1,116 research outputs found

    Long-term effects of ayahuasca in patients with recurrent depression: a 5-year qualitative follow-up

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    Background Ayahuasca is a botanical hallucinogenic preparation traditionally used by indigenous populations of Northwestern Amazonian countries for ritual and therapeutic purposes. It is rich in β-carboline alkaloids and N,N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Preclinical, observational, and experimental studies suggest that ayahuasca and its alkaloids have anxiolytic and antidepressive effects. We recently reported in an open-label trial that ayahuasca administration was associated with significant decreases in depression symptoms for 2-3 weeks after the experimental session in 17 patients with treatment-resistant major depressive disorder. Objectives To investigate if the experiment had any long-lasting effects on patients Methods Eight patients were interviewed 4 to 7 years after ayahuasca intake. Results Our results suggest that ayahuasca was well tolerated and that symptom reductions were limited to a few weeks. Importantly, most patients believed that the experience was among the most important of their lives, even 4-7 years later. Discussion To the best of our knowledge, this is the first long-term follow-up of a clinical sample that participated in an ayahuasca trial. Further studies with different and repeated dosing should be designed to further explore the antidepressive and anxiolytic effects of ayahuasca

    As interfaces entre moda e literatura em O Coronel Chabert de Honoré de Balzac

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    The legacy left by great literature authors finds dialog with writers who regard fashion nowadays as a complex and wide universe, leaving behind the idea of fashion as a simple elite’s frivolous expression, and considering it a powerful instrument of sociological analysis. Honoré de Balzac, in the 19th century, had already noticed the profound connection between fashion and literature. Thereafter, in the first decades of the 20th century, the Bakhtin Circle would provide significant contributions to the understanding of both domains as cultural products, thus, necessarily marked by ideology. Also, the publications of the French philosopher and scholar of hypermodernity, Gilles Lipovetsky, help to investigate several fashion references in the 1844 version of Le Colonel Chabert. This paper attempts to show how fashion constitutes a relevant element to build the diegesis, the characters’ perception about themselves and about others, and, in an intra- and extratextual movement, the view of the post-Revolution French society. Finally, this paper seeks to combine domains not very often linked and to present the opportunity of an enlargement of perspectives on the literary text and its social environment.O legado deixado por grandes autores da literatura estabelece diálogos na atualidade com escritores que pensam a moda sob uma perspectiva mais abrangente, de forma a vê-la não mais como mera expressão frívola de elites, mas como um poderoso instrumento de análise sociológica. Honoré de Balzac, no século XIX, já havia percebido a profunda ligação entre moda e literatura. Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, o Círculo de Bakhtin viria a elaborar contribuições significativas para o entendimento de ambas as áreas como produtos culturais e, portanto, ideológicos. Igualmente, os trabalhos do filósofo e estudioso dos fenômenos da hipermodernidade, Gilles Lipovetsky, ajudarão em uma investigação e reflexão sobre as acepções de moda contidas no romance O Coronel Chabert, publicado por Balzac na versão final em 1844. Verificar-se-á de que maneira a moda constitui um elemento substancial para a construção da diegese, da visão dos personagens sobre si, sobre os outros e, em um movimento intra e extratextual, da sociedade como um todo. Este trabalho intenta, portanto, valer-se de uma convergência de áreas tão próximas, mas pouco aproximadas de fato, para tecer relações do texto literário com o meio social do qual provém, destacando o papel da moda nessa dinâmica

    O uso do canabidiol (CBD) no tratamento da doença de Parkinson e suas comorbidades

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    Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor (bradykinesia, tremors, stiffness) and non-motor (psychotic, mood and sleep disorders) symptoms. The available pharmacological treatments are not effective for a significant portion of the patients. Recent research suggests that the phytocannabinoid cannabidiol (CBD) could be effective in treating some PD symptoms. Objectives: To review the preclinical and clinical studies of the effects of CBD on the symptoms of PD. Methods: Narrative review of the main basic and clinical studies on the effects of CBD on the symptoms of PD. Due to the small number of clinical studies, research with other cannabinoids was also included. Results: A total of 15 articles were included in the review: 5 preclinical studies involving the administration of CBD and 10 studies with patients involving the administration of different cannabinoids (cannabis, nabilone, CBD). Most of the basic studies reported a positive effect of CBD on PD-related behavior or biochemical changes. Observational and clinical studies using smoked cannabis, oral cannabis extract, nabilone (synthetic cannabinoid) and CBD suggest that these cannabinoids can reduce motor (bradykinesia, tremors, stiffness) and non-motor (psychotic, mood and sleep disorders, quality of life) symptoms of PD. Moreover, they are well tolerated substances with few significant adverse effects. Conclusion: Although CBD has shown favorable results in both preclinical and clinical studies, this evidence is not yet sufficient to indicate the use of this cannabinoid in patients with PD. New controlled studies should be performed with different dosages of CBD to replicate this data.Fundamento: A doença de Parkinson (DP) é um transtorno neurodegenerativo crônico caracterizado por sintomas motores (bradicinesia, tremores, rigidez) e não motores (transtornos psicóticos, do humor e do sono). Os tratamentos farmacológicos disponíveis não são eficazes para uma parcela significativa dos pacientes. Pesquisas recentes sugerem que o fitocanabinóide canabidiol (CBD) poderia ser eficaz no tratamento de alguns sintomas da DP. Objetivos: Revisar os estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos dos efeitos do CBD nos sintomas da DP. Métodos: Revisão narrativa dos principais estudos básicos e clínicos sobre os efeitos do CBD nos sintomas da DP. Devido ao número pequeno de estudos clínicos, pesquisas com outros canabinóides também foram incluídas. Resultados: No total, 15 artigos foram incluídos na revisão: 5 estudos pré-clínicos envolvendo a administração de CBD e 10 estudos com pacientes envolvendo a administração de diferentes canabinóides (maconha, nabilona, CBD). A maioria dos estudos básicos mostraram um efeito positivo do CBD em comportamentos ou alterações bioquímicas relacionadas à DP. Estudos observacionais e clínicos com uso de maconha fumada, extrato oral de maconha, nabilona (canabinóide sintético) e CBD sugerem que estes canabinóides podem reduzir sintomas motores (bradicinesia, tremores, rigidez) e não motores (transtornos psicóticos, do humor e do sono, qualidade de vida) da DP. Além disso, são substâncias bem toleradas e com poucos efeitos adversos significativos. Conclusão: Embora o CBD tenha demonstrado resultados favoráveis tanto em estudos pré-clínicos como em estudos clínicos, estas evidências ainda não são suficientes para indicar o uso deste canabinóide em pacientes com distúrbios do DP. Novos estudos controlados devem ser realizados com diferentes dosagens de CBD para replicar estes dados

    Manual del SoftwareIfs Construction kit para generar imágenes que representan fractales mediante sistemas de funciones iteradas

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    Los últimos avances en matemáticas en el campo de geometría fractal han permitido el surgimiento de una gran variedad de aplicaciones informáticas útiles para la representación de conjuntos fractales. Este trabajo pretende presentar a IFSConstruction Kit como una opción para construir fractales con base en los sistemas de funciones iteradas

    Effects of ayahuasca on mental health and quality of life in naïve users: A longitudinal and cross-sectional study combination

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    Ayahuasca is a hallucinogenic decoction used as a traditional medicine in several Amazonian regions. The ritualistic use of ayahuasca has spread throughout many countries, making it necessary to study its risks and benefits. Two sub-studies were designed for this investigation. In sub-study 1, a psychiatric interview and a battery of questionnaires were administered to subjects (n = 40) before their first ayahuasca use. Two follow-ups were conducted at 1 and 6 months. In sub-study 2, the same interview and battery of questionnaires were administered to long-term ayahuasca users (n = 23) and their scores were compared with those of the ayahuasca-naïve group. In the first assessment, nearly half (45%) of the naïve users were found to meet the diagnostic criteria for a psychiatric disorder. After the ayahuasca use, more than 80% of those subjects showed clinical improvements that persisted at 6 months. The questionnaires showed significant reductions in depression and psychopathology. Regarding sub-study 2, long-term users showed lower depression scores, and higher scores for self-transcendence and quality of life, as compared to their peers in sub-study 1. Further controlled and observational naturalistic studies assessing the eventual risks and potential benefits of ayahuasca are warranted

    Shoulder isokinetic profile of male handball players of the Brazilian National Team

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    BACKGROUND:Data obtained on an isokinetic dynamometer are useful to characterize muscle status and have been reported in muscle imbalance studies in different types of sport. However, few studies have assessed elite handball players to establish reference values.OBJECTIVE:The purpose of this study was to compare, for the dominant (D) and non-dominant (ND) side, the isokinetic profile of shoulder rotator muscle strength between male handball players (H) and asymptomatic non-athletes (NA).METHOD:Isokinetic concentric and eccentric strength tests for D upper limbs were performed by the H group (n=20) and the NA group (n=12). Internal and external rotator muscle peak torque in concentric action was assessed at 60°/s and 300°/s and in eccentric action at 300°/s. We also calculated conventional balance (the ratio of external rotator peak torque to internal rotator peak torque in concentric action) and functional balance (the ratio of external rotator peak torque in eccentric action to internal rotator peak torque in concentric action).RESULTS:In the H group, dominant limbs were stronger in concentric action for external rotation at 60 and 300°/s. The conventional balance ratio for the D side was significantly lower at 60 and 300°/s for H compared to NA. The functional ratio for the D side was significantly lower at 300º/s for H compared to NA.CONCLUSIONS:Compared to asymptomatic non-athletes, handball players presented significant muscular imbalance resulting from daily sports practice, a known risk factor for shoulder injuries.Projects Finance Organization (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos - FINEP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Physiology DepartmentUniversidade Federal de Goias Human and Exercise Physiology SectorUniversidade Estadual de Campinas Faculty of Physical Education Sports Science DepartmentBrazilian Basketball ConfederationUNIFESP, Physiology DepartmentSciEL


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    The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of price, and product design on furniture purchasing decision at UD. Jepara Indah Pasuruan City. This study uses multiple linier regression analysis on 100 respondents that have been determined using purposive sampling technique as a method of sampling by using questionnaires for data collection. The results of this study revealed that prices have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decision of furniture in UD. Jepara Indah and product design have a positive and significant impact on purchasing decision of furniture in UD. Jepara Indah

    Glycoprotein Hormone Receptor Knockdown Leads to Reduced Reproductive Success in Male Aedes aegypti

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    Glycoprotein hormone receptors mediate a diverse range of physiological functions in vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. The heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone GPA2/GPB5 and its receptor LGR1, constitute a recently discovered invertebrate neuroendocrine signaling system that remains to be functionally characterized. We previously reported that LGR1 is expressed in the testes of adult Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, where its immunoreactivity is particularly regionalized. Here, we show that LGR1 immunoreactivity is associated with the centriole adjunct of spermatids and is observed transiently during spermatogenesis in mosquitoes, where it may act to mediate the regulation of flagellar development. RNA interference to downregulate LGR1 expression was accomplished by feeding mosquito larvae with bacteria that produced LGR1-specific dsRNA, which led to defects in spermatozoa, characterized with shortened flagella. LGR1 knockdown mosquitoes also retained ∼60% less spermatozoa in reproductive organs and demonstrated reduced fertility compared to controls. To date, the endocrine regulation of spermatogenesis in mosquitoes remains an understudied research area. The distribution of LGR1 and detrimental effects of its knockdown on spermatogenesis in A. aegypti indicates that this heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone signaling system contributes significantly to the regulation of male reproductive biology in this important disease-vector

    Antidepressant effects of a single dose of ayahuasca in patients with recurrent depression: a preliminary report

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    Objectives: Ayahuasca (AYA), a natural psychedelic brew prepared from Amazonian plants and rich in dimethyltryptamine (DMT) and harmine, causes effects of subjective well-being and may therefore have antidepressant actions. This study sought to evaluate the effects of a single dose of AYA in six volunteers with a current depressive episode. Methods: Open-label trial conducted in an inpatient psychiatric unit. Results: Statistically significant reductions of up to 82% in depressive scores were observed between baseline and 1, 7, and 21 days after AYA administration, as measured on the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D), the Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS), and the Anxious-Depression subscale of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). AYA administration resulted in nonsignificant changes in Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) scores and in the thinking disorder subscale of the BPRS, suggesting that AYA does not induce episodes of mania and/or hypomania in patients with mood disorders and that modifications in thought content, which could indicate psychedelic effects, are not essential for mood improvement. Conclusions: These results suggest that AYA has fast-acting anxiolytic and antidepressant effects in patients with a depressive disorder