422 research outputs found

    Descrição de novos espécimes de folhas fósseis provenientes da Bacia do Abunã, Quaternário, Rondônia, Brasil

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    The Sedimentary Basin of Abunã is located near the channel of the Madeira River, in the state of Rondônia - Brazil, and is characterized by a flat relief, resulting from accumulation processes of fluvial sediments along the Quaternary. Within this context, there has been an increase in published works in recent years, reporting the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic characteristics of this region. The present study aims to describe the leaf morphology and taxonomic recognition of four fossils leaves collected in the outcrop Stake 93 (09 ° 16'25.05 "S; 64 ° 38'16.87" W) at the construction site of the Hydroelectric Power Plant Jirau (UHE). The samples were submitted to a previous curatorial preparation and were numbered and packed with PVC film and placed in paraffin molds. The date for the layer from which the material analyzed here has been presented, has already been presented in previous works, presenting an age of ± 43,500 A.P. The specimens were photographed and the venation patterns redesigned. The taxonomic recognition was made based on the key of identification of angiosperms following the detail proposed by the Manual of Leaf Architecture, being also that were compared with representatives of the current Amazonian flora through consultation the specific bibliography. From the presence of typical elements it was possible to record the occurrence of two families: Chrysobalanaceae, primary vein of pinnate and secondary semicraspedodromous, opposite venation and alternating in the same leaf, determining the registration of a new morphogen and morphospecies, Temporarily referred to as of Morphotype 02; Calophyllaceae, with numerous secondary venations, parallel to each other, filling the entire foliar field, defining the description of a new morphospecies for the genus Calophyllum, here temporarily termed Calophyllum sp1. The presence of these families indicates similarity with the flora currently established in the region, making possible the inference of a paleoclimate very similar to the existing one. Thus, this finding corroborates previous studies that postulate the presence of a typically tropical forest already established since at least ± 43,500 years, corresponding to the Late Pleistocene.A Bacia Sedimentar do Abunã está localizada junto à calha do Rio Madeira, no estado de Rondônia - Brasil, e caracteriza-se por um relevo plano, resultante de processos de acumulação de sedimentos fluviais ao longo do Quaternário. Dentro desse contexto, há nos últimos anos um aumento de trabalhos publicados, relatando as características paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas dessa região. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever a morfologia foliar e realizar o reconhecimento taxonômico de quatro folhas fósseis coletadas no afloramento Estaca 93 (09°16'25.05"S; 64°38'16.87"W), no canteiro de obras da Usina Hidroelétrica de Jirau (UHE). As amostras passaram por preparação curatorial prévia, sendo que foram numeradas e embaladas com filme PVC e colocadas em moldes de parafina. A datação para a camada da qual provém o material aqui analisado, já foi apresentada em trabalhos anteriores, apresentando idade de ±43.500 A.P. Os espécimes foram fotografados e os padrões de venação redesenhados. O reconhecimento taxonômico foi realizado com base na chave de identificação de angiospermas seguindo o detalhamento proposto pelo Manual de Arquitetura Foliar, sendo que também foram comparados com representantes da flora amazônica atual através de consulta a bibliografia específica. A partir da presença de elementos típicos foi possível registrar a ocorrência de duas famílias sendo elas: Chrysobalanaceae, por meio de venação primária pinada e secundária semicraspedódroma, venação oposta e alterna na mesma folha determinando o registro de um novo morfogênero e morfoespécie, aqui temporariamente denominado de Morfotipo 02; Calophyllaceae, com venações secundárias numerosas, paralelas entre si, preenchendo todo o campo foliar, definindo a descrição de uma nova morfoespécie para gênero Calophyllum, aqui temporariamente denominada Calophyllum sp1. A presença dessas famílias indica similaridade com a flora atualmente estabelecida na região, possibilitando ainda a inferência de um paleoclima muito similar ao existente. Deste modo, esta descoberta corrobora aos estudos anteriores que postulam a presença de uma floresta tipicamente tropical já estabelecida desde pelo menos ±43.500 anos, correspondentes ao Pleistoceno Superior

    Decisão lexical e rastreamento ocular na leitura de vocábulos com prefixos, raízes e sufixos com letras transpostas

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    The present work intends to contribute to advance the debate between the holistic and decompositional models of morphological processing, investigating the impact of the transposition of letters in the processing of words. The focus of the research was to evaluate if there are differences in processing, depending on the position of the transposed letters, among the morphemes that make up the words, i.e. in the prefix, in the root or in the suffix. For this purpose, a classic lexical decision experiment and a lexical decision experiment monitored by an eye-tracker were performed. The results of the first experiment would indicate only a suffix recency effect in the lexical decision, whereas the online results of the eye-tracking experiment allowed to differentiate the average fixation times in the regions of prefixes, roots and suffixes (Root> Suffix> Prefix), adding evidence in favor of morphological decomposition prior to lexical access.O presente trabalho pretende contribuir para avançar o debate entre os modelos holísticos e decomposicionais de processamento morfológico, investigando o impacto da transposição de letras no processamento de vocábulos. O foco da pesquisa foi o de avaliar se há diferenças no processamento, dependendo da posição da transposição das letras, entres os morfemas que compõem os vocábulos, i.e., no prefixo, na raiz ou no sufixo. Com esse objetivo realizou-se experimento clássico de decisão lexical e experimento de decisão lexical monitorado por rastreador ocular. Os resultados do primeiro experimento teriam indicado apenas efeito de recência do sufixo na decisão lexical, enquanto que os resultados on-line do experimento de rastreamento ocular permitiram diferenciar os tempos de fixação nas regiões de prefixos, raízes e sufixos (Raiz > Sufixo > Prefixo), aduzindo evidências em favor de decomposição morfológica prévia ao acesso lexical

    Lexical decision and eye tracking in the reading of words with prefixes, roots, and suffixes with transposed letters

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    The present work intends to contribute to advance the debate between the holistic and decompositional models of morphological processing, investigating the impact of the transposition of letters in the processing of words. The focus of the research was to evaluate if there are differences in processing, depending on the position of the transposed letters, among the morphemes that make up the words, i.e. in the prefix, in the root or in the suffix. For this purpose, a classic lexical decision experiment and a lexical decision experiment monitored by an eye-tracker were performed. The results of the first experiment would indicate only a suffix recency effect in the lexical decision, whereas the online results of the eye-tracking experiment allowed to differentiate the average fixation times in the regions of prefixes, roots and suffixes (Root> Suffix> Prefix), adding evidence in favor of morphological decomposition prior to lexical access


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    Apresenta discussões acerca do trabalho infantil na Amazônia. Tem como objetivo apresentar as impressões de crianças e adolescentes acerca do trabalho infantil. Entendemos que a história da infância pobre no Brasil se construiu em meio ao trabalho e que o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente traz novas expectativas de mudanças nesse cenário. Assim, para debater sobre o assunto com as crianças e adolescentes, utilizamos a filmografia e observamos por meio de suas falas e desenhos que o trabalho ainda faz parte do cotidiano de crianças e adolescentes vinculadas ao projeto de extensão “Infância em Tela na Universidade e na Comunidade”

    Confronting COVID-19 - The case of PPE and Medical Devices production using Digital Fabrication at PUC-Rio

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    At the end of 2019, the first cases of COVID-19 were registered. As the disease spread across continents culminating in a pandemic, countries suffered from a shortage of personal protective equipment. In Brazil, the first case was recorded on February 2020. This study aims to describe the experience of creating an interinstitutional network to meet the pandemic’s demands and the experience of transforming an academic design laboratory into space for the production of personal protective equipment using 3D printing and laser cutting techniques. The actions described in this study, made it possible to meet the high emergency demand for PPE in the city of Rio de Janeiro, as well as the construction of knowledge both within the scope of building networks to solve complex social problems and about the possibilities of production in an academic environment. The work addresses and reflexes this action on society's perception of Design professionals

    Dietary Quality Maintained among Overweight Brazilian Women Enrolled in a Primary Healthcare Service

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the dietary quality maintained among 113 overweight [body mass index (BMI) 6525.0 kg/m\ub2] women aged 6520 years, who were enrolled in a Brazilian primary healthcare service in 2009. Dietary quality was evaluated using the Healthy Eating Index (HEI)-1995, which was adapted in the Brazilian context. Statistical analysis included linear regression adjusted by self-reporting energy intake. The prevalence of obesity (BMI 6530.0 kg/m\ub2), elevated waist-circumference, and excessive body-fat were 85.8%, 98.2%, and 100% respectively. Data on dietary quality indicated an HEI score of 66.6 (11.3), with low mean scores for \u2018milk and dairy products\u2019 (2.6) and \u2018vegetables\u2019 (3.1). The calcium ( f=0.40) and vitamin C ( f=0.27) intake was positively associated with the HEI score. Fat ( f= 120.38) and sodium ( f= 120.21) intake and protein adequacy ( f= 1218.17) were inversely associated with the dietary quality. We found that the dietary quality in this study population needs improvement, demonstrating the importance of nutritional counselling within the primary healthcare service

    Documentos de arquivos em contexto de emergência sanitária: notas sobre o Observatório Covid-19 da Fiocruz

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    This article deals with the work of the Covid-19 Observatory, a project of the Presidency of Fiocruz and a catalyst in the production and dissemination of information on the pandemic in Brazil. Its activities resulted in the constitution of a digital archive, associated with the idea of "project memory," whose characteristics derived from the health emergency scenario we are of interested in investigating. The general objective of this article is to reflect on the creation and operation of the Covid-19 Observatory with a focus on the challenges related to the management of documents and information from its actions. To this end, concepts from the fields of information science, archival science, social memory and history of sciences and health are used as theoretical inputs, in addition to information from interviews and documentary sources. The results indicate that the health emergency had an impact on various aspects of the production, management, processing, and preservation of the archive.Este artigo trata da atuação do Observatório Covid-19, projeto da Presidência da Fiocruz e agente catalisador na produção e disseminação de informações sobre a pandemia no cenário brasileiro. Suas atividades resultaram na constituição de um arquivo digital, associado à ideia de “memória do projeto”, cujas características oriundas do cenário de emergência sanitária nos interessa investigar. O artigo tem por objetivo geral refletir sobre a criação e funcionamento do Observatório Covid-19 com foco nos desafios relativos à gestão dos documentos e informações provenientes de suas ações. Para tal, utilizam-se como insumos teóricos conceitos dos campos da ciência da informação, arquivologia, memória social e história das ciências e da saúde, além de informações provenientes de entrevista e fontes documentais. Os resultados indicam que a emergência sanitária impactou em diversos aspectos a produção, gestão, tramitação e preservação do arquivo