1,691 research outputs found

    EDROOM: a free tool for the UML2 component based design and automatic code generation of tiny embedded real time system

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    International audienceThe use of tiny real time kernels to develop embedded systems is broadly extended. They offer basic services with small overhead footprints in the final product. Usually, these kind of kernels are compliant with the POSIX 1003.13 specification. The use of graphical modelling and automatic code generation tools for developing these kind of small software embedded system if often not considered for several reasons: they are expensive, the learning curve to obtain benefits is often large and finally the generated code usually does not fit well with the platform or exceed the desired size. In this paper we present the adaptation of a free tool, known as EDROOM, to develop this kind of real time software system. EDROOM is inspired on the ROOM modelling language and provides graphical modelling and automatic Embedded C++ code generation. EDROOM is compliant with the new UML2 graphical notation for component based system design and hierarchical behaviour. The new version of EDROOM is a cross development multiplatform generation tool and includes facilities for static control of all resources in order to completely avoid the use of dynamic memory. Our tool has been used in the software development of a small satellite (NANOSAT-01) which is fully functional nowadays. The tool is free distributed in conjunction with a group of code test bench that can be used to validate any port to another architecture

    High spatial resolution and high contrast optical speckle imaging with FASTCAM at the ORM

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    In this paper, we present an original observational approach, which combines, for the first time, traditional speckle imaging with image post-processing to obtain in the optical domain diffraction-limited images with high contrast (1e-5) within 0.5 to 2 arcseconds around a bright star. The post-processing step is based on wavelet filtering an has analogy with edge enhancement and high-pass filtering. Our I-band on-sky results with the 2.5-m Nordic Telescope (NOT) and the lucky imaging instrument FASTCAM show that we are able to detect L-type brown dwarf companions around a solar-type star with a contrast DI~12 at 2" and with no use of any coronographic capability, which greatly simplifies the instrumental and hardware approach. This object has been detected from the ground in J and H bands so far only with AO-assisted 8-10 m class telescopes (Gemini, Keck), although more recently detected with small-class telescopes in the K band. Discussing the advantage and disadvantage of the optical regime for the detection of faint intrinsic fluxes close to bright stars, we develop some perspectives for other fields, including the study of dense cores in globular clusters. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time that high contrast considerations are included in optical speckle imaging approach.Comment: Proceedings of SPIE conference - Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy III (Conference 7735), San Diego 201

    Role of plasma membrane lipid composition on cellular homeostasis: learning from cell line models expressing fatty acid desaturases

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    Experimental evidence has suggested that plasma membrane (PM)-associated signaling and hence cell metabolism and viability depend on lipid composition and organization. The aim of the present work is to develop a cell model to study the endogenous polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) effect on PM properties and analyze its influence on cholesterol (Chol) homeostasis. We have previously shown that by using a cell line over-expressing stearoyl-CoA-desaturase, membrane composition and organization coordinate cellular pathways involved in Chol efflux and cell viability by different mechanisms. Now, we expanded our studies to a cell model over-expressing both Δ5 and Δ6 desaturases, which resulted in a permanently higher PUFA content in PM. Furthermore, this cell line showed increased PM fluidity, Chol storage, and mitochondrial activity. In addition, human apolipoprotein A-I-mediated Chol removal was less efficient in these cells than in the corresponding control. Taken together, our results suggested that the cell functionality is preserved by regulating PM organization and Chol exportation and homeostasis.Fil: Jaureguiberry, María Soledad. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de la Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Tricerri, Maria Alejandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de la Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Susana A.. University Of California At Irvine. Laboratory of Fluorescence Dynamics; Estados UnidosFil: Finarelli, Gabriela Sandra. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de la Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Montanaro, Mauro Aldo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de la Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Prieto, Eduardo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Rimoldi, Omar Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico la Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de la Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Commutative CC^*-algebras of Toeplitz operators on complex projective spaces

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    We prove the existence of commutative CC^*-algebras of Toeplitz operators on every weighted Bergman space over the complex projective space Pn(C)\mathbb{P}^n(\mathbb{C}). The symbols that define our algebras are those that depend only on the radial part of the homogeneous coordinates. The algebras presented have an associated pair of Lagrangian foliations with distinguished geometric properties and are closely related to the geometry of Pn(C)\mathbb{P}^n(\mathbb{C})

    High contrast optical imaging of companions: the case of the brown dwarf binary HD-130948BC

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    High contrast imaging at optical wavelengths is limited by the modest correction of conventional near-IR optimized AO systems.We take advantage of new fast and low-readout-noise detectors to explore the potential of fast imaging coupled to post-processing techniques to detect faint companions to stars at small separations. We have focused on I-band direct imaging of the previously detected brown dwarf binary HD130948BC,attempting to spatially resolve the L2+L2 benchmark system. We used the Lucky-Imaging instrument FastCam at the 2.5-m Nordic Telescope to obtain quasi diffraction-limited images of HD130948 with ~0.1" resolution.In order to improve the detectability of the faint binary in the vicinity of a bright (I=5.19 \pm 0.03) solar-type star,we implemented a post-processing technique based on wavelet transform filtering of the image which allows us to strongly enhance the presence of point-like sources in regions where the primary halo dominates. We detect for the first time the BD binary HD130948BC in the optical band I with a SNR~9 at 2.561"\pm 0.007" (46.5 AU) from HD130948A and confirm in two independent dataset that the object is real,as opposed to time-varying residual speckles.We do not resolve the binary, which can be explained by astrometric results posterior to our observations that predict a separation below the NOT resolution.We reach at this distance a contrast of dI = 11.30 \pm 0.11, and estimate a combined magnitude for this binary to I = 16.49 \pm 0.11 and a I-J colour 3.29 \pm 0.13. At 1", we reach a detectability 10.5 mag fainter than the primary after image post-processing. We obtain on-sky validation of a technique based on speckle imaging and wavelet-transform processing,which improves the high contrast capabilities of speckle imaging.The I-J colour measured for the BD companion is slightly bluer, but still consistent with what typically found for L2 dwarfs(~3.4-3.6).Comment: accepted in A\&

    Strontium hexaferrite platelets: a comprehensive soft X-ray absorption and Mössbauer spectroscopy study

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    Platelets of strontium hexaferrite (SrFe12O19, SFO), up to several micrometers in width, and tens of nanometers thick have been synthesized by a hydrothermal method. They have been studied by a combination of structural and magnetic techniques, with emphasis on Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray absorption based-measurements including spectroscopy and microscopy on the iron-L edges and the oxygen-K edge, allowing us to establish the differences and similarities between our synthesized nanostructures and commercial powders. The Mössbauer spectra reveal a greater contribution of iron tetrahedral sites in platelets in comparison to pure bulk material. For reference, high-resolution absorption and dichroic spectra have also been measured both from the platelets and from pure bulk material. The O-K edge has been reproduced by density functional theory calculations. Out-of-plane domains were observed with 180° domain walls less than 20 nm width, in good agreement with micromagnetic simulationsThis work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Projects MAT2015-64110-C2-1-P, MAT2015-64110-C2-2-P, MAT2015-66888-C3-1-R and by the European Commission through Project H2020 No. 720853 (Amphibian). These experiments were performed at the CIRCE, MISTRAL and BOREAS beamlines of the ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility. G.D.S. acknowledges the European Youth Employement Initiative and the Autonomous Community of Madrid for a one-year fellowship. Slovenian Research Agency is acknowledged for funding the research program Ceramics and complementary materials for advanced engineering and biomedical applications (P2-0087), CEMM, JSI for the use of TE

    Results of the first tests of the Sidra satellite-borne instrument breadboard model

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    In this work, the results of the calibration of the solid-state detectors and electronic channels of the SIDRA satelliteborne energetic charged particle spectrometer-telescope breadboard model are presented. The block schemes and experimental equipment used to conduct the thermal vacuum and electromagnetic compatibility tests of the assemblies and modules of the compact satellite equipment are described. The results of the measured thermal conditions of operation of the signal analog and digital processing critical modules of the SIDRA instrument prototype are discussed. Finally, the levels of conducted interference generated by the instrument model in the primary vehicle-borne power circuits are presented.Представлено результати градуювання твердотiльних детекторiв i електронних каналiв лабораторного макету супутникового спектрометру-телескопу енергiйних заряджених частинок SIDRA. Описуються блок-схеми i експериментальне обладнання для здiйснення тепловакуумних випробувань вузлiв i модулiв компактної супутникової апаратури та для проведення випробувань наукових приладiв на електромагнiтну сумiснiсть. Обговорюються результати вимiряних теплових режимiв роботи критичних вузлiв модулiв аналогової i цифрової обробки сигналiв прототипу приладу SIDRA. Нарештi, представленi рiвнi кондуктивних завад, що створює макет приладу в ланцюгах первинного бортового живлення.Представлены результаты градуировки твердотельных детекторов и электронных каналов лабораторного макета спутникового спектрометра-телескопа знергичных заряженных частиц SIDRA. Описываются блок-схемы и экспериментальное оборудование для проведения тепловакуумных испытаний узлов и модулей компактной спутниковой аппаратуры и для осуществления испытаний научных приборов на электромагнитную совместимость. Обсуждаются результаты измеренных тепловых режимов работы критических узлов модулей аналоговой и цифровой обработок сигналов прототипа прибора SIDRA. Наконец, представлены уровни кондуктивных помех, создаваемых макетом прибора в цепях первичного бортового питания

    An empirical prediction for stellar metallicity distributions in nearby galaxies

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    We combine star-formation histories derived from observations of high redshift galaxies with measurements of the z~0 relation between gas-phase metallicity, stellar mass, and star formation rate to make an explicit and completely empirical connection between near-field and distant galaxy observations. Our approach relies on two basic assumptions: 1) galaxies' average paths through time in stellar mass vs. star formation rate space are represented by a family of smooth functions that are determined by the galaxies' final stellar mass, and 2) galaxies grow and become enriched with heavy elements such that they always evolve along the mass--metallicity--star formation rate relation. By integrating over these paths, we can track the chemical evolution of stars in galaxies in a model independent way, without the need for explicit assumptions about gas inflow, outflow, or star formation efficiency. Using this approach, we present predictions of stellar metallicity (i.e., O/H) distribution functions for present day star-forming galaxies of different stellar masses and the evolution of the alpha-element stellar metallicity-mass relation since z~1. The metallicity distribution functions are fairly well described as Gaussians, truncated at high metallicity, with power-law tails to low metallicity. We find that the stellar metallicity distribution for Milky Way mass galaxies is in reasonable agreement with observations for our Galaxy, and that the predicted stellar mass vs. mean stellar metallicity relation at z=0 agrees quite well with results derived from galaxy surveys. This validates the assumptions that are implicit in our simple approach. Upcoming observations will further test these assumptions and their range of validity, by measuring the mean stellar mass-metallicity relation up to z~1, and by measuring the stellar metallicity distributions over a range of galaxy masses.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. MNRAS, in pres

    Intensive pharmacological immunosuppression allows for repetitive liver gene transfer with recombinant adenovirus in nonhuman primates

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    Repeated administration of gene therapies is hampered by host immunity toward vectors and transgenes. Attempts to circumvent antivector immunity include pharmacological immunosuppression or alternating different vectors and vector serotypes with the same transgene. Our studies show that B-cell depletion with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody and concomitant T-cell inhibition with clinically available drugs permits repeated liver gene transfer to a limited number of nonhuman primates with recombinant adenovirus. Adenoviral vector–mediated transfer of the herpes simplex virus type 1 thymidine kinase (HSV1-tk) reporter gene was visualized in vivo with a semiquantitative transgene-specific positron emission tomography (PET) technique, liver immunohistochemistry, and immunoblot for the reporter transgene in needle biopsies. Neutralizing antibody and T cell–mediated responses toward the viral capsids were sequentially monitored and found to be repressed by the drug combinations tested. Repeated liver transfer of the HSV1-tk reporter gene with the same recombinant adenoviral vector was achieved in macaques undergoing a clinically feasible immunosuppressive treatment that ablated humoral and cellular immune responses. This strategy allows measurable gene retransfer to the liver as late as 15 months following the first adenoviral exposure in a macaque, which has undergone a total of four treatments with the same adenoviral vector