64 research outputs found

    Delimitation of Neonectria and Cylindrocarpon (Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Ascomycota) and related genera with Cylindrocarpon-like anamorphs

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    Neonectria is a cosmopolitan genus and it is, in part, defined by its link to the anamorph genus Cylindrocarpon. Neonectria has been divided into informal groups on the basis of combined morphology of anamorph and teleomorph. Previously, Cylindrocarpon was divided into four groups defined by presence or absence of microconidia and chlamydospores. Molecular phylogenetic analyses have indicated that Neonectria sensu stricto and Cylindrocarpon sensu stricto are phylogenetically congeneric. In addition, morphological and molecular data accumulated over several years have indicated that Neonectria sensu lato and Cylindrocarpon sensu lato do not form a monophyletic group and that the respective informal groups may represent distinct genera. In the present work, a multilocus analysis (act, ITS, LSU, rpb1, tef1, tub) was applied to representatives of the informal groups to determine their level of phylogenetic support as a first step towards taxonomic revision of Neonectria sensu lato. Results show five distinct highly supported clades that correspond to some extent with the informal Neonectria and Cylindrocarpon groups that are here recognised as genera: (1) N. coccinea-group and Cylindrocarpon groups 1 & 4 (Neonectria/Cylindrocarpon sensu stricto); (2) N. rugulosa-group (Rugonectria gen. nov.); (3) N. mammoidea/N. veuillotiana-groups and Cylindrocarpon group 2 (Thelonectria gen. nov.); (4) N. radicicola-group and Cylindrocarpon group 3 (Ilyonectria gen. nov.); and (5) anamorph genus Campylocarpon. Characteristics of the anamorphs and teleomorphs correlate with the five genera, three of which are newly described. New combinations are made for species where their classification is confirmed by phylogenetic data

    Model confidence sets and forecast combination: an application to age-specific mortality

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    Background: Model averaging combines forecasts obtained from a range of models, and it often produces more accurate forecasts than a forecast from a single model. Objective: The crucial part of forecast accuracy improvement in using the model averaging lies in the determination of optimal weights from a finite sample. If the weights are selected sub-optimally, this can affect the accuracy of the model-averaged forecasts. Instead of choosing the optimal weights, we consider trimming a set of models before equally averaging forecasts from the selected superior models. Motivated by Hansen et al. (2011), we apply and evaluate the model confidence set procedure when combining mortality forecasts. Data & Methods: The proposed model averaging procedure is motivated by Samuels and Sekkel (2017) based on the concept of model confidence sets as proposed by Hansen et al. (2011) that incorporates the statistical significance of the forecasting performance. As the model confidence level increases, the set of superior models generally decreases. The proposed model averaging procedure is demonstrated via national and sub-national Japanese mortality for retirement ages between 60 and 100+. Results: Illustrated by national and sub-national Japanese mortality for ages between 60 and 100+, the proposed model-average procedure gives the smallest interval forecast errors, especially for males. Conclusion: We find that robust out-of-sample point and interval forecasts may be obtained from the trimming method. By robust, we mean robustness against model misspecification

    Manejo da podridão-de-Sclerotium em pimentão em um argisolo no Amazonas

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    A podridão-de-Sclerotium é uma doença comum em plantas da família Solanaceae na Amazônia. Visando avaliar estratégias de manejo para esta doença em pimentão (Capsicum annuum, L. Solanaceae), foi conduzido experimento em campo em blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e seis repetições, em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo artificialmente infestado com Sclerotium rolfsii. O tratamento principal foi a cobertura do solo (cobertura do solo com serragem ou solo nu). Os tratamentos secundários consistiram na adição ao solo de: 1) composto vegetal (3 L por cova), 2) arroz colonizado com Trichoderma harzianum (90 g por cova contendo ≈ 1,4 x 10(9) conídios g-1), 3) composto vegetal e T. harzianum nas mesmas proporções descritas anteriormente e 4) testemunha. Todas as plantas receberam apenas adubação orgânica com composto vegetal na proporção de 1,5 L por cova, exceto as dos tratamentos com 3 L de composto por cova. A parcela principal foi constituída de três fileiras com dez plantas de pimentão (0,50 x 1,0 m) e cada subparcela continha três fileiras com cinco plantas. A incidência da podridão-de-Sclerotium foi avaliada duas vezes por semana. A cobertura morta favoreceu significativamente a ocorrência da doença. Nas parcelas com esse tratamento o aumento da intensidade da doença, expressa em área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD), foi 35,5% maior, em comparação com as parcelas sem cobertura morta. A aplicação de T. harzianum ou o incremento na quantidade de composto (de 1,5 para 3 L por cova) reduziu a AACPD em 38,1% e 37,5%, respectivamente. A aplicação de T. harzianum ou o incremento na quantidade de composto, mesmo nos tratamentos com cobertura morta, reduziu significativamente a AACPD em 52,8% e em 55,1%, respectivamente, em comparação com o tratamento apenas com cobertura morta. Esses resultados sugerem que a utilização de T. harzianum e o aumento na quantidade de composto por cova são estratégias eficientes de manejo da podridão-de-Sclerotium em pimentão. A cobertura morta com serragem não deve ser utilizada em áreas infestadas com S. rolfsii

    Association of Thyroid dysfunction with cognitive function an individual participant data analysis

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    IMPORTANCE In clinical guidelines, overt and subclinical thyroid dysfunction are mentioned as causal and treatable factors for cognitive decline. However, the scientific literature on these associations shows inconsistent findings.OBJECTIVE To assess cross-sectional and longitudinal associations of baseline thyroid dysfunction with cognitive function and dementia.DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This multicohort individual participant data analysis assessed 114 267 person-years (median, 1.7-11.3 years) of follow-up for cognitive function and 525 222 person-years (median, 3.8-15.3 years) for dementia between 1989 and 2017. Analyses on cognitive function included 21 cohorts comprising 38 144 participants. Analyses on dementia included eight cohorts with a total of 2033 cases with dementia and 44 573 controls. Data analysis was performed from December 2016 to January 2021.EXPOSURES Thyroid function was classified as overt hyperthyroidism, subclinical hyperthyroidism, euthyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism, and overt hypothyroidism based on uniform thyrotropin cutoff values and study-specific free thyroxine values.MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was global cognitive function, mostly measured using the Mini-Mental State Examination. Executive function, memory, and dementia were secondary outcomes. Analyses were first performed at study level using multivariable linear regression and multivariable Cox regression, respectively. The studies were combined with restricted maximum likelihood meta-analysis. To overcome the use of different scales, results were transformed to standardized mean differences. For incident dementia, hazard ratios were calculated.RESULTS Among 74 565 total participants, 66 567 (89.3%) participants had normal thyroid function, 577 (0.8%) had overt hyperthyroidism, 2557 (3.4%) had subclinical hyperthyroidism, 4167 (5.6%) had subclinical hypothyroidism, and 697 (0.9%) had overt hypothyroidism. The study-specific median age at baseline varied from 57 to 93 years; 42 847 (57.5%) participants were women. Thyroid dysfunction was not associated with global cognitive function; the largest differences were observed between overt hypothyroidism and euthyroidism-cross-sectionally (-0.06 standardized mean difference in score; 95% CI, -0.20 to 0.08; P = .40) and longitudinally (0.11 standardized mean difference higher decline per year; 95% CI, -0.01 to 0.23; P = .09). No consistent associations were observed between thyroid dysfunction and executive function, memory, or risk of dementia.CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this individual participant data analysis of more than 74 000 adults, subclinical hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism were not associated with cognitive function, cognitive decline, or incident dementia. No rigorous conclusions can be drawn regarding the role of overt thyroid dysfunction in risk of dementia. These findings do not support the practice of screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction in the context of cognitive decline in older adults as recommended in current guidelines.Molecular Epidemiolog

    Disentangling the Trichoderma viridescens complex

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    Trichoderma viridescens is recognised as a species complex. Multigene analyses based on the translation elongation factor 1-alpha encoding gene (tef1), a part of the rpb2 gene, encoding the second largest RNA polymerase subunit and the larger subunit of ATP citrate lyase (acl1) reveals 13 phylogenetic species with little or no phenotypic differentiation. This is the first use of acl1 in Trichoderma phylogenetics. The typification of T. viridescens s.str. is clarified and Hypocrea viridescens is replaced by the new name T. paraviridescens. Besides these two species, eleven are phylogenetically recognised and T. olivascens, T. viridarium, T. virilente, T. trixiae, T. viridialbum, T. appalachiense, T. neosinense, T. composticola, T. nothescens and T. sempervirentis are formally described and illustrated. Several species produce yellow diffusing pigment on cornmeal dextrose agar, particularly after storage at 15 °C, while T. olivascens is characterised by the formation of an olivaceous pigment. The results are compared with earlier publications on this group of species

    Multigene phylogenetic analyses of the Thelonectria coronata and T. veuillotiana species complexes

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    Thelonectria is a recently established genus of common and ubiquitous fungi on woody hosts, previously placed in the genus Neonectria. Thelonectria coronata and T. veuillotiana occur sympatrically in tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. Previous taxonomic studies including T. coronata and T. veuillotiana suggested these fungi could represent species complexes; however, the morphological features used to define species exhibited few differences useful for testing this hypothesis. To assess the status of T. coronata and T. veuillotiana, phylogenetic analyses of six genomic regions were combined with a morphological examination of specimens. A multigene phylogeny reconstructed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches identified five phylogenetic groups in T. coronata and six in T. veuillotiana. As is common for cryptic species, unequivocal diagnostic morphological characters could not be identified; however, average values of morphological traits correspond to the phylogenetic groups. An increased number of nonsynonymous/ synonymous substitutions in the b-tubulin gene and a decreased or absent production of conidia were detected within the T. coronata complex, possibly indicating the homothallic nature of these isolates. T. coronata and T. veuillotiana and related species are described and illustrated here; a dichotomous key to all species is provided. © 2012 by The Mycological Society of America.Fil:Capdet, M. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; Argentina