321 research outputs found

    Predicted VO2 on 6 minutes walk test for FAP liver transplanted patients

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    Physical function is limited post-liver transplantation and exercise training can improve exercise capacity following transplantation but previously assessment of functional capacity is necessary. The 6 minute walk test (6MWT) is routinely used for studying patient’s exercise capacity and is less expensive and time consuming than a Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPXT). There have been some studies looking at the relationship between 6MWT and peak VO2 in patients but few presented an adequate equation for predicted peak VO2 from 6MWT to transplanted patients and none for Familial Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy (FAP) liver transplanted patients (FAPTx). The aim of this study was to compare the validity of 6 equations as predictors of VO2 from the 6MWT and compare it with directly measured VO2 in patients FAPTx

    Nanostructure of cellulose microfibrils in spruce wood

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    The structure of cellulose microfibrils in wood is not known in detail, despite the abundance of cellulose in woody biomass and its importance for biology, energy, and engineering. The structure of the microfibrils of spruce wood cellulose was investigated using a range of spectroscopic methods coupled to small-angle neutron and wide-angle X-ray scattering. The scattering data were consistent with 24-chain microfibrils and favored a “rectangular” model with both hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces exposed. Disorder in chain packing and hydrogen bonding was shown to increase outwards from the microfibril center. The extent of disorder blurred the distinction between the I alpha and I beta allomorphs. Chains at the surface were distinct in conformation, with high levels of conformational disorder at C-6, less intramolecular hydrogen bonding and more outward-directed hydrogen bonding. Axial disorder could be explained in terms of twisting of the microfibrils, with implications for their biosynthesis

    HCN emission from translucent gas and UV-illuminated cloud edges revealed by wide-field IRAM 30m maps of Orion B GMC: Revisiting its role as tracer of the dense gas reservoir for star formation

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    We present 5 deg^2 (~250 pc^2) HCN, HNC, HCO+, and CO J=1-0 maps of the Orion B GMC, complemented with existing wide-field [CI] 492 GHz maps, as well as new pointed observations of rotationally excited HCN, HNC, H13CN, and HN13C lines. We detect anomalous HCN J=1-0 hyperfine structure line emission almost everywhere in the cloud. About 70% of the total HCN J=1-0 luminosity arises from gas at A_V < 8 mag. The HCN/CO J=1-0 line intensity ratio shows a bimodal behavior with an inflection point at A_V < 3 mag typical of translucent gas and UV-illuminated cloud edges. We find that most of the HCN J=1-0 emission arises from extended gas with n(H2) < 10^4 cm^-3, even lower density gas if the ionization fraction is > 10^-5 and electron excitation dominates. This result explains the low-A_V branch of the HCN/CO J=1-0 intensity ratio distribution. Indeed, the highest HCN/CO ratios (~0.1) at A_V < 3 mag correspond to regions of high [CI] 492 GHz/CO J=1-0 intensity ratios (>1) characteristic of low-density PDRs. Enhanced FUV radiation favors the formation and excitation of HCN on large scales, not only in dense star-forming clumps. The low surface brightness HCN and HCO+ J=1-0 emission scale with I_FIR (a proxy of the stellar FUV radiation field) in a similar way. Together with CO J=1-0, these lines respond to increasing I_FIR up to G0~20. On the other hand, the bright HCN J=1-0 emission from dense gas in star-forming clumps weakly responds to I_FIR once the FUV radiation field becomes too intense (G0>1500). The different power law scalings (produced by different chemistries, densities, and line excitation regimes) in a single but spatially resolved GMC resemble the variety of Kennicutt-Schmidt law indexes found in galaxy averages. As a corollary for extragalactic studies, we conclude that high HCN/CO J=1-0 line intensity ratios do not always imply the presence of dense gas.Comment: accepted for publication in A&A. 24 pages, 18 figures, plus Appendix. Abridged Abstract. English language not edite

    Stress-Induced Reinstatement of Drug Seeking: 20 Years of Progress

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    In human addicts, drug relapse and craving are often provoked by stress. Since 1995, this clinical scenario has been studied using a rat model of stress-induced reinstatement of drug seeking. Here, we first discuss the generality of stress-induced reinstatement to different drugs of abuse, different stressors, and different behavioral procedures. We also discuss neuropharmacological mechanisms, and brain areas and circuits controlling stress-induced reinstatement of drug seeking. We conclude by discussing results from translational human laboratory studies and clinical trials that were inspired by results from rat studies on stress-induced reinstatement. Our main conclusions are (1) The phenomenon of stress-induced reinstatement, first shown with an intermittent footshock stressor in rats trained to self-administer heroin, generalizes to other abused drugs, including cocaine, methamphetamine, nicotine, and alcohol, and is also observed in the conditioned place preference model in rats and mice. This phenomenon, however, is stressor specific and not all stressors induce reinstatement of drug seeking. (2) Neuropharmacological studies indicate the involvement of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), noradrenaline, dopamine, glutamate, kappa/dynorphin, and several other peptide and neurotransmitter systems in stress-induced reinstatement. Neuropharmacology and circuitry studies indicate the involvement of CRF and noradrenaline transmission in bed nucleus of stria terminalis and central amygdala, and dopamine, CRF, kappa/dynorphin, and glutamate transmission in other components of the mesocorticolimbic dopamine system (ventral tegmental area, medial prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, and nucleus accumbens). (3) Translational human laboratory studies and a recent clinical trial study show the efficacy of alpha-2 adrenoceptor agonists in decreasing stress-induced drug craving and stress-induced initial heroin lapse

    Genome-wide transcriptional analysis of salinity stressed japonica and indica rice genotypes during panicle initiation stage

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    Rice yield is most sensitive to salinity stress imposed during the panicle initiation (PI) stage. In this study, we have focused on physiological and transcriptional responses of four rice genotypes exposed to salinity stress during PI. The genotypes selected included a pair of indicas (IR63731 and IR29) and a pair of japonica (Agami and M103) rice subspecies with contrasting salt tolerance. Physiological characterization showed that tolerant genotypes maintained a much lower shoot Na(+) concentration relative to sensitive genotypes under salinity stress. Global gene expression analysis revealed a strikingly large number of genes which are induced by salinity stress in sensitive genotypes, IR29 and M103 relative to tolerant lines. We found 19 probe sets to be commonly induced in all four genotypes. We found several salinity modulated, ion homeostasis related genes from our analysis. We also studied the expression of SKC1, a cation transporter reported by others as a major source of variation in salt tolerance in rice. The transcript abundance of SKC1 did not change in response to salinity stress at PI stage in the shoot tissue of all four genotypes. However, we found the transcript abundance of SKC1 to be significantly higher in tolerant japonica Agami relative to sensitive japonica M103 under control and stressed conditions during PI stage. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11103-006-9112-0 and is accessible for authorized users

    A Broad Line-width, Compact, Millimeter-bright Molecular Emission Line Source near the Galactic Center

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    A compact source, G0.02467-0.0727, was detected in Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array 3 mm observations in continuum and very broad line emission. The continuum emission has a spectral index α ≈ 3.3, suggesting that the emission is from dust. The line emission is detected in several transitions of CS, SO, and SO2 and exhibits a line width FWHM ≈ 160 km s−1. The line profile appears Gaussian. The emission is weakly spatially resolved, coming from an area on the sky ≲1′′ in diameter (≲104 au at the distance of the Galactic center, GC). The centroid velocity is v LSR ≈ 40-50 km s−1, which is consistent with a location in the GC. With multiple SO lines detected, and assuming local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) conditions, the gas temperature is T LTE = 13 K, which is colder than seen in typical GC clouds, though we cannot rule out low-density, subthermally excited, warmer gas. Despite the high velocity dispersion, no emission is observed from SiO, suggesting that there are no strong (≳10 km s−1) shocks in the molecular gas. There are no detections at other wavelengths, including X-ray, infrared, and radio. We consider several explanations for the millimeter ultra-broad-line object (MUBLO), including protostellar outflow, explosive outflow, a collapsing cloud, an evolved star, a stellar merger, a high-velocity compact cloud, an intermediate-mass black hole, and a background galaxy. Most of these conceptual models are either inconsistent with the data or do not fully explain them. The MUBLO is, at present, an observationally unique object

    Epigenetic loss of RNA-methyltransferase NSUN5 in glioma targets ribosomes to drive a stress adaptive translational program

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    Altres ajuts: This work was supported by the Obra Social "La Caixa" (to M. Esteller).Tumors have aberrant proteomes that often do not match their corresponding transcriptome profiles. One possible cause of this discrepancy is the existence of aberrant RNA modification landscapes in the so-called epitranscriptome. Here, we report that human glioma cells undergo DNA methylation-associated epigenetic silencing of NSUN5, a candidate RNA methyltransferase for 5-methylcytosine. In this setting, NSUN5 exhibits tumor-suppressor characteristics in vivo glioma models. We also found that NSUN5 loss generates an unmethylated status at the C3782 position of 28S rRNA that drives an overall depletion of protein synthesis, and leads to the emergence of an adaptive translational program for survival under conditions of cellular stress. Interestingly, NSUN5 epigenetic inactivation also renders these gliomas sensitive to bioactivatable substrates of the stress-related enzyme NQO1. Most importantly, NSUN5 epigenetic inactivation is a hallmark of glioma patients with long-term survival for this otherwise devastating disease

    The association between insight and depressive symptoms in schizophrenia: Undirected and Bayesian network analyses

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    Background. Greater levels of insight may be linked with depressive symptoms among patients with schizophrenia, however, it would be useful to characterize this association at symptom-level, in order to inform research on interventions. Methods. Data on depressive symptoms (Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia) and insight (G12 item from the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale) were obtained from 921 community-dwelling, clinically-stable individuals with a DSM-IV diagnosis of schizophrenia, recruited in a nationwide multicenter study. Network analysis was used to explore the most relevant connections between insight and depressive symptoms, including potential confounders in the model (neurocognitive and social-cognitive functioning, positive, negative and disorganization symptoms, extrapyramidal symptoms, hostility, internalized stigma, and perceived discrimination). Bayesian network analysis was used to estimate a directed acyclic graph (DAG) while investigating the most likely direction of the putative causal association between insight and depression. Results. After adjusting for confounders, better levels of insight were associated with greater self-depreciation, pathological guilt, morning depression and suicidal ideation. No difference in global network structure was detected for socioeconomic status, service engagement or illness severity. The DAG confirmed the presence of an association between greater insight and self-depreciation, suggesting the more probable causal direction was from insight to depressive symptoms. Conclusions. In schizophrenia, better levels of insight may cause self-depreciation and, possibly, other depressive symptoms. Person-centered and narrative psychotherapeutic approaches may be particularly fit to improve patient insight without dampening self-esteem