51 research outputs found
Turismo industrial: nova força económica para municípios: caso de Águeda
Mestrado em Gestão e Planeamento em TurismoO presente trabalho de projecto pretende delinear um Framework que permita
a intervenção ao nível local (municipal) na área particular do turismo industrial,
disponibilizando boas práticas nacionais e internacionais, conhecimento
técnico e científico existente, e orientações de carácter mais teórico inerentes
à actividade turística. O objectivo central e estratégico do trabalho científico
passa por verificar se o turismo constitui o veículo de desenvolvimento
integrado de destinos turísticos onde predomina a actividade industrial.
Não havendo, ainda, um quadro teórico e empírico suficientemente consistente
em turismo industrial, houve necessidade de se optar por uma metodologia de
natureza mais cognitiva de compreensão e interpretação de conceitos, de
práticas utilizadas, das diferentes realidades existentes e das possibilidades de
aplicação e desenvolvimento da actividade turística em questão. Em termos
globais, a operacionalização da metodologia culminou na definição e
apresentação do quadro de desenvolvimento do turismo industrial o qual foi
calibrado no município de Águeda.
Com o Framework desenhado durante o processo de investigação é possível
recorrer-se a linhas orientadoras de actuação e a um procedimento holístico
conducentes ao desenvolvimento responsável do turismo industrial ao nível
municipal, fazendo chamadas de atenção para questões que se mostraram ser
pertinentes pela análise da literatura existente, nomeadamente, ao nível da
sustentabilidade cultural e económica e do planeamento integrado de destinos
turísticos.This research project aims to devise a Framework that allows intervention at
the local (municipal) level in the particular area of industrial tourism, providing
national and international best practices, existing technical and scientific
knowledge, and theoretical orientations inherent to tourist activity. The central
and strategic objective of the scientific work is to verify if tourism is a vehicle for
the integrated development of tourist destinations where industrial activity
Taking into account the (still) absence of a sufficiently solid theoretical and
empirical basis in industrial tourism, there was a need to choose a more
cognitive methodology in order to understand and to interpret concepts, used
practices, existing different realities and possibilities of application and
development of the tourism activity at issue. Overall, the operation of the
methodology culminated in the definition and presentation of the Framework
which was calibrated in the municipality of Águeda.
With the Framework designed during the research process it is possible to
make use of a set of guidelines and a holistic procedure, which leads to the
industrial tourism responsible development at the municipal level, making
special attention to issues that have proven to be relevant through the existing
literature analysis, in particular, the cultural and economic sustainability and
integrated planning of tourism destinations levels
Evolução antropométrica de pacientes com sobrepeso atendidos em ambulatórios de nutrição
Objetivos: Avaliar o estado nutricional de pacientes com sobrepeso, o perfil lipídico e o impacto do acompanhamento dietoterápico nas medidas antropométricas de pacientes atendidos em ambulatórios de nutrição de dois hospitais públicos de Recife-PE. Método: Estudo transversal no qual foi acoplada uma variável com caráter prospectivo (tempo de acompanhamento), resultando na análise antropométrica em três momentos do atendimento. Os indicadores avaliados foram o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e a circunferência da cintura (CC), considerando as classificações da OMS (Organização Mundial da Saúde) de 1995 e 1998, respectivamente. O perfil lipídico constou de colesterol total (CT), triglicerídeos (TG), lipoproteína de baixa densidade (LDL-c) e lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL-c) obtido na primeira consulta. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o programa Epi info versão 6.04, com dupla entrada e utilização do módulo Validate. Para verificar associações entre as variáveis dicotômicas, foi aplicado o teste de qui-quadrado, sendo adotado o nível de significância de 5% para rejeição da hipótese de nulidade. Resultados: Foram estudados 550 pacientes adultos com média de idade de 49,4 + 13,3 anos. A prevalência de excesso de peso pelo IMC ficou acima de 80%, não sendo evidenciado diferencial estatisticamente significante entre os sexos (p=0,171). Por outro lado, 80,9% das mulheres e 52,1% dos homens apresentaram CC na faixa de risco muito elevado (p=0,000). Alterações lipídicas foram encontradas em mais de 40% da amostra. Quanto aos resultados da evolução antropométrica, tanto o IMC quanto a CC não demonstraram diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os três momentos avaliados. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados demonstraram alta prevalência de excesso de peso e alterações no perfil lipídico e ausência de redução das medidas antropométricas após o acompanhamento ambulatorial. Diante do quadro epidemiológico da obesidade, esses achados demonstram a necessidade urgente de mudanças nos programas de atendimento aos portadores de excesso de peso
Suicide ideators and attempters : differences and risk factors for the use of violent methods at admission in a psychiatric ward
Copyrights belong to the Author(s). Suicidology Online (SOL) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal publishing under the Creative Commons Licence 3.0.OBJECTIVES: The study addressed two major issues: (1) how patients admitted to a psychiatric ward
with suicide ideation differ from patients who attempted suicide in the last 24–48 hours and (2) which
characteristics are associated with violent methods in the suicide attempt. METHODS: Data from all patients
admitted for suicide ideation or attempt were collected, including sociodemographic and clinical variables
(psychiatric diagnosis and history of substance use disorder, method utilized, precipitating factor, seasonality of
the episode, length of inpatient stay, history of suicidal attempts and nonsuicidal self-injuries (NSSI), family
history of suicide attempts). Results were calculated using chi-square with Fisher’s exact tests, independent
sample t-test and multiple logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: A total of 106 admissions (58 ideators and 48
attempters) were identified. Attempters (compared to ideators) were significantly more frequently male, retired
or unemployed, had more frequently a psychotic diagnosis and a history of drug use disorder and less frequently
previous suicide attempts. Attempters who used violent methods (compared to those who used deliberate selfpoisoning) were significantly more often male, had a psychosis diagnosis and a superior length of inpatient stay
but had less frequently previous NSSI. Independent risk factors for attempted suicide included psychosis
diagnosis and history of drug use disorder. Female gender was protective. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides a
characterization of suicide ideators and attempters in a sample of psychiatric inpatients. The identification of risk
factors and its early recognition are crucial interventions for suicide prevention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Overview of beneficial effects of (Poly)phenol metabolites in the context of neurodegenerative diseases on model organisms
Funding Information: Funding: This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 804229. iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA—01–0145—FEDER—007344), which is cofunded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência e do Ensino Superior, through national funds, and by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, is acknowledged. Authors Aβ—Amyloid beta; CAT—catalase; NF–κB—Nuclear factor kappa–light–chain–enhancer of activated B cell; GSK— Glycogen synthase kinase; GSH—glutathione; APP—Amyloid precursor protein; ROS—Reactive Oxygen Species; TNF— Tumor necrosis factor; JNK—c–Jun N–terminal kinases; SOD—Superoxide Dismutase; Tg—transgenic; PPAR— Peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor alpha; LPS—lipopolysaccharide; MPTP—1—methyl–4—phenyl–1,2,3,6— tetrahydropyridine. 1 (Poly)phenol metabolites are named accordingly the recommendations recently published [32], however the name cited in the original publications where the effect is described is indicated in brackets. ↑—increased ↓— decreased. Funding Information: would like to acknowledge FCT for financial support of D.C (2020.04630.BD), R.M (CEEC/04567/CBIOS/2020) and S.F (UIDP/BD4/04567/2020). Funding Information: This work has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union?s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 804229. iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA?01?0145?FEDER?007344), which is cofunded by Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e Tecnologia (FCT)/Minist?rio da Ci?ncia e do Ensino Superior, through national funds, and by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, is acknowledged. Authors would like to acknowledge FCT for financial support of D.C (2020.04630.BD), R.M (CEEC/04567/CBIOS/2020) and S.F (UIDP/BD4/04567/2020). Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The rise of neurodegenerative diseases in an aging population is an increasing problem of health, social and economic consequences. Epidemiological and intervention studies have demonstrated that diets rich in (poly)phenols can have potent health benefits on cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases. Meanwhile, the role of gut microbiota is ever more evident in modulating the catabolism of (poly)phenols to dozens of low molecular weight (poly)phenol metabolites that have been identified in plasma and urine. These metabolites can reach circulation in higher concentrations than parent (poly)phenols and persist for longer periods of time. However, studies addressing their potential brain effects are still lacking. In this review, we will discuss different model organisms that have been used to study how low molecular weight (poly)phenol metabolites affect neuronal related mechanisms gathering critical insight on their potential to tackle the major hallmarks of neurodegeneration.publishersversionpublishe
Treinamento muscular inspiratório em pessoas com doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica (DPOC): uma revisão sistemática
El objetivo de esta revisión sistemática fue evaluarla efectividad del entrenamiento muscular inspiratorio (EMI) enpersonas con enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC),analizando los efectos del EMI en la fuerza y resistencia muscularinspiratoria, en la tolerancia al ejercicio y en la reducción de ladisnea. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática en las bases dedatos PubMed, Cochrane y LILACS, en el período de agosto de2021 a febrero de 2023, en los estudios publicados desde 2016.Los descriptores utilizados en la búsqueda siguieron la descripciónde los Medical Subject Headings (MeSH)/Descriptores enCiencias de la Salud (DeCS), a saber: “pulmonary disease,chronic obstructive”, “breathing exercises”, “exercise tolerance”,“dyspnea” y “muscle strength”, en los idiomas inglés y portugués,y con los operadores booleanos “AND” y “OR”. Diez estudioscumplieron los criterios de inclusión, en los cuales participaron733 pacientes. En todos los estudios en análisis, se observó unsignificativo incremento de la fuerza muscular inspiratoria yde la resistencia en comparación con el grupo control. De los10 estudios analizados, cuatro mostraron progreso en la reducciónde la disnea y en la tolerancia al ejercicio. Cabe destacar queel entrenamiento muscular inspiratorio mostró ser eficaz en lamejora de la disnea, en la tolerancia al ejercicio y en el aumentode la fuerza y la resistencia muscular inspiratoria en personascon EPOC de moderada a graveO objetivo desta revisão sistemática foievidenciar a eficácia do treinamento muscular inspiratório(TMI) em pessoas com doença pulmonar obstrutivacrônica (DPOC), analisando os efeitos do TMI na força eresistência muscular inspiratória; na tolerância ao exercício;e na redução da dispneia. Realizou-se uma busca deforma sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed, Cochranee LILACS, no período de agosto de 2021 a fevereiro 2023,por estudos publicados a partir de 2016. Os descritoresutilizados para a busca seguiram a descrição dos MedicalSubject Headings (MeSH)/Descritores em Ciências daSaúde (DeCS), sendo eles: “pulmonary disease, chronicobstructive”, “breathing exercises”, “exercise tolerance”,“dyspnea” e “muscle strength”, com o filtro dos idiomasinglês e português e os operadores booleanos “AND”e “OR”. Dez estudos cumpriram os critérios de inclusão,envolvendo 733 pacientes. Em todos os estudosexaminados, houve um aumento expressivo da força eda resistência muscular inspiratória em comparação aogrupo-controle. Ainda, dos 10 estudos analisados, quatroapresentaram progressos na diminuição da dispneia e natolerância ao exercício. Ressalta-se que o treinamentomuscular inspiratório é eficaz na melhora da dispneia,da tolerância ao exercício e do aumento da força e daresistência muscular inspiratória em pessoas com DPOCem estágios moderado a graveThis systematic review aimed to demonstratethe effectiveness of inspiratory muscle training (IMT) inpeople with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), analyzing the effects of IMT on inspiratory musclestrength and endurance, exercise tolerance and reductionof dyspnea. A systematic search was carried out in thePubMed, Cochrane and Lilacs databases, from August 2021to February 2023, searching for studies published from 2016.The descriptors used for the search followed the descriptionof the MeSH/DeCS terms, namely: “Pulmonary Disease,Chronic Obstructive,” “Breathing Exercises,” “ExerciseTolerance,” “Dyspnea,” and “Muscle strength,” with thelanguages: English and Portuguese, using the Booleanoperators “AND” and “OR.” Ten studies met the inclusioncriteria, including 733 patients. In all examined studies, therewas a significant increase in inspiratory and exercise tolerance. Notably, inspiratory muscle trainingis effective in improving dyspnea, exercise tolerance, and inincreasing inspiratory muscle strength and endurance in peoplewith moderate to severe COPD muscle strengthand endurance compared to the control group; of the tenstudies analyzed, four showed advances in reducing dyspne
A Brazilian cohort of patients with immuno-mediated chronic inflammatory diseases infected by SARS-CoV-2 (ReumaCoV-Brasil Registry) : protocol for a prospective, observational study
Background: Patients with immune-mediated rheumatic diseases (IMRD) are at increased risk of infections, including significant morbidity and high mortality. Considering the potential for unfavorable outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in patients with IMRD, several questions were raised regarding the impact of COVID-19 at the start of the pandemic. Objective: This paper presents the protocol of a study that aims to prospectively evaluate patients with IMRD and a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis (using criteria provided by the Brazilian Ministry of Health). Methods: The study comprised a prospective, observational cohort (patients with IMRD and COVID-19) and a comparison group (patients with only IMRD), with a follow-up time of 6 months to evaluate differences in health outcomes. The primary outcomes will be changes in IMRD disease activity after SARS-CoV-2 infection at 4 time points: (1) at baseline, (2) within 4-6 weeks after infection, (3) at 3 months after the second assessment (±15 days), and (4) at 6 months (±15 days). The secondary outcomes will be the progression rate to moderate or severe forms of COVID-19, need for intensive care unit admission and mechanical ventilation, death, and therapeutic changes related to IMRD. Two outcomes—pulmonary and thromboembolic events in patients with both IMRD and SARS-CoV-2 infection—are of particular interest and will be monitored with close attention (clinical, laboratory, and function tests as well as imaging). Results: Recruitment opened in May 2020, with 1300 participants recruited from 43 sites as of November 2020. Patient recruitment will conclude by the end of December 2020, with follow-up occurring until April 2021. Data analysis is scheduled to start after all inclusion data have been collected, with an aim to publish a peer-reviewed paper in December 2020. Conclusions: We believe this study will provide clinically relevant data on the general impact of COVID-19 on patients with IMRD
Characteristics of resistance training-based protocols in older adults with sarcopenic obesity: a scoping review of training procedure recommendations
Background: Sarcopenic obesity (SO) is a clinical and functional disease
characterized by the coexistence of obesity and sarcopenia. Resistance training
(RT) characteristics for older adults with sarcopenia or obesity are already well
established in the scientific literature. Nonetheless, we still do not know how
detailed the RT protocols are described for older adults with SO. Therefore, we
aimed to analyze the characteristics of RT programs, including each of their
variables, recommended for older adults with SO.
Methods: This is a scoping review study that was conducted in accordance
with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
for Scoping Reviews. The search was carried out until November 2022 in
PubMed/MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, Scopus, LILACS,
Google Scholar, and medRxiv databases. The studies included SO diagnosis and
RT as an intervention strategy. The RT variables analyzed were as follows: exercise
selection, the volume of sets, the intensity of load, repetition cadence, rest interval
between sets, and weekly frequency.
Results: A total of 1,693 studies were identified. After applying the exclusion
criteria, 15 studies were included in the final analysis. The duration of the RT
intervention ranged from 8 to 24 weeks. All studies included full-body routines,
with single/multi-joint exercises. Regarding the volume of sets, some studies fixed
it in three sets, whereas others varied between one and three sets. The load was
reported by repetition range and the weight lifted, elastic-band color/resistance,
percentage of one repetition maximum, or perceived exertion scale. Repetition
cadence was fixed in some studies, while it was self-selected between concentric
and eccentric phases in others. The interval between sets of rest varied from
30 to 180 s. All studies reported progression overload during the interventions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Revisiting hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine for patients with chronic immunity-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, also known as antimalarial drugs, are widely used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and have recently become the focus of attention because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Rheumatologists have been using antimalarials to manage patients with chronic immune-mediated inflammatory rheumatic diseases for decades. It is an appropriate time to review their immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory mechanisms impact on disease activity and survival of systemic lupus erythematosus patient, including antiplatelet effect, metabolic and lipid benefits. We also discuss possible adverse effects, adding a practical and comprehensive approach to monitoring rheumatic patients during treatment with these drugs
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