716 research outputs found

    Inhibitory Properties of Phenolic Compounds Against Enzymes Linked with Human Diseases

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    Some drugs currently used are inhibitors of enzymes involved in mediating many disease processes. Concerns over the toxicity and side effects of synthetic enzyme inhibitors have led to a search for new safe and effective inhibitors particularly from natural sources. Owing to their wide range of biological effects, plant phenolic compounds are one of the most studied families of natural products. This chapter aims to provide an overview of the potential of phenolic compounds as enzyme inhibitors. Extensive research has been conducted to study the enzyme inhibitory capacity of many phenolic compounds against several enzymes linked with important human conditions. Investigations conducted are mainly focused on the inhibition of angiotensin I-converting enzyme, α-amylase and α-glucosidase, lipase, cholinesterases, proinflammatory enzymes (cyclooxygenases and 5-lipoxygenase) and tyrosinase, which are related with hypertension, type II diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s diseases, inflammation and skin hyperpigmentation, respectively. Overall, among phenolics, flavonoids are probably those with great capacity to inhibit the activity of the enzymes revised. Several studies demonstrated the potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of flavonoids, which highlight the therapeutic potential of these compounds. Although our literature survey showed that a huge number of phenolic compounds have been studied and there are some promising compounds depending on the enzyme, more in vivo tests and subsequent steps to be a drug candidate are required before therapeutic application

    Production of Plant Secondary Metabolites by Using Biotechnological Tools

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    Plants are a remarkable source of high-value secondary metabolites with applications in various domains. Plant cell and tissue culture techniques appear as environmentally friendly alternatives for the production of secondary metabolites when natural supply is limited or chemical synthesis is unviable. In this chapter, the main advantages of using plant cell and tissue culture techniques for the production of plant secondary metabolites are presented as well as the different biotechnological approaches available to improve their production. In addition, the production of anticancer compounds (camptothecin, podophyllotoxin, taxol, vinblastibe, and vincristine) and metabolites from Lamiaceae spp. (phenolics as rosmarinic acid) were selected as examples to be highlighted. The study reviewed shows that undifferentiated cells are the preferred culture system used for the production of high-value secondary metabolites in vitro although there are many examples reporting the production in differentiated tissues particularly in hairy roots. Efforts have been made to scale up the production, and several strategies have been successfully applied to increase the production yields at the laboratorial scale. Nevertheless, there are only few examples of plant secondary metabolites production at commercial level, and further in-depth studies are still required

    Antioxidant activity and inhibitory effect of L. viridis extract on Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation in brain homogenates

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    The brain is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress damaging effects due such events as the high consumption of oxygen, limited concentration of antioxidants and a relatively high degree of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are particularly good substrates for peroxidation reactions [1–3]. Oxidative stress could lead to damage biological target molecules, affecting the cellular function and integrity [4]. The ability of natural antioxidants, mainly phenolic compounds, to protect cells from oxidative stress has been previously demonstrated [5]. In this work, the methanol extract from Lavandula viridis L'Hér. (Lamiaceae), a xerophytic aromatic shrub endemic to the south-west Iberian Peninsula [6], was investigated for its effect on deoxyribose degradation, its reducing properties, Fe2+-chelating ability and total phenol content. The capacity of this extract to prevent Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation in mouse brain (in vitro) was also evaluated. L. viridis extract showed Fe2+ chelating activity, reducing power and the ability to prevent Fe2+/H2O2-induced decomposition of deoxyribose in a dose-dependent manner. This extract also revealed a high phenol content (893.01±17.09µmol gallic acid equivalents/g extract) evaluated by Folin-Ciocalteu method. Moreover, in brain homogenates, the methanol extract of L. viridis caused a high decrease in the MDA production in both the basal and the Fe2+-induced lipid peroxidation. The effective protective properties of L. viridis could be attributed to its higher phenol content, Fe2+ chelating ability, reducing properties and HO· radical scavenging ability. The findings suggest that methanol extract from L. viridis could be a potential source of natural antioxidants

    Sources for the study of ancient thermalism: a new proposal for editing and translation

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    En el presente artículo presentamos un nuevo proyecto interdisciplinar consistente en una colección de textos, en formato digital, que recogerá las fuentes griegas y latinas sobre el fenómeno del termalismo mineromedicinal antiguo. La colección permitirá aunar, por primera vez, distintos tipos de fuentes en una única publicación, así como reunir, analizar y ampliar de forma ágil el trabajo ya existente en la bibliografía sobre el tema desde el punto de vista filológico, histórico, arqueológico y epigráfico. Se dará así acceso directo a las fuentes originales para el estudio del termalismo antiguo con una visión crítica, innovadora y actualizada, algo que la comunidad de investigadores sobre el tema viene reclamando desde hace tiempo. Esta nueva herramienta de trabajo será accesible online para todos los interesados en la materia, con una clara pretensión de continuidad y duración, pero siempre respaldada por criterios científicos y especializados, y en constante revisión.This article presents a new interdisciplinary project for compiling a digital collection of Greek and Latin sources dealing with ancient mineral-medicinal thermalism. For the first time ever, the project bring together different types of historical and textual sources in a single publication, and also gather, analyse and expand on previous bibliographic attempts on this subject from the philological, historical, archaeological, and ephigraphic perspective. The collection will provide direct access to original sources for the study of ancient thermalism including translations into English and Spanish with a critical, innovative, and updated vision, meeting a long-standing demand by the community of researchers in this area. This new tool will be accessible online for everyone interested in this topic, and aims for both continuity and permanence, while always being endorsed by scientific and specialized criteria, and in constant review

    The influence of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the chemical composition and antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory capacities of carob liqueurs obtained with different elaboration techniques

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    Carob liqueur is a traditional Mediterranean alcoholic beverage obtained via a wide range of production techniques contributing to the different organoleptic attributes of the final product. The aim of this research was to evaluate the stability of the chemical composition and biological capacities (antioxidant and enzyme inhibition) under in vitro simulated gastrointestinal digestion of liqueurs prepared by flavouring the fig spirit with carob pulp by maceration, distillation, percolation, or aqueous and hydro-alcoholic infusions. For this purpose, the phenolic and furanic compositions, the total phenolic (TPC) and flavonoid (TFC) contents, antioxidant capacity (AC), and enzyme inhibitory potential against acethylcholinesterase, tyrosinase, α-glucosidase and α-amylase enzymes were evaluated. The content of gallic acid decreased after gastrointestinal digestion, while TPC, TFC, and AC significantly increased after each digestion phase. Overall, no significantly different enzyme inhibitions (p < 0.05) were observed among digested liqueurs, with moderate inhibition against acethylcholinesterase and tyrosinase (enzymes related with neurodegenerative diseases), and potent and low inhibitory capacities for α-glucosidase and α-amylase, respectively (ideal conditions employed in antidiabetic therapy). The study indicates that hydro-alcoholic infusion and maceration were the most appropriate methods to obtain liqueurs with higher values of the aforementioned parameters and safe levels of toxic furanics.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.: SFRH/BPD/103086/2014; DL 57/2016/CP1361/CT0022; project INTERREG-MD.NET: When Brand Meets Peopleinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ursprung und Entwicklung des Altkristallins Ostkretas, Griechenland: Geochronologische und strukturelle Untersuchungen

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    In Ostkreta tritt innerhalb der Phyllit-Quarzit-Serie ein in vier Einheiten untergliederbares präalpidisches Altkristallin auf. Das basale Kalavros-Kristallin (KCC) wurde während der permischen (Monazitalter) Barrow-Metamorphose (Staurolith-Zone) überprägt. Unter amphibolitfaziellen Metamorphosebedingungen bildeten sich liegende Isoklinalfalten sowie eine mylonitische Foliation. Die Verteilung der -c-Achsen von Quarzen belegt non-koaxiale Deformation durch Rhomben- und PrismenGleitung, die sich in einer hochtemperierten Grenzflächenwanderung (GBM) äußerte. Zudem wuchsen vierphasige Granate, in denen die äußerste Zone auf einen nochmaligen Druckanstieg hindeutet. Die Granate wurden wiederum von Muskoviten, die aus einer Deformation mit Top-E- bis Top-NE-Scherung resultierten, überwachsen. Das überlagernde Myrsini-Kristallin (MCC) besteht aus Glimmerschiefern, Gneisen, Quarziten und Marmoren. Die Liefergebiete der Paragesteine (Zirkonaltersspektrum eines Paragneises) weisen Einflüsse der amazonischen- (2,8 Ga), eburnischen- (1,9 Ga), kibaran/sunsasischen- (0,9 - 1,1 Ga) und panafrikanischen- (0,9 - 0,5 Ga) Orogenese auf. Im Mittelkambrium intrudierten Granite in die sedimentären/kristallinen Gesteine (514 ±14 Ma zrn & 507 ±189 Ma mnz). Während des Unterkarbons (Monazitalter) fand eine Barrow-Metamorphose (Staurolith-Zone) mit non-koaxialer Top-N-Scherung statt. Hierbei bildeten sich geschlossene, liegende Falten sowie eine mylonitische Foliation. Die Quarz-c-Achsen belegen non-koaxiale Rhomben- bis PrismenGleitung, die sich in Subkornrotations-Rekristallisation (SGR) und hochtemperierter Korngrenzwanderungs-Rekristallisation (GBM) äußerte. Im Gegensatz zu den Granaten des KCC bildeten sich nur dreiphasige Granate. Während des retrograden variszischen Deformationspfades entstanden Top-NE-Scherzonen. Der bis in die Unterkreide anhaltende Aufstieg der Gesteine wird von Zirkon-Spaltspurenaltern (150 ±14 Ma) dokumentiert. Das hangende Chamezí-Kristallin (CCC) besteht aus Gneisen und Glimmerschiefern. Auch hier intrudierten im Mittelkambrium (S-Typ-)Granite (511 ±16 Ma zrn & 521 ±28 Ma mnz). Relikte einer prävariszischen Orogenese stellen die Granatkerne und Margarite in den Glimmerschiefern dar. Das Alter der Barrow-Metamorphose (Granat-Zone) mit Top-N-Scherung konnte mangels geeigneter Minerale nicht bestimmt werden. Die Verteilung der Quarz-c-Achsen resultiert aus einer non-koaxialen Deformation bei der überwiegend Basis- und RhombenGleitung mit Subkornrotations-Rekristallisation (SGR) auftrat. Es bildete sich eine protomylonitische Foliation sowie liegende offene N-S Falten, die anschließend mehrphasig überprägt wurden. Für einen langsamen Aufstieg der Gesteine sprechen die semiduktilen Top-NE-Scherzonen und jurassischen Zirkon-Spaltspurenalter (158 ±16 Ma). Eine unbekannte Position innerhalb des Altkristallins nimmt das Vaí-Kristallin (VCC) ein. Während der Trias intrudierten hier granitoide Gesteine (223 ±11Ma zrn). Eine spätere amphibolitfazielle Überprägung zeigt Top-NW-Scherung. Der schnelle Aufstieg der Gesteine wird durch jurassische Zirkon-Spaltspurenalter dokumentiert (184 ±11 Ma). Die Kristallingerölle der hangenden skythischen Metakalkkonglomerate können auf Grund der permischen bis triassischen Metamorphose der kretischen Altkristalline, der triassischen Intrusion der Granite des Vaí-Kristallins sowie den jurassischen Zirkon-Spaltspurenaltern nicht aus der unterlagernden Altkristallin-Einheit stammen. Der Kontakt zwischen dem Altkristallin und dem Metakalkkonglomerat ist somit das Ergebnis der alpidischen Orogenese. Auch die Zirkone, Monazite und Rutile wurden von der Niedertemperatur/Hochdruck-Metamorphose der alpidischen Orogenese beeinflusst. Vor allem die Zirkone des Chamezí-Orthogneises zeigen einen Pb- und vermutlich auch einen U-Verlust sowie einen Austausch von radiogenem Pb durch rezentes Pb. Dieser niedergradige Fluidtransport äußerte sich zudem in einem Lösen der Zirkone sowie einer zerstörten Zirkonstruktur. Gleichzeitig fand ein Einbau von Ca2+, Mn2+ und Mg2+ statt, der von den Ca-reichen Fluiden, die auf Grund der Karbonat-reichen Deckenstapel auftraten, forciert wurde. Keinen Einfluss auf den Blei-Verlust der Zirkone zeigt dagegen die amphibolit- bis grünschieferfazielle präalpidische Überprägung. Auf Grund der Altersspektren der Zirkone sowie der tektonischen Transportrichtungen werden die Kristallinkomplexe als Fragmente von Gondwana interpretiert. Im Rahmen der spät-panafrikanischen Metamorphose und Deformation erfolgte der Aufstieg der Plutonite, an die sich eine Riftingphase anschließt, während der sich die Fragmente abspalteten. Im Karbon bis Perm kollidierten unter Top-N-Kinematik das MCC, CCC und KCC mit Gondwana. In der Trias erfolgte letztlich der Aufstieg der Plutonite des VCC und dessen anschließende Überprägung. Die Heraushebung der Gesteine erfolgte im Jura.In eastern Crete the Phyllite-Quarzite unit contains a pre-Alpine basement that can be divided into four complexes. The lowermost complex, the Kalavros crystalline complex (KCC) underwent Permian (monazite ages) Barrovian-type metamorphism (staurolithe zone), associated with recumbent folding and mylonitic shearing. Investigations of quartz-c-axis indicate non-coaxial deformation under amphibolite facies conditions. Principally, rhomb- to prismgliding were associated with high grade grain boundary migration recrystallisation (GBM). The four-stage garnet-zonation is a characteristic feature in the KCC, indicating a further pressure increase at the marginal zone. The garnets were overgrown and replaced by white micas under top-to-the-E to top-to-the-NE kinematic. The KCC is overlain by the Myrsini crystalline complex (MCC) that consists of gneisses, quartzites, micaschists and marbles. The age pattern of zircons (paragneiss) points to source regions of the sedimentary rocks, that were influenced by Amazonian (2.8 Ga), Eburnian (1.9 Ga), Kibarian/Sunsasian (0.9 – 1.1 Ga) and pan-African (0.9 – 0.5 Ga) orogeny. U-Pb dating of zircon and monazite revealed Middle Cambrian (514 ±14 Ma zrn & 507 ±189 Ma mnz) intrusion of granitoids into a basement. In Mississippian times (monazite ages) top-to-the-N shearing was active under Barrovian-type metamorphism (staurolithe zone). Closed recumbent folds as well as a mylonitic foliation developed in gneisses. The distribution of quartz-c-axis results from non-coaxial deformation with rhomb- to prism gliding, together with subgrain rotation recrystallisation (SRG) to grain boundary migration recrystallization (GBM). Garnets of the MCC show a three-phase growth. During retrograde 'Variscan' metamorphism top-to-the-NE shear zones developed. Slow uplift of the MCC is indicated by Jurassic fission track ages of zircon (150 ±14 Ma). The Chamezí crystalline complex (CCC) consists of gneisses and micaschists. U-(Th)-Pb dating of zircon and monazite suggests Middle Cambrian (511 ±16 Ma zrn & 521 ±28 Ma mnz) intrusion of S-type granites into host rocks. Garnet cores and margarite (micaschists) are relicts of a pre-variscan orogeny. Because suitable minerals are lacking the age of Barrovian-type metamorphism is still unknown. The distribution of quartz-c-axis results from non-coaxial deformation based on basal- and rhomb-gliding with subgrain rotation recrystallisation (SGR). A protomylonitic foliation and open recumbent folds developed. The latter were overprinted by several further deformations. The slow uplift is documented by semibrittle shear zones and Jurassic fission track ages of zircons (158 ±16 Ma). An unknown position within the basement takes the Vaí crystalline complex (VCC). In Triassic times granites intruded into a cover sequence (223 ±11 Ma zrn). Top-to-the-NW shearing took place under conditions within the amphibolite facies. Jurassic fission track ages of the zircons (184 ±11 Ma) are indicating a fast uplift. The recent basement cannot be regarded as source of the crystalline pebbles of the hanging Scythian metalimestone conglomerates. This statement is based on (1) the Permian to Triassic metamorphism of the basement itself, (2) the Triassic intrusion of granites in the Vaí crystalline complex, and (3) the Jurassic to Cretaceous cooling as is indicated by the fission track ages of zircon. Therefore the contact between the basement and the metalimestone conglomerate results from Alpine shearing. Zircon, monazite and rutile show significant influence of the Alpine low temperature/ high pressure metamorphism and related fluid flow. Especially the zircons of the Chamezí orthogneiss show lead and probably uranium loss as well as an exchange of radiogenic Pb2+ by commonPb2+. This low grade fluid flow results in leaching of zircon and a destroyed zircon structure. Furthermore Ca2+, Mn2+ and Mg2+ were build-in the zircon structure. This build-in was driven by Ca-rich fluids, which occur because of the carbonate dominated nappe pile. On the other hand, the pre-Alpine overprint under amphibolite to greenschist facies conditions did not support lead loss in zircons. Based on the age spectra of zircon and the direction of tectonic transport, the crystalline complexes are interpreted to be fragments of Gondwana. In late Pan-African times plutons intruded, followed by rifting and separation of several fragments. In Carboniferous to Permian times the collision and accretion of the MCC, CCC and KCC was caused by top-to-the-N shearing. The magmatic intrusion of plutonites into the host rocks of the VCC took place in Triassic times, therefore the pre-Alpine metamorphic overprint is younger. The uplift of the basement occurred in Jurassic times

    A voz feminina nas reportagens televisivas: um estudo comparativo entre os jornais televisivos de Portugal e do Brasil a partir do Lugar de Fala

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    Esta tese é uma análise comparativa sobre a visibilização das vozes das fontes femininas em dois telejornais: o Jornal das 8 (J8/Portugal) e o Jornal Nacional (JN/Brasil), ambos de maior audiência em cada país. O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar de que forma as mulheres, quando fontes, são tratadas no jornalismo situando este trabalho na interface entre jornalismo e gênero. A pergunta da investigação dá conta de responder de quais lugares sociais falam as fontes femininas visibilizadas pelas reportagens, por meio da coleta de dados quantitativos (da distinção entre frequência de tempo e conteúdo destas vozes), analisadas a partir das teorias de gênero e da epistemologia feminista. Os perfis das fontes femininas (a partir de faixa etária, traços fenotípicos, representatividade, profissão e lugar social) são categorizados (Bardin, 2016) nas edições dos telejornais de dias ordinários (dias comuns), de acordo com o conceito de mostra construída (Kayser, 1974) comparados a edições especiais do dia 8 de Março, Dia Internacional de Lutas das Mulheres. A hipótese que fundamenta esta tese confirma que mesmo em datas celebrativas, como o 8 de Março, as mulheres são tratadas pelos programas televisivos jornalísticos como fontes subalternas entrevistadas para reportagens relacionadas à feminilidade e à violência contra as mulheres, além de ser apresentadas de maneira estereotipada, quando simbolizam personagens que conseguem ocupar posições e cargos eminentemente masculinos do mercado de trabalho, tornando-se mulheres-exceção à regra. Os capítulos teóricos contextualizam o conceito de feminino passando pelos diversos feminismos (Beauvoir, 1967, 1980; Gonzalez, 1984; Vergé, 2020; Butler, 2003). Lugar de Fala (Collins, 2000) é reconstruído a partir de teorias para ser apresentado como sinônimo de visibilidade da pessoa que fala e que é ouvida e não como lugar de calamento. Tal conceito foi pesquisado em diversos trabalhos acadêmicos recentes que comprovam a necessidade de ser conceituado, já que foi observado o uso frequente de Lugar de Fala sem referência teórica. Ainda dentro das discussões teóricas, a sociologia do jornalismo (Navarro, Ross & Saitta, 2019), bem como as dinâmicas das redações, são base para a discussão do lugar das fontes (Schmitz, 2011) dentro do jornalismo de televisão, focando nas mulheres entrevistadas. Como resultado da análise comparativa (Wirth & Kolb, 2009), foi possível perceber um padrão nos dois programas: mulheres falam menos que homens quando fontes. Mas também foi encontrada uma discrepância: o J8 dá mais espaço para fontes e a diferença é menor entre homens e mulheres, enquanto o JN dá menos espaço para fontes e a diferença entre homens e mulheres, quando fontes, é bem maior. Outro resultado bastante relevante é que entre as fontes femininas há mais diversidade em termos fenotípicos no JN que no J8, o que fica bastante visível no tópico que apresenta as personas dos dois telejornais a partir de imagens.This thesis is a comparative analysis of the visualization of the voices of female sources in two television news programmes: Jornal das 8 (J8/Portugal) and Jornal Nacional (JN/ Brazil), both having the largest audience in their respective countries. This research aims to understand how women, as sources, are treated in journalism, and this study is, therefore, an interface between journalism and gender studies. The research question can provide answers regarding the social places of the female sources visualized by the reportages, through the gathering of quantitative data (of the distinction between the frequency and content of the voices of female sources), analyzed based on gender theories and feminist epistemology. The profiles of these female sources (according to age group, phenotypical characteristics, representativeness, profession and social place) are categorized (Bardin, 2016) in the editions of television news programmes on ordinary days (common days), according to the concept of a “built sample” (Kayser, 1974) comparing them to the special editions of the 8 March, International Women’s Day. The hypothesis on which this thesis is based confirms that, even on special dates, such as March 8th, women are treated by television news programmes as subordinate sources interviewed for reportages related to femininity and violence against women, besides presenting them in a stereotyped fashion, when they represent characters who have managed to occupy positions and roles predominantly held by men in the job market, becoming women who are exceptions to the rule. The theoretical chapters contextualize the concept of femininity spanning the various feminisms (Beauvoir, 1967, 1980; Gonzalez, 1984; Vergé, 2020; Butler, 2003) with their characteristics and discussions, but not merely with these authors. Feminist Standpoint (Collins, 2000) is reconstructed upon theories in order to be presented as being synonymous with the visibility of the person who speaks and is heard, and not with the standpoint to make other people to shut up. Still on the matter of theoretical discussions, the sociology of journalism (Navarro, Ross & Saitta, 2019), as well as newsroom dynamics, are the basis for the discussion of the sources standpoint (Schmitz, 2011) within television journalism, focusing on the women who are interviewed. As a result of the comparative analysis (Wirth & Kolb, 2009), it was possible to perceive a pattern in the two programmes: women speak less than men as sources. However, a discrepancy was also found: J8 gives more visibility to sources, and the difference between men and women is smaller, while JN gives less visibility to sources, and the difference between men and women, as sources, is much greater. Another rather significant result is that, in terms of phenotype, there is more diversity of female sources in JN than in J8, which becomes very clear in the item that introduces the persona of the two television news programmes using images.Cette thèse est une analyse comparative de la visibilité des voix des sources féminines dans deux journaux télévisés : « Jornal das 8 » (J8/Portugal) et « Jornal Nacional » (JN/Brésil), qui ont la plus forte audience dans leurs pays. La recherche vise à comprendre comment les femmes sont traitées comme sources, dans le journalisme, plaçant ce travail à l'interface entre le journalisme et le genre. La recherche répond, à partir de quels lieux sociaux parlent ces sources rendu visibles par les reportages, à travers la collecte de données quantitatives (la distinction entre fréquence du temps et le contenu des voix des sources), analysées à partir des théories du genre et de l'épistémologie féministe. Leurs profils (l'âge, le traits phénotypiques, la représentativité, la profession et le lieu social) sont catégorisés (Bardin, 2016) dans les émissions des jours ordinaires, selon le concept d’échantillon construit (Kayser, 1974) par rapport aux éditions spéciales du 8 Mars, Journée Internationale de la Femme. L'hypothèse qui soutient cette thèse confirme que même aux dates de célébration, comme le 8 Mars, les femmes sont traitées comme des sources subordonnées, interviewées pour des reportages sur la féminité et la violence contre les femmes. De plus, d'être présentées de manière stéréotypée, elles symbolisent des personnages qui parviennent à occuper des postes et des positions éminemment masculines sur le marché du travail, devenant des femmes-exceptions à la règle. Des chapitres théoriques contextualisent le concept du féminin à travers différents féminismes (Beauvoir 1967, 1980; Gonzalez, 1984 ; Vergé, 2020 ; Butler, 2003). Feminist standpoint (Collins, 2000), titre de cet ouvrage, est reconstruit à partir de théories pour être présenté comme un synonyme de la visibilité de la personne qui parle et est entendue et non comme un lieu de silence. Dans les discussions théoriques, la sociologie du journalisme (Navarro, Ross & Saitta, 2019), ainsi que la dynamique des rédactions, sont à la base d'une discussion sur la place des sources (Schmitz, 2011) au sein du téléjournalisme, en se concentrant sur les femmes interviewées. À la suite de l'analyse comparative (Wirth & Kolb, 2009), il a été possible de remarquer une tendance dans les deux programmes : les femmes parlent moins que les hommes lorsqu'ils sont sources. Mais un écart a également été constaté : le J8 donne plus d'espace pour les sources et la différence est moindre entre les hommes et les femmes, tandis que le JN donne moins d'espace pour les sources et l'écart entre les hommes et les femmes est plus grand. Un autre résultat très pertinent est que parmi les sources féminines, il y a plus de diversité en termes phénotypiques dans JN que dans J8, ce qui est bien visible dans le sujet qui présente les personas des deux téléjournaux à partir d'images.Esta tesis es un análisis comparativo sobre la visibilidad de las voces de las fuentes femeninas en dos noticieros: el Jornal das 8 (J8/Portugal) y el Jornal Nacional (JN/ Brasil), ambos de mayor audiencia en cada país. El objetivo de la investigación es comprender de qué forma las mujeres, cuando fuentes, son tratadas en el periodismo situando este trabajo en la interfaz entre periodismo y género. La pregunta de investigación cuida de responder de qué lugares sociales hablan las fuentes femeninas visibilizadas por los reportajes, por medio de la colecta de datos cuantitativos (de la distinción entre frecuencia de tiempo y contenido de las voces de las fuentes femeninas), analizadas a partir de las teorías de género y de la epistemología feminista. Los perfiles de las fuentes femeninas (a partir de faja etaria, trazos fenotípicos, representatividad, profesión y lugar social) son categorizados (Bardin, 2016) en las ediciones de los noticieros de días ordinarios (días comunes), de acuerdo con el concepto de muestra construida (Kayser, 1974) comparado a ediciones especiales del día 8 de Marzo, Día Internacional de Luchas de las Mujeres. La hipótesis que fundamenta esta tesis confirma que aún en fechas celebrativas, como el 8 de Marzo, las mujeres son tratadas por los programas televisivos periodísticos como fuentes subalternas entrevistadas para reportajes relacionadas a la feminidad y a la violencia contra las mujeres, además de ser presentadas de manera estereotipada, cuando simbolizan personajes que consiguen ocupar posiciones y cargos eminentemente masculinos del mercado de trabajo, volviéndose mujeres-excepción de la regla. Los capítulos teóricos contextualizan el concepto de femenino pasando a través de los diversos feminismos (Beauvoir, 1967, 1980; Gonzalez, 1984; Vergé, 2020; Butler, 2003). El punto de vista feminista (Collins, 2000) es reconstruido a partir de teorías para ser presentado como sinónimo de visibilidad de la persona que habla y que es oída y no como lugar de acallar. Aún dentro de las discusiones teóricas, la sociología del periodismo (Navarro, Ross & Saitta, 2019), así como las dinámicas de las redacciones, son base para la discusión del lugar de las fuentes (Schmitz, 2011) dentro del periodismo de televisión, enfocando en las mujeres entrevistadas. Como resultado del análisis comparativo (Wirth & Kolb, 2009) fue posible percibir un patrón en los dos programas: mujeres hablan menos que hombres cuando fuentes. Pero también fue encontrada una discrepancia: el J8 da más espacio para fuentes y la diferencia es menor entre hombres y mujeres, mientras que el JN da menos espacio para fuentes y la diferencia entre hombres y mujeres, cuando fuentes, es mucho mayor. Otro resultado bastante relevante es que entre las mujeres fuentes hay más diversidad en términos fenotípicos en el JN que en el J8, lo que queda bastante visible en el tópico que presenta a las personas de los dos noticieros a partir de imágenes