1,333 research outputs found

    Highly dynamically evolved intermediate-age open clusters

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    We present a comprehensive UBVRI and Washington CT1T2 photometric analysis of seven catalogued open clusters, namely: Ruprecht 3, 9, 37, 74, 150, ESO 324-15 and 436-2. The multiband photometric data sets in combination with 2MASS photometry and Gaia astrometry for the brighter stars were used to estimate their structural parameters and fundamental astrophysical properties.We found that Ruprecht 3 and ESO 436-2 do not show self-consistent evidence of being physical systems. The remained studied objects are open clusters of intermediate age (9.0 ≤ log(t yr-1) ≤ 9.6), of relatively small size (rcls ~ 0.4-1.3 pc) and placed between 0.6 and 2.9 kpc from the Sun.We analysed the relationships between core, half-mass, tidal and Jacoby radii as well as half-mass relaxation times to conclude that the studied clusters are in an evolved dynamical stage. The total cluster masses obtained by summing those of the observed cluster stars resulted to be ~10-15 per cent of the masses of open clusters of similar age located closer than 2 kpc from the Sun. We found that cluster stars occupy volumes as large as those for tidally filled clusters.Fil: Piatti, Andres Eduardo. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Observatorio Astronómico de Córdoba; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Dias, Wilton S.. Universidade Federal de Itajuba; BrasilFil: Sampedro, Laura M.. Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía; España. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Magnetism of two-dimensional defects in Pd: stacking faults, twin boundaries and surfaces

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    Careful first-principles density functional calculations reveal the importance of hexagonal versus cubic stacking of closed packed planes of Pd as far as local magnetic properties are concerned. We find that, contrary to the stable face centered cubic phase, which is paramagnetic, the hexagonal close-packed phase of Pd is ferromagnetic with a magnetic moment of 0.35 μB\mu_{B}/atom. Our results show that two-dimensional defects with local hcp stacking, like twin boundaries and stacking faults, in the otherwise fcc Pd structure, increase the magnetic susceptibility. The (111) surface also increases the magnetic susceptibility and it becomes ferromagnetic in combination with an individual stacking fault or twin boundary close to it. On the contrary, we find that the (100) surface decreases the tendency to ferromagnetism. The results are consistent with the magnetic moment recently observed in small Pd nanoparticles, with a large surface area and a high concentration of two-dimensional stacking defects.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Neurite Outgrowth Inhibitors in Gliotic Tissue

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    Environmental enrichment results in both brain connectivity efficiency and selective improvement in different behavioral tasks

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    Exposure to environmental enrichment (EE) has been a useful model for studying the effects of experience on brain plasticity, but to date, few is known about the impact of this condition on the brain functional networks that probably underlies the multiple behavioral improvements. Hence, we assessed the effect of an EE protocol in adult Wistar rats on the performance in several behavioral tasks testing different domains (Open field (OP): locomotor activity; Elevated-zero maze (EZM): anxiety-related behaviors; 5-choice serial reaction time task (5-CSRTT): attentional processes; 4-arm radial water maze (4-RAWM): spatial memory) in order to check its effectiveness in a wide range of functions. After this, we analyzed the functional brain connectivity underlying each experimental condition through cytochrome C oxidase (COx) histochemistry. Our EE protocol reduced both locomotor activity in the OP and anxiety-related behaviors in the EZM. On the other hand, enriched rats showed more accuracy in the 4-RAWM, whereas 5-CSRTT performance was not significantly ameliorated by EE condition. In relation to COx functional connectivity, we found that EE reduced the number of strong positive correlations both in basal and training conditions, suggesting a modulating effect on specific brain connections. Our results suggest that EE seems to have a selective effect on specific brain regions, such as prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, leading to a more efficient brain connectivity.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PPIT.UMA.B1.2017/3

    Marginal Damage of Methane Emissions: Ozone Impacts on Agriculture

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    Methane directly contributes to air pollution, as an ozone precursor, and to climate change, generating physical and economic damages to different systems, namely agriculture, vegetation, energy, human health, or biodiversity. The methane-related damages to climate, measured as the Social Cost of Methane, and to human health have been analyzed by different studies and considered by government rulemaking in the last decades, but the ozone-related damages to crop revenues associated to methane emissions have not been incorporated to policy agenda. Using a combination of the Global Change Analysis Model and the TM5-FASST Scenario Screening Tool, we estimate that global marginal agricultural damages range from ~ 423 to 556 2010/tCH4,ofwhich982010/t-CH4, of which 98 2010/t-CH4 occur in the USA, which is the most affected region due to its role as a major crop producer, followed by China, EU-15, and India. These damages would represent 39–59% of the climate damages and 28–64% of the human health damages associated with methane emissions by previous studies. The marginal damages to crop revenues calculated in this study complement the damages from methane to climate and human health, and provides valuable information to be considered in future cost-benefits analyses. © 2023, The Author(s).JS and SW were supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under Interagency Agreement DW-089-92459801. The views expressed in this article are purely those of the authors and do not, under any circumstances, represent the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the European Commission. JS and SW were supported by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, under Interagency Agreement DW-089-92459801. The views expressed in this article are purely those of the authors and do not, under any circumstances, represent the views or policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or the European Commission

    Cabergoline treatment in acromegaly: pros

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    Cabergoline is an ergot-derived dopamine D2 receptor agonist which may be effective for the medical management of acromegaly. Its efficacy in reducing growth hormone and IGF-I levels, as well as its antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects on pituitary tumor cells, has been observed in several studies. Cabergoline may be used alone or as an add-on therapy to patients who are partially resistant to somatostatin analogs (SSA), or who do not achieve complete control with maximum doses of pegvisomant (PEG). Additionally, the convenience of its oral administration, allowing better compliance, and its lower economic cost, in comparison with SSA and PEG, favor cabergoline as an attractive option for acromegalic patients, who frequently require long-life medical treatment to achieve disease control. The few adverse events observed with prolonged DA therapy, mainly regarding cardiac valve disease, are not frequent at the doses generally used in acromegaly

    Televisión +Red= ¿Nuevas pantallas de calidad?

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    En los últimos tiempos, el desarrollo de nuevas pantallas de comunicación ha ido “robándole” terreno a la televisión, la cual reinaba hasta ese momento como la única pantalla en la que se podía visionar noticiarios, series de ficción, dibujos animados, etc. Sin embargo, esta realidad se vio alterada con la aparición de internet, la cual desbancó a la televisión como instrumento de ocio y tiempo libre. La televisión, en consecuencia, ha tenido desde entonces que reinventarse de forma continua para intentar mantenerse en el horizonte de los medios de comunicaciónIn recent times, development of new screens of communication has been "stealing" the television spot, which hitherto reigned as the only screen where you could envision news, drama series, cartoons, etc. However, this situation was altered with the advent of the Internet, which unseated the television as an instrument of leisure and free time. Television, therefore, has since had to reinvent itself continuously to try to stay on the horizon of the medi

    La televisión en el aula de Primaria. Trabajando con los Bacyardigans

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    Educar a los más pequeños es una labor que, en ciertos momentos, puede resultar ardua, pues el grado de atención de los infantes como todos sabemos, es intermitente. Para ello los docentes deben diseñar propuestas de trabajo que llamen la atención de los estudiantes y que, además, desarrollen no sólo sus habilidades y competencias, sino también su imaginación. La utilización de diferentes recursos tecnológicos en el aula de primaria, va a permitir el desarrollo de la competencia digital que el Real Decreto 1513 establece deben alcanzar los estudiantes de Primaria una vez que finalicen la etapa. De todos los medios de comunicación y/o recursos tecnológicos que los docentes tienen a su alcance, nosotras nos hemos centrado en la televisión, y más concretamente en las series de dibujos animados (cartoons) que en diversas franjas horarias pueden visionarse en los distintos canales televisivos. Tratando de superar las funciones que en su día asignó Feria (1995) a la televisión - teleguardería, teleconsumo y teledivulgación-, traemos a la palestra una propuesta de secuencia didáctica para desarrollar el curriculum de segundo curso de primaria a través de la serie de dibujos animados Bacyardignas. Nuestra propuesta de trabajo la hemos centrado en el capítulo titulado Mudanzas de Arabia. En él, el sultán Tayron contrata a la empresa “Mudanzas de Arabia” regentada por Pablo y Onikua, para que trasladen su tesoro desde la cueva en que lo guarda a su nueva ubicación en Palacio. El contenido del capítulo nos permitirá adentrarnos en el contenido del área de Conocimiento del medio natural y social, así como en el área de expresión artística y corporal, a través de la música empleada en este episodioEducating younger children is a task that, at certain times it may be difficult, since the degree of care of infants as we all know, is intermittent. To do this, teachers must design work proposals that grab the attention of students and further develop their skills and not only this but also their imagination. The use of different technological resources in the elementary class will enable the development of digital competition that the 1513 royal decree must attain Elementary students once they finish the stage. Of all the media and/or technological resources that teachers have at their within easy reach, we have focused on television, specifically in cartoons in another time zones can be viewed in different channels television. Trying to overcome the functions that once assigned Fair (1995) to TV-nurserytv-divulgationtv-conmpsuntiontv and we bring to the fore a proposed teaching sequence to develop the curriculum for second grade through the series of drawings Bacyardignas animated. Our proposals for the work have focused on the chapter titled Moving Arabia. In it, the sultan Tayron company hires "Removal of Arabia" run by Paul and Onikua for transferring their treasure from the cave in which it bears to its new location in the Palace. The contents of the chapter we will delve into the content area knowledge of the natural and social environment and in the area of artistic expression and body through music used in this episod

    Does ict resources improve the sport teaching processes in handball?

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    La motivación (M) y la capacidad de percepción-análisis (PA) del juego, variables del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, fueron evaluadas tras utilizar diferentes recursos durante las explicaciones del entrenador. 71 jugadores(Sub-18) fueron divididos en dos grupos: G1 (n=35): recursos tradicionales; G2 (n=36): recursos multimedia. Se evaluó el nivel inicial (i) y final (f), tras 10 sesiones de entrenamiento. Ambas variables mejoraron significativamente en ambos grupos. Fueron mayores las mejoras del G2 en ambas variables (p<.001). Se hallaron únicamente diferencias intergrupales en la evaluación final en M y PA (p<.001), mostrando el Grupo 2 mejores resultados. Se concluye que la utilización de recursos multimedia posee un efecto positivo mayor que los recursos tradicionales sobre M y PA en jugadores de balonmano (Sub-18).Motivation (M) and game perception-analysis ability (PA), variables in the teaching-learning process, were evaluated after using different resources during the coach’s explanations. Seventy-one players (Under-18) were divided into 2 groups: G1 (n = 35) traditional resources; G2 (n = 36) multimedia resources. Initial (i) and final (f) levels of both variables were evaluated after 10 training sessions. Both variables showed a significant improvement in both groups. The improvements shown in G2 were greater in both variables (p<0.001). Intergroup differences were only found in the final evaluation in M and PA (p<0,001), where G2 obtained better results. It was concluded that using multimedia resources has a greater positive effect than traditional resources on M and PA in under-18 handball players