9,711 research outputs found

    Naturalesa de la llum

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    El projecte, basat en la construcció d'un espectròmetre, neix amb la voluntat d’ajudar els alumnes a iniciar-se en el canvi conceptual que representa la física moderna respecte de la física clàssica. Tot i que es parla principalment de la llum i de les seves propietats, la utilització de l'espectròmetre ens permet parlar de conceptes de física moderna, de física nuclear, de física ondulatòria i de la llum com a ona electromagnètica


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    The aim is to utilize waste synthetic marble made of marble and study the effect of these variables marble grain size, amount of catalyst and heavy marble grain on the compressive strength, the wear and water absorption. Materials - the materials used, among others; a. Marble waste, which is obtained from the village Besole, Tulungagung, b. Synthetic Resin (R-154) already in accelerasi. C). Catalyst acid (HCl) with pH ± 4.5. Tools - tools used are a). Machine press with a maximum capacity of 60 tons that have hit the maximum scale division 500 kg.b). Pengaus machine or abrasive objects that can rub try with 3.33 kg load and speed of 49 meters per minute wear. C). Matter. D). Pestle., e). Measuring cup. F). Analytical Balance. Research variables are specified condition that is a). Temperature = 30 o C, b). Resin volume = 40 ml; c). The samples sizes are: Diameter = 5.08 cm, Height = 2 cm; (surface area = 40.5161 cm2); d). Time = 4 hours The treatments are carried out is a). Size Pellets Marble = (10, 16, 20, 35, 48) mesh, b). Catalyst amount = (0.2; 0.4; 0.6, 0.8; 1.0) ml; c). Marble Grain weight = (50, 55, 60; 65; 70) grams

    Free sequences and the tightness of pseudoradial spaces

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    Let F(X) be the supremum of cardinalities of free sequences in X. We prove that the radial character of every Lindelöf Hausdorff almost radial space X and the set-tightness of every Lindelöf Hausdorff space are always bounded above by F(X). We then improve a result of Dow, Juhász, Soukup, Szentmiklóssy and Weiss by proving that if X is a Lindelöf Hausdorff space, and Xδ denotes the Gδ topology on X then t(Xδ) ≤ 2 t ( X ). Finally, we exploit this to prove that if X is a Lindelöf Hausdorff pseudoradial space then F(Xδ) ≤ 2 F ( X )

    De Young a Jonsson

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    El 2002 Robert Crease va preguntar als lectors de la revista Physics World quins consideraven que eren els 10 experiments més rellevants de la història de la física. Aquesta llista va ser publicada i és un recull molt interessant de física experimental. Els experiments arrenquen des de l’antiguitat, quan Eratòstenes va mesurar per primera vegada el radi terrestre al segle III a. C., i inclouen la descomposició de la llum que va fer Isaac Newton el 1665 o l’experiment de la gota d’oli de Millikan per trobar la càrrega de l’electró el 1909. Dos d’aquests experiments són els que il•lustrarem en aquest article per la seva senzillesa experimental i per la claredat dels resultats

    Gimignano Inghirami (1370-1460) lettore del "Tractatus de potestate papae" di Joan de Casanova. Il manoscritto Q VIII.5 (22) della Biblioteca Roncioniana di Prato

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    L’assaig reconstrueix la biografia de Gimignano Inghirami de Prado, la seva feina a la Sagrada Rota durant el pontificat de Martí V i d’Eugeni IV, el seu paper en la formació de la Biblioteca del Capítol de Santa Maria del Fiore a Florència i en els encàrrecs al Beat Angèlic i a Filippo Lippi. El perfil de Gimignano és el d’un jurista ocupat en l’administració pràctica i en competències de govern; fins i tot la seva participació en la sensibilitat de l’Humanisme és testimoniada per l’art, pels llibres (com ara Jeroni i Agustí) i per l’organització del saber. Aquests elements es connecten amb la seva participació en el debat conciliar i a l’interès per redimensionar el paper del concili de Basilea, reconstruint l’autoritat d’Eugeni IV. Les veus dels antics Pares que la biblioteca representa se senten en el concili i el pontífex s’hi pot referir per reforçar la seva autoritat. En aquest context, Gimignano es revela com un lector del cardenal català Joan de Casanova, dominic, com ho demostren les seves notes de treball sobre el còdex que tenia del Tractatus de potestate papae. Ell va poder beneficiar-se del canvi d’opinió del cardenal, que al final de la seva vida defensava fortament l’autoritat papal. L’atribució a Joan de Casanova d’aquest tractat, present a la biblioteca d’Inghirami, no pot ser improvisada o casual: correspon a un ambient intellectual i a un projecte polític ben conscient de Gimignano Inghirami, projecte al qual Joan es va adherir, tot i que aquesta funció no era estranya a les seves funcions de diplomàtic d’Alfons d’Aragó. Joan va poder gaudir de la col·laboració del confrare Julià Tallada, però el significat intel·lectual i polític del Tractatus és tan important que seria pròpiament ell, el cardenal de San Sixt, qui en seria l’autor.Paraules clau: Conciliarisme, Gimignano Inghirami, Joan de Casanova, història de les biblioteques, Humanisme

    The Implementation of Character Education Through Religious Activities in the School

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    School is a strategic place to apply character education to students as the nation's next generation. The strategy in implementing character education in schools is through religious activities carried out in schools. This article aims to analyze and describe the planning, implementation and obstacles faced by schools in implementing character education through religious activities. This research is a qualitative research conducted in MIN 3 Aceh Barat. The research subjects were principals, supervisors, teachers, school committees and students. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis technique is done by data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing. The results showed that: (1) Planning activities carried out in each new school year by involving all school personnel, parents and school committees. Decision making is determined based on a joint decision through the stages of determining programs, costs required, program implementation plans, implementation and evaluation of religious activity programs. (2) The determined religious programs carried out on a scheduled and continuous basis until they become a habit. (3) Obstacles faced include: the dual role of teachers so that activities are not optimal, facilities for religious activities are not all adequate, the motivation of students varies in participating in religious activities at school, and parental support for activities at school is not optimal

    On the Data Gathering Capacity and Latency in Wireless

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    In this paper, we investigate the fundamental properties of data gathering in wirelesssensor networks, in terms of both transport capacity and latency. We consider a scenarioin which s(n) out of n total network nodes have to deliver data to a set of d(n) sink nodesat a constant rate f(n; s(n); d(n)). The goal is to characterize the maximum achievablerate, and the latency in data delivery. We present a simple data gathering scheme thatachieves asymptotically optimal data gathering capacity and latency with arbitrary net-work deployments when d(n) = 1, and for most scaling regimes of s(n) and d(n) whend(n) > 1 in case of square grid and random node deployments. Differently from mostprevious work, our results and the presented data gathering scheme do not sacrifice en-ergy efficiency to the need of maximizing capacity and minimizing latency. Finally, weconsider the effects of a simple form of data aggregation on data gathering performance,and show that capacity can be increased of a factor f(n) with respect to the case of nodata aggregation, where f(n) is the node density. To the best of our knowledge, theones presented in this paper are the first results showing that asymptotically optimal datagathering capacity and latency can be achieved in arbitrary networks in an energy efficientway


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    Mirastya Santi Utami. Correlation Between Family Role with Interest in Entrepreneurship of Students in Department of Economics and Administration 2010 Degrees Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. Skripsi. Jakarta: Concentration in Accounting Education, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, 2014. The aim of this study determines the extent to which the correlation between role of the family with interest in entrepreneurship to students in the Department of Economics and Administration Faculty of Economics, University of Jakarta based on data or facts right (valid, true and valid) and trustworthy (dependable and reliable). The study was conducted at the Department of Economics and Administration Faculty UNJ which consists of four departments namely Accounting Education, Cooperative Economics Education, Educational Administration, and Commerce Education. The research method used is survey method. The study population was all students of Economics and Administration 2010 degrees, as many as 303 students. The population of this study is reasonable that the parents of her students has a job as an entrepreneur who totaled 91 people. So that it can be seen from the Isaac & Michael’s table that the number of samples as many as 74. The number of samples taken from each in proportion to the concentration using simple random technique. To capture the data from the two variables used in the form of Likert scale research instrument for Role of the Family and interest in entrepreneurship. Regression equation in this research is Ŷ  = 27.49 + 0.96 X From this equations, equations test Liliefors obtained L   count < L ( 0.0602 < 0.130 ) . That way , it can be seen that the data are normally distributed. In the linearity test obtained regression of F count (1,373) < F table table = ( 1.74 ) can be concluded that the form of linear regression models. As for the significance test obtained F count (48.80) > F (3.96) which indicates that the mean regression equation. Test results using a correlation coefficient of Pearson Product Moment values obtained r = 0.6343 . This means there is a positive correlation between role of the family with interest in entrepreneurship in students in the Department of Economics and Administration Faculty of Economics 2010 degrees. From the t-test calculation obtained t xy = 6.962 > t = 1.685 which indicates a significant correlation between the variables X is role of the family with a variable Y is interest in entrepreneurship. From the calculation of the coefficient of determination obtained 40.24 % so that it can be said that the interest in entrepreneurship variable Y is determined by the variable X family table roles of 40.24 %
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