18 research outputs found

    Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Pembuatan Sanitasi, Biopori, dan Hidroponik untuk Mengatasi Kekeringan di Kecamatan Batumarmar

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    Salah satu kecamatan di Pamekasan adalah Kecamatan Batumarmar (Mitra), pada Kecamatan Batumarmar terdapat 3 desa yang merupakan desa kekeringan yaitu bujur timur, bujur barat dan bujur tengah. Ketiga desa tersebut sangat kekurangan air, contohnya pada saat mandi masyarakat yang berada di 3 desa tersebut mandi di sungai yang jaraknya kurang lebih 1 kilometer. Untuk mandi saja membutuhkan perjalanan yang melelahkan. Masyarakat ini juga mencuci pakaian atau ternaknya di sungai ini. Bahkan untuk kebutuhan minum saja ketiga desa tersebut membeli dengan trek tangki ukuran besar sehingga bisa menimbun air yang cukup panjang. Tujuan Tim PKM mengatasi kekeringan dengan menggunakan sistem sanitasi, biopori dan hidroponik untuk menimbun air. Dengan adanya sistem ini diharapkan bisa membantu permasalahan diatas. Sistem ini bisa memaksimalkan penimbunan air bahkan dengan menggunakan hidroponik pakan ternak bisa tumbuh dengan lebat. Hasil yang didapat dalam pengabdian ini adalah perubahan pola pemikiran masyarakat untuk menimbun air serta ketersediaan air didalam tanah melimpah.


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    Aplikasi Absensi Terpadu Dan Penggajian Serta Monitoring Guru Pada Yayasan Al-Azhar Ambat merupakan sebuah proses kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh semua guru yang ada dibawah naungan lembaga. Selama ini proses kegiatan guru dilakukan secara manual dari absen sampai perekapan gaji, proses yang dilakukan secara manual ini memiliki keakuratan akan tetapi lebih baik dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan sistem agar lebih cepat, efisien dan sangat akurat.Penelitian ini dirancang dengan menggunakan sistem Absensi Terpadu Dan Penggajian Serta Monitoring Guru secara otomatis. Solusi dan permasalahn dari sistem ini bertujuan untuk mempercepat dalam pengerjaan perekapan gaji dari masing-masing lembaga yang ada dibawah naungan Yayasan Al-Azhar Ambat dan untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan oleh guru pengajar dalam menghitung jumlah hadir dan transport. Dengan menggunakan Aplikasi Absensi Terpadu dan Penggajian tersebut sangat lebih cepat proses perekapannya dibandingkan dengan cara manual.Berdasarkan hasil percobaan, guru akan dengan mudah mengetahui jumlah gaji dan keaktifannya selama guru tersebut masuk sesuai jadwalnya tanpa harus menunggu hasil printout dari operator masing-masing lembaga yang ada di bawah naungan Yayasan Al-Azhar Ambat Kecamatan Tlanakan Kabupaten Pamekasan. Kata Kunci : Absensi, Penggajian, Monitoring Gur

    KKN-PPM: Improvement of Creativity Processing Purple Uwi into Purple Uwi Chips

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    Based on observations by DPL and KKN students of Madura University, Blaban Village is located on a plateau of rocks that make it difficult to grow plants. The soil condition of Blaban village is barren and dry during the dry season, during the rainy season the soil is cracked so that it needs water absorption to collect rainwater in the soil and improve the structure of the dry soil during the dry season. With a combination of science from soil structure (Geophysical Science), water supply in the soil (Geophysical Science), liquid fertilizer (Agricultural Science), product processing (Industrial Engineering), quality and quantity management (Industrial Engineering and Management Science), financial management (Economics), marketing management (Industrial and Economic Engineering) even taking care of business licenses (Legal and Administrative Sciences), and online sales using applications (Informatics Engineering). In order to maximize the processing of purple uwi into purple uwi chips in Blaban Village, the initial planting of purple uwi to processing as well as selling purple uwi chips are done through offline and online methods. The results obtained are optimizing the sale of purple uwi crops into purple uwi chips, which has more demand by all consumers in various regions


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    Real Work Lecture (KKN) is an intra-curricular course organized by academics in all universities that must be followed by all students with the aim of increasing students' abilities and insights as a provision for life in society after graduating from study. Basically, Real Work Lecture (KKN) is a form of real dedication of a student to the real community. After getting lecture material that can always be useful in the community itself. English Fun Learning (EFL) and Learning While Playing (BSB) training services have been carried out. This service is carried out by the Service Team and KKN students. The place of this devotion is Tlanakan Pamekasan Madura. This service method uses 3 stages, namely Lecture, Discussion, Demonstration. The result of this service is an understanding of Ms. Office increased, increased learning outcomes using English Fun Learning (EFL), increased learning outcomes using Learning While Playing (BSB).  Keywords: Training, EFL, BSB, Office, Tlanakan. &nbsp


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    Resistivity Accounter Program ini dikhususkan untuk menghitung data Geolistrik dengan menggunakan metode resistivitas. Keunggulan Program ini adalah dapat digunakan untuk menghitung resistivitas dengan tepat dan efisien Sehingga para pengguna dapat menghemat waktunya untuk mengolah data dibandingkan menggunakan excel. Hasil program sama dengan hasik excel hanya saja kita bisa mengload data langsung ke res2div sehingga dalam satu program kita bisa melihat hasil interprestasi data tanpa menghitung dan memasukkan data ke res2div lagi. Dengan program ini kita bisa menyingkat waktu yang di butuhkan untuk pengolahan data dan intreprestasi data. program tersebut di lengkapi dengan pilihan konfigurasi wenner dengan schlumberger sehingga kita bisa memilih konfigurasi yang kita perlukan


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    In the current era of globalization, information technology is increasing very rapidly, especially in sales marketing. The computer as an intermediary created to facilitate human work. Kurnia studio which is engaged in the sale of goods and services requires a lot of information software that supports and provides satisfying services for consumers. Until now all the relaxation in the studio has not been computerized, starting from recording the order to storing other data related to sales to reporting, so that it is possible during the process of recording errors in the calculation, the accuracy of the data made and delays in searching the data required. Another problem faced by Kurnia Studio is that it is difficult to determine the stock of goods. Determination of the right stock of goods is needed to be able to divide the capital allocation so that services and sales can run smoothly. For that we need a point of sale application that is useful in finding data and making studio financial reports to be more accurate and faster. with this technology a forecasting system is also used using the double exponentiation smoothing method to analyze the stocking of goods for the following month. The use of this method is based on the stock of goods in the studio studio which tends to go up or down.Keywords : Point of Sale,, Forecasting,Metode Double exponential smoothin

    Analisis Noise Sinyal Bluetooth Pada Sistem Pintu Otomatis Berbasis Smart Home

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    Automatic doors are generally developed by RFID cards or use cards with barcode labels. According to [1] the weakness of RFID is that the reading distance of the RFID Card is around 5 cm. According to [2] cards with barcode labels still have weaknesses such as barcode labels that are scratched, so that it cannot be identified. From RFID and barcode labels weaknesses, then an automatic door was designed using Arduino Uno with the Bluetooth module and controlled using an application on a smartphone instead of a card. Automatic doors with Android-based smartphone locks have several advantages, namely the ease, practically and relative security of losing keys. This technology is not yet commonly used by the people of Indonesia and is expected to be an alternative going forward as a solution in applying the concept of housing with smart technology. The purpose of this study is to design an automatic door using a Bluetooth signal connection and analyze the signal strength connected with a smartphone. The Bluetooth module used is the HC-05 module which operates at 2.4GHz frequency. According to [7] to produce a good Bluetooth connection, it is necessary to control and filter noise. The method in this research is to design an automatic door and then analyze the signal strength and signal range from the smartphone to the door. Smart home-based door systems with Android smartphone door locks can be used normally up to 9 meters and are considered sufficient for the size of a house in general.Keywords: automatic door, RFID card, Arduino Uno, bluetooth, smart hom

    Analisis Noise Sinyal Bluetooth Pada Sistem Pintu Otomatis Berbasis Smart Home

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    Automatic doors are generally developed by RFID cards or use cards with barcode labels. According to [1] the weakness of RFID is that the reading distance of the RFID Card is around 5 cm. According to [2] cards with barcode labels still have weaknesses such as barcode labels that are scratched, so that it cannot be identified. From RFID and barcode labels weaknesses, then an automatic door was designed using Arduino Uno with the Bluetooth module and controlled using an application on a smartphone instead of a card. Automatic doors with Android-based smartphone locks have several advantages, namely the ease, practically and relative security of losing keys. This technology is not yet commonly used by the people of Indonesia and is expected to be an alternative going forward as a solution in applying the concept of housing with smart technology. The purpose of this study is to design an automatic door using a Bluetooth signal connection and analyze the signal strength connected with a smartphone. The Bluetooth module used is the HC-05 module which operates at 2.4GHz frequency. According to [7] to produce a good Bluetooth connection, it is necessary to control and filter noise. The method in this research is to design an automatic door and then analyze the signal strength and signal range from the smartphone to the door. Smart home-based door systems with Android smartphone door locks can be used normally up to 9 meters and are considered sufficient for the size of a house in general.Keywords: automatic door, RFID card, Arduino Uno, bluetooth, smart hom

    PKM Memanfaatkan Bahan Sederhana Dan Sampah Sebagai Alat Peraga Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA

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    Kendala yang dihadapi peserta didik SDN Pakong 2 (Mitra 1) dan SDN Pakong 5 (Mitra 2) adalah kurangnya fasilitas media pembelajaran IPA berupa alat peraga serta kesulitan peserta didik dalam memahami dan memvisualisasikan materi pembelajaran yang didapat dari guru khususnya dalam kegiatan experimen IPA. berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka tim PKM memberikan pemanfaatan bahan sederhana dan daur ulang sampah menjadi alat peraga IPA yang inovatif, kreatif, menyenangkan dan berwawasan lingkungan serta untuk meningkatkan kopetensi peserta didik agar dapat memahami materi pelajaran IPA lebih cepat, lebih baik dan ingatan jangka panjang yang baik serta memiliki daya nalar yang kuat. berdasarkan kegiatan PKM yang telah dilaksanakan dapat disimpulkan mitra 1 dan mitra 2 sangat antusias dikarenakan kegiatan ini bisa menjadi patokan untuk membuat alat peraga IPA dengan menggunakan bahan sedehana dan daur ulang sampah, serta pola pikir para guru dan siswa tentang pelajaran IPA yang semula jenuh bisa berubah menjadi menyenangkan, bisa memahami dengan cepat dan tepat konsep setiap experimennya. Keberhasilan penggunaan alat peraga IPA ditunjukkan dengan meningkatnya nilai rerata siswa yang semula dibawah 70 menjadi diatas 70 untuk Mitra 1, Mitra 2 semula dibawah 65 menjadi diatas 65


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    In the Talang siring tour of the Pamekasan district, numerous illegal mining operations along the coast for sale and personal use produce building materials with low economic value. However, if the sand is processed further, it will produce materials with high technology utilization and economic value. This research is a preliminary investigation into converting sand into high-value minerals to be utilized economically. Using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) experiments, this study aims to determine the sand's mineral content in the Talang Siring tourist area in Pamekasan Regency. Initial identification is the XRF test function for analyzing sand's chemical elements and composition. The purpose of XRD is to analyze the crystal structure and correlate the results with Macth and origin software based on the XRF results. The results of the XRF test indicated that Silicone had the highest concentration of minerals at 63.8%, followed by Calcium at 29.4% and Iron at 2.45%. The XRD test results indicated that the sand's mineral composition was qualitatively SiO2 90%, CaCO3 8%, Iron 1%, and the remainder 1%