45,754 research outputs found

    The mass of the dark matter particle from theory and observations

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    We combine observed properties of galaxies as the core density and radius with the theoretical linear evolution of density fluctuations computed from first principles since the end of inflation till today. The halo radius r_0 is computed in terms of cosmological parameters. The theoretical density profiles rho(r)/rho(0) have an universal shape as a function of r/r_0 which reproduces the observations. We show that the linear approximation to the Boltzmann-Vlasov equation is valid for very large galaxies and correctly provides universal quantities which are common to all galaxies, as the surface density and density profile. By matching the theoretically computed surface density to its observed value we obtain (i) the decreasing of the phase-space density during the MD era (ii) the mass of the dark matter particle which turns to be between 1 and 2 keV and the decoupling temperature T_d which turns to be above 100 GeV (iii) the core vs. cusp discrimination: keV dark matter particles produce cored density profiles while wimps (m \sim 100 GeV, T_d \sim 5 GeV) produce cusped profiles at scales about 0.003 pc. These results are independent of the particle model and vary very little with the statistics of the dark matter particle. Non-universal galaxy quantities (which need to include non-linear effects as mergers and baryons) are reproduced in the linear approximation up to a factor of order one for the halo radius r_0, galaxy mass M_{gal}, halo central density rho_{0} and velocity dispersion sqrt{{\bar {v^2}}_{halo}} in the limiting case of large galaxies (both r_0 and M_{gal} large). This shows the power of the linear approximation scheme: although it cannot capture the whole content of the structure formation, it correctly provides universal quantities which as well as the main non-universal galaxy properties.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, improved and expanded version to appear in New Astronom

    Unpolarized states and hidden polarization

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    We capitalize on a multipolar expansion of the polarisation density matrix, in which multipoles appear as successive moments of the Stokes variables. When all the multipoles up to a given order KK vanish, we can properly say that the state is KKth-order unpolarized, as it lacks of polarization information to that order. First-order unpolarized states coincide with the corresponding classical ones, whereas unpolarized to any order tally with the quantum notion of fully invariant states. In between these two extreme cases, there is a rich variety of situations that are explored here. The existence of \textit{hidden} polarisation emerges in a natural way in this context.Comment: 7 pages, 3 eps-color figures. Submitted to PRA. Comments welcome

    Assessment of the U and Co magnetic moments in UCoGe by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

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    The ferromagnetic superconductor UCoGe has been investigated by high field X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) at the U-M4,5_{4,5} and Co/Ge-K edges. The analysis of the branching ratio and XMCD at the U-M4,5_{4,5} edges reveals that the U-5ff electrons count is close to 3. The orbital (0.70μB\sim0.70\,\mu_B) and spin (0.30μB\sim-0.30\,\mu_B) moments of U at 2.1K and 17T (H//c) have been determined. Their ratio (2.3\sim-2.3) suggests a significant delocalization of the 5ff electron states. The similar field dependences of the local U/Co and the macroscopic magnetization indicate that the Co moment is induced by the U moment. The XMCD at the Co/Ge-K edges reveal the presence of small Co-4pp and Ge-4pp orbital moments parallel to the macroscopic magnetization. In addition, the Co-3dd moment is estimated to be at most of the order of 0.1μB\mu_B at 17T. Our results rule out the possibility of an unusual polarisability of the U and Co moments as well as their antiparallel coupling. We conclude that the magnetism which mediates the superconductivity in UCoGe is driven by U.Comment: 4 figures + supplementary materia

    Extremal states for photon number and quadratures as gauges for nonclassicality

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    Rotated quadratures carry the phase-dependent information of the electromagnetic field, so they are somehow conjugate to the photon number. We analyze this noncanonical pair, finding an exact uncertatinty relation, as well as a couple of weaker inequalities obtained by relaxing some restrictions of the problem. We also find the intelligent states saturating that relation and complete their characterization by considering extra constraints on the second-order moments of the variables involved. Using these moments, we construct performance measures tailored to diagnose photon-added and Schr\"odinger catlike states, among others.Comment: 6 pages, 4 color figures. Comments welcome

    An X-ray study of the SNR G344.7-0.1 and the central object CXOU J170357.8-414302

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    Aims. We report results of an X-ray study of the supernova remnant (SNR) G344.7-0.1 and the point-like X-ray source located at the geometrical center of the SNR radio structure. Methods. The morphology and spectral properties of the remnant and the central X-ray point-like source were studied using data from the XMM-Newton and Chandra satellites. Archival radio data and infrared Spitzer observations at 8 and 24 μ\mum were used to compare and study its multi-band properties at different wavelengths. Results. The XMM-Newton and Chandra observations reveal that the overall X-ray emission of G344.7-0.1 is extended and correlates very well with regions of bright radio and infrared emission. The X-ray spectrum is dominated by prominent atomic emission lines. These characteristics suggest that the X-ray emission originated in a thin thermal plasma, whose radiation is represented well by a plane-parallel shock plasma model (PSHOCK). Our study favors the scenario in which G344.7-0.1 is a 6 x 10^3 year old SNR expanding in a medium with a high density gradient and is most likely encountering a molecular cloud on the western side. In addition, we report the discovery of a soft point-like X-ray source located at the geometrical center of the radio SNR structure. The object presents some characteristics of the so-called compact central objects (CCO). However, its neutral hydrogen absorption column (N_{H}) is inconsistent with that of the SNR. Coincident with the position of the source, we found infrared and optical objects with typical early-K star characteristics. The X-ray source may be a foreground star or the CCO associated with the SNR. If this latter possibility were confirmed, the point-like source would be the farthest CCO detected so far and the eighth member of the new population of isolated and weakly magnetized neutron stars.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. Higher resolution figures can be seen on A&

    Coulomb displacement energies, energy differenced and neutron skins

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    A Fock space representation of the monopole part of the Coulomb potential is presented. Quantum effects show through a small orbital term in l(l+1)l(l+1). Once it is averaged out, the classical electrostatic energy emerges as an essentially exact expression, which makes it possible to eliminate the Nolen-Schiffer anomaly, and to estimate neutron skins and the evolution of radii along yrast states of mirror nuclei. The energy differences of the latter are quantitatively reproduced by the monopole term and a schematic multipole one.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Revte

    Multiscale approaches to high efficiency photovoltaics

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    While renewable energies are achieving parity around the globe, efforts to reach higher solar cell efficiencies becomes ever more difficult as they approach the limiting efficiency. The so-called third generation concepts attempt to break this limit through a combination of novel physical processes and new materials and concepts in organic and inorganic systems. Some examples of semi-empirical modelling in the field are reviewed, in particular for multispectral solar cells on silicon (french ANR project MULTISOLSI). Their achievements are outlined, and the limits of these approaches shown. This introduces the main topic of this contribution, which is the use of multiscale experimental and theoretical techniques to go beyond the semi-empirical understanding of these systems. This approach has already led to great advances at modelling which have led to modelling software which is widely known. Yet a survey of the topic reveals a fragmentation of efforts across disciplines, firstly, such as organic and inorganic fields, but also between the high efficiency concepts such as hot carrier cells and intermediate band concepts. We show how this obstacle to the resolution of practical research obstacles may be lifted by inter-disciplinary cooperation across length scales, and across experimental and theoretical fields, and finally across materials systems. We present a European COST Action MultiscaleSolar kicking off in early 2015 which brings together experimental and theoretical partners in order to develop multiscale research in organic and inorganic materials. The goal of this defragmentation and interdisciplinary collaboration is to develop understanding across length scales which will enable the full potential of third generation concepts to be evaluated in practise, for societal and industrial applications.Comment: Draft paper accompanying a plenary presentation to the World Renewable Energy Conference WREC 2015, June 2015, Bucharest. In press (IOP

    Controlling the Spin Polarization of the Electron Current in a Semimagnetic Resonant-Tunneling Diode

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    The spin filtering effect of the electron current in a double-barrier resonant-tunneling diode (RTD) consisting of ZnMnSe semimagnetic layers has been studied theoretically. The influence of the distribution of the magnesium ions on the coefficient of the spin polarization of the electron current has been investigated. The dependence of the spin filtering degree of the electron current on the external magnetic field and the bias voltage has been obtained. The effect of the total spin polarization of the electron current has been predicted. This effect is characterized by total suppression of the spin-up component of electron current, that takes place when the Fermi level coincides with the lowest Landau level for spin-up electrons in the RTD semimagnetic emitter