1,548 research outputs found

    Innovación educativa e institución escolar

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    El autor plantea en este trabajo una reflexión sobre las relaciones que existen entre los procesos educativos de reforma como una mecanica de génesis externa y los de innovación, considerando a ésta como un lenomeno endogeno de implementación libre. Se afirma la necesidad de procesos innovadores en la enseñanza, pero se reconoce cambien que los recursos homeostaticos del sistema educativo actúan como mecanismos de defensa para garantizar la continuidad de una dinámica organizativa que no atente contra la quietud del aula.__________________________________ The author outlines a reflection about the relations between the educational process of reform as an external genesis mechanic and of the innovation, being considered as an internal phenomenon of free implemantation. It is considered the necessity, of this innovator processes in teaching but it is also recognized that the homeostatic resources of the educational system operate as defending mechanism to guarantee the continuity of an organizational dynamic not to go against the classroom quietude

    Políticas públicas de desarrollo, turismo y tecnocracia: ¿hacia un cambio de paradigma?

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    The traditional approach on tourism policies and development should be based on the technical knowledge available in order to maximize its contribution to development. The article states that this approach starts from a wrong idea about the concept of science. The author defends that science does not contribute to true knowledge but provides reasonable knowledge. In this regard, the author highlights that the premises that guide public policies should be more reasonable than certain

    Educational heritage and critical interpretation of schooling

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    En esta contribución se ofrece un modelo interpretativo, participativo y crítico para la puesta en valor del patrimonio educativo dentro del ámbito de los museos pedagógicos. La propuesta parte de la interpretación patrimonial como método de comunicación y de aprendizaje, así como de modelos educativos críticos que profundizan en la naturaleza y los fundamentos de las prácticas escolares. El modelo incorpora también un enfoque complejo del patrimonio educativo y una concepción amplia del objeto patrimonial, que incluye a los escenarios educativos formales y no formales. Por su carácter crítico, el modelo elude la prescripción de fórmulas universales y promueve la contextualización de la actividad divulgativa en relación con el patrimonio escolar.We provide an interpretive, participatory and critical model for the enhancement of educational heritage in the field of educational museums. The proposal is built from heritage interpretation as a method of communication and learning, as well as critical educational models that explore the nature and basis of school practices. The model also incorporates a complex approach to educational heritage and a broad conception of heritage object, which includes formal and non-formal educational settings. Due to its critical nature, the model avoids prescribing universal formulas and promotes contextualization of educational activities in relation with school heritage

    La formación de la diferenciación norteafricana en Canarias de los siglos XVI al XVIII

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    The current study of the North Africans of the Canary Islands during the 16th-18th centuries represents a contribution to the question of the development of the Muslim stereotype in Spain. This population with origins almost exclusively in north-western Africa, an area known at the time as Barbary, was forcibly relocated to the islands. Most of the Old Christians at the moment of the Royal Decree of 1609 expelling of the Moriscos from the Peninsula declared that the Moriscos of the archipelago were good Christians and loyal vassals. The archipelago was hence the only area of the Spanish Crown where they were not expelled. Fear served the monarchies of new emerging modern state to secure power and fashion a proto-national identity that differentiated individuals of different cultures and religions. The Moriscos of the archipelago were therefore throughout three centuries one of the main collectives singled out for religious, political and economic reasons.El estudio actual de los norteafricanos en Canarias de Canarias durante los siglos XVI-XVIII representa una contribución a la cuestión del desarrollo del estereotipo musulmán en España. Esta población, cuyos orígenes se encuentran casi exclusivamente en el noroeste de África, un área conocida en ese aquel como Berbería, fue reubicada por la fuerza en las islas. La mayoría de los cristianos viejos, en el momento del Real Decreto de 1609 de expulsión de los moriscos de la Península, declararon que los moriscos del archipiélago eran buenos cristianos y vasallos leales. El archipiélago fue, por tanto, la única zona de la Corona Española de donde no fueron expulsados. El miedo sirvió a las monarquías del nuevo estado moderno emergente para asegurar el poder y forjar una identidad protonacional que habría de diferenciar a los individuos de diferentes culturas y religiones. Los moriscos del archipiélago fueron, por tanto y a lo largo de tres siglos, uno de los principales colectivos señalados por motivos religiosos, políticos y económicos

    Turismo, empleo y desarrollo

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    El artículo analiza los factores que determinan la «calidad» del empleo turístico a partir del estudio del caso de Maspalomas (Canarias). Los resultados de la investigación señalan que las condiciones de empleo en turismo vienen determinadas por: 1) la posición de un destino en la red internacional de elaboración de servicios turísticos; 2) la estabilidad de la demanda; 3) los factores institucionales; y 4) la medida en que el desarrollo turístico es endógeno. Además, el estudio lleva a plantear que el empleo no debería ser el único factor a la hora de evaluar la «bondad» de un modelo de desarrollo turístico, sino que también debería considerarse el reparto de los beneficios de la actividad en forma de rentas empresariales.This article looks at the factors determining the quality of tourism employment, through the case study of Maspalomas (Canary Islands). The study shows that labour conditions in tourism depends upon: 1) the position of a touristic destination in the international network of enterprises that manufacture touristic services; 2) the stability of touristic demand; 3) the institutional factors; 4) the extent in which tourism is self-sustained. Furthermore, the study suggests that employment should not be the only factor considered when evaluating the «goodliness» of a model of touristic development. The distribution of tourism benefits through enterprises profits should also be taken into account

    "Book review" Taking the Floor: Models, Morals and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room - Book Review

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    Taking the Floor: Models, Morals and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room. Daniel Beunza. Princeton University Press. 2019. Find this book: In Taking the Floor: Models, Morals and Management in a Wall Street Trading Room, Daniel Beunza analyses how the use of economic models and the moral disengagement this has created have significantly transformed the global financial industry

    (2,3)-Cordial Digraphs

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    This presentation is about graphs (the vertex-edge kind, not the y = f(x) kind). A graph is a mathematical object that represents objects and some relationship among them; the objects are represented by vertices and the relationships are represented by the edges. Graphs have applications in just about every field imaginable, including artificial intelligence, social network theory, and parallel computing theory. A directed graph is a type of graph used to represent relationships that are one-sided or not symmetric. We discuss a graph labeling scheme on directed graphs introduced by LeRoy Beasley called a (2,3)-cordial labeling. In such a labeling, the vertex set of a directed graph is partitioned into two equally sized subsets by labeling half of vertices 0 and the other half 1; edges of the directed graph receive a label according to their direction and affiliated vertex labels such that the edge set is partitioned into three equally sized subsets in accord with whether their labels are 1, 0, or -1. Although not every directed graph can be labeled in accord with the (2,3)-cordial scheme, we discuss properties that indicate when a directed graph can be so labeled as well as applications of (2,3)-cordial labeling. In particular, we present results on the existence of (2,3)-cordial labelings on oriented hypercubes, trees,and tournaments.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/fsrs2020/1059/thumbnail.jp