FACE: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
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    380 research outputs found

    Nostalgia and migration: exploring consumer behaviors in ethnic stores

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    This paper investigates the intersection of nostalgia, migration, and consumer behavior within the context of ethnicstores. It reaffirms nostalgia\u27s role as a driving force for consumption, emphasizing sensory triggers like tastes andsounds that evoke past emotions and memories. Drawing on empirical evidence, the study connects migrationmotivations with consumer choices, revealing that migrants seek products from their homelands to satisfy cravings forfamiliar items and cultural connections.This study underscores the importance of adaptation, language proficiency, and cultural adaptability in migrants\u27 lives.It also explores the pricing dynamics of products in ethnic stores and their impact on consumer behavior. Importantly,it highlights the role of ethnic stores as cultural bridges, fostering recommendations and connections between diversecommunities

    Analysis of the literature on the barriers that affect female entrepreneurship

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    Entrepreneurship is critical to promoting economic and sustainable development at a global level. In this scenario,women play an increasingly relevant role but face various challenges and barriers to starting and growing theirbusinesses. The study pursued the analysis of the state of knowledge related to the limitations of women in thedevelopment of entrepreneurship. A retrospective and descriptive examination was developed, based on bibliometricprocedures in the SCOPUS database during the time range from 2019 to 2024. The trend of the research washeterogeneous with a maximum peak of 25 in the year 2022. Research articles predominated in the area of Business,Administration and Accounting. The United States was the largest producing country, while the most representativeaffiliation was Tartu Ülikool. Three lines of scientific research were identified from the keyword co-occurrence analysis.It was observed that entrepreneurship plays a vital role in economic development and that the classificationsdemonstrate its multidimensional and diverse character. Understanding this diversity is crucial to designing supportpolicies and programs adjusted to each context\u27s specific needs and characteristics

    Methodology for validating the type of Porter\u27s generic strategy implemented by the company and its relationship with project management

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    Among the critical success factors for companies, establishing a clear strategy and effectively executing management practices stand out. However, the literature suggests that these components present significant challenges in practical management. This research emerges from the necessity to validate a tool that can identify whether a company implements any form of strategy, particularly based on Porter\u27s generic strategies, while also assessing the utilization of projects as a management tool. Methodologically, the study adopts a mixed-method approach. An eight-step process is devised to validate the instrument from three distinct perspectives: content validity through expert judgment, content validity and reliability through test and retest (qualitative approach), and reliability through the computation of Cronbach\u27s Alpha (quantitative approach). The findings indicate that the questionnaire demonstrates content validity through expert judgment, with an acceptance rate of 93.75%. Content validity and reliability, as measured through test and retest, exhibit a variability of 3.1%, while Cronbach\u27s Alpha for the evaluated constructs ranges from 0.7 to 0.9. Thus, the proposed instrument is validated

    Crowdfunding: an approach to financing university ventures

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    En Colombia, donde prima la creación de empresas por necesidad, se enfrenta el reto de que las personas evitenemprender, entre otras razones, ante la falta de acceso a fuentes de financiamiento. Por consiguiente, se hizopertinente el identificar los aspectos claves para generar un relacionamiento entre los inversores y los emprendimientosque nacen de instituciones de educación superior, por medio de un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo y de diseñodescriptivo. El cual comprendió la realización de encuestas a estudiantes emprendedores y a inversores, pararecolectar los datos adecuados para generar un análisis, previa codificación de las variables objeto de estudio. Seencontró que hay un interés y disposición de recursos económicos de un nivel bajo por parte de los inversores paraapoyar el desarrollo de las ideas de negocio desde el ámbito educativo, focalizado a través de una plataforma decrowdfunding que cuente con un gran respaldo de intermediación

    La familia de crianza para la protección del interés superior del menor

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    The article demonstrates the importance of the foster family, recognized by Colombian legislation and jurisprudence as a means to ensure the protection of minors, who face a situation of vulnerability. In order to achieve the objectives, a journey through the history of the concept of family is made, identifying the different typologies of family that society is recognizing in the face of a pluralistic reality. The foster family is one of those undeniable realities that arise from the will of people to give affection and protection to minors who would otherwise remain in a situation of vulnerability. It is an institution that contributes with the State in the protection of the best interests of the child.El articulo demuestra la importancia de la familia de crianza, reconocida por la legislación y la jurisprudencia colombiana como medio para asegurar la protección de los menores, que enfrentan una situación de vulnerabilidad. Para el logro de los objetivos se hace un recorrido por la historia del concepto de familia, identificando las diferentes tipologías de familia que la sociedad está reconociendo frente a una realidad pluralista. La familia de crianza es una de esas realidades inocultables que surgen de la voluntad de las personas de dar afecto y protección a menores que de otra forma quedarían en situación de vulnerabilidad. Se trata de una institución que contribuye con el Estado en la protección del interés superior del menor

    Production order costing system management: an empirical study

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    This work aims to analyze the management of the production order cost system applied to the manufacturing process of aluminumpolychloride in the company CYSQUIMICA", located in the city of Cúcuta, Colombia. The research employs a quantitative approachand is developed under a non-experimental transectional type of research. A questionnaire was designed and applied to threeemployees to describe the production processes and the cost system by process orders. The results show that adjusting the costsystem is necessary to improve the production process. It is concluded that updating the cost system will allow managers to makethe right management decisions to improve the company\u27s profitability and competitiveness

    Rural productive zones as a strategy for local development

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    This article is the result from a project implemented in the province of Sugamuxi, Boyacá on "Organization andManagement of rural areas". The province has been characterized by generating economic returns with agriculturalproduction such as potatoes, corn and vegetables, being its primary economic activity. Even so, there is evidence ofbackwardness due to governmental neglect, since there is no agricultural reform that provides welfare to the peasantpopulation. The purpose is to strengthen knowledge in rural families, allowing them to create solid productive units withgreater administrative autonomy based on sustainable objectives, FAO, UNDP, Food Bank oriented to guarantee FoodSecurity as the axis of Local Development. The Participatory Action Research method was applied to get to know andinterpret 8 selected municipalities in their diversity. Using the survey and focus group study. Obtaining a real andsignificant situational diagnosis. We also achieved the empowerment of 80 rural families through administrative training,financial education, community management, business innovation, among others

    Budget management key to success in smes

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    Budgets are a compass and guiding light for businesses. Therefore, management and owners of small and mediumsizedenterprises (SMEs) must carry out appropriate and accurate capital budgeting activities and methods to ensurethe longevity and progress of the business. There is a high risk that SMEs will go bankrupt soon after their creation,and one of the likely causes is a lack of management capacity. Thus, the study aims to evaluate the planningmanagement skills and budget practices of SMEs, Methodology. A quantitative analysis was used as a researchmethod, a descriptive design and an instrument were adopted using the questionnaire with a Likert scale, the data,which were converted into numerical values, were analyzed using a scientific statistical analysis program; with the helpof a SPSS software setup. Result. The importance of using budget control techniques due to their impact on raising thefinancial performance of the organization by controlling the organization\u27s costs, is to review the differences in thebudget, allocate its resources and choose the best investments for the return on capital. Conclusions. The study showedthat the highest percentage of ownership of SMEs are sole proprietorships and closely held corporations. Executivesare largely unaware of their creditworthiness, the various policies, regulations and programs offered by governmententities

    Entrepreneurship in venezuelan migrants settled in the municipality of Cúcuta

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    This article is a product of the research entitled: "The migratory crisis in the city of Cucuta", developed by the SocialWork Research Group GITS, responds to the second objective of recognizing the socioeconomic conditions of migrantfamilies. Descriptive qualitative research was developed, with a convenience sampling in which semi-structuredinterviews were conducted. The article highlights the information collected in the Association from Women Fighters forLife in the in the entrepreneurship category and that was analyzed from the subcategories: support from internationalcooperation, social problems that affect entrepreneurs, the scarce generation of business alternatives and the lack ofentrepreneurial vision and training. In conclusion, Entrepreneurship in the midst of the crisis faced by migration supportsnot only obtaining income to satisfy personal and family needs, it empowers migrant women by leading an enterpriseand has a positive impact on the relational definition and the development of capabilities. that contribute to thedevelopment of some environments of the economy

    Financial education evaluation model in emerging market. a qualitative comparative analysis by Gender in Colombia

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    The objective of this research is to determine the variables for a financial education evaluation model in emergingmarket applied to a gender comparison. This study uses principal component analysis (PCA) and comparativequalitative fuzzy set analysis to determine the correlational of financial literacy variables and identify their patternsthrough their causal relationships. For this, the data set used has been collected through the application of 2499questionnaires to the adult population of the departments of central Colombia. Using PCA is found 7 latent variablesthat al-lows to the generation of different scenarios that highlight the importance of the financial education variablesanalysed. Using fsQCA analysis is carried out six rounds to evaluate the causal conditions necessary for the occurrenceof savings, credit and investment for the community identified in the male and female gender This information is usefulfor the different organizations in charge of the legislation and implementation of the FE. Results confirms the existenceof different perceptions and skills in FE among the subjects analysed. Likewise, these differences underscore theimportance of gender-specific FE and how it influences their financial decisions.The aim of this study is to develop a model for evaluating financial education in emerging markets, with a focus on gender differences. The research employs principal component analysis (PCA) and comparative qualitative fuzzy set analysis to explore the correlations among financial literacy variables and to identify patterns in their causal relationships. Data was gathered from 2499 questionnaires distributed among the adult population in central Colombia. PCA revealed seven latent variables, allowing for the generation of various scenarios that underscore the significance of the analyzed financial education variables. Additionally, using fsQCA analysis, six rounds were conducted to assess the causal conditions necessary for savings, credit, and investment among the male and female populations. These findings are valuable for organizations responsible for the legislation and implementation of financial education initiatives. The results highlight distinct perceptions and competencies in financial education among the surveyed individuals, emphasizing the importance of tailoring financial education programs to specific genders and understanding how these differences influence financial decision-making.    


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    FACE: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
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