77 research outputs found

    Conquistadores (Fragmento de novela inédita, The Conquistadora). 1826-1849

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    "De músico, poeta y loco, todos tenemos un poco…Ana era descendiente de uno de los primeros hombres que navegaron con Cristóbal Colón, el Gran Almirante de la Mar Océana. Tres hombres de la rama paterna de su familia, vascos con grandes conocimientos del mar y una temeraria curiosidad por lo que había al otro lado del horizonte, estuvieron entre los conquistadores originales. Dos de sus antepasados de apellido Larragoiti, perdieron la vida en combate con fieros caribes en La Española. Agustín, el tercero de ellos, se distinguió como intrépido civilizador y evangelizador, y en 1509 recibió como premio una aldea completa de nativos en la isla de San Juan Bautista...


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    Los factores de riesgo deben ser combatidos como un medio para llegar a la prevención de la reincidencia ya que dificultan el éxito de la reinserción social. De esta manera, surge la importancia de diseñar un programa tendiente a ser aplicado en personas que por la comisión de un delito estuvieron durante cierto tiempo en el centro penitenciario, con la pretensión de contribuir con ellos y con la sociedad en la posibilidad de reinsertarlos positivamente en su ámbito de desarrollo personal, así como para tratar de evitar una nueva incursión en el mundo de las conductas delictivas. Asimismo, es importante señalar que los programas de reinserción social se concentran en apoyar a personas liberadas de un centro penitenciario, para verse a sí mismas de una manera nueva y más positiva, con esperanza de futuro. El programa que se propone se basa en el enfoque humanista, que se centra en desarrollar el potencial humano, sentimientos, deseos, esperanzas, aspiraciones; representa un compromiso para llegar a recuperar la esencialidad del ser humano, acentuar la totalidad y unicidad del individuo, una preocupación por mejorar la condición humana, así como entender al individuo, etc. En el presente trabajo se especifican determinadas actividades para cada una de las fases de reinserción social: acogida, diseño conjunto del itinerario de reinserción individualizado, negociación y compromiso formalizado, seguimiento, reformulaciones y crisis, y final del proceso. También, se destaca que se atienden las áreas personal, familiar, salud, participación social y cultural, vivienda, derechos civiles y políticos, educativa y laboral.En el trabajo se proporcionan elementos para intentar diseñar un programa de reinserción social para ex internos de un centro penitenciario, y se aportan algunos criterios para la prevención de la reincidencia delictiva. La población penitenciaria es cada vez mayor, por lo que la expectativa de que los internos alcancen su liberación aumenta día con día. Por ello, el programa que se propone está dirigido a todo egresado de un Centro de Prevención y Readaptación Social (CPRS), ya que a la fecha ellos representan un grupo altamente vulnerable, al carecer de alguna institución o personas, en el contexto oficial o privado, que les proporcionen atención psicológica e integral para reinsertarse a la sociedad. Por lo contrario, gozan de una imagen social negativa que los estigmatiza y excluye, los sumergen en el empleo deficiente o el desempleo, lo que puede provocarles daños y problemas emocionales, a la vez que se obstaculiza su reinserción social. No pasa desapercibido que la reinserción social se construye, se facilita y es posible a partir de hacer interactuar factores protectores internos y externos; es decir, personales (autoestima, hábitos de salud, estilo de afrontamiento, etc.), psicosociales (amigos y familia), cognitivos y afectivos, mismos que logran en el sujeto hacerle frente al riesgo de la reincidencia delictiva.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Relación entre conocimiento y práctica sobre cateterismo venoso periférico en los enfermeros de hospitalización de medicina general del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue, 2011

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    Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el nivel de conocimiento y práctica del cateterismo venoso periférico por el profesional de enfermería del Servicio de Hospitalización de Medicina General del Hospital Nacional Hipólito Unanue.Material y método: El estudio es de tipo descriptivo, correlacional de corte transversal. La validación del instrumento se realizó mediante el juicio de expertos, resultando una concordancia significativa en la prueba binominal, mientras que la confiabilidad la otorgó la prueba del Alfa de Cronbach (0,76 para ambos instrumentos). En el procesamiento de datos se utilizó el programa SPSS versión 19 y se analizó la relación de las variables con el coeficiente correlacional de Pearson.Resultados: El 93,5% del total de profesionales de enfermería tuvo un conocimiento adecuado, mientras que el 6,5% tuvo un conocimiento inadecuado. En el cumplimiento del protocolo del cateterismo venoso periférico se distinguió que el 67,7% presentó una práctica ade

    LinkedIn at the Library: A Continuing Collaboration

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    The University of Houston Libraries collaborated with University Career Services to host LinkedIn at the Library, an event where students were offered reviews of their LinkedIn profiles and free professional headshots. Although LinkedIn at the Library was initially funded as a one-time event, the two units worked together to turn it into a recurring event. This article presents our methods for collaboratively planning and hosting the events, attendance and assessment results, and lessons learned for future collaborative efforts. LinkedIn at the Library is a unique example of an academic library’s partnership with a career services unit

    Methanogenic and Sulfate-Reducing Activities in a Hypersaline Microbial Mat and Associated Microbial Diversity

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    "Methanogenesis and sulfate reduction are important microbial processes in hypersaline environments. However, key aspects determining substrate competition between these microbial processes have not been well documented. We evaluated competitive and non-competitive substrates for stimulation of both processes through microcosm experiments of hypersaline microbial mat samples from Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico, and we assessed the effect of these substrates on the microbial community composition. Methylotrophic methanogenesis evidenced by sequences belonging to methanogens of the family Methanosarcinaceae was found as the dominant methanogenic pathway in the studied hypersaline microbial mat. Nevertheless, our results showed that incubations supplemented with acetate and lactate, performed in absence of sulfate, also produced methane after 40 days of incubation, apparently driven by hydrogenotrophic methanogens affiliated to the family Methanomicrobiaceae. Sulfate reduction was mainly stimulated by addition of acetate and lactate; however, after 40 days of incubation, an increase of the H2S concentrations in microcosms amended with trimethylamine and methanol was also observed, suggesting that these substrates are putatively used for sulfate reduction. Moreover, 16S rRNA gene sequencing analysis showed remarkable differences in the microbial community composition among experimental treatments. In the analyzed sample amended with acetate, sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) belonging to the family Desulfobacteraceae were dominant, while members of Desulfohalobiaceae, Desulfomicrobiaceae, and Desulfovibrionaceae were found in the incubation with lactate. Additionally, we detected an unexpected high abundance of unclassified Hydrogenedentes (near 25%) in almost all the experimental treatments. This study contributes to better understand methanogenic and sulfate-reducing activities, which play an important role in the functioning of hypersaline environments.

    Medicina alternativa complementaria en el tratamiento de enfermedades crónicas en el sur de Oaxaca, México

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    La hipertensión arterial, diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y cáncer son enfermedades crónicas que tienen alta demanda en el uso de tratamientos alternativos. Con base en lo anterior, se analiza el conocimiento tradicional de la medicina alternativa complementaria para enfermedades crónicas en comunidades del sur de Oaxaca, México. Para ello, en 2016 se entrevistaron a 65 médicos tradicionales de manera selectiva y con el empleo del método etnográfico. Se encontraron 52 especies para controlar la diabetes mellitus tipo 2, 49 para regular la hipertensión arterial y 37 como tratamiento para el cáncer. En las comunidades del sur de Oaxaca más de 50% de los médicos tradicionales han adquirido sus conocimientos por herencia de sus antepasados, lo cual de alguna forma complementa la deficiencia en el acceso a los servicios de salud del estado

    Molecular analysis of a Spanish isolate of chili pepper mild mottle virus and evaluation of seed transmission and resistance genes

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    [EN] An isolate of chili pepper mild mottle virus (CPMMV-Sp; GenBank OQ920979) with a 99% identity to CPMMV (GenBank MN164455.1) was found in symptomatic pepper plants in Spain. RACE analysis, performed using a stem-loop primer developed in this study to prime at the end of the introduced poly(A)/(U) tail, revealed the presence of an extra 22 nt at the 5' end, starting with a cytosine, which were essential to generate infectious clones. However, the 5' terminal cytosine was dispensable for initiating the infection. The design of two specific digoxigenin riboprobes targeting the more divergent area of CPMMV-Sp, compared to the closely related bell pepper mottle virus (BPeMV) (identity percentage of 80.6% and 75.8%, respectively), showed that both probes specifically detected CPMMV-Sp when the hybridization was performed at 68oC and 60oC, respectively. However, the BPeMV probe, targeting a region with an 89.4% identity percentage to CPMMV-Sp, showed cross-hybridization at 60oC but not at 68oC. The comparison of the detection limits between molecular hybridization and RT-PCR techniques revealed that the former was 125 times less sensitive than RT-PCR. The analysis of the vertical transmission of CPMMV-Sp using seeds from naturally or mechanically infected pepper plants revealed a transmission percentage ranging from 0.9% to 8.5%. Finally, the analysis of the resistance of capsicum species carrying different alleles of the L gene (L1, L2, L3, and L4) revealed that varieties with the L1 gene were infected by CPMMV-Sp (20-40% of inoculated plants), while varieties with the L2, L3, and L4 genes were resistant.This work was supported by grants PID2020-115571RB-100 and TED2021-131949B-I00 from the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Project 20-00032-VIRUSPIM from Dept. of Environment, Territorial Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries (Basque Government). Mikel Ojinaga was the recipient of a PhD contract "Introduction of Resistance to Tobamovirus and other Viruses in Landraces of Gernika Pepper and Ibarra Chili Pepper" (Order of 24 October 2018 of the Minister of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government). Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Ontañon, C.; Ojinaga, M.; Larregla, S.; Zabala, JA.; Reva, A.; Losa, A.; Heribia, R.... (2023). Molecular analysis of a Spanish isolate of chili pepper mild mottle virus and evaluation of seed transmission and resistance genes. European Journal of Plant Pathology. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-023-02765-1118Al-Tamimi, N., Kawas, H., & Mansour, A. (2010). Seed Transmission Viruses in Squash Seeds (Cucurbita pepo) in Southern Syria and Jordan Valley. Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 5(4), 497–506. https://journals.ju.edu.jo/JJAS/article/view/864.Bhat, A.I. & Rao, G.P. (2020). Transmission Through Seeds. In: Characterization of Plant Viruses. Springer Protocols Handbooks. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-0334-5_10Davino, S., Caruso, A. G., Bertacca, S., Barone, S., & Panno, S. (2020). Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus: Seed Transmission Rate and Efficacy of Different Seed Disinfection Treatments. Plants, 9(11), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.3390/PLANTS9111615Demski, J. W. (1981). Tobacco Mosaic Virus Is Seedborne in Pimiento Peppers. Plant Disease, 65(9), 723. https://doi.org/10.1094/PD-65-723Di Dato, F., Parisi, M., Cardi, T., & Tripodi, P. (2015). Genetic diversity and assessment of markers linked to resistance and pungency genes in Capsicum germplasm. Euphytica, 204(1), 103–119.Dombrovsky, A., Smith, E., Dombrovsky, A., & Smith, E. (2017). Seed Transmission of Tobamoviruses: Aspects of Global Disease Distribution. Advances in Seed Biology. https://doi.org/10.5772/INTECHOPEN.70244Gallois, J. L., Moury, B., & German-Retana, S. (2018). Role of the genetic background in resistance to plant viruses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(10), 2856. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19102856Genda, Y., Kanda, A., Hamada, H., Sato, K., Ohnishi, J., & Tsuda, S. (2007). Two amino acid substitutions in the coat protein of Pepper mild mottle virus are responsible for overcoming the L4 gene-mediated resistance in Capsicum spp. Phytopathology, 97(7), 787–793.Genda, Y., Sato, K., Nunomura, O., Hirabayashi, T., & Tsuda, S. (2011). Immunolocalization of Pepper mild mottle virus in developing seeds and seedlings of Capsicum annuum. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 77(3), 201–208. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10327-011-0307-0Genda, Y., Sato, K., Nunomura, O., Hirabayashi, T., Ohnishi, J., & Tsuda, S. (2005). Immunolocalization of Pepper mild mottle virus in Capsicum annuum seeds. Journal of General Plant Pathology, 71(3), 238–242. https://doi.org/10.1007/S10327-005-0189-0Ghodoum, P. M. H., & Keshavarz-Tohid, V. (2020). Identification and phylogenetic analysis of a tobamovirus causing hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.) mosaic disease in Iran. Journal of Plant Pathology, 102(3), 813–824. https://doi.org/10.1007/S42161-020-00510-9/TABLES/3Gniffke, P. A., Shieh, S. C., Lin, S. W., Sheu, Z. M., Chen, J. R., Ho, F. I., et al. (2013). Pepper research and breeding at AVRDC - The World Vegetable Center. Breakthroughs in the genetics and breeding of capsicum and eggplantProceedings of the XV EUCARPIA meeting. https://worldveg.tind.io/record/50155. Accessed 2-4 Sept 2013Groth-Helms, D., Juszczak, S., & Adkins, S. (2022). First report of Chili pepper mild mottle virus in calibrachoa in the United States. New Disease Reports, 46(1), e12120. https://doi.org/10.1002/NDR2.12120Gullino, M., Albajes, R., & Nicot, P. (2020). Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops. Springer International Publishing AG, 691 p., https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22304-5Herranz, M. C., Sanchez-Navarro, J. A., Aparicio, F., & Pallás, V. (2005a). Simultaneous detection of six stone fruit viruses by non-isotopic molecular hybridization using a unique riboprobe or “polyprobe.” Journal of Virological Methods, 124(1–2), 49–55. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jviromet.2004.11.003Herranz, M. C., Sanchez-Navarro, J. A., Sauri, A., Mingarro, I., & Pallas, V. (2005b). Mutational analysis of the RNA-binding domain of the Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) movement protein reveals its requirement for cell-to-cell movement. Virology, 339(1), 31–41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virol.2005.05.020HuiJie, W., BiXia, Q., HongYun, C., Bin, P., JianHe, C., & QinSheng, G. (2011). 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Detection of Plant RNA Viruses by Nonisotopic Dot-Blot Hybridization. In Plant Virology Protocols 81, 461–468. Humana Press. https://doi.org/10.1385/0-89603-385-6:461Pallas, V., Sanchez-Navarro, J. A., & James, D. (2018). Recent Advances on the Multiplex Molecular Detection of Plant Viruses and Viroids. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9, 2087. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2018.02087Peiro, A., Martinez-Gil, L., Tamborero, S., Pallas, V., Sanchez-Navarro, J. A., & Mingarro, I. (2014). The Tobacco Mosaic Virus Movement Protein Associates with but Does Not Integrate into Biological Membranes. Journal of Virology, 88(5), 3016–3026. https://doi.org/10.1128/jvi.03648-13Peiró, A., Pallás, V., & Sánchez-Navarro, J. A. (2012). Simultaneous detection of eight viruses and two viroids affecting stone fruit trees by using a unique polyprobe. 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    Social Representations about Public Universities of Residents Aged 15-24 of the Municipalities of El Carmen de Viboral, La Ceja del Tambo y Rionegro (Antioquia-Colombia)

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    ABSTARCT: This article presents the results of the research process conducted during the years 2012 and 2013 with young people of three municipalities of the east region of Antioquia. The results show the opinion that have most of the young people about the public universities and the ideal of university processes. Different subjects were tackled such as quality, coverage, access, relevance, higher education problems, and responsibilities of the public universities, education and availability.RESUMEN: El presente artículo contiene los resultados del proceso de investigación desarrollado en los años 2012 y 2013 con la participación de jóvenes de tres municipios de la región del Oriente Antioqueño. En los resultados se destaca la imagen que conservan muchos jóvenes sobre la universidad pública y el deber ser de los procesos universitarios. Se trabajan diversas categorías temáticas, como: calidad, cobertura, acceso, pertinencia, problemáticas de la educación superior, tareas de la universidad pública, beneficio, formación y oferta

    Co-creation Initiatives in Healthcare in Small Communities

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    The uses of technology in public spaces are not new, but now we find new forms of social interactions and practices, socio-spatial representations and relationships. The close relationship between real and virtual worlds also opens up new ways of advancing knowledge. In order to facilitate the implementation of Open Science, we explore different co-creation methods with multiple stakeholders. All groups are involved and have influence throughout the project lifecycle: from the beginning, to planning, to implementation, to dissemination. Research activities should involve a wide variety of stakeholders interested, including government, educators, nurses, charities, civil societies, patient groups and the publics, based in a way to (1) obtaining contributions by customers, (2) selecting the best of these contributions, and (3) incorporating these selected contributions into products, processes, or services. Interactions between Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), public spaces, and healthcare are considered as s a tool for connecting people in small communities (enhancing participation). A Platform (DXP - Digital eXperience Platform) through “headless” technologies may provide content management capabilities and easy integration with devices and various sources, driven by user needs and developed with the concept of “Community in mind” in order to create strong and active communities and transform our small communities into more human environments, rather than just more high-tech places, and to understand that “smartness” should be people-friendly. It was applies the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles on the scientific process and governance, identify drivers and barriers, interests and values for current and future societal challenges.This research was financially supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 741527 (project ORION).S