584 research outputs found

    Latest Insights on Adenovirus Structure and Assembly

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    Adenovirus (AdV) capsid organization is considerably complex, not only because of its large size (~950 Å) and triangulation number (pseudo T = 25), but also because it contains four types of minor proteins in specialized locations modulating the quasi-equivalent icosahedral interactions. Up until 2009, only its major components (hexon, penton, and fiber) had separately been described in atomic detail. Their relationships within the virion, and the location of minor coat proteins, were inferred from combining the known crystal structures with increasingly more detailed cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) maps. There was no structural information on assembly intermediates. Later on that year, two reports described the structural differences between the mature and immature adenoviral particle, starting to shed light on the different stages of viral assembly, and giving further insights into the roles of core and minor coat proteins during morphogenesis [1,2]. Finally, in 2010, two papers describing the atomic resolution structure of the complete virion appeared [3,4]. These reports represent a veritable tour de force for two structural biology techniques: X-ray crystallography and cryoEM, as this is the largest macromolecular complex solved at high resolution by either of them. In particular, the cryoEM analysis provided an unprecedented clear picture of the complex protein networks shaping the icosahedral shell. Here I review these latest developments in the field of AdV structural studies

    The commensurability analysis en a person-environment fit measure: an empirical study

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    El principal problema metodológico que plantea cualquier investigación basada en un modelo de ajuste persona-ambiente (o ajuste P-A) reside en la medida del constructo del ajuste P-A, que impone una serie de condicionantes que raramente se demuestran empíricamente. Uno de los más discutidos consiste en la obtención de medidas conmensurables para sus componentes (P y A). En este artículo se revisa el concepto de conmensurabilidad y los métodos empleados para su estudio y se presenta una medida de ajuste P-A de tipo organizacional basada en ‘la teoría del ajuste laboral’ de Dawis y Lofquist (1984). Un estudio empírico examina la conmensurabilidad de sus componentes en una muestra de 591 sujetos de diferentes organizaciones españolas mediante análisis factoriales tanto de tipo exploratorio como confirmatorio. Los resultados dan un cierto apoyo a la similaridad en la medida de P y A, pero cuando ésta se estudia a partir de criterios de invarianza factorial, el apoyo solo es moderado. El artículo discute que aunque se haya concedido tanta importancia al condicionante de la conmensurabilidad, constituye un concepto que no está suficientemente claro ni estudiado y que precisa procedimientos más formales para su evaluaciónAn empirical study. The main methodological concern of any research based on a person-environment (P-E) fit approach is on the operationalization of the fit, which imposes some requirements that are rarely empirically demonstrated. One of the most discussed is the assessment of the P and E components along commensurate dimensions. This article reviews what we know about the commensurability concept and the ways in which it has been examined and presents an organizational P-E fit measure based on ‘the theory of work adjustment’ by Dawis and Lofquist (1984). One empirical study examines the commensurability on the P and E measures in a sample of 591 subjects from different Spanish organizations. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses supported that the P and E components are measured along commensurate dimensions but measurement invariance criteria only gave moderately support to this similarity. Even if the commensurability has been considered as a matter of concern, it is discussed that this concept remains unclear and needs a more rigorous evaluation approac

    Aplicación de la metodología de superficies de respuesta en el estudio del ajuste persona-organización

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    This article summarizes the main characteristics of Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and their connections with linear regression analysis. It also presents an example of the application of RSM to the study of person-organization (P-O) fit with real data from 591 subjects. First and second-order polynomial equations were estimated to describe the relationship between a measure of intent to leave and two person and organization commensurate measures. Results show the advantages of using RSM to avoid the traditional methodological problems in the study of P-O fit and to provide an appropriate interpretation of the three-dimensional relationship between O, P and a work outcomeEste artículo resume las principales características de la Metodología de Superficies de Respuesta (MSR) y sus conexiones con el análisis de regresión lineal. Asimismo, presenta un ejemplo de la aplicación de la MSR en el estudio del ajuste persona-organización (P-O) con datos reales de una muestra de 591 sujetos. Se estimaron las ecuaciones polinomiales de primer y segundo orden para describir la relación entre una medida de intención de abandono y dos medidas conmensurables de la persona y la organización. Los resultados muestran las ventajas del uso de la MSR para evitar los tradicionales problemas metodológicos en el estudio del ajuste P-O y proporcionar una interpretación adecuada de la relación tridimensional entre O, P y un resultado del trabaj

    Seeing and touching adenovirus: Complementary approaches for understanding assembly and disassembly of a complex virion

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    Understanding adenovirus assembly and disassembly poses many challenges due to the virion complexity. A distinctive feature of adenoviruses is the large amount of virus-encoded proteins packed together with the dsDNA genome. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) structures are broadening our understanding of capsid variability along evolution, but little is known about the organization of the non-icosahedral nucleoproteic core and its influence in adenovirus function. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) probes the biomechanics of virus particles, while simultaneously inducing and monitoring their disassembly in real time. Synergistic combination of AFM with EM shows that core proteins play unexpected key roles in maturation and entry, and uncoating dynamics are finely tuned to ensure genome release at the appropriate time and place for successful infectio

    Dismenorrea primarioaren inpaktua bizi-kalitatean eta erizaintzaren esku-hartzeak

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    48 p.: il.-- Bibliogr.: p. 26-27Marku eta justifikazioa: Dismenorrea primarioa (PD) hilerokoaren aurreko egunetan edo hilerokoan zehar ematen den eta ageriko arazorik ez duen umetokiko min bezala definitzen da. PDa gaixotasun ginekologiko ohikoena da menstruatzen duten emakumeen artean. Historikoki, hilekoa zikin, lizun, toxiko eta gaiztotzat jo izan da eta oraindik ere gai tabua da, mitoz eta sinesmenez blai jarraitzen duena. Azken urte hauetan, feminismoaren gorakada izan dela medio, emakume askok hilekoaren alterazioen, hilekoa bizitzeko modu berrien eta hilekoaren osasunaren garrantzia aldarrikatzen hasi dira. Hala eta guztiz ere, emakumeen ehuneko handi batek ez du osasun-arretarik bilatzen PDarekin erlazionatutako zeinu eta sintomak (z/s) dituztenean eta, orokorrean, automedikazioara jotzen dute. Helburu orokorra: Dismenorrea primarioak bizi-kalitatean duen eragina eta horrekin lotutako erizaintzako interbentzioak aztertzea. Metodologia: Literatura zientifikoaren berrikusketa kritikoa gauzatu da Medline, Cochrane, PsycInfo, Embase, Cuide eta Cinahl datu-baseetan zein Enfermería Clínica, American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology eta BMC aldizkarietan bilaketak eginez. Azkenean, Gradu Amaierako lan honetan 2011 urtetik aurrera, ingelesez zein gazteleraz argitaratutako 15 artikulu erabili dira: 7 ikerketa kuantitatibo transbertsalak, ikerketa kualitatibo bat, 5 entsegu kliniko eta 2 errebisio bibliografikoak. Erantzunak eta eztabaida: Emaitzak bi kategorietan banatu ziren; alde batetik PDak bizi- kalitatean dituen eraginak eta bestetik PDarekin erlazionatutako erizaintzako interbentzioak. PDak eragin biopsikosoziala dauka patologia hau pairatzen duten emakumeengan. Erizaintzako interbentzioei dagokionez bost dira aztertutakoak: osasunerako hezkuntza eta kirola izan dira onurarik handiena erakutsi duten esku-hartzeak; bestalde, nutrizio-ohiturek, bero-terapiak eta akupresioak onbide moderatuagoa erakutsi dute. Ondorioak eta limitazioak: Literaturaren berrikusketa honetan berretsi egin da, erizaintzaren garrantzia PDaren detekzioan, balorazioan eta tratamenduan, baita gizarte-mailan pairatzen duten pazienteengan dituen ondorio negatiboak ikusarazteko beharra ere. Terapia ez- farmakologikoen onurei buruz ikertzen jarraitu beharra dago, ez baitago horren inguruko ebidentzia sendorik egun

    La habilidad motriz del salto en el 2º ciclo de Educación Primaria en Educación Física

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    El salto es una habilidad motriz que se puede llevar a cabo en el segundo ciclo de Primaria porque al realizarlos se consigue desarrollar la coordinación, el equilibrio y la fuerza, además de otros factores debido a que lo podemos considerar un movimiento global. También nos sirve para enseñar nuevos patrones de movimiento y crear nuevos enlaces y combinaciones que les serán muy útiles para aprender nuevas formas de moverse y conocerse a ellos mismos y relacionarse con los demás.Grado en Educación Primari

    What kind of video gamer are you?

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    Producción CientíficaPurpose.- This paper attempts to understand the extent to which the effect of motivations on purchase intention varies for diverse segments of video gamers (depending on their personality). Design/Methodology.- Information was collected from 511 Spanish video game consumers. Structural equation modeling, clustering, and multi-group analysis were then conducted to compare results between segments of gamers. Findings.- Results show that hedonic, social and mainly addiction motivations lead to purchase intention of game-related products. Moreover, we identify a typology of gamer that gives rise to differences in motivations-purchase intention links: (1) Analysts include individuals who are essentially conscientious, prefer inventive or cognitive and simulation games and whose behavior is more influenced by hedonic and social motivations to play; (2) Socializers comprise individuals who are mainly extrovert and emotionally stable gamers and who prefer sports and strategy games. The motivations to play that affect their purchase intentions are mainly social; and (3) Sentinels include individuals that are unmindful and introvert, prefer inventive, cognitive, sports and simulation games, and whose social motivations drive their purchase intentions. Originality.- There are 2,200 million video gamers around the world, although it is assumed that this vast market is not homogeneous, which has implications for consumer motivations and purchase intention. However, the currently available classifications that address this challenge are rather limited. In this sense, the present paper provides valuable insights into understanding how personality offers a useful variable to segment consumers in the video game industry and how it moderates the effect of motivations on purchase behavior.Ministerio de Economía y Competetitividad (proyecto ECO2017-82107-R)Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA112P17

    Estimación de la rentabilidad y el riesgo de plantaciones de híbridos de álamo para la producción de bioenergía

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    80 p.Chile es el país sudamericano que más rápidamente está aumentando sus emisiones per cápita de Gases de Efecto Invernadero (GEI) que contribuyen a provocar el cambio climático global. Esto se ha dado por el crecimiento en la demanda de energía, la dependencia energética y la expansión del sistema eléctrico, entre otros. Es por ello que en los últimos años se han desarrollado nuevas tecnologías que permiten la diversificación de la matriz energética, a través de la sustitución de energías derivadas de combustibles fósiles por el uso de energías renovables. La producción de biomasa y su conversión en energía (dendroenergía) ha sido considerada una opción de interés.El Centro Tecnológico del Álamo (CTA) de la Universidad de Talca, en el año 2008 se adjudicó el proyecto de investigación y desarrollo: “Modelo silvícola para la obtención de dendroenergía en la zona central de Chile usando híbridos de álamo”, es de este proyecto que nace el presente estudio de estimar la rentabilidad y el riesgo de las plantaciones de híbridos de álamo para la producción dendoenergética , con el objetivo de que a futuro, se puedan desarrollar negocios energéticos basados en el cultivo intensivo de híbridos del género Populus.Se realizó un análisis de simulación, mediante la utilización del software @Risk 6.1, al cual se le asignó una distribución de probabilidad a tres variables que se consideraron críticas para el proyecto, estas fueron: precio internacional del petróleo, precio final de la biomasa puesta en planta y rendimiento de la plantación medido como el Incremento Medio Anual (IMA). Con estas variables se procedió a realizar una simulación de 10.000 iteraciones, donde se obtuvieron pronósticos del Valor Actual Neto (VAN) y la Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR), con lo cual se analizó el riesgo asociado al proyecto. Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación demostraron que de las tres variables estudiadas, la que impactó más fuertemente al VAN fue el IMA./ABSTRACT: Chile is the South American country that is rapidly increasing its per capita Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions contributing to the global climate change. This has been due to the growth in energy demand, energy dependence and the expansion of electrical systems, among others. That is why in recent years new technologies have been developed to diversify the energy matrix, through the substitution of the energy from fossil fuels through the use of renewable energies. Biomass production and conversion to energy (fuelwood) has been considered an option of interest.The Poplar Technology Center Alamo (CTA), from University of Talca, in 2008 performed the project “forestry model for obtaining wood energy in central Chile using poplar hybrids". From the mentioned initiative, this study was born to estimate the profitability and risk on the hybrid poplar plantations for the bioenergy production, with the aim that in the future, new business based on intensive cultivation of poplar hybrids can be develop. A simulation analysis was performed using the software @Risk 6.1, which was assigned a probability distribution on three critical variables, these were international oil price, final price of biomass on processing plant and planting performance measured as the Mean Annual Increment (MAI). With these variables we proceeded to perform a simulation of 10,000 iterations, where forecasts of Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) were obtained, whereby the risk associated with the project was analyzed. The results obtained in this research showed that of three analyzed variables, the strongest impact on the NPV came from the IM

    The Path between Personality, Self-Efficacy, and Shopping Regarding Games Apps

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    Producción CientíficaThe smartphone has made gaming more accessible and desirable for a wider market than ever before. Game apps are one of the most consumed and fastest growing products in the world today. Yet, few studies have thus far explored the implications of games apps consumption from a consumer perspective, addressing the transfer of abilities from one technological field to another. The main purpose of this paper is threefold: to ascertain the role of personality as a determinant of self-efficacy, to establish whether there is a transfer process from self-efficacy in video gaming with apps to online shopping and to analyze the impact of self-efficacy on the online purchase of game-related products. Results show that neuroticism, extraversion, and agreeableness determine the gaming self-efficacy that is transferred to online shopping self-efficacy and finally to the online purchase of game-related products. These insights provide interesting managerial implications that could affect video game marketing.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (proyecto ECO2017-82107-R)Fondo europeo de desarrollo regional (proyecto VA112P17)Junta de Castilla y León (proyecto VA112P17