320 research outputs found

    Providing energy efficiency location-based strategies for buildings using linked open data

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.Climate change is a main concern for humanity from the ending of 20th century. To improve and take care of our environment, a set of measures has been developed to monitor, manage, reduce consumption and raise efficiency of buildings, including the integration of renewable energies and the implementation of passive measures like the improvement of the building envelope. Complex methodologies are used in order to achieve these objectives. Using different tools and data translating is needed, and the loss of accuracy from the detailed input information is most of the times unavoidable. Moreover, including these measures in the development of a project have become a try and error process involving building characteristics, location data and energy efficiency measures. The raising of new technologies, capable of dealing with location-based data and semantics to relate and structure information in a machine readable way, may allow us to provide a set of technical measures to improve energy efficiency in an accessible, open, understandable and easy way from a few data about location and building characteristics. This work tries to define a model and its necessary and sufficient set of data. Its application will provide customized strategies acting as pre-feasibility constraints to help buildings achieve their energy efficiency objectives from its very conception. The model intends to be useful for non-expert users who want to know about their energy savings possibilities, and for professionals willing to get a sustainable starting point for their projects

    viscaUJI: campus inteligente como IDE local

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    Ponència presentada a les III Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales (JIIDE 2012), celebrat a Madrid els dies 17, 18 i 19 d'octubre de 2012Con el objetivo de mejorar la monitorización y gestión de los recursos del Campus este proyecto integra la información disponible en un sistema de información que permite el acceso y la gestión de conjuntos de datos y servicios geográficos según el modelo definido para una IDE local. Esto nos permite relacionarnos con la información de nuestro entorno a diferentes escalas y en diferentes disciplinas y nos proporciona herramientas para realizar el análisis de los diferentes sistemas que componen la ciudad inteligente (energía, medio ambiente, movilidad, participación). Para ello se modelan espacios exteri ores e interiores, integrando datos de diferentes fuentes y formatos, y se geo rreferencian y representan de acuerdo con la plantilla CampusBaseMap de ES RI (Enviromental Systems Research Institute). Se contribuye así a su capa topográfica y se dispone de una base cartográfica completa y precisa en información y acorde con el entorno en su representación. La información asociada a cada espacio se integra en el LGIM (Local Government Information Model), lo que nos permite aprovechar las definiciones y relaciones entre los diferentes elementos que componen recintos como campus universitarios, parques de atracciones, polígonos industriales o ciudades. De entre las aplicaciones previstas, actualmente está implementado un cliente de visualización, un servicio de localización basado en un nomenclátor y un servicio de peticio nes, basados en plantillas de ESRI. Además, otras aplicaciones, como la monitorización de consumos energéticos, están en marcha

    Literatura europea, literaturas europeas

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    Para Milan Kundera el hecho de que Europa no haya conseguido pensar su literatura como una unidad histórica supone un fracaso intelectual irreparable. Sin embargo, aunque los intentos de componer esa Historia no han cesado, urge en las circunstancias actuales pensar esa unidad, imaginar una Europa que no dependa de los mercados, de los bancos ni tampoco de la política económica y turística. La diversidad y la voluntad de mantener las diferencias, que identifica a Europa, debería ir acompañada del deseo de establecer unos vínculos, de anclar la “idea de Europa”. El estudio de este vínculo es el eje que proponemos para el séptimo número de Extravío. Revista electrónica de literatura comparada

    DEL FILM AL FILM, Una experimentación con película analógica

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    Este proyecto recoge el resultado de un trabajo realizado durante el curso académico 2014-15. Parte de una experiencia llevada a cabo en la asignatura Medios Audiovisuales II, Procesos fílmicos del curso anterior y desarrollada en éste. Presenta como propuesta final la proyección de 24 diapositivas realizadas sobre soporte fílmico, englobando el tema del proyecto los conceptos de luz, abstracción y tiempo. Hemos estudiado el concepto de la luz y la abstracción como eje principal de nuestro trabajo haciendo especial hincapié en las teorías de vanguardia de la Bauhaus y nos hemos fijado en los artistas que forman parte del cine experimental matérico para desarrollar la parte práctica.Como base de nuestra experimentación hemos elegido un segundo de la pe lícula titulada El Rayo Verde de Éric Rohmer, tomando este segundo con una mirada microscópica para analizar cada fotograma del total de los 24 que componen el segundo del filme escogido. Estos fotogramas se muestran de forma individualizada como diapositivas que hemos representado de forma abstracta. A lo largo del escrito veremos cómo el fenómeno del rayo verde ha sido objeto de arte para artistas del s. XX como Marcel Duchamp y contemporáneos como Tacita Dean.Guallart Sanchis, A. (2015). DEL FILM AL FILM, Una experimentación con película analógica. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/54358.TFG

    Descripción de comunidades de insectos forestales asociadas a Pinus sylvestris en la Península Ibérica

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    Las comunidades de insectos forestales proporcionan servicios ecosistémicos fundamentales para el mantenimiento de los bósques que las acogen ya que tienen un importantísimo papel en el funcionamiento de los ciclos de la materia y energía en dichos ecosistemas. En la actualidad se dispone de herramientas generales para el estudio y seguimiento de estas comunidades, pero se hace necesario optimizar su uso para bosques especialmente sensibles al cambio climático, como los bosques autóctonos de Pinus sylvestris y Pinus nigra

    Selective ablation of glucocorticoid receptor in mouse keratinocytes increases susceptibility to skin tumorigenesis.

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    9 páginas, 5 figuras. En material suplementario 5 figuras.We recently demonstrated that mice lacking the epidermal glucocorticoid (GC) receptor (GR) (GR epidermal knockout (GR(EKO)) mice) have developmental defects and sensitivity to epidermal challenge in adulthood. We examined the susceptibility of GR(EKO) mice to skin chemical carcinogenesis. GR(EKO) mice treated with a low dose of 12-dimethylbenz(a) anthracene (DMBA) followed by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) promotion exhibited earlier papilloma formation with higher incidence and multiplicity relative to control littermates (CO). Augmented proliferation and inflammation and defective differentiation of GR(EKO) keratinocytes contributed to the phenotype, likely through increased AKT and STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3) activities. GR(EKO) tumors exhibited signs of early malignization, including delocalized expression of laminin A, dermal invasion of keratin 5 (K5)-positive cells, K13 expression, and focal loss of E-cadherin. Cultured GR(EKO) keratinocytes were spindle like, with loss of E-cadherin and upregulation of smooth muscle actin (SMA) and Snail, suggesting partial epithelial-mesenchymal transition. A high DMBA dose followed by PMA promotion generated sebaceous adenomas and melanocytic foci in GR(EKO) and CO. Importantly, the number, growth kinetics, and extent of both tumor types increased in GR(EKO) mice, suggesting that in addition to regulating tumorigenesis from epidermal lineages, GR in keratinocytes is important for cross-talk with other skin cells. Altogether, our data reinforce the importance of GR in the pathogenesis of skin cancer.This work was supported by grant SAF2011-28115 of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad from the Spanish government. VL holds a fellowship from the MICINN (BES-2009-021944).Peer reviewe

    Epidermal inactivation of the glucocorticoid receptor triggers skin barrier defects and cutaneous inflammation.

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    9 páginas, 5 figuras. En material suplementario 7 figuras, 2 tablas.The glucocorticoid (GC) receptor (GR) mediates the effects of physiological and pharmacological GC ligands and has a major role in cutaneous pathophysiology. To dissect the epithelial versus mesenchymal contribution of GR in developing and adult skin, we generated mice with keratinocyte-restricted GR inactivation (GR epidermal knockout or GR(EKO) mice). Developing and early postnatal GR(EKO) mice exhibited impaired epidermal barrier formation, abnormal keratinocyte differentiation, hyperproliferation, and stratum corneum (SC) fragility. At birth, GR(EKO) epidermis showed altered levels of epidermal differentiation complex genes, proteases and protease inhibitors which participate in SC maintenance, and innate immunity genes. Many upregulated genes, including S100a8/a9 and Tslp, also have increased expression in inflammatory skin diseases. Infiltration of macrophages and degranulating mast cells were observed in newborn GR(EKO) skin, hallmarks of atopic dermatitis. In addition to increased extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation, GR(EKO) newborn and adult epidermis had increased levels of phosphorylated signal transducer and activator of transcription 3, a feature of psoriasis. Although adult GR(EKO) epidermis had a mild phenotype of increased proliferation, perturbation of skin homeostasis with detergent or phorbol ester triggered an exaggerated proliferative and hyperkeratotic response relative to wild type. Together, our results show that epidermal loss of GR provokes skin barrier defects and cutaneous inflammation.This work was supported by grant SAF2008-00540 and SAF2011-28115 of the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Economía y Competitividad from the Spanish Government and ACOMP2011/127 from Generalitat Valenciana. LMS holds a JAE-DOC contract partly supported by the EC and VL is a recipient of an FPI fellowship of MICINN (BES-2009-021944).Peer reviewe

    Estudio funcional del receptor de glucocorticoides en desarrollo y reparación epitelial

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    El receptor de glucocorticoides (GR) juega un papel crucial en la morfogénesis epidérmica durante el desarrollo embrionario, como se ha demostrado mediante el análisis de modelos de ratones genéticamente modificados con ganancia y pérdida de función de GR. La formación del párpado constituye un modelo útil para estudiar el desarrollo epitelial, ya que requiere de la regulación coordinada de la proliferación de queratinocitos, la apoptosis y la migración. Hemos analizado este proceso biológico en embriones GR-/ - durante la ontogenia. Nuestros datos demuestran que la deficiencia de GR en el cierre de los párpados da como resultado un proceso de cierre anómalo y retrasado, como se ilustra por el aumento de la proliferación de queratinocitos y la apoptosis, junto con una alteración de la diferenciación en las células epiteliales de los párpados GR-/ -. Estos defectos se deben, al menos en parte, a la falta de antagonismo entre la vía de señalización de GR y el factor de crecimiento epidérmico (EGFR), causando la activación sostenida de la vía de MAPK/AP-1 y la regulación al alza de la queratina K6 en la etapa embrionaria E18.5 . Además, se demuestra que GR regula la migración de células epiteliales in vitro al interferir con la señalización mediada por EGFR. En general, el antagonismo GR / EGFR aparece como un importante mecanismo que regula el desarrollo del epitelio ocular. La cicatrización cutánea es un proceso complejo de comienza después de una lesión, orientado a reparar el daño a los tejidos y restaurar la homeostasis de la piel. Hay tres fases en este proceso que requieran una interacción coordinada entre los diversos tipos celulares con una cinética precisa: la inflamación, la re-epitelización y remodelación tisular. Es bien sabido que el tratamiento con glucocorticoides (GC) produce un retraso en la cicatrización de heridas, que es uno de los efectos secundarios adversos más comunes asociados al uso terapéutico GC. Hemos evaluado la contribución específica del receptor GC (GR) en la cicatrización de heridas con ratones que sobre-expresan constitutiva GR WT o una forma mutante de GR defectivo en transactivación (transgénicos K5-GR y K5-GR-TR). Este enfoque nos permite comparar in vivo los mecanismos de acción GR, tanto dependientes de unión a DNA como independientes de unión a DNA. Las heridas K5-GR cicatrizan más lentamente que el WT según la evaluación de la cinética de cierre de la herida en días (d) 4 y 8 después de la lesión, que muestra una reducción del reclutamiento de granulocitos / macrófagos, así como la disminución de expresión de TNF-a e IL-6. Los niveles de mRNA de IL-1 B, KGF y TGF-B1 fueron reprimidos por GR, mientras que TGF-B3 fue reguladas al alza. La tasa de re-epitelización, determinada por la proliferación de queratinocitos y la migración, se redujo en las heridas K5-GR en relación con WT, junto con un deterioro de la formación de tejido de granulación. En contraste, los ratones K5-GR-TR mostraron retraso en la cicatrización en d4, pero re-establecen la herida de la piel en d8 concomitantemente con una represión menores de citoquinas pro-inflamatorias y factores de crecimiento que los ratones K5-GR. Nuestros datos indican que la sobre-expresión de GR específica en queratinocitos de GR o GR-TR es suficiente para retrasar la cicatrización de heridas en las primeras etapas. La regulación diferencial por GR y GR-TR de varias citoquinas y factores de crecimiento con un papel importante en la reparación de heridas puede explicar la distinta cinética de la curación en la dos líneas de trannsgénicos provocado por este receptor hormonal.The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) plays a crucial role in epidermal morphogenesis during embryonic development, as demonstrated by analyzing genetically modified mouse models of GR gain- and loss-of-function. Eyelid formation constitutes a useful model to study epithelial development, as it requires coordinated regulation of keratinocyte proliferation, apoptosis and migration. We have analyzed this biological process in GR-/- embryos during ontogeny. Our data demonstrate that GR deficiency results in delayed and impaired eyelid closure, as illustrated by increased keratinocyte proliferation and apoptosis along with impaired differentiation in GR-/- eyelid epithelial cells. These defects are due, at least in part, to the lack of antagonism between GR and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signaling, causing sustained activation of the MAPK/AP-1 pathway and the upregulation of keratin K6 at embryonic stage E18.5. Additionally, we demonstrate that GR regulates epithelial cell migration in vitro by interfering with EGFR-mediated signaling. Overall, GR/EGFR antagonism appears as a major mechanism regulating ocular epithelial development. Cutaneous wound healing is a complex process starting after an injury aimed to repair the tissue damage and restore skin homeostasis. There are three phases in this process that require a coordinated interaction among diverse cell types with precise kinetics: inflammation, re-epithelization and tissue remodelling. It is well known that glucocorticoid (GC) treatment delays wound healing, which is one of the most common secondary adverse effects associated to GC therapeutic use. We have assessed the specific contribution of the GC receptor (GR) in wound healing using mice with keratinocyte-restricted constitutive expression of the wt or the transactivation-defective mutant form of GR (K5-GR and K5-GR-TR transgenic mice1). This approach allows us to compare the DNA-binding-dependent and –independent mechanisms of GR action in vivo. K5-GR wounds healed slower than WT as assessed by wound closure kinetics at days (d) 4 and 8 after injury, showing reduced granulocyte/macrophage recruitment as well as diminished TNF- and IL-6 expression. The mRNA levels of IL-1, KGF, and TGF-1 were repressed by GR whereas TGF-3 was up-regulated. The re-epithelialization rate, determined by keratinocyte proliferation and migration, was reduced in K5-GR wounds relative to WT, along with impaired formation of the granulation tissue. In contrast, K5-GR-TR mice showed delayed healing at d4 but re-established the skin breach at d8 concomitantly with a minor repression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and growth factors than K5-GR mice. Our data indicate that keratinocyte-targeted overexpression of either GR or GR-TR is sufficient to delay wound healing at early stages. The differential regulation by GR and GR-TR of several cytokines and growth factors with a major role in wound repair may account for distinct kinetics of healing impairment elicited by this hormone receptor

    Ligero como una nube

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    "Ligero como una nube" se trata de un trabajo cuyo objetivo principal es dar una llamada de atención a la tipología de edificación en altura. ¿Se ha alcanzado ya la meta de esta tipología? Para mí no. El trabajo parte de cómo conseguir diseñar un edificio cuya estructura sea más ligera. Para ello se pretende proyectar un edificio de dimensiones similares al Burj Khalifa pero más ligero. Para ello se parte del concepto de nube estudiado por el arquitecto japonés Junya Ishigami. ¿Se pueden extrapolar sus características a una estructura? Sí. Con lo que, en resumen, el trabajo es un recorrido donde se ensaya en la estructura la idea de nube, y las condiciones de contorno en función del viento. Para que la forma escogida sea la más óptima para el edificio

    Som Com Tu Trabajando por las personas con discapacidad física y sensorial

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    Treball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021Som Com Tu is a specialised digital media that was created with the aim of making visible the reality of people with physical and sensorial disabilities. Both groups are still in inequality, according to the VIII Report on Exclusion and Social Development in Spain elaborated by FOESSA. For this reason, many representative organisations continue to demand their rights, but also a greater informative treatment. This digital media responds to this need with quality content, such as interviews with expert sources and reports. In addition, it gives greater relevance to the testimonies of people with physical and sensory disabilities themselves, as they are the protagonists. Other of the most relevant objectives of this media are: to generate equal treatment in the media and social environment, to inform about the support services of the main platforms of representation, to offer a more human and proximity journalism. All this, consolidating itself as a means of communication of reference in the Valencian Community. Som Com Tu has as its target public the people with some kind of physical and sensorial disability, as well as their relatives, who also live this reality on a daily basis. COMPETITION The few digital media that exist specifically for people with disabilities focus on the production of news and the compilation of information from other entities in the sector. However, Som Com Tu presents several differences: - The target audience is limited to two types of disability, so the process of deepening is greater. - It produces journalistic pieces with a greater research process, such as reports. - It seeks to give visibility to little-known organisations in the Valencian Community through the «Help» section. 18 - The section «Vocabulary of equality» is aimed at other media in order to achieve full inclusion in the journalistic treatment of people with disabilities. DESIGN As for the design of the digital media, the predominant colour is yellow, as it conveys more strength and intensity to attract the public's attention. In the case of the logo, we can see a figure leaning forward to generate a sense of mobility and autonomy, according to the design of the company The Accessible Icon Project. The typography of the logo is simple and casual, as the aim is to transmit this closeness to the public. The same goes for the typeface used on the website, which, although more aesthetic, still has a fresh look to maintain the basic features of proximity. STRUCTURE AND WEBSITE The Wix premium combo subscription was used to create the website, as it is easier and faster to use. Among many other actions, it allows dragging and dropping, offers multiple design templates, positions the website in Google's SEO, allows to know the number of visualisations, etc. In this case, the website is structured in five sections: «Acerca de» Contains two sub-sections. «Som Com Tu» which shows the current context of disability in Spain, the objectives of the media, the target audience and the number of people with physical and sensory disabilities in Spain. The subsection «¿Quién soy?» has been used to point out the author's motive for producing this media, in a more personal way. 19 «Infórmate» This section also has two sub-sections. «Vocabulario de la igualdad» is a space where the media can consult the guides on information treatment published by official organizations in the disability sector. «Ayuda» provides information on the main services provided by associations in the sector. This section is specifically aimed at people with disabilities who need support in any social setting. «En profundidad» A section dedicated to publishing reports on the situations and problems of these people in the field of accessibility. All of this, in a specialised way and through previous research work. «Actualidad» It shows current news of own elaboration created from official reports and press releases, combined with information extracted from personal sources. «Protagonistas» This is the most important section in the digital media. It consists of interviews with various people with physical and sensory disabilities, with the aim of allowing them to convey their situation themselves. Expert sources have also been used so that the reality is known in greater depth. «Galerías» Publication of images in two galleries. «Espacios inclusivos», which includes adapted areas in Valencia and Castellón, such as beaches, parks, accessible transport, etc. Then, «Rutas de la accesibilidad» shows some of the routes included in the Accessible Tourism guides published by COCEMFE CV. 20 SOCIAL NETWORKS The chosen networks are Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. First, Instagram has a high visual content, which offers advantages when it comes to attracting the attention of the public. The posts follow a template according to the section they belong to and depending on the format. Apart from posts, the medium has employed other interaction tools, such as self-made polls. Secondly, the idea behind the Twitter posts was not only to publish web content, but also to share other official information through retweets and tags. On the other hand, Twitter and Instagram have published specific content, such as infographics that offer the public more visual information, but always in relation to journalistic pieces published on the website. Finally, the YouTube channel is Som Com Tu and is used to upload videos that are added to the website as a complement to the interviews and reports (audiovisual and podcast). EXPENSES The most important expenses have been travel costs: petrol for the use of personal vehicles and public transport fares. From April to June, the approximate cost in petrol has been 50- 60 € and in public transport 30 €. The cost of the chosen premium plan is 12 euros a month and the purchase of the domain is 20 euros per year. Therefore, the estimated costs since the beginning of the web management have been approximately 70 euros. In addition, the price of the logo was 50 euros, as the drawing has been made by a student of Graphic Design. 21 CONTENTS OF THE PUBLICATION - Reports The television report narrates the experience of people with sensory disabilities with technology; the podcast report offers testimonies of people with physical disabilities to show the accessibility barriers still present, and finally, the written report analyses the current situation of the rural environment as a new ideal place for these groups. - News The aim of the news published is to offer a news item close to the geographical scope of the medium. These pieces report, above all, on new projects and activities developed by organisations representing the sector. In this way, the media can also collaborate in the dissemination of these actions. - Interviews The interviews are mainly composed of testimonies of people with physical disabilities. Visually impaired people have been used, above all, for the television report. However, it was not possible to interview a hearing impaired person due to the communication barrier of masks and the limited availability of sign language interpreters. Likewise, expert sources were used to delve deeper and show the reality in some lesserknown areas: Women with disabilities, sexuality, the use of tiflotechnology and adapted education have been dealt with in this medium. - Sources Most of the personal sources are located in the Valencian Community, thus maintaining greater proximity and identification with the reader. A total of thirty-two personal sources were used, with a predominance of those published in interview format. The sources for the reports vary between four and five. In this case, those belonging to associations function as testimonies and expert sources, thus reinforcing the information and providing data on their experiences. 22 In each news item, a personal source has been used, except in the piece on the Once Foundation, as the founders and the collaborator of the project wanted to participate with this medium. On the other hand, this medium has compiled documentary sources from different guides and reports from organisations related to the world of disability. For example, COCEMFE's Guide to Inclusive Language, studies by the Adecco Foundation, international legislation, etc. EVALUATION This Final Degree Project has allowed me to acquire the necessary knowledge as a journalist and to put into practice all the experience I have accumulated during the four years of my degree. It is true that I did not get as many interviews as I would have liked with more specialised sources. Although my aim was to interview all the types of disability I have focused on and I think I have come pretty close. I would also have liked to do more audiovisual pieces and more reports. Although the main problem has been the lack of time, sometimes because of myself and sometimes because I didn't agree with the timetables of the sources. But, without a doubt, I am satisfied with these months of work. Among many other things, I have learned to know what it feels like to be a journalist and to get to know the diversity of people around us. I believe that this opportunity has been the door to my future, making me a journalist who is close to the people, who vindicates injustices and who is at the service of society