99 research outputs found

    Posibilidades didácticas de las redes sociales virtuales para el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de educación media

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    En esta investigación se partió desde la concepción que el desarrollo del pensamiento crítico involucra no solo un proceso cognitivo, sino también ciertas dimensiones desde lo contextual y lo dialógico (Villarini, 2013) donde como afirma Paul & Elder (2005) es en esa capacidad de escuchar perspectivas diferentes a la propia y dialogar con otros donde tiene lugar el proceso de pensar críticamente. El pensamiento crítico se convierte entonces desde la posición de la investigadora en un primer paso para reconocer conexiones de poder. Un poder que puede ser educado como elemento benéfico hacia una realidad social muchas veces asfixiada por información y desconocimiento de otros. Pero ¿cómo se puede relacionar el pensamiento crítico y las redes sociales virtuales? Este es el interrogante principal que se ha interiorizado en el desarrollo de esta tesis y se ha partido desde un concepto utilizado por Freire (2011b) para identificar ese proceso de cambio que puede vivir una sociedad, él lo llamó transición. “transición de una época a otra, exigen por la rapidez y flexibilidad que las caracteriza, la formación y el desarrollo de un espíritu también flexible”. (p.38) Identificando las redes sociales virtuales como un elemento de esta época y que claramente está incidiendo en las relaciones humanas del hombre. Se puede decir entonces que este cambio social es propio de esta etapa de la sociedad lo cual ha permitido modificar nuestra forma de comunicar, para algunos un cambio catastrófico e inhumano para otros emocionante, divertido, práctico y otros simplemente se mantienen al margen. ¿Cuál es la posición de los docentes frente al tránsito que están viviendo los jóvenes con el uso de las redes sociales? ¿Se tiene un espíritu que evoca el conocimiento y apropiación de estas mediaciones? Se asumió en este trabajo doctoral el pensamiento de Freire cuando afirmó que lo importante para este proceso de transición es la integración del hombre más que una adaptación, lo que implica comprender, participar, transformar. “A partir de las relaciones del hombre con la realidad…va dinamizando el mundo. Va dominando la realidad, humanizándola, crea cultura” (p.35) En esta tesis doctoral las redes sociales son vistas como realidades tangibles de esta sociedad que implican un aprendizaje, conocimiento y empoderamiento desde lo pedagógico a través del pensamiento crítico y cómo poder entonces responder desde lo social. La realidad investigada mostró que aún se presentan resistencias, una visión monocromática del uso de las redes sociales por parte de los docentes y un desconocimiento de los jóvenes acerca de su concepto, de lo que representan y de lo que pueden hacer con ellas desde una perspectiva pedagógica, social y cultural. Desde esta perspectiva derivó el interés problematizador de esta investigación, al escuchar de la voz de los diferentes actores opiniones relacionadas con los ambientes de aprendizaje que hacen parte de la dinámica institucional. Algunos maestros consideraban que la institución educativa no cuenta con recursos adecuados para llevar a cabo acciones metodológicas coherentes con los intereses de los estudiantes; otros maestros que no estaban capacitados para configurar ambientes de aprendizajes significativos en el que se incorporaban las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación

    Análisis de los resultados Saber 11 (2020-2021) para fortalecer el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la era poscovid-19 - Lectura crítica

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    This article is the result of research aimed at analyzing, based on different variables, the database of the results of the SABER 11 test (2020-2021) developed by students of the ARMANDO ESTRADA FLOREZ Departmental Institution. The purpose was to strengthen the teaching-learning process in the Post-Covid19 era through the pedagogical use of the results. This institution is in a rural area (Zona Bananera municipality) of the Magdalena department. The research is descriptive in nature, in which variables were identified to facilitate the characterization of the study population and strengthen the teaching-learning process in the institution's students. To obtain the information, the free databases of individual results in the SABER 11 tests (2020-2021), published by the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education (ICFES) through its DataIcfes website and the "Prisma System" tool, were used. For this article, some results of the Critical Reading Test are taken, contrasting the low performance obtained by the institution in relation to national findings during the pandemic, this being one of the areas with the greatest difficulty in the country.Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que analizó los resultados de las pruebas Saber 11 de los estudiantes de la Institución Departamental Armando Estrada Flórez, ubicada en la zona rural del municipio de Zona Bananera, Magdalena, durante los años 2020 y 2021. El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar variables que permitan caracterizar a la población de estudio y mejorar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en la institución. Para ello, se utilizó el banco de datos públicos de los desempeños individuales de Saber 11, publicadas por el Instituto Colombiano para la Evaluación de la Educación (ICFES). En este artículo se presentan los resultados de la prueba de Lectura Crítica, que contrastan los bajos desempeños obtenidos por la institución con los hallazgos a nivel nacional en época de pandemia. La lectura crítica es una de las áreas con mayor dificultad en el país

    In vitro osteogenic and odontogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells seeded on carboxymethyl cellulose-hydroxyapatite hybrid hydrogel

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    Stem cells from human dental pulp have been considered as an alternative source of adult stem cells in tissue engineering because of their potential to differentiate into multiple cell lineages. Recently, polysaccharide based hydrogels have become especially attractive as matrices for the repair and regeneration of a wide variety of tissues and organs. The incorporation of inorganic minerals as hydroxyapatite nanoparticles can modulate the performance of the scaffolds with potential applications in tissue engineering. The aim of this study was to verify the osteogenic and odontogenic differentiation of dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs) cultured on a carboxymethyl cellulose-hydroxyapatite hybrid hydrogel. Human DPSCs were seeded on carboxymethyl cellulose-hydroxyapatite hybrid hydrogel and on carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogel for 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 21 days. Cell viability assay and ultramorphological analysis were carried out to evaluate biocompatibility and cell adhesion. Real Time PCR was carried out to demonstrate the expression of osteogenic and odontogenic markers. Results showed a good adhesion and viability in cells cultured on carboxymethyl cellulose-hydroxyapatite hybrid hydrogel, while a low adhesion and viability was observed in cells cultured on carboxymethyl cellulose hydrogel. Real Time PCR data demonstrated a temporal up-regulation of osteogenic and odontogenic markers in dental pulp stem cells cultured on carboxymethyl cellulose-hydroxyapatite hybrid hydrogel. In conclusion, our in vitro data confirms the ability of DPSCs to differentiate toward osteogenic and odontogenic lineages in presence of a carboxymethyl cellulose-hydroxyapatite hybrid hydrogel. Taken together, our results provide evidence that DPSCs and carboxymethyl cellulose-hydroxyapatite hybrid hydrogel could be considered promising candidates for dental pulp complex and periodontal tissue engineering

    Long-acting injectable risperidone in partially adherent and nonadherent patients with schizophrenia

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    Background: Long-acting injectable antipsychotics may improve medication adherence, thereby improving overall treatment effectiveness. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness, safety, and tolerability of risperidone long-acting injection in schizophrenic patients switched from oral antipsychotic medication. Methods: In a 12-month, multicenter, open-label, noncomparative study, symptomatically stable patients on oral antipsychotic medication with poor treatment adherence during the previous 12 months received intramuscular injections of risperidone long-acting injection (25 mg starting dose) every 2 weeks. The primary endpoint was the change in Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) total score. Results: Of the 60 patients who were screened, 53 received at least one injection (safety population), and 51 provided at least one postbaseline assessment. Mean PANSS total scores improved significantly throughout the study and at endpoint. Significant improvements were also observed in Clinical Global Impression of Severity, Personal and Social Performance, and Drug Attitude Inventory scales. Risperidone long-acting injection was safe and well-tolerated. Severity of movement disorders on the Extrapyramidal Symptom Rating Scale was reduced significantly. The most frequently reported adverse events were insomnia (22.6%), increased prolactin (17.0%), and weight gain (13.2%). Conclusion: Risperidone long-acting injection was associated with significant symptomatic improvements in stable patients with schizophrenia following a switch from previous antipsychotic medications.Janssen-Cilag Farmaceutica Ltda, Brazi

    Influence of a biomimetic gelatin porous scaffold in chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells

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    Recently, tissue engineering has merged with stem cell technology to develop new sources of transplantable material for injury or disease treatment. Eminently interesting, are bone and joint injuries/disorders because of the low self-regenerating capacity of the matrix secreting cells, particularly chondrocytes (1). Gelatin based scaffolds are considered to be a highly suitable 3D material for tissue regeneration, due to high biocompatibility and adaptation to native tissues. In the present study, the chondrogenic and osteogenic potential of a porous gelatin based scaffold (2), alone or in combination with hydroxyapatite crystals, was investigated in human mesenchymal stem cells. Cells were culture up to 4 weeks on the scaffold and on monolayer. MTT assay was performed to evaluate cell viability, light and transmission electron microscopy were carried out to demonstrate cell colonization inside the porous architecture of the biomaterial and scaffold adhesion. The expression of chondrogenic markers such as SOX9, collagen type II, aggregan and versican and osteogenic markers such as Collagen type I, Runx -2, osteopontin and bone matrix protein, were investigated by Real Time PCR. Results showed an high cell viability, adhesion and colonization of the scaffold. Real Time PCR data demonstrated an up-regulation of all the chondrogenic and osteogenic markers analyzed. In conclusion, gelatin porous scaffold provides an improved environment for chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation of stem cells compared to cell monolayer culture system

    Avaliação do consumo alimentar pré e pós competição de Judô

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    Introdução: O judô é uma modalidade esportiva que tem como característica alta intensidade e curta duração. A alimentação balanceada com apropriado aporte calórico e adequada distribuição de nutrientes é indispensável para o bom desempenho esportivo durante os treinos e competições. Estudos indicam que judocas realizam perda rápida de peso antes das lutas através de, entre outros métodos, dietas restritivas. Objetivo: Avaliar o consumo alimentar pré e pós competição de judô. Materiais e métodos: O consumo alimentar de 13 judocas competitivos, de ambos os sexos, foi avaliado através de registro alimentar nas 24 horas que antecedem a pesagem e nas 24 horas que sucedem a luta. Após a coleta, os dados foram inseridos no Programa de Apoio à Nutrição (Nutwin – Unifesp) para cálculo das calorias e macronutrientes. Resultados: No pré-competitivo o valor calórico médio foi 369 kcal, sendo que dois atletas fizeram restrição alimentar e hídrica total. O consumo médio de macronutrientes antes da pesagem foi 0,9, 0,4 e 0,2 g /kg e após a luta 5,1, 1,9 e 1,5 g/ kg, de carboidrato, proteínas e lipídios, respectivamente. Houve grande variação entre os indivíduos. Conclusão: os atletas realizaram restrição alimentar severa de todos os macronutrientes antes da pesagem. Após a luta a maioria teve consumo baixo de carboidratos e aumentado de proteínas e lipídeos. Considerando que os atletas participam de várias competições durante o ano, tais estratégias podem aumentar o risco de deficiências e excessos nutricionais, com consequências no crescimento e desenvolvimento dos adolescentes. ABSTRACT Food consumption evaluation before and after judo competitionIntroduction: Judo is a sport which has as characteristics high intensity and short duration. A well-balanced diet with proper caloric input and appropriate nutrients distribution are mandatory for the good performance during practices and competitions. Studies show that judokas lose weight rapidly before their matches through, amongst other methods, restrictive diets. Objective: Evaluate the dietary consumption before and after judo competition. Materials and methods: The dietary consumption of thirteen competitive judokas, of both genders, was assessed during the twenty four hours prior the weighting and the twenty four hours period that succeeded the match. After the sample collection, the data was inserted in the supporting nutrition program (Nutwin – Unifesp) for the calories and macronutrients calculation. Results: In the pre-competitive period, the average caloric value was 369 kcal, given that two athletes were under complete hydrological and alimentary restriction. The average macronutrient consumption prior the weighting was 0,9, 0,4 and 0,2 g/kg, and after the match was 5,1 1,9 and 1,5 g/kg, related to carbohydrate, protein and lipids, respectively. There has been a high variation between the individuals. Conclusion: The athletes were submitted to a severe alimentary restriction on all the macronutrients prior the weighting. After the match the majority of them had low carbohydrate consumption and an increased protein and lipids consumptions. Given that the athletes take part in a wide range of competitions during the year, those strategies may increase the risk of nutritional deficiency and excesses, with consequences regarding the teenager development and growth

    Lack of concordance between the different exercise test measures used in the risk stratification of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    In pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) patients it is essential to perform a prognostic assessment to optimize the treatment. The aim of this study is to evaluate the risk stratification concordance assessed with different exercise test variables in a cohort of PAH patients. A retrospective analysis was performed using patient data registered in the PAH unit. Only those patients in whom the mean time elapsed between the 6-min walking test (6MWT) and the cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET) was a maximum of 6 months were selected. A total of 140 records from 40 patients were finally analyzed. When it came to assessing the concordance between the two exercise tests in the guidelines (CPET and 6MWT), up to 84.3% of the records did not coincide in terms of the risk stratification. Exclusively considering the CPET parameters, most of the records (75%) failed to include all three variables in the same risk category. When analyzing the VO2 alone, up to 40.7% of the tests yielded different risk classifications depending on whether the parameter was expressed. In conclusion, there is a low concordance between the two proposed exercise tests. These results should be a call for reflection on whether the cut-off points set for the exercise tests proposed for the current risk stratification are adequate to achieve a correct risk stratification or whether they require an appropriate revision