119 research outputs found

    Descripción general de los programas de temàtica científica de la radio pública y privada española

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    El pas final de qualsevol investigació científica és la divulgació dels resultats. El present article, part d'una tesi doctoral, estudia la divulgació de la ciència en els programes de les ràdios públiques autonòmiques espanyoles i en les emissores privades de referència. En total, més de 100 emissions de 10 emissores diferents, que representen gairebé 4.200 minuts. S'han cobert variables que van des dels aspectes identificatius bàsics de cadascun d'ells fins a la formació de l'equip humà o les possibilitats de participació dels oients. La investigació ha constatat que la ciència a la ràdio és un contingut fonamentalment vespertí, l'abús de l'entrevista com a gènere periodístic, la pràcticament completa desaparició del reportatge i l'escassa o nul·la participació dels oients.The final step in any scientific research is the dissemination of its results. This article examines the socialization of science in programmes of the publicly-owned Spanish regional radios and in the main private radio stations. There are 100 programs on 10 different stations, for a total broadcasting time of almost 4,200 minutes. The objective has been to make a general description of these programs, covering variables that range from the basic identification of each one to the formation of the team of participating people or the possibilities of participation for listeners. Our findings show, among other things, that science is broadcast on the radio in the afternoon and that there is an excessive use of interviews as a journalistic genre, an almost complete lack of reports, and little or no listener participation.El paso final de cualquier investigación científica es la divulgación de los resultados. El presente artículo, parte de una tesis doctoral, estudia la divulgación de la ciencia en los programas de las radios públicas autonómicas españolas y en las emisoras privadas de referencia. En total, más de 100 emisiones de 10 emisoras diferentes, que suponen más de 4.200 minutos. Se han cubierto variables que van desde los aspectos identificativos básicos de cada uno de ellos hasta la formación del equipo humano o las posibilidades de participación de los oyentes. La investigación ha constatado que la ciencia en la radio es un contenido fundamentalmente vespertino, el abuso de la entrevista como género periodístico, la prácticamente completa desaparición del reportaje y la escasa o nula participación de los oyentes

    La divulgación científica a través de la radio. Estudio comparativo entre diferentes modelos

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    420 p.Este trabajo analiza, a lo largo de varias temporadas, desde la 2011-12 hasta la 2014-15, la comunicación de la ciencia en 25 programas de radio de emisoras públicas y privadas españolas, de ámbitos nacional y autonómico, y las compara con las emisiones de la emisora pública británica Radio 4 - BBC. Se han establecido diferentes modelos de comunicación de la ciencia a partir de los elementos formales constituyentes de cada programa y de los recursos de la comunicación, los géneros, la configuración de equipos o la distribución y estructura aplicados en cada uno de ellos. Empleando métodos de análisis de contenido sobre estos elementos, se deducen y describen aquellos que mejoran la calidad de los programas de ciencia en la radio. Al mismo tiempo, se han identificado nuevas tendencias en la comunicación de la ciencia que ponen en peligro la credibilidad y la continuidad de las informaciones científicas en este medio, mediante cuestionarios y entrevistas en profundidad con teóricos de la comunicación de la ciencia, personal de gabinetes de comunicación, científicos y periodistas científicos en activo

    La divulgación científica a través de la radio. Estudio comparativo entre diferentes modelos

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    420 p.Este trabajo analiza, a lo largo de varias temporadas, desde la 2011-12 hasta la 2014-15, la comunicación de la ciencia en 25 programas de radio de emisoras públicas y privadas españolas, de ámbitos nacional y autonómico, y las compara con las emisiones de la emisora pública británica Radio 4 - BBC. Se han establecido diferentes modelos de comunicación de la ciencia a partir de los elementos formales constituyentes de cada programa y de los recursos de la comunicación, los géneros, la configuración de equipos o la distribución y estructura aplicados en cada uno de ellos. Empleando métodos de análisis de contenido sobre estos elementos, se deducen y describen aquellos que mejoran la calidad de los programas de ciencia en la radio. Al mismo tiempo, se han identificado nuevas tendencias en la comunicación de la ciencia que ponen en peligro la credibilidad y la continuidad de las informaciones científicas en este medio, mediante cuestionarios y entrevistas en profundidad con teóricos de la comunicación de la ciencia, personal de gabinetes de comunicación, científicos y periodistas científicos en activo

    Empirical calendar ageing model for electric vehicles and energy storage systems batteries

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    Transport electrification and energy storage are considered part of the solution to decrease CO2 emissions from the energy and transport sectors. In this context, batteries can be a promising technology, since advances in the last few years have ensured a larger lifetime and better performance. Depending on actual use of the batteries, calendar ageing can be considered as the main origin of degradation in both transport electrification and energy storage since electric vehicles are parked 96 % of the time and battery energy storage stations (BESSs) can remain at a high State of Charge (SoC) for a long time along their lifetime. Therefore, a lifetime model or a degradation model of batteries is necessary to optimally develop an application of these in every sector. In this sense, this paper presents a calendar ageing model of a nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC) battery, which is used in commercialised electric vehicles. The degradation model presented here is based on the Hermite Cubic Interpolation Polynomial (PCHIP) over an experimental results data set in combination with a power law for modeling the influence of the storing time. In this context, four fitting equations have been compared in search of the most appropriate time depending rate, and the accuracy of the most commonly used model was improved. The storing temperature and SoC have been found to be the most harmful factors in the degradation of these batteries by calendar ageing. The degradation model developed yields of an average root-mean-square error (RMSE) of 0.8 % in capacity fade (CF), while in power fade (PF), the average RMSE has been 2.3 %.The authors thank the Basque Government (project PIBA_2019_1_0098, KK-2022/00100 and GISEL research group IT1522-22) and the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (project COLAB19 and PES16/31) for their support

    Azken hiru hamarkadetan Euskal Herriko kostaldean klima-aldaketak komunitate bentonikoetan (flora eta fauna) izan duen eragina

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    Errezela eratzen duten makroalgek, oro har, beherakada bortitza izan dute, eta horrek ekosistemako prozesuetan izango dituen eraginak ez dira oraindik ondo ezagutzen. Ikerketa honek Bizkaiko Golkoko hegoaldean 20 urte inguruko aldian substratu gogorreko ekosistema bentonikoak aztertu ditu, non Gelidium corneum makrofitoak beherakada nabarmena izan duen. Errezelak atzera egitearen edo aldaketaren tasa ikertu da, bai eta errezel-menpeko diren organismoen (algak eta ornogabeak) egitura taxonomiko eta funtzionalean ondorioak ere. Gure emaitzek erakutsi dute 2008an aldaketa garrantzitsuak zakarki gertatu zirela eta ondoren ez dela berreskuratze-seinalerik izan. Galera esanguratsuenak makroalga konplexu eta iraunkorrak diren formetan gertatu dira eta, aldiz, epifitoak diren eta ez diren suspentsiboroetan ere, alga sinple soropilduak ugaritu dira. Aldi berean, espezieen aberastasunak, algen dentsitateak eta flora eta faunaren ekitatibitateak gora egin dute. Ikerketaren 1. aldian (1998-2007), alga eta fauna espezie elkartuen talde koherenteak batera aldatzen dutela ikusten da. Hala ere, 2008tik aurrerantz finkatutako komunitate berrian algen eta ornogabeen arteko elkarte espezifikoak falta dira. Gure emaitzek flora eta fauna espezieen arteko ereduak daudela adierazten dute. Patroi hauek ekosistema bentonikoaren funtsezko espezie eta ezaugarri funtzionalen galeren ondorioak hobeto ulertzen lagunduko dute.; Canopy-forming macroalgae are globally facing drastic declines and the consequences for ecosystem processes remain still little known. The present investigation analyses in a 20 years period the retreat of shallow subtidal rocky benthos communities in the southern Bay of Biscay, where the macrophyte Gelidium corneum has suffered a notable decrease. The rate of change of canopy retreat was investigated as well as the effects of the decline on the taxonomic and functional structure of canopy-dependent organisms (algae and invertebrates). Our results show that major changes occurred abruptly in 2008, and no signs of recovery have been recorded afterwards. Major losses arose in complex perennial macroalgal forms together with epiphytic and no epiphytic suspensivores while simple turf-forming algae proliferated. At the same time, species richness, algal density and both flora and fauna evenness increased. There exist groups of coherent species of flora and fauna that covary during the first part of the studied period. However, from 2008 onwards the new established community lacked algal-invertebrate specific associations. Our results highlight patterns between flora and fauna species help to better understand the consequences of the loss of key species and functional traits for the benthic ecosystem

    Point-of-care manufacturing: a single university hospital's initial experience

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    The integration of 3D printing technology in hospitals is evolving toward production models such as point-of-care manufacturing. This study aims to present the results of the integration of 3D printing technology in a manufacturing university hospital.Analysis and interpretation of the data supported by Project PI18/01625 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and European Regional Development Fund (“Una manera de hacer Europa”)

    Burden and challenges of heart failure in patients with chronic kidney disease. A call to action

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    Patients with the dual burden of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and chronic congestive heart failure (HF) experience unacceptably high rates of symptom load, hospitalization, and mortality. Currently, concerted efforts to identify, prevent and treat HF in CKD patients are lacking at the institutional level, with emphasis still being placed on individual specialty views on this topic. The authors of this review paper endorse the need for a dedicated cardiorenal interdisciplinary team that includes nephrologists and renal nurses and jointly manages appropriate clinical interventions across the inpatient and outpatient settings. There is a critical need for guidelines and best clinical practice models from major cardiology and nephrology professional societies, as well as for research funding in both specialties to focus on the needs of future therapies for HF in CKD patients. The implementation of crossspecialty educational programs across all levels in cardiology and nephrology will help train future specialists and nurses who have the ability to diagnose, treat, and prevent HF in CKD patients in a precise, clinically effective, and cost-favorable manner.Los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) que desarrollan insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) congestiva crónica presentan cifras inaceptablemente altas de síntomas, hospitalización y mortalidad. Actualmente, se echan en falta iniciativas institucionales dirigidas a identificar, prevenir y tratar la IC en los pacientes con ERC de manera multidisciplinar, prevaleciendo las actuaciones de las especialidades individuales. Los autores de este artículo de revisión respaldan la necesidad de crear equipos multidisciplinares cardiorrenales, en los que participen nefrólogos y enfermeras renales, que gestionen colaborativamente las intervenciones clínicas apropiadas en los entornos de pacientes con ERC e IC hospitalizados y ambulatorios. Es necesario y urgente que se elaboren guías y modelos de práctica clínica sobre la ERC con IC por parte de las sociedades profesionales de cardiología y nefrología, así como financiación para la investigación concertada entre ambas especialidades sobre la necesidad de futuros tratamientos para la IC en pacientes con ERC. La implementación de programas educativos cardiorrenales a todos los niveles en cardiología y nefrología ayudará a formar a los futuros especialistas y enfermeras para que tengan la capacidad de diagnosticar, tratar y prevenir la IC en pacientes con ERC de manera precisa, clínicamente efectiva y económicamente favorabl

    Stroma-Mediated Resistance to S63845 and Venetoclax through MCL-1 and BCL-2 Expression Changes Induced by miR-193b-3p and miR-21-5p Dysregulation in Multiple Myeloma.

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    BH3-mimetics targeting anti-apoptotic proteins such as MCL-1 (S63845) or BCL-2 (venetoclax) are currently being evaluated as effective therapies for the treatment of multiple myeloma (MM). Interleukin 6, produced by mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), has been shown to modify the expression of anti-apoptotic proteins and their interaction with the pro-apoptotic BIM protein in MM cells. In this study, we assess the efficacy of S63845 and venetoclax in MM cells in direct co-culture with MSCs derived from MM patients (pMSCs) to identify additional mechanisms involved in the stroma-induced resistance to these agents. MicroRNAs miR-193b-3p and miR-21-5p emerged among the top deregulated miRNAs in myeloma cells when directly co-cultured with pMSCs, and we show their contribution to changes in MCL-1 and BCL-2 protein expression and in the activity of S63845 and venetoclax. Additionally, direct contact with pMSCs under S63845 and/or venetoclax treatment modifies myeloma cell dependence on different BCL-2 family anti-apoptotic proteins in relation to BIM, making myeloma cells more dependent on the non-targeted anti-apoptotic protein or BCL-XL. Finally, we show a potent effect of the combination of S63845 and venetoclax even in the presence of pMSCs, which supports this combinatorial approach for the treatment of MM

    Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension in Corrected Valvular Heart Disease: Hemodynamic Insights and Long-Term Survival.

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    Background The determinants and consequences of pulmonary hypertension after successfully corrected valvular heart disease remain poorly understood. We aim to clarify the hemodynamic bases and risk factors for mortality in patients with this condition. Methods and Results We analyzed long-term follow-up data of 222 patients with pulmonary hypertension and valvular heart disease successfully corrected at least 1 year before enrollment who had undergone comprehensive hemodynamic and imaging characterization as per the SIOVAC (Sildenafil for Improving Outcomes After Valvular Correction) clinical trial. Median (interquartile range) mean pulmonary pressure was 37 mm Hg (32-44 mm Hg) and pulmonary artery wedge pressure was 23 mm Hg (18-26 mm Hg). Most patients were classified either as having combined precapillary and postcapillary or isolated postcapillary pulmonary hypertension. After a median follow-up of 4.5 years, 91 deaths accounted for 4.21 higher-than-expected mortality in the age-matched population. Risk factors for mortality were male sex, older age, diabetes mellitus, World Health Organization functional class III and higher pulmonary vascular resistance-either measured by catheterization or approximated from ultrasound data. Higher pulmonary vascular resistance was related to diabetes mellitus and smaller residual aortic and mitral valve areas. In turn, the latter correlated with prosthetic nominal size. Six-month changes in the composite clinical score and in the 6-minute walk test distance were related to survival. Conclusions Persistent valvular heart disease-pulmonary hypertension is an ominous disease that is almost universally associated with elevated pulmonary artery wedge pressure. Pulmonary vascular resistance is a major determinant of mortality in this condition and is related to diabetes mellitus and the residual effective area of the corrected valve. These findings have important implications for individualizing valve correction procedures. Registration URL: https://www.clinicaltrials.gov; Unique identifier: NCT00862043.This study was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain, the European Union–European Regional Development Fund (EC07/90772 and PI19/00649), and the Consorcio de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares (CIBERCV).S