundamental, uma vez que é na escola onde se tem o acesso mais fácil ao conhecimento para a maioria dos brasileiros. Desse modo, vimos a necessidade de desenvolver um estudo acerca do ensino da Astronomi

    Formação do professor(a): contribuições da disciplina Estrutura e Funcionamento do Ensino - relação entre universidade e escola básica, uma experiência na rede pública da microrregião de Feira de Santana Bahia

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    Este trabalho, fruto da experiência profissional na disciplina Estrutura e Funcionamento do Ensino de I- e 2- graus, foi utilizado como instrumento de compreensão e reflexão sobre a prática concreta da escola e suas inter-relações, que serviu de referência para a execução de um trabalho de intervenção frente a um dos problemas detectados na área de estudo da disciplina. Além disso, este trabalho buscou fazer uma interação entre a universidade e a escola básica, uma vez que é papel da universidade a geração, renovação e socialização do saber estratégico, bem como a produção cientifica e a articulação das diversas áreas do conhecimento

    Impactos das políticas públicas de turismo e de regularização fundiária em Jericoacoara - Ceará

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    This article aims to analyze the deployment of public policies relating to tourism and land regularization by the state public power from the 1990s in the Jericoacoara Village. The State of Ceará, aiming to stop or end illegal transactions in land purchase and sale and, at the same time, seeking to guarantee possession to actual owners and to boost tourism in the area, through the Ceará Institute of Agrarian Development (IDACE), initiated the public policy by having Ceará State Law No. 12,760/1997 as a legal basis, whose purpose is regularizing land ownership in Jericoacoara. This action provided investments made in the tourism sector with legal certainty. From the program’s onset to January 11, 2016, 608,228.765 m² of area were distributed.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la implementación de las políticas públicas de turismo y de regularización fundiaria por el poder público del Estado de Ceará a partir de los años 1990 en la Villa de Jericoacoara. El Estado de Ceará, con el objetivo de frenar o acabar con las transacciones ilegales de compra y venta de tierras y, al mismo tiempo, buscando garantizar la propiedad a los reales dueños e impulsar el turismo en el área, a través del Instituto de Desarrollo Agrario de Ceará (IDACE), inició la política pública fundamentada jurídicamente en la Ley del Estado de Ceará No. 12.760/1997, destinada a regularizar las tierras en Jericoacoara. Esta acción otorgó seguridad jurídica a las inversiones realizadas en el sector turístico.Este artigo tem por objetivo analisar a implementação das políticas públicas de turismo e de regularização fundiária pelo poder público estadual a partir dos anos 1990 na Vila de Jericoacoara. O Estado do Ceará, visando a frear ou acabar com as transações ilegais de compra e venda de terras e, ao mesmo tempo, buscando garantir a propriedade aos reais posseiros e impulsionar o turismo na área, por meio do Instituto de Desenvolvimento Agrário do Ceará (Idace), iniciou a política pública fundamentada juridicamente na Lei Estadual n. 12.760/1997, destinada a regularizar as terras em Jericoacoara. Essa ação conferiu segurança jurídica aos investimentos realizados no setor turístico

    Anticorpos séricos anti-Toxoplasma gondii em pardais, Passer domesticus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Passeriformes: Passeridae), do município de Pelotas, RS, Brasil

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar a presença de anticorpos anti-Toxoplasma gondii em amostras de soro de 100 pardais (Passer domesticus Linnaeus, 1758) capturados na área urbana do município de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para a pesquisa de anticorpos anti-T. gondii foi utilizado o teste de aglutinação modificado (MAT) e foram consideradas positivas as amostras que apresentaram título > 5. Das 100 amostras de soro analisadas, 80 (80%) foram reagentes. Esses resultados demonstram que P. domesticus, por ser amplamente distribuído em todo país, pode desempenhar um papel importante na cadeia epidemiológica de T. gondii, podendo atuar como fonte de infecção para felinos domésticos e silvestres.The objective of this study was to detect the presence of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in serum samples from 100 sparrows (Passer domesticus Linnaeus, 1758) that were caught in an urban area in southern Brazil. The modified agglutination test (MAT) was used to investigate anti-T. gondii antibodies and samples with a cut-off dilution > 5 were considered positive. Among the 100 serum samples analyzed, 80 (80%) were reactive. These results demonstrate that P. domesticus may play an important role in the epidemiological chain of T. gondii, since it is widely distributed throughout Brazil, and it may act as a source of infection to domestic, semi-domestic cats and to free-living wild felids