3,232 research outputs found

    Cell migration on material-driven fibronectin microenvironments

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    Cell migration is a fundamental process involved in a wide range of biological phenomena. However, how the underlying mechanisms that control migration are orchestrated is not fully understood. In this work, we explore the migratory characteristics of human fibroblasts using different organisations of fibronectin (FN) triggered by two chemically similar surfaces, poly(ethyl acrylate) (PEA) and poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA); cell migration is mediated via an intermediate layer of fibronectin (FN). FN is organised into nanonetworks upon simple adsorption on PEA whereas a globular conformation is observed on PMA. We studied cell speed over the course of 24 h and the morphology of focal adhesions in terms of area and length. Additionally, we analysed the amount of cell-secreted FN as well as FN remodelling. Velocity of human fibroblasts was found to exhibit a biphasic behaviour on PEA, whereas it remained fairly constant on PMA. FA analysis revealed more mature focal adhesions on PEA over time contrary to smaller FAs found on PMA. Finally, human fibroblasts seemed to remodel adsorbed FN more on PMA than on PEA. Overall, these results indicate that the cell–protein–material interface affects cell migratory behaviour. Analysis of FAs together with FN secretion and remodelling were associated with differences in cell velocity providing insights into the factors that can modulate cell motility

    Effect of pH, temperature ,conductivity and sediment size on thorium activities along Jucar River (Spain)

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    [EN] A study is presented on the distribution of thorium and radium isotopes in sediments, suspended matter and water collected along Jucar river (East of Spain), using low-level alpha-spectrometry. The first aim of this work is to study the thorium and radium activity in water, sediment and suspended matter and their dependence on pH, temperature, conductivity and sediment sizes along Jucar river. The analysis of activity variation with these parameters will provide information about the dynamics of these radionuclides in rivers. The values obtained for the distribution factors between suspended matter and water (K-d) are also discussed.Sanchez, F.; Rodríguez-Álvarez, M. (1999). Effect of pH, temperature ,conductivity and sediment size on thorium activities along Jucar River (Spain). Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. 242(3):671-681. doi:10.1007/BF02347378S6716812423M. J. Rodríguez-Alvarez, F. Sánchez, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 191 (1995) 3.M. J. Rodríguez-Alvarez, F. Sánchez, E. Navarro, Proc. 3rd Intern. Summer School, Huelva Spain,M. García-León andG. Madurga (Eds), World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, p. 549.M. J. Rodríguez-Alvarez, Medidas de Uranio, Torio y Radio en Muestras Ambientales por Espectrometría alfa. Aplicación a un Modelo Unidimensional de Transporte de Radionúclidos en el Río Júcar. PhD Thesis, Universidad de Valencia, Spain, 1998 (in Spanish).M. J. Rodríguez-Alvarez, F. Sánchez, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., to be published.M. J. Rodríguez-Alvarez, F. Sánchez, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 190 (1995) 113.Uranium Disequilibrium Series. Applications to Environmental Problems,M. Ivanovich andR. S. Harmon (Eds), Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992.A. Martinez-Aguirre, M. García-León, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 155 (1991) 97.R. Periañez, A. Martinez-Aguirre, J. Environ. Radiact., 35 (1997) No. 3, 281.P. Beneš, P. Picat, M. Černík, J. M. Quinault, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 159 (1992) 175.P. Beneš, M. Černík, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 159 (1992) 187.N. A. Talvitie, Anal. Chem., 44 (1972) 280.R. García-Tenorio, M. García-León, M. Madurga, C. Piazza, Anal. Física B, 82 (1986) 238.L. Hallstadius, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. Phys. Res. 223 (1984) 266.G. J. Hancock, P. Martin, Appl. Radiation Isotopes, 40 (1989) 63.USEPA, Potential Health and Environmental Hazard of Uranium Mine Wastes, EPA 520/1-83-007, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, 1983.P. Beneš, Physico-chemical Forms and Migration in Continental Waters of Radium from Uranium Mining and Milling, in: Environmental Migration of Long-lived Radionuclides, IAEA, Vienna, 1982, p. 3.F. Šebesta, Environ. Sci. Technol., 15 (1981) 71.P. Beneš, Water Res., 17 (1983) 619.P. Beneš, P. Strejc, J. Radioanal. Nucl. Chem., 99 (1986) 407.T. H. Sibley, C. Myttenaere, Application of Distribution Coefficients to Radiological Assesment Models, Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1986.J. E. Till, H. R. Meyer, Radiological Assessment. A Textbook on Environmental Dose Analysis, NUREG/CR-3332, Washington, D.C., 1983.Sedimentk d and Concentration Factors for Radionuclides in Marine Environment, IAEA Technical Report Series, No. 247, 1985

    Environmental and social consequences of the increase in the demand for superfoods world-wide

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    1.The search for healthy diets has led to a surge in the demand for functional foods or ‘superfoods’, which have now become popular among the middle- and high- income fractions of the society in developed regions of the world. ‘Superfoods’ are predominantly consumed far from their centres of origin and out of their cul- tural context with different environmental and social effects. 2. Here, we present a series of case studies to provide an overview of the different environmental impacts driven by superfood expansion. 3. We show that if these crops are to follow the path of other global commodities, then strong environmental impacts and large carbon footprints are expected in terms of land clearing, use of agrochemicals and transportation during times of high prices (boom) and social problems as farmers have to abandon their liveli- hoods when prices sink below the cost of production (bust). 4. We also showcase how a combination of management practices, consumer choices and policy changes could help in alleviating the ecological footprint of these crops.Both A.M. and M.J.S. are funded through Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science. Research was also supported by the Spanish State Research Agency through María de Maeztu Excellence Unit accreditation (MDM‐2017‐0714) and the Basque Government BERC Programme

    Evaluation of a Local Fault Detection Algorithm for HVDC Systems

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    A great increase in the amount of energy generated from clean and renewable sources integrated in the electric power system is expected worldwide in the coming years. High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) systems are seen as a promising alternative to the traditional Alternating Current (AC) systems for the expansion of the electric power system. However, to achieve this vision, there are some remaining challenges regarding HVDC systems which need to be solved. One of the main challenges is related to fault detection and location in HVDC grids. This paper reviews the main protection algorithms available and presents the evaluation of a local fault detection algorithm for DC faults in a multi-terminal Voltage Source Conversion (VSC) based HVDC grid. The paper analyses the influence of the DC voltage sampling frequency and the cable length in the performance of the algorithm. © 2019, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ).The authors thank the support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (project ENE2016-79145-R AEI/FEDER, UE) and GISEL research group IT1083-16), as well as from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (research group funding PPG17/23)

    Diagnosis for ecological intensification of maize-based smallholder farming systems in the Costa Chica, Mexico

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    Enhanced utilization of ecological processes for food and feed production as part of the notion of ecological intensification starts from location-specific knowledge of production constraints. A diagnostic systems approach which combined social-economic and production ecological methods at farm and field level was developed and applied to diagnose extent and causes of the perceived low productivity of maize-based smallholder systems in two communities of the Costa Chica in South West Mexico. Social-economic and production ecological surveys were applied and complemented with model-based calculations. The results demonstrated that current nutrient management of crops has promoted nutrition imbalances, resulting in K- and, less surprisingly N-limited production conditions, reflected in low yields of the major crops maize and roselle and low resource use efficiencies. Production on moderate to steep slopes was estimated to result in considerable losses of soil and organic matter. Poor crop production, lack of specific animal fodder production systems and strong dependence on animal grazing within communal areas limited recycling of nutrients through manure. In combination with low prices for the roselle cash crop, farmers are caught in a vicious cycle of cash shortage and resource decline. The production ecological findings complemented farmers opinions by providing more insight in background and extent of livelihood constraints. Changing fertilizer subsidies and rethinking animal fodder production as well as use of communal lands requires targeting both formal and informal governance structures. The methodology has broader applicability in smallholder systems in view of its low demand on capital intensive resource

    Surgical treatment of theintersex condition in the dog

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    Intersexuality is a rare congenital condition that leads to the development of an ambiguous urogenital tract. Removal of the reproductive tract is recommended to avoid genital diseases; however there is scant information about the procedure. The objective of this report is to describe the surgical procedure used to treat the canine intersex condition. Surgical corrections were performed on four intersex dogs: three 78 XX SRY-negative (one bilateral ovotestis, two sertolicell-only syndrome) and one 78 XX SRY-positive (sertolicell-only syndrome). Despite the different genetic and histological features, the anatomical characteristics were similar. The patients presented a vulva that lacked of dorsal fold placed ventrocranially to its anatomically normal position, a hypertrophied os clitoris protruding from the vulva and a urinary opening near to its normal position in the bitch..

    El efecto del capital económico, social y humano en el proceso de tránsito que realizan los migrantes guatemaltecos en busca del sueño americano

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    This thesis analyses the process in which Guatemalan migrants transit through Mexico towards the United States, emphasizing the role played by the financial, human and social capital, and taking into account the differences in gender and ethnicity. The specific objectives are i) to examine the social demographic profiles and trends of the migrants; ii) to estimate their numeric dimension; iii) to explore the impact of the policy of migration control applied by the Mexican government; iv) to estimate the effect of the vulnerability and poverty levels with respect to the probability of overcoming the transit stage; v) to know who are more exposed to face risks and under what circumstances; vi) to investigate human rights violations and violence experienced by migrants; vii) to analyze the differences in the possession and use of the financial, human and social capital that depend on gender and ethnicity. A methodological triangulation was performed, using quantitative data from the microdata obtained in the Encuesta sobre Migración en Frontera Guatemala-México (EMIF Sur) and the American Community Survey (ACS), among others; as well as qualitative data from interviewed migrants who passed through Mexico.FdA – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Autophagy, a Highly Regulated Intracellular System Essential to Skeletal Muscle Homeostasis — Role in Disease, Exercise and Altitude Exposure

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    Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved intracellular system that selectively eliminates protein aggregates, damaged organelles, and other cellular debris. It is a self-cleaning process critical for cell homeostasis in conditions of energy stress. Autophagy has been until now relatively overlooked in skeletal muscle, but recent data highlight its vital role in this tissue in response to several stress conditions. The most recognized sensors for autophagy modulation are the adenosine monophosphate (AMP)-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and the mechanistic target of rapamycin (MTOR). AMPK acts as a sensor of cellular energy status by regulating several intracellular systems including glucose and lipid metabolisms and mitochondrial biogenesis. Recently, AMPK has been involved in the control of protein synthesis by decreasing MTOR activity and in the control of protein breakdown programs. Concerning proteolysis, AMPK notably regulates autophagy through FoxO transcription factors and Ulk1 complex. In this chapter, we describe the functioning of the different autophagy pathways (macroautophagy, microautophagy, and chaperone-mediated autophagy) in skeletal muscle and define the role of macroautophagy in response to physical exercise, a stress that is well assumed to be a key strategy to counteract metabolic and muscle diseases. The effects of dietary factors and altitude exposure are also discussed in the context of exercise

    Clinical and surgical assistance in prostate cancer during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implementation of assistance protocols

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    Purpose: Propose an approach of prostate cancer (PCa) patients during COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Methods: We conducted a review of current literature related to surgical and clinical management of patients during COVID-19 crisis paying special attention to oncological ones and especially those suffering from PCa. Based on these publications and current urological guidelines, a manual to manage PCa patients is suggested. Results: Patients suffering from cancer are likely to develop serious complications from COVID-19 disease together with an increased risk of postoperative morbidity and mortality. Therefore, the management of oncological patients should be taken into special consideration and most of the treatments postponed. In case the procedure is not deferrable, it should be adapted to the current situation. While the shortest radiotherapy (RT) regimens should be applied, surgical procedures must undergo the following recommendations proposed by main surgical associations. PCa prognosis is generally favourable and therefore one can safely delay most of the biopsies up to 6 months without interfering with survival outcomes in the vast majority of cases. In the same way, most of the localised PCa patients are suitable for active surveillance (AS) or hormonal therapy until local definitive treatment could be reconsidered. In metastatic as well as castration resistant PCa stages, adding androgen receptor targeted agents (abiraterone, apalutamide, darolutamide or enzalutamide) to androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT) could be considered in high risk patients. On the contrary, chemotherapy, immunotherapy and Radium-223 must be avoided with regard to the consequence of hematologic toxicity and risk of COVID-19 infection because of immunodepression. Conclusions: Most of the biopsies should be delayed while AS is advised in those patients with low risk PCa. ADT allows us to defer definitive local treatment in many cases of intermediate and high risk PCa. In regard to metastatic and castration resistant PCa, combination therapies with abiraterone, apalutamide, darolutamide or enzalutamide could be considered. Chemotherapy, Radium-223 and immunotherapy are discouraged

    Women in Public Relations (1982-2019)

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    Purpose This paper aims to analyse the current literature on women in public relations to establish trends and areas of inquiry in the literature and identify research gaps for future research. Design/methodology/approach A total of 223 articles have been empirically analysed using thematic analysis to identify trends in the existing literature. The data has been coded and analysed per decade (1982–1989, 1990–1999, 2000–2009, 2010–2019). The articles have been identified by searching major journals in the field of public relations and communications, as well as snowballing from identified articles. Findings The results show that the majority of academic articles have been produced by using lived experiences of women working in the public relations industry and thus reflect the professional situation of female public relations employees. The results show that the position of women has reached a full circle in four decades of research and returned to the discriminatory work environment. Finally, the results show that a liberal feminist perspective has an advantage in the literature since the majority of works have been produced in the United States; however, there is an increase in authors calling for the use of socialist and radical feminism. Originality/value The paper provides a comprehensive literature review of works published in the field. The paper takes an empirical approach to the analysis rather than the descriptive one, which helped in identifying major trends in the research and identified a research gap for future inquiries