92 research outputs found

    University students’ perspectives on reflective learning: Psychometric properties of the eight-cultural-forces scale

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    Producción CientíficaThis study emerges from the development of higher-order thinking skills recognised as influential attributes to be considered for quality of learning in preservice teachers; hence, this quantitative research is a systematic attempt to obtain metric-quality pieces of evidence for identifying university students’ perspectives on reflective learning standards throughout their initial training period utilising an adapted cultural-forces scale. The earlier mentioned tool is an adaptation of Ritchhart’s scale (2015) for the assessment of cultural forces from the model of the Culture of Thinking. The selected sample of preservice teachers encompasses 700 university students of education from 7 faculties of education in Spain. Research results reveal that the use of the scale displayed high reliability and suitability. Similarly, significant statistical differences were observed in the eight scales of cultural forces assessment, where the prime-valued by the students were interactions, expectations, environment, language and time. Apropos of statistics, research results manifest as relevant. Such significance reveals how classroom culture and practical strategies acquire meaning and show connections with learning purposes—likewise with the developmental encouragement of cognitive skills and dispositions towards reflective learning.Unión Europea - Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (grant 2019-GRIN-27206

    Fast simulations of extragalactic microlensing

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    We present a new and very fast method for producing microlensing magnification maps at high optical depths. It is based on the combination of two approaches: (a) the two-dimensional Poisson solver for a deflection potential and (b) inverse polygon mapping. With our method we extremely reduce the computing time for the generation of magnification patterns and avoid the use of highly demanding computer resources. For example, the generation of a magnification map of size 2000?×?2000 pixels, covering a region of 20 Einstein radii, takes a few seconds on a state-of-the-art laptop. The method presented here will facilitate the massive production of magnification maps for extragalactic microlensing studies within the forthcoming surveys without the need for large computer clusters. The modest demand of computer power and a fast execution time allow the code developed here to be placed on a standard server and thus provide the public online access through a web-based interface.We thank Evencio Mediavilla for providing us with the IPM code for comparison purposes. We thank to the company “Datacom Soluciones Internet Burgos S.L.” (Burgos, Spain) for helping us in making the web server secure and running. We also thank an anonymous referee for his/her comments and questions that improved this paper. This research has been supported by the MINECO/AEI/FEDER-UE grant AYA2017-89815-P and University of Cantabria funds. RGM was also supported by TAILOR Grant #952215, H2020-ICT-2019-3 and DataPol UMA-CEIATECH-07 funds at the University of Málag

    Politización y pericia financiera en las cajas de ahorros españolas: Patrones en la configuración de sus consejos

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    This study examines the politicization and financial knowledge-experience of the boards of directors of Spanish savings banks. To do this, we build a database with the biographic information of directors during the period 2004-2010. The results of the cluster analysis show the existence of four types of boards, depending on the politicization and the financial expertise of its members. Furthermore, we find that savings banks with higher financial expertise in their boards have higher levels of financial solvencyEsta investigación profundiza en la politización y conocimientos-experiencia financiera de los consejos de administración de las cajas de ahorros españolas. Para ello, construimos una base de datos con la información biográfica de sus consejeros del período 2004-2010. Los resultados del análisis clúster revelan la existencia de cuatro tipos de consejos en función de la politización y la pericia financiera de sus miembros. Asimismo, encontramos que las cajas con mayor pericia financiera en su consejo presentan mayores niveles de solvencia financier

    Political directors and corporate social responsibility: Are political ideology and regional identity relevant?

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    This study analyzes the infuence of directors with political connections on corpo‑ rate social responsibility (CSR). Using a sample of Spanish savings banks (cajas) during the period 2004–2013, we analyze the infuence of political directors on the CSR of these entities, focusing on their ideology and regional identity. Our results indicate that the higher the proportion of directors with political ties on the board, the greater the allocation of resources to CSR activities. In addition to this positive efect of board politicization, we fnd that political directors’ liberal ideology posi‑ tively afects CSR, both directly and in moderating the relationship between political directors and CSR. Our results also validate that political directors’ regional iden‑ tity boosts the positive efect they have on CSR. Finally, we encounter various dif‑ ferences depending on the nature of the projects funded through CSR. Therefore, our study demonstrates the importance of delving into the characteristics of political directors to elucidate their efects on corporate policies.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant ECO201785356), the UAM - Comunidad de Madrid (SI3-PJI-2021-00276) and it benefted from the Professorship Excellence Program in accordance with the multi-year agreement signed by the Government of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Madrid (Line #3)

    Stakeholder governance and private benefits: The case of politicians in Spanish cajas

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    Our research focuses on the private benefits of politicians as board directors of Spanish savings banks (cajas). We use hand-collected data on the political affiliation and personal loans of 1,578 directors to investigate whether political directors used private benefits through excessive personal loans, loans granted to their political parties, or the institutions they represented. Our results show that a higher proportion of political directors on a board is associated with larger personal loans and with better terms than those granted to non-political directors. Furthermore, this higher proportion is also linked to larger loans granted to the public administrations that the political directors represented on the cajas’ governing board. Finally, we also find in-group favouritism based on the social identity theory and directors’ party identification. Therefore, political directors make greater use of private benefits when allocated to their political party and its members.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant ECO2017-85356), the UAM - Comunidad de Madrid Research Project for Young Researchers (SI3-PJI-2021-00276) and it benefited from the Professorship Excellence Program in accordance with the multi-year agreement signed by the Government of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Madrid (Line #3). The authors gratefully acknowledge the helpful suggestions received from the four anonymous reviewers and the Associate Editor, Constantinos N. Leonidou. The authors also thank the comments received from B. Arrunada, ˜ G. Natividad, A. Martín-Oliver, V. Salas-Fumas ´ and N. Suarez, ´ and the participants at the Wolpertinger Conference held in Santander and at the SANFI Workshop held in Palermo

    Conformación ciega de haz mediante regresión con máquinas de vectores soporte

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    Blind beamforming is a common problem in wireless communications, where an array of antennas receives a number of signals from distinct locations at the same frequency and at the same time. In this paper the problem of blind beamforming for multiple constant modulus (CM) signals separation is solved using support vector machine (SVM) techniques. The CM property of the signal is used to formulate a regression problem which can be adapted to the SVM scheme, leading to an iterative reweighted algorithm. Once a signal is recovered, its contribution to the original observations is removed and the iterative procedure can be applied again to extract another CM signal. Simulation results show that this SVM-based algorithm offers better performance than the algebraic constant modulus algorithm (ACMA), mainly when only a small number of snapshots is available

    Emotions, Leadership and Social Networks in Electoral Campaign Materials. A Measurement Proposal

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    El uso de emociones en la campaña electoral, el papel de los liderazgos en la misma y la presencia de contenido electoral en redes sociales son elementos que van adquiriendo un mayor peso en la ciencia política. Esta nota realiza una propuesta de medición de estos elementos en los materiales de campaña electoral. Así, se presentarán indicadores que cubren todos los planos destacados, tomando como prueba de medición las elecciones autonómicas de Castilla y León celebradas en febrero de 2022. Con ello, se establece cómo las emociones positivas son las más utilizadas por los partidos políticos y cómo la presencia de líderes autonómicos y el uso extensivo de redes sociales ha sido habitual en esta excepcional campaña.The use of emotions in electoral campaigns, the role of leadership in these campaigns and the presence of electoral content in social networks are relevant elements of Political Science. This work provides a proposal for the measurement of these elements in electoral campaign materials. Indicators covering the highlighted topics will be presented, using the regional elections of Castile and Leon from February 2022 as a measurement test. In this way, it is established that positive emotions are the most frequently used by political parties, and the presence of regional leaders and the extensive use of social networks has been common practice during this exceptional campaign