17 research outputs found

    Propuesta de creación de un modelo de marketing digital (redes sociales) para el posicionamiento: caso práctico Bonita Boutique

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    “México, un país en pleno desarrollo, centra sus atenciones en darle importancia a conceptos que forman parte de este proceso; uno de ellos: el desarrollo y la potencia de las PYMES (pequeñas y medianas empresas). Las PYMES tienen una particular importancia por sus grandes aportaciones a las economías nacionales. Hoy por hoy, se tiene como tarea, darles auge para un mejor bienestar del país, específicamente de México. Durante el tiempo, se han detectado diversas variables que se deben trabajar dentro de las PYMES. Las investigaciones, cada vez más se suman y aportan conocimientos para la mejora de estas organizaciones con características particulares. La información viaja día con día en los alrededores, lo que prosigue es tomar el control y trabajar en esos asuntos que harán de una pequeña o mediana empresa una gran organización.

    Estrategias de Mercadotecnia Gastronómica para Restaurantes de Puebla en Tiempos de Pandemia por COVID-19. Estudio de Caso: Generación Z

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    La pandemia por COVID-19 ha propiciado que los restaurantes en la Ciudad de Puebla reduzcan el flujo de clientes, por lo que implementar las nuevas disposiciones de higiene y sanidad marcadas en el Protocolo para la implementación de medidas preventivas ante COVID-19 en restaurantes de la Secretaría de protección civil y gestión integral de riesgos de la Ciudad de Puebla y el Protocolo de prevención COVID-19 “Mesa segura” de la CANIRAC, resulta imprescindible para la reapertura en la nueva normalidad, así, el uso de estrategias de mercadotecnia gastronómica se consolida como el medio adecuado para atraer a clientes de la Generación Z que buscan experiencias seguras, novedosas, saludables y de bajo impacto ambiental, que les brinden valor por lo que pagan, utilizando las herramientas virtuales que se adapten a sus necesidades y gustos. Para lo anterior se realizó un estudio transversal, no experimental y un cuestionario en línea de 20 ítems el cual se distribuyó vía redes sociales entre 616 participantes pertenecientes a la Generación Z, logrando así el objetivo de generar estrategias de mercadotecnia gastronómica para un consumo seguro en restaurantes de Puebla frente a la nueva normalidad. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron que el segmento mencionado está dispuesto a consumir en restaurantes siempre y cuando se cuenten con las medidas de seguridad e higiene propuestas por las autoridades correspondientes, así como, cumplan con sus expectativas y exigencias.   The COVID-19 pandemic has led restaurants in Puebla City to reduce the flow of customers. This is why it is essential to implement the new hygiene and health provisions following the Protocol for the preventive measures against COVID-19 in restaurants as proposed by the Ministry of Civil Protection and Integral Risk Management of Puebla as well as CANIRAC’s COVID-19 "Safe Table" Prevention Protocol. The use of gastronomic marketing strategies is consolidated as the appropriate means to attract Generation Z clients who are looking for safer, innovative, healthy and lowenvironmental impact experiences that provides value for what they pay, while using virtual tools that adapt to their needs and tastes. Based on the aforementioned, a cross-sectional and non-experimental study was carried out, and an online questionnaire of 20 items was distributed via social networks among 616 participants belonging to Generation Z. This paper focuses on generating gastronomic marketing strategies for safer consumption in Puebla restaurants that have adopted the new normal. Results obtained revealed that this segment are willing to eat in restaurants as long as they have safety and hygiene measures proposed by the corresponding authorities, in addition to meeting their expectations and demands

    Key Teaching Competencies for Success in Family Businesses: a Strategic Approach in Higher Education

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    Purpose: The main objective of the study is to develop essential teaching skills for the successful management of family businesses, proposing a strategic teaching plan that covers everything from student training to the creation and effective management of these companies, contributing to economic growth and meeting social demands.   Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework highlights the importance of preparing students to manage family businesses, focusing on specialized instructors. It underlines the crucial role of family businesses in economic growth and argues that proper training can reduce failure rates in this type of business.   Design/Methodology/Approach: A quantitative and qualitative methodology was used, with a descriptive-correlational approach and a non-experimental cross-sectional design. The research was carried out in Mexican universities with a sample of 180 professors. Data collection included surveys and interviews, assessing key competencies such as communication, leadership, problem-solving, and financial management.   Findings: The results indicate that, according to the teachers surveyed, the most relevant competencies for successful family business management include communication skills, leadership, problem-solving, teamwork, financial management, human resources, marketing, sales, innovation, and entrepreneurship. The research highlights the importance of specialized training and the need to align family and business interests.   Research, Practical & Social Implications:  It is suggested the implementation of a strategic educational program in higher education that covers from training to the management of family businesses, adapting to the changing demands of society and the business environment.   Originality/Value: The study addresses a relevant issue and proposes concrete measures to improve training in entrepreneurship and family business management in the academic field. It proposes a comprehensive strategic teaching plan, establishing the necessary competencies for teachers and providing specific guidance towards the creation and management of family businesses

    La medicina tradicional: perspectiva turística y patrimonial

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    Traditional Medicine presupposes a set of knowledge and ancestral techniques on medicinal plants, which have passed from generation to generation as a way of cultural manifestation for health care, not only consists of knowledge developed by indigenous peoples, but also a integration of social logics where respect and use of nature coexist, which provides resources with properties for the possibility of healing or healing of the human being. All this is done through rituals and beliefs, where the practice and experience of the people who function as healers play a fundamental role. It is then where society gets involved and where tourism can take advantage of ancestral knowledge to dignify the ways of life of indigenous peoples and communities, especially with wellness tourism and rather from the valorization of knowledge than by current social dynamics, they are often at risk.La Medicina Tradicional presupone un conjunto de conocimientos, saberes y técnicas ancestrales sobre las plantas medicinales, que han pasado por generaciones como manera de manifestación cultural para el cuidado de la salud, no solo se conforma de conocimientos desarrollados por los pueblos indígenas, sino una integración de lógicas sociales donde coexisten el respeto y aprovechamiento de la naturaleza, misma que brinda recursos con propiedades para la posibilidad de la sanación o curación del ser humano. Todo ello se hace a través de rituales y creencias, donde la práctica y experiencia de las personas que funcionan como sanadores, juegan un papel fundamental. Es entonces donde la sociedad se involucra y el turismo puede aprovechar los saberes ancestrales para dignificar las formas de vida de pueblos y comunidades indígenas, sobre todo con el turismo de bienestar desde la valorización de conocimientos que por las dinámicas sociales actuales se ven en situación de riesgo

    Bebida fermentada a base de desechos de fruta de temporada

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    En el estado de Puebla en México en la temporada de chiles en nogada se incrementa la merma de frutas por lo cual se implementa la preparación de una bebida fermentada a base de cáscara de manzana, pera y durazno, para el aprovechamiento integro de la fruta de temporada de los meses Julio-Septiembre, ésta se elaboró con cáscara de fruta que se sometió a una fermentación alcohólica por 7 días para el aprovechamiento de azúcares de la fruta, se elaboraron tres muestras con formulaciones distintas, en las que se evaluaron los parámetros aroma, sabor y color, con los cuales se obtuvo que a la cantidad de cáscara que se añada a la muestra afecta directamente en el producto terminado, siendo los parámetros más notorio el color y el aroma, también se observó que la bebida es altamente competente en el mercado a comparación de bebidas locales

    Easing the questioning of semantic biomedical data

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    Researchers have been using semantic technologies as essential tools to structure knowledge. This is particularly relevant in the biomedical domain, where large dataset are continuously generated. Semantic technologies offer the ability to describe data and to map and linking distributed repositories, creating a network where the searching interface is a single entry point. However, the increasing number of semantic data repositories that are publicly available is creating new challenges related to its exploration. Despite being human and machine-readable, these technologies are much more challenging for end-users. Querying services usually require mastering formal languages and that knowledge is beyond the typical user’s expertise, being a critical issue in adopting semantic web information systems. In particular, the questioning of biomedical data presents specific challenges for which there are still no mature proposals for production environments. This paper presents a solution to query biomedical semantic databases using natural language. The system is at the intersection between semantic parsing and the use of templates. It makes it possible to extract information in a friendly way for users who are not experts in semantic queries.FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology supports Arnaldo Pereira (Ph.D. Grant PD/BD/142877/2018).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Natural Antimicrobials: A Clean Label Strategy to Improve the Shelf Life and Safety of Reformulated Meat Products

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    Meat is a nutrient-rich matrix for human consumption. However, it is also a suitable environment for the proliferation of both spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms. The growing demand to develop healthy and nutritious meat products with low fat, low salt and reduced additives and achieving sanitary qualities has led to the replacement of the use of synthetic preservatives with natural-origin compounds. However, the reformulation process that reduces the content of several important ingredients (salt, curing salts, etc.), which inhibit the growth of multiple microorganisms, greatly compromises the stability and safety of meat products, thus posing a great risk to consumer health. To avoid this potential growth of spoiling and/or pathogenic microorganisms, numerous molecules, including organic acids and their salts; plant-derived compounds, such as extracts or essential oils; bacteriocins; and edible coatings are being investigated for their antimicrobial activity. This review presents some important compounds that have great potential to be used as natural antimicrobials in reformulated meat products

    A gastronomia total ou parcialmente abandonada ou esquecida em Santa María Texcalac, Tlaxcala como um elemento de soberania alimentar

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la relación que guarda la gastronomía tradicional de Santa María Texcalac, Tlaxcala con su soberanía alimentaria (SA) e indagar las causas por las que esta gastronomía ha sido olvidada total o parcialmente y cómo afecta a su soberanía alimentaria. La metodología empleada para este trabajo es eminentemente cualitativa, se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad tanto a personajes clave de la localidad como a las unidades de estudio seleccionadas, definidas éstas, como mujeres mayores de 65 años originarias de la localidad. Para su realización se aplicó la técnica bola de nieve. Los resultados obtenidos nos presenta una lista de los principales guisos de distinta índole que han sido olvidados total o parcialmente y nos muestran claramente que el rescate de esta gastronomía no es posible por diversos factores tanto endógenos como exógenos, principalmente el cambio de actividad económica de la localidad, el cambio de uso de suelo, la desaparición de cultivos, plantas, frutas, animales e insectos entre otros, que formaban parte de su gastronomía, así como utensilios y modos de preparación, la falta de interés de la propia población, la influencia de las ciudades próximas a la localidad, todo ello pone en riesgo también el recate de una verdadera soberanía alimentaria.The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between the traditional gastronomy of Santa María Texcalac, Tlaxcala, and its food sovereignty (FS) and to investigate the reasons why this gastronomy has been totally or partially forgotten and how it affects its food sovereignty. The methodology used for this work is eminently qualitative, in-depth interviews were conducted both with key characters of the locality and the selected study units, defined as women over 65 years of age from the locality. The snowball technique was used for the interviews. The results obtained present us with a list of the main stews of different kinds that have been totally or partially forgotten and clearly show us that the rescue of this gastronomy is not possible due to several endogenous and exogenous factors, mainly the change in economic activity in the locality, the change of land use, the disappearance of crops, plants, fruits, animals and insects, among others, that were part of its gastronomy, as well as utensils and ways of preparation, the lack of interest of the population itself, the influence of the cities near the locality, all this also puts at risk the rescue of true food sovereignty.O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre a gastronomia tradicional de Santa María Texcalac, Tlaxcala, e sua soberania alimentar (FS), e investigar as razões pelas quais esta gastronomia foi total ou parcialmente esquecida e como ela afeta a soberania alimentar. A metodologia utilizada para este trabalho é eminentemente qualitativa; foram realizadas entrevistas em profundidade com figuras-chave da localidade, bem como com as unidades de estudo selecionadas, definidas como mulheres com mais de 65 anos de idade da localidade. A técnica da bola de neve foi utilizada para as entrevistas. Os resultados obtidos nos apresentam uma lista dos principais guisados de diferentes tipos que foram total ou parcialmente esquecidos e nos mostram claramente que o resgate desta gastronomia não é possível devido a vários fatores endógenos e exógenos, principalmente a mudança da atividade econômica na localidade, a mudança do uso da terra, o desaparecimento de cultivos, plantas, frutas, animais e insetos, entre outros, que faziam parte de sua gastronomia, assim como utensílios e formas de preparação, o desinteresse da própria população, a influência das cidades próximas à localidade, tudo isso também coloca em risco a recuperação de uma verdadeira soberania alimentar

    Relación entre elección del lugar turístico y la gastronomía local: perfil del consumidor (turista interno) millennial brasileño y mexicano

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    This document aims to analyze the current needs of moviegoers, including their preferences, thoughts, and motivations. It also seeks to identify the elements that make up the cinema experience and how they can be adapted to satisfy the consumer. With the recent pandemic, the film industry was one of the hardest hit, with widespread closures extending until its reopening in November 2020. However, returning to the "new normal" poses a challenge for the sector, which lost ground to the increased consumption of online streaming services during lockdown periods. Now, the priority is to regain the confidence of viewers by offering an optimal experience without compromising safety, and highlighting those aspects that make cinema a unique experience, inaccessible through online streaming services. Therefore, this research aims to explore these aspects related to the cinematic experience, in order to obtain results that allow for a solid analysis and informed decision-making to implement the necessary changes. This entails thoroughly understanding the genuine opinions of viewers.Este documento tiene como objetivo analizar las necesidades actuales de los cinéfilos, incluyendo sus preferencias, pensamientos y motivaciones. También busca identificar los elementos que conforman la experiencia de ir al cine y cómo pueden adaptarse para satisfacer al consumidor. Con la reciente pandemia, la industria cinematográfica fue una de las más afectadas, con cierres generalizados que se prolongaron hasta su reapertura en noviembre de 2020. Sin embargo, volver a la "nueva normalidad" representa un desafío para el sector, que perdió terreno frente al aumento del consumo de servicios de transmisión en línea durante los períodos de confinamiento. Ahora, la prioridad es recuperar la confianza de los espectadores, ofreciendo una experiencia óptima sin descuidar la seguridad, y resaltando aquellos aspectos que hacen del cine una experiencia única, inaccesible a través de los servicios de transmisión en línea. Por lo tanto, esta investigación se propone explorar estos aspectos relacionados con la experiencia cinematográfica, con el fin de obtener resultados que permitan un análisis sólido y una toma de decisiones acertada para implementar los cambios necesarios. Esto implica comprender a fondo las opiniones reales de los espectadores