32 research outputs found

    Impact of victory and defeat on the perceived stress and autonomic regulation of professional eSports athletes

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    Competitive sports involve physiological, technical and psychological skills, which influence directly on individuals’ performance. This study aims to investigate the levels of perceived stress and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) before and after matches with victory and defeat in professional eSports athletes. Our hypothesis was that the winners would have better autonomic and stress responses after match, thus corroborating the literature on neurocardiac connections. Fifty male eSport players were selected players from 10 different Brazilian teams. The experiment was carried out in 2 sessions. Firstly, after signing the informed consent form, 24 h before the game, anthropometric, physical activity levels and time of expertise data were recorded only for sample characterization and the players were familiarized with the perceived stress scale—10 (PSS-10) and the HRV measurements. Secondly, players performed the PSS-10 and HRV recording at rest by 10 min 60 and 30 min before the game (i.e., baseline time) and 10 min after the end of the game. Overall, concerning PSS-10 our findings show that VG had significant reduced scores in post-game time compared to baseline (BL) and pre-game times, while DG had significant increased scores in post-game time compared to BL and pre-game times. Regarding HRV, our results demonstrate that VG had significant increase in RR, SDNN, rMSSD, pNN50 and HF, and significant decrease in LF and LF/HF, while DG had a significant decrease in RR, SDNN, rMSSD and HF, and significant increase in LF and LF/HF. It was observed that VG had better HRV responses (greater parasympathetic activation) as well as lower levels of perceived stress, while DG had worst HRV responses (greater sympathetic activation) and higher levels of perceived stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Conflitos sociais

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    O presente artigo traz um recorte de uma pesquisa empírica, com entrevista semiestruturada, baseada no método clínico piagetiano, e objetivou demonstrar como os estudantes com Altas Habilidades/Superdotação em situação de vulnerabilidade humana usam seu potencial criativo e desenvolvem soluções para responder aos conflitos existentes em seu meio. Para a análise qualitativa dos resultados utilizou-se autores como Saltini (2008), Inhelder e Piaget (1982), Lubart (2007) entre outros. Os resultados obtidos indicam que os estudantes estão sendo prejudicados em seu potencial criativo por falta de desenvolvimento de trocas interindividuais reais, por conta do contexto existente na Pandemia Covid 19 que limitou a interação interindividual, porém estão em pleno desenvolvimento cognitivo com o auxílio das ferramentas digitais, também sentem-se frustrados com a forma com que os professores conduzem as aulas remotas, com a falta de acesso aos esportes e lazer, e a falta de atendimentos adequados a sua condição com desafios cognitivos e atividades para o desenvolvimento social. Os resultados indicam ainda que mesmo neste contexto de vulnerabilidade que os limitou a explorarem mais os conflitos apresentados neste trabalho de forma criativa, eles ainda trouxeram respostas complexas para os pares de sua idade, demonstrando autonomia e amplo potencial criativo

    Physical and Physiological Predictors of FRAN CrossFit® WOD Athlete’s Performance

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    CrossFit® training is one of the fastest-growing fitness activities in the world due to its varied functional movement and competition experience. The performance is present in almost every workout of the day (WOD); however, there is a lack of knowledge in the science that did not allow us to fully understand the performance determinants of CrossFit WOD’s like we do for other individual or team sports. The purpose of this study was to analyze the physical and physiological variables of recreational trained CrossFit athletes during one of the most famous WOD, FRAN, and to identify which variables best determine performance. Methods: Fifteen CrossFit practitioners performed, alone on separate days, 1RM and a maximum of repetitions of pull-ups test, 1RM and a maximum of repetitions of thrusters with 95 lb/43.2 kg, FRAN CrossFit WOD, and 2K Row test. Results: Blood lactate concentrate, HRmax, HRav, and RPE achieved higher values for 2K Row and maximum repetitions of thrusters. Maximum repetition of thrusters and pull-ups, 1RM of thrusters, and 2K Row resulted in moderate to strong correlation with FRAN performance (r = −0.78; r = −0.58; r = −0.67; r = 0.63, respectively). Conclusions and practical applications: FRAN performance was stroninfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Um panorama dos estudos sobre mídia, sexualidades e gêneros não normativos no Brasil

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    The article presents an outlook on 80 brazilian studies on the relations between media, homosexualities, lesbianisms and transvestisms. The intention is to spread and briefly inform what which work talks about, what were some of the conclusions and some authors or theoretical bias that were most used by the researchers. By the end, the authors show some gaps and general characteristics of these studies.O texto apresenta um panorama de estudos realizados no Brasil sobre as relações entre mídia, homossexualidades, lesbianidades e travestilidades através das apresentações e comentários de 80 trabalhos. A proposta é de divulgar e informar resumidamente do que trata cada trabalho, quais foram algumas das conclusões e alguns dos autores ou correntes teóricas mais utilizadas pelos pesquisadores. No final, os autores apontam algumas lacunas e características gerais desses estudos


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    O presente estudo objetivou desenvolver néctares de cagaita (Eugenia dysenterica DC.), caracterizá-los quanto aos parâmetros microbiológicos, sensoriais e químicos e verificar a estabilidade do produto durante o armazenamento. Quatro formulações de néctar contendo 20, 30, 40 e 50% de polpa foram desenvolvidas e avaliadas microbiológica (coliformes totais e termotolerantes, bolores, leveduras e Salmonela spp) e sensorialmente (teste de aceitação). A formulação mais aceita foi avaliada quanto ao conteúdo de sólidos solúveis (SS), pH, acidez titulável (AT), relação SS/AT, umidade, proteínas, lipídios, carboidratos, fibra alimentar total (FAT), cinzas, carotenoides e ácido ascórbico (AA), verificando-se a estabilidade do produto armazenado sob congelamento (-18ºC/90 dias) e refrigeração (5ºC/72 horas). Não foi observada a presença dos micro-organismos pesquisados nas quatro formulações desenvolvidas. As formulações com 40 e 50% de polpa apresentaram maior aceitação para os atributos cor, sabor e impressão global. O néctar contendo 50% de polpa apresentou SS de 11,43 ºBrix, pH de 3,59 e relação SS/AT de 19,37. Verificou-se (em 100 g) AT de 0,59 g de ácido cítrico; 85,75 g de umidade; 0,29 g de proteínas; 0,27 g de lipídios; 12,93 g de carboidratos; 0,68 g de FAT; 0,08 g de cinzas; 55,31 kcal; 0,25 mg de carotenoides e 19,6 mg de AA. Durante o armazenamento não foram observadas alterações estatisticamente significativas nos valores de SS, AT, pH, carotenoides e AA. O néctar de cagaita atendeu as características químicas e os padrões microbiológicos estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira, alcançou boa aceitação dos consumidores e apresentou excelente estabilidade durante o armazenamento

    Population structure analysis and identification of genomic regions under selection associated with low-nitrogen tolerance in tropical maize lines.

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    Increasing low nitrogen (N) tolerance in maize is an important goal for food security and agricultural sustainability. In order to analyze the population structure of tropical maize lines and identify genomic regions associated with low-N tolerance, a set of 64 inbred lines were evaluated under low-N and optimal-N conditions. The low-N Agronomic Efficiency index (LNAE) of each line was calculated. The maize lines were genotyped using 417,112 SNPs markers. The grouping based on the LNAE values classified the lines into two phenotypic groups, the first comprised by genotypes with high LNAE (named H_LNAE group), while the second one comprised genotypes with low LNAE (named L_LNAE group). The H_LNAE and L_LNAE groups had LNAE mean values of 3,304 and 1,644, respectively. The population structure analysis revealed a weak relationship between genetic and phenotypic diversity. Pairs of lines were identified, having at the same time high LNAE and high genetic distance from each other. A set of 29 SNPs markers exhibited a significant difference in allelic frequencies (Fst > 0.2) between H_LNAE and L_LNAE groups. The Pearson's correlation between LNAE and the favorable alleles in this set of SNPs was 0.69. These SNPs could be useful for marker-assisted selection for low-N tolerance in maize breeding programs. The results of this study could help maize breeders identify accessions to be used in the development of low-N tolerant cultivars

    Time-dependent alteration to the tight junction structure of distal intestinal epithelia in type 2 prediabetic mice

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    High-fat diet (HFD) intake has been associated with changes in intestinal microbiota composition, increased intestinal permeability, and onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). The aim of this work was twofold: 1) to investigate the structural and functional alterations of the tight junction (TJ)-mediated intestinal epithelial barrier of ileum and colon, that concentrate most of the microbiota, after exposure to a HFD for 15, 30 and 60 days, and 2) to assess the effect of in vitro exposure to free fatty acids (FFAs), one of the components of HFD, on paracellular barrier of colon-derived Caco-2 cells. HFD exposure induced progressive metabolic changes in male mice that culminated in prediabetes after 60d. Morphological analysis of ileum and colon mucosa showed no signs of epithelial rupture or local inflammation but changes in the junctional content/distribution and/or cellular content of TJ-associated proteins (claudins-1, -2, -3, and occludin) in intestinal epithelia were seen mainly after a prediabetes state has been established. This impairment in TJ structure was not associated with significant changes in intestinal permeability to FITC-dextran. Exposure of Caco-2 monolayers to palmitic or linoleic acids seems to induce a reinforcement of TJ structure while treatment with oleic acid had a more diverse effect on TJ protein distribution. TJ structure in distal intestinal epithelia can be specifically impaired by HFD intake at early stage of T2DM, but not by FFAs in vitro. Since the TJ change in ileum/colon was marginal, probably it does not contribute to the disease onset238CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQ308546/2018-0The authors thank Ms. Stephanie Souto Maior Federighi and Ms. Susely Ferraz de Siqueira Tada for the excellent technical assistance. The authors also thank Dr. Valéria H. A. C. Quitete, Dr. Elaine Minatel and Prof. Alexandre L. R. de Oliveira for allowing access to their laboratory facilities. CBC-B (CNPq# 308546/2018-0) is a recipient of Research Fellowship from Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Brazil). RBO, VAM, and LCP were recipients of Ph.D. and MSc fellowships from CNPq (Brazil