42 research outputs found

    Gamificación en el aula universitaria: la liga de los casos clínicos en Psicología.

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    La gamificación es una de las estrategias de enseñanza más populares en la actualidad. Mediante diferentes dinámicas de juego tiene como objetivo aumentar la motivación de los alumnos y despertar su interés hacia ciertos contenidos de las asignaturas. En Psicología, debido a la importancia de acercar a los alumnos a la práctica clínica real, buscamos con esta estrategia docente presentar diferentes casos clínicos reales, con el fin de que los alumnos en pequeños grupos y de forma colaborativa intenten resolverlos. La presentación de los casos simulará las jornadas de una liga de fútbol en las que aquellos alumnos que realicen correctamente las actividades presentadas recibirán más puntos a lo largo de los diferentes “partidos” que tendrán lugar durante el curso. Esta actividad se planteará de forma voluntaria a alumnos de las asignaturas de Neuropsicología y Psicología Fisiológica pertenecientes al grado de Psicología de la Universidad de Málaga. Debido a que dentro de estas estrategias de gamificación es necesario proporcionar un feedback rápido y continuo para aumentar aún más la motivación de los alumnos, se proporcionará un ranking final donde cada grupo, mediante el nombre que elijan para su equipo, verán sus puntos y su posición respecto a los demás.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto de Innovación docente (PIE 19-009). Título: La liga de los casos clínicos en Psicología

    Neuroplasticity and Healthy Lifestyle: How Can We Understand This Relationship?

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    Our brain has this extraordinary ability to experience functional and structural changes before environmental stimuli, cognitive demand, or our experience itself. Exercise, diet, an appropriate sleep pattern, and reading habits are among those activities proposed to induce effects on cerebral architecture—an active lifestyle seems to induce changes in the brain function that favour welfare and better quality of life. This special issue is intended to extend the knowledge about the relationship between neuroplasticity and a healthy lifestyleFil: Begega, Azucena. Universidad de Oviedo; EspañaFil: Santín, Luis J.. Universidad de Málaga; EspañaFil: Galeano, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Cutuli, Debora. Universita Di Roma; ItaliaFil: Sampedro Piquero, Patricia. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Facultad de Psicología. Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud; Españ

    ¿Previene la actividad física y mental el deterioro cognitivo? Evidencia de la investigación animal

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    In recent decades, several pharmacological strategies have been developed to prevent age-related cognitive impairment. However, the ineffectiveness of the majority of these strategies has led to growing interest in behavioural intervention. Cognitive stimulation and physical activity have been shown to provide significant benefits by counteracting cognitive impairment and dementia. Animal models have provided information on the neurobiological mechanisms that mediate the formation of cognitive and brain reserve. This paper reviews several studies on aged rodents showing the positive effects of environmental enrichment and aerobic exercise on brain and cognitive function of these animals. The implications of this research for human aging is discussed.En las últimas décadas se han desarrollado varias estrategias farmacológicas para prevenir el declive cognitivo en el envejecimiento, sin embargo la inefectividad de la mayoría de ellas ha hecho que las intervenciones conductuales estén recibiendo cada vez más atención. La estimulación cognitiva y la actividad física han mostrado importantes beneficios al reducir las alteraciones cognitivas relacionadas con la edad y la demencia. Gracias a los modelos animales cada vez se sabe más acerca de los mecanismos neurobiológicos que subyacen a la reserva cognitiva y cerebral que promueven estas intervenciones. En esta revisión presentaremos varias investigaciones en roedores viejos en las que se muestran los efectos positivos del enriquecimiento ambiental y ejercicio aeróbico sobre la función cerebral y cognitiva de estos animales. La implicación de estas investigaciones para el envejecimiento humano será también discutida

    Aberrant Brain Neuroplasticity and Function in Drug Addiction: A Focus on Learning-Related Brain Regions

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    This chapter will review the altered brain structure and function associated to drug addiction, with a focus on brain regions involved in learning and motivated behavior. As evidenced by both clinical and preclinical studies, repeated drug exposure affects whole brain neuroplasticity including the mesolimbic system which is a main locus for reward, an action-control center such as the dorsal striatum, and limbic brain regions such as the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the amygdala that are involved in behavioral control, memory, and mood. In this way, the drug-seeking actions that were initially intentional responses become involuntary habits governed by the dorsal striatum. Drug addiction may also curse with a reduced ability to experience rewards that are unrelated to drugs and emotional dysregulation, while the impairment on limbic regions contributes to generate cognitive symptoms. These entail persistent memories for previous experiences with the drug contrasting with a global cognitive decline that may hamper the acquisition of new, adaptive learnings. Overall, these features promote a desire for the drug, leading to relapse in drug use. Further drug exposure, in turn, aggravates its consequences on the brain and behavior, creating the harmful “addiction cycle.

    Cognitive reserve mediates the severity of certain neuropsychological deficits related to cocaine use disorder

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    Introduction: The concept of cognitive reserve (CR) is being considered in the field of substance use disorder (SUD) by observing that there are individuals whose brain alterations are not related to the cognitive symptomatology they present. Aims: Our aims were to characterise the possible neuropsychological deficits in a sample of subjects with SUD compared to a control group and to determine whether the degree of CR is a mediator in the cognitive functioning of these patients. Methods: To perform these objectives, the study involved a sample of subjects with SUD in outpatient treatment and a control group. A CR questionnaire and a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment were administered, and we also collected data related to drug consumption and psychological well-being. Results: The SUD group showed poorer performance compared to the control group in several cognitive domains (attention, declarative memory, executive functions and emotional perception), as well as in psychological comfort. Interestingly, we observed that the deficits found in attention, declarative memory and executive functions were mediated by the CR level of the participants, an effect that we did not observe in the rest of the variables registered. Conclusion: Our results suggest that long-term drug consumption leads to cognitive deficits and affects the psychological well-being of the subjects. Moreover, the CR should be taken into account during the assessment and rehabilitation of patients with SUD due to its protective role against certain neuropsychological deficits.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Environmental enrichment results in both brain connectivity efficiency and selective improvement in different behavioral tasks

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    Exposure to environmental enrichment (EE) has been a useful model for studying the effects of experience on brain plasticity, but to date, few is known about the impact of this condition on the brain functional networks that probably underlies the multiple behavioral improvements. Hence, we assessed the effect of an EE protocol in adult Wistar rats on the performance in several behavioral tasks testing different domains (Open field (OP): locomotor activity; Elevated-zero maze (EZM): anxiety-related behaviors; 5-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT): attentional processes; 4-arm radial water maze (4-RAWM): spatial memory) in order to check its effectiveness in a wide range of functions. After this, we analyzed the functional brain connectivity underlying each experimental condition through cytochrome C oxidase (COx) histochemistry. Our EE protocol reduced both locomotor activity in the OP and anxiety-related behaviors in the EZM. On the other hand, enriched rats showed more accuracy in the 4-RAWM, whereas 5-CSRTT performance was not significantly ameliorated by EE condition. In relation to COx functional connectivity, we found that EE reduced the number of strong positive correlations both in basal and training conditions, suggesting a modulating effect on specific brain connections. Our results suggest that EE seems to have a selective effect on specific brain regions, such as prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, leading to a more efficient brain connectivity.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/3

    The Relationship between Binge Drinking and Binge Eating in Adolescence and Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Adolescence and youth are critical periods in which alcohol consumption is usually initiated, especially in the form of binge drinking. In recent years, it is increasingly common to find adolescents and young people who also present binge behaviors towards unhealthy food with the aim of alleviating their anxiety (emotional eating) and/or because of impulsive personality. Despite the social and health relevance of this issue, it remains scarcely studied and more preventive research needs to be developed. Our meta-analysis study aimed to evaluate the relationship and co-occurrence of both binge behaviors during adolescence and young adulthood to clarify the link between binge drinking and eating. Selective literature search on different online databases was performed. We identified discrete but significant results regarding the direct association between binge drinking and binge eating in correlation coefficients and odds ratio. Future research should focus on the common psychological background and motives behind these problematic behaviors owing to their clinical implications for effective prevention and treatment

    Long-term consequences of alcohol use in early adolescent mice: Focus on neuroadaptations in GR, CRF and BDNF.

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    Our aim was to assess the cognitive and emotional state, as well as related-changes in the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), the corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression of adolescent C57BL/6J male mice after a 5-week two-bottle choice protocol (postnatal day [pd]21 to pd52). Additionally, we wanted to analyse whether the behavioural and neurobiological effects observed in late adolescence (pd62) lasted until adulthood (pd84). Behavioural testing revealed that alcohol during early adolescence increased anxiety-like and compulsive-related behaviours, which was maintained in adulthood. Concerning cognition, working memory was only altered in late adolescent mice, whereas object location test performance was impaired in both ages. In contrast, novel object recognition remained unaltered. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that alcohol during adolescence diminished BDNF+ cells in the cingulate cortex, the hippocampal CA1 layer and the central amygdala. Regarding hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) functioning, alcohol abuse increased the GR and CRF expression in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus and the central amygdala. Besides this, GR density was also higher in the prelimbic cortex and the basolateral amygdala, regardless of the animals' age. Our findings suggest that adolescent alcohol exposure led to long-term behavioural alterations, along with changes in BDNF, GR and CRF expression in limbic brain areas involved in stress response, emotional regulation and cognition.post-print4591 K

    The presence of a social stimulus reduces cocaine seeking in a place preference conditioning paradigm.

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    BACKGROUND: One challenge in the treatment of substance use disorders is to re-engage the interest toward non-drug-related activities. Among these activities, social interaction has had a prominent role due to its positive influence on treatment outcome. AIMS AND METHODS: Our aim was to study whether the presence of a social stimulus during the cocaine-induced conditioned place preference test was able to reduce the time spent in the drug-paired compartment. For that purpose, mice were trained for four days on a conditioned place preference task with one compartment paired with cocaine and the opposite with saline. On the test day, we introduced an unfamiliar juvenile male mouse into the saline-conditioned compartment (inside a pencil cup) to analyse the animal preference towards the two rewarding stimuli (cocaine vs mouse). Additionally, to discard the possible effect of novelty, as well as the housing condition (social isolation) on social preference, we decided to include a novel object during the test session, as well as perform the same conditioned place preference protocol with a group of animals in social housing conditions. RESULTS: The social stimulus was able to reduce the preference for cocaine and enhance the active interaction with the juvenile mouse (sniffing) compared to the empty pencil cup paired with the drug. The introduction of a novel object during the test session did not reduce the preference for the cocaine-paired compartment, and interestingly, the preference for the social stimulus was independent of the housing condition. c-Fos immunohistochemistry revealed a different pattern of activation based on cocaine-paired conditioning or the presence of social stimulus. CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that social interaction could constitute a valuable component in the treatment of substance use disorders by reducing the salience of the drug.Plan Propio 2017 – ‘Ayudas para proyectos dirigidos por jóvenes investigadores’, PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/38. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech