28 research outputs found

    Asymptotically-Optimal Topological Nearest-Neighbor Filtering

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    Nearest-neighbor finding is a major bottleneck for sampling-based motion planning algorithms. The cost of finding nearest neighbors grows with the size of the roadmap, leading to a significant computational bottleneck for problems which require many configurations to find a solution. In this work, we develop a method of mapping configurations of a jointed robot to neighborhoods in the workspace that supports fast search for configurations in nearby neighborhoods. This expedites nearest-neighbor search by locating a small set of the most likely candidates for connecting to the query with a local plan. We show that this filtering technique can preserve asymptotically-optimal guarantees with modest requirements on the distance metric. We demonstrate the method’s efficacy in planning problems for rigid bodies and both fixed and mobile-base manipulators

    Topology-Guided Roadmap Construction With Dynamic Region Sampling

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    Many types of planning problems require discovery of multiple pathways through the environment, such as multi-robot coordination or protein ligand binding. The Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) algorithm is a powerful tool for this case, but often cannot efficiently connect the roadmap in the presence of narrow passages. In this letter, we present a guidance mechanism that encourages the rapid construction of well-connected roadmaps with PRM methods. We leverage a topological skeleton of the workspace to track the algorithm\u27s progress in both covering and connecting distinct neighborhoods, and employ this information to focus computation on the uncovered and unconnected regions. We demonstrate how this guidance improves PRM\u27s efficiency in building a roadmap that can answer multiple queries in both robotics and protein ligand binding applications

    Ample genetic variation but no evidence for genotype specificity in an all-parthenogenetic host-parasitoid interaction

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    Antagonistic coevolution between hosts and parasites can result in negative frequency-dependent selection and may thus be an important mechanism maintaining genetic variation in populations. Negative frequency-dependence emerges readily if interactions between hosts and parasites are genotype-specific such that no host genotype is most resistant to all parasite genotypes, and no parasite genotype is most infective on all hosts. Although there is increasing evidence for genotype specificity in interactions between hosts and pathogens or microparasites, the picture is less clear for insect host–parasitoid interactions. Here, we addressed this question in the black bean aphid (Aphis fabae) and its most important parasitoid Lysiphlebus fabarum. Because both antagonists are capable of parthenogenetic reproduction, this system allows for powerful tests of genotype × genotype interactions. Our test consisted of exposing multiple host clones to different parthenogenetic lines of parasitoids in all combinations, and this experiment was repeated with animals from four different sites. All aphids were free of endosymbiotic bacteria known to increase resistance to parasitoids. We observed ample genetic variation for host resistance and parasitoid infectivity, but there was no significant host clone × parasitoid line interaction, and this result was consistent across the four sites. Thus, there is no evidence for genotype specificity in the interaction between A. fabae and L. fabarum, suggesting that the observed variation is based on rather general mechanisms of defence and attack