124 research outputs found

    Distribution of Major Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec Types and Exfoliative Toxin Genes in Staphylococcus pseudintermedius Strains from Dogs with Superficial Pyoderma in Japan

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    Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is a major pathogen of canine pyoderma, known to produce exfoliative toxins that could be involved in formation of cutaneous lesions. To understand the genotypic distribution of S. pseudintermedius, we surveyed 74 dogs with pyoderma in three veterinary hospitals in Japan. Seventy-four S. pseudintermedius strains were isolated, 52 of which (70.3%) were mecA-positive methicillin-resistant S. pseudintermedius (MRSP). Staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) typing of the identified MRSP strains revealed that the most prevalent genotype was type III-like (63.4%) followed by type V (34.6%). These data suggest high prevalence of MRSP strains consisting of two major SCCmec types among canine pyoderma in Japan. We found low prevalence of exfoliative toxin genes (exp) in the MRSP strains: expA and expB were present in 1.9% and 0%, respectively. These findings suggest no association in carriage between mecA and exp genes in S. pseudintermedius from canine pyoderma

    Mini-TCRs: Truncated T cell receptors to generate T cells from induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Allogeneic T cell platforms utilizing induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology exhibit significant promise for the facilitation of adoptive immunotherapies. While mature T cell receptor (TCR) signaling plays a crucial role in generating T cells from iPSCs, the introduction of exogenous mature TCR genes carries a potential risk of causing graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). In this study, we present the development of truncated TCRα and TCRβ chains, termed mini-TCRs, which lack variable domains responsible for recognizing human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-peptide complexes. We successfully induced cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) from iPSCs by employing mini-TCRs. Combinations of TCRα and TCRβ fragments were screened from mini-TCR libraries based on the surface localization of CD3 proteins and their ability to transduce T cell signaling. Consequently, mini-TCR-expressing iPSCs underwent physiological T cell development, progressing from the CD4 and CD8 double-positive stage to the CD8 single-positive stage. The resulting iPSC-derived CTLs exhibited comparable cytokine production and cytotoxicity in comparison to that of full-length TCR-expressing T lymphocytes when chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) were expressed. These findings demonstrate the potential of mini-TCR-carrying iPSCs as a versatile platform for CAR T cell therapy, offering a promising avenue for advancing adoptive immunotherapies

    Twitterで使われる「深い」の意味 : 「強い」「すごい」と比較して

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    Otemae UniversityNational Institute of Technology, Akashi CollegeNational Institute of Technology, Akashi College会議名: 言語資源活用ワークショップ2018, 開催地: 国立国語研究所, 会期: 2018年9月4日-5日, 主催: 国立国語研究所 コーパス開発センター近年、Twitterで「うれしみ」などの感情を表す「み名詞」が多用されており、それらは「深い」や「強い」などの形容詞と共起することが多い。本研究では、Twitterで使われる「感情を表す『み名詞』+が深い」がどのような状況で使われ、どのような意味を表すのかについて分析する。また、類義表現である「感情を表す『み名詞』+が強い」「『み名詞』+がすごい」が表す意味についても分析し、それらの意味の違いを明らかにする。分析の結果、「感情を表す『み名詞』+が深い」は「ある感情の積み重なりにより、その感情の程度が高くなっているさま」と「感情の程度が普通の程度を超えているさま」という二つの意味を表すことを述べた


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    本稿では、中上級学習者のアカデミック・ジャパニーズのための作文学習を支援する作文ガイドブック作成に至る過程を概説し、試作した作文ガイドブックについて報告する。作文学習の際、日本語レベルを超えて共有すべき学習項目を特定し、レベル縦断の内容として各レベルの学習者が必要に応じて参照できれば、より学習効果が上がると考える。そこで、大学の補講日本語コースの中上級作文クラスにおいて、コースシラバス作成、レベルチェック作文分析の結果を踏まえて、作文ガイドブックの作成を行った。複数のレベルで誤用が見られる文体と文脈に関わる文法的な表現の中で学習項目として、文体、引用、接続詞・接続助詞、疑問文、文末表現、「る・た・ている」テンス・アスペクトという6項目を取り上げ、パワーポイント資料を作成した。共有できる学習資源として、作文授業を担当する教師や作文を書く学習者が利用しやすい内容や形式にして公開していくことが重要である。This paper outlines the process leading up to the preparation of a composition guidebook to support intermediate-advanced level learners learning composition for academic Japanese, and reports on the guidebook development. We hypothesize that during the composition learning process, learning will be more effective if learners, regardless of their levels, can refer to a set of essential learning items. Therefore, we prepared a composition guidebook based on the results of course syllabi and level check composition analysis in the intermediate-advanced composition classes of the supplementary Japanese language course of our university. At multiple learner levels, we observed errors related to style and context in grammar expression. Based on the errors, we selected six learning items, namely writing style, quotation, conjunction and conjunctive particles, interrogative sentences, sentence-ending expressions, and tense and aspect. We then created PowerPoint materials. As a learning resource that can be shared, it is important to make it accessible to both the teachers who are in charge of writing composition and to the learners who write compositions, in an easy-to-use content and format


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    Background: Music activities enhance residents’ enjoyment and adaptation to nursinghomes. Community music therapy promotes human relationships and a pleasant livingenvironment. However, there have been few comprehensive studies focusing on theconditions of music provision. The aim of this study was to identify the conditions,problems, and staff recognition of the effects of music provision to improve its use innursing homes through music therapy, music activities, and the concept of communitymusic therapy based on a nationwide cross-sectional survey. Method: An anonymousquestionnaire was mailed to a total of 517 randomly selected nursing homes. Questionscollected data on demographic characteristics; the planners and providers of music;objectives/ways/evaluation of music provision; respondents’ recognition of the effects ofmusic; and conditions of music activity training. We divided the respondents into musictherapy, music activity, and no music groups. Pearson’s chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test,and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used to identify differences in demographics and staffrecognition among the three groups. Among the results with significant differences, theitems of continuous variables were analyzed using the Steel-Dwass test, and the items ofthe chi-square test were further analyzed using residual analysis. Results: We collecteda total of 96 completed questionnaires. Music therapy or music activity was provided by80.2% of nursing homes. Around 50% of the nursing homes that provided music therapyhad a music therapist as a planner and provider. Care workers were most often theplanners and providers. The rate of evaluation of music provision was approximately 10%-30%. The recognition of “increased staff intimacy with residents” was significantly lowerin the no music group among the three groups in residual analysis (p<0.05), and wasapproximately 30% less than in the music activity group. Only 6.3% of the nursing homesprovided music activity training. Conclusions: The findings of the present study suggestedthat while promoting the cultivation of music therapists, education of staff in musicactivities should be developed

    特別養護老人ホームの介護職員を対象とした音楽活動教育プログラムの開発 -音楽療法士と介護職員からの評価-

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    Background: The provision of music in nursing homes is related to the quality oflife of residents. Care workers should provide appropriate music for residents even ifmusic therapist is not available. In addition, music provision assimilating the conceptof community music therapy is important to provide well-being by improving humanrelations. This study was performed to develop a music activity training program for careworkers adopting the concept of community music therapy, based on prior research, suchas learning theory, and to evaluate its reliability, validity, and feasibility.Method: The reliability and validity of the program were investigated using an anonymousquestionnaire by five music therapists for senior adults. Music activity training was givento 17 care workers, and the effects of the program were investigated using the anonymousquestionnaires.Results: In the evaluation by music therapists, all most intraclass correlation coefficientswere ≥ 0.8. Without music experience, the feasibility was consistently considered low. Aftermusic activity training, there was a significant reduction in number of care workers whothought that “the number of people who can provide musical activities is limited,” and thedegree of understanding of the concept of community music therapy increased significantly(p < 0.05).Discussion: The evaluation results of the care workers and music therapists indicated thatthe content of the program was valid and it was deemed feasible. While care workers’knowledge and confidence regarding music activity increased slightly, it will be necessaryto adjust the content of the program and add music activity practices

    The title of this Accepted manuscrpt was "Observation of strong destabilization of stable modes with a half frequency associated with chirping EGAMs in the LHD".

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    Abrupt and strong excitation of a mode has been observed when the frequency of a chirping energetic-particle driven geodesic acoustic mode (EGAM) reaches twice the geodesic acoustic mode (GAM) frequency. The frequency of the secondary mode is the GAM frequency, which is a half-frequency of the primary EGAM. Based on the analysis of spatial structures, the secondary mode is identified as a GAM. The phase relation between the secondary mode and the primary EGAM is locked, and the evolution of the growth rate of the secondary mode indicates nonlinear excitation. The results suggest that the primary mode (EGAM) contributes to nonlinear destabilization of a subcritical mode