211 research outputs found

    Caracterização genética de isolados de Candida albicans provenientes de amostras clínicas distintas e do ambiente clínico

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    Candida albicans is a commensal microorganism of the human normal microbiota, capable of turning pathogenic, and one of the leading causes of human fungal infections with mortality rates as high as 50%. Based on this problem, it is imperative to routinely characterize this pathogen, not only phenotypically but also genotypically, to identify the genomic traits responsible for disease, drug resistance, adaptability to ecological niches, and unravel the genetic diversity among distinct isolates. As so, in this study, a collection of 76 C. albicans strains collected from blood, vaginal and oral samples, and samples from medical devices was characterized by whole genome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. Their genome sequence was explored to discriminate and epidemiologically contextualize strains globally, identify genes with single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and contribute to the knowledge on the C. albicans variome. The isolates genome analysis showed that one of the isolates had been misidentified as C. albicans, being C. glabrata. A higher number of SNPs than usual was identified, possibly due to the high number of homozygous SNPs. Genes with SNPs common to all isolates, with SNPs exclusive of isolates from each sample type, and with SNPs common to all isolates of each origin were identified. Often, the frequency of genes with missense SNPs involved in molecular functions and biological processes was significatively higher when compared to the reference strain frequency in those gene ontology sets.Candida albicans é um microrganismo comensal que pertence à microbiota normal humana, capaz de se tornar patogénico, e é uma das principais causas de infeções fúngicas em humanos, com taxas de mortalidade até 50%. Com base neste problema, é imperativo caracterizar este patógeno rotineiramente, não só fenotipicamente, mas também genotipicamente, identificar características genómicas responsáveis pela doença, resistência a fármacos, adaptabilidade a nichos ecológicos e desvendar a diversidade genética dos isolados causadores de infeções. Assim, neste estudo, uma coleção de 76 estirpes de C. albicans recolhidas de amostras de sangue, vaginais, orais e de dispositivos médicos foi caracterizada através da sequenciação do genoma total e análises de bioinformática. Explorou-se as sequências genómicas dos isolados para discriminar e contextualizar epidemiologicamente as estirpes, identificar genes com polimorfismos de nucleotídeo único (SNPs) e contribuir para o conhecimento do varioma de C. albicans. A análise do genoma dos isolados mostrou que um dos isolados foi anteriormente mal classificado como C. albicans, sendo C. glabrata. Foi identificado um número de SNPs maior do que o habitual, possivelmente devido ao número elevado de SNPs homozigóticos. Foram identificados genes com SNPs comuns a todos os isolados, com SNPs exclusivos de isolados de cada tipo de amostra, e com SNPs comuns a todos os isolados de cada origem. A frequência de genes com SNPs missense envolvidos em funções moleculares e processos biológicos foi muitas vezes significativamente superior à frequência na estirpe de referência para os mesmos conjuntos de ontologia genética.Mestrado em Microbiologi

    Diversity and diversification of uropeltid snakes

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    Fossorial snakes are key to understanding snake origins and trends of fossoriality in early snake evolution. However, they are generally understudied due to their secretive lifestyle, making them less likely to be encountered without special effort. Given their phylogenetic position and fossorial habits, this PhD project aims to study the evolution of a major radiation of fossorial snakes – the family Uropeltidae. Currently there are eight recognised genera and ca. 56 species, distributed in the Western Ghats of India and Sri Lanka. They show morphological traits that are adaptations to fossoriality, which have never been studied in detail, or with quantitative approaches. Their heads are adapted for headfirst burrowing, hence being important structures to study adaptation to the physical environment. Moreover, snakes in this group are commonly known as shieldtails due to the unusual structures on their tails, whose diversity and function are poorly known. This project employs an integrative approach to generate a taxonomically comprehensive molecular phylogeny for uropeltids, and to study lineage and phenotypic diversity and diversification patterns. This work provides insights into spatial, temporal and morphological patterns of diversification in these organisms and understand the impact that fossoriality has on biotic diversification. In summary, this thesis advances the understanding of evolutionary relationships among uropeltids, uncovering unexpectedly high levels of uropeltid molecular diversity. Moreover, results estimated constant lineage accumulation rates in uropeltids, and a pattern of early burst of phenotypic evolution in tail tip traits. These results suggest that while this is not a case of adaptive radiation, tail tip morphology might have played an important ecological role early on in the diversification of the Uropeltidae

    Biofeedback system to improve the human-orthosis interaction

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Eletrónica Médica)Every year, 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke. More than 80 % of stroke survivors present gait disabilities, limiting their motor independence and well-being. The patients may regain their motor independence with active orthoses. Biofeedback systems (BSs) may be used as an orthotic rehabilitation’s complementary tool to inform the user timely and objectively about their behaviour during gait. Thus, teaching the patients how to improve the human-orthosis interaction. Overall, this allows accelerating and increasing the effectiveness of the gait recovery. Nonetheless, there is a lack of BSs for orthotic gait rehabilitation, and no wearable solution is available. This dissertation aims the development of a wearable, stand-alone and modular BS to be integrated into SmartOs-ankle orthosis, following a user-centered design. The developed BS provides sensory, sonorous, and visual stimulation through vibrotactile motors, headphones, and a Red-Green-Blue Light-Emitting Diode, respectively. The BS includes a microcontroller to manage the activation of the stimuli according to the interaction torque and the reference trajectory of the SmartOs-ankle orthosis. The sensory and sonorous stimuli were chosen for developing user-oriented strategies to teach the user, as follows. When and how to perform the paretic and non-paretic foot-floor contact (foot-floor contact biofeedback); the direction of ankle rotation along the gait cycle (joint motion biofeedback); and, the necessary muscular strength along with the gait cycle (user participation biofeedback). The visual stimulus is used to help the therapist to follow the performance of the patients during the therapy and, consequently, help and motivate them – therapist-oriented strategies. From a validation with healthy subjects, the BS increased the user’s motor performance significantly when walking with an orthosis. The system was able to teach the users about the direction of ankle rotation and the necessary muscular strength along with the gait cycle, improving the human-orthosis interaction. Future work towards enhancing the foot-floor contact strategies and extending the BS validation with a large group of participants and longer training period.A cada ano, 15 milhões de pessoas, mundialmente, sofrem um acidente vascular cerebral (AVC). Mais de 80 % dos sobreviventes apresentam incapacidades de marcha, limitando a sua independência motora e bem-estar. Estes pacientes podem recuperar a sua independência motora através do uso de ortóteses ativas. Adicionalmente os sistemas de biofeedback (BSs) podem ser usados como uma ferramenta complementar da reabilitação assistida por ortótese, informando os usuários, oportunamente e objetivamente, acerca do seu comportamento durante a execução de uma tarefa, e ensinando-os a melhorar a sua interação com a ortótese; assim, acelerando e aumentando a eficácia da recuperação. Não obstante, existem poucos BSs desenvolvidos para a reabilitação assistida por ortóteses, os quais não são vestíveis. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um BS vestível, autónomo e modular para ser integrado na ortótese de tornozelo do sistema SmartOs, baseando-se numa visão centralizada no utilizador. O BS desenvolvido fornece estimulação sensorial, sonora e visual através de motores vibratórios, auscultadores e um díodo emissor de luz vermelha-verde-azul, respetivamente. O BS inclui um microcontrolador que gere a ativação dos estímulos de acordo com o torque de interação e trajetória de referência da ortótese do tornozelo. Os estímulos sensorial e sonoro foram escolhidos para ensinar o utilizador sobre: quando e como executar o contacto entre o pé, parético e não parético, e o solo; o sentido de rotação do tornozelo ao longo do ciclo da marcha; e a força muscular necessária ao longo do ciclo da marcha. O estímulo visual é usado para ajudar o terapeuta a seguir o desempenho dos pacientes ao longo da terapia, de forma que o terapeuta possa ajudá-los e motivá-los. A partir da validação com sujeitos saudáveis, verificou-se que o BS aumentou significativamente o desempenho motor do utilizador durante a marcha com a ortótese. O sistema mostrou-se capaz de ensinar os utilizadores sobre a direção e magnitude da força muscular necessária ao longo do ciclo da marcha, melhorando a interação entre o humano e a ortótese. O trabalho futuro envolve a melhoria das estratégias que visam o contacto entre o pé e o solo e a validação do sistema com mais participantes e treinos mais longos

    Earnings management determinants in non-listed european companies

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    Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças EmpresariaisO objetivo do presente estudo é descobrir quais os determinantes da gestão de resultados por accruals nas empresas não cotadas europeias. Estudos anteriores baseiam-se essencialmente nas características da gestão de resultados nas empresas cotadas, ficando as empresas não cotadas postas, por vezes, de fora dos estudos académicos. No entanto, reconhece-se que é mais provável as empresas não cotadas incorrerem em práticas de gestão de resultados do que as empresas cotadas (Burgstahler et al., 2006). Ao longo da nossa investigação, tentámos perceber as principais razões por detrás da gestão de resultados por accruals nas empresas não cotadas e se existem motivações específicas que expliquem porque é que a prática de gestão de resultados é comum neste setor. Utilizando dados da Amadeus, o trabalho foca-se em empresas não cotadas de 14 países Europeus. Os resultados evidenciam que «leverage», «size», «growth» e «assets profitability» (Return on Assets - ROA) são relevantes para entender porque é que as empresas incorrem em gestão de resultados (o que está em linha com estudos anteriores).The aim of this study is to determine accruals earnings management causes in non-listed companies. Prior surveys mostly exploit earnings management characteristics in stock-market corporations, thus the unlisted companies' sector has been left out of the academic research. However, it is known that unlisted companies are more likely to engage in earnings management practices than listed firms (Burgstahler et al., 2006). Throughout our investigation we've tried to find the main reasons behind accruals earnings management in non-listed firms and if there were specific motivations that explain why earnings management practices are more common in this sector. Using data collected from the Amadeus database, the work focuses on unlisted firms from fourteen European countries. Overall results provided evidence that «leverage», «size», «growth» and «assets profitability» (Return on Assets - ROA) are relevant to understand why companies engage in earnings management (which is in line with previous studies).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gestão de compras em indústrias hoteleiras: caso Hotel Arts Barcelona e Santana Hotel & Spa****

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    Relatório de estágioNo âmbito do Mestrado em Direção Hoteleira na Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo do Politécnico do Porto, foi realizado um relatório de estágio subordinado ao tema "Gestão de compras em indústrias Hoteleiras" cujo objetivo central era conhecer os métodos de gestão de compras possíveis de implementar numa unidade hoteleira e entender qual o mais vantajoso de implementar em cada uma. O presente relatório incide numa revisão de literatura sobre a gestão de compras em indústrias hoteleiras que procura a sua comprovação através da observação-participação em duas unidades hoteleiras distintas onde foram realizados os estágios - Hotel Arts Barcelona e Santana Hotel & Spa – e em entrevistas efetuadas a responsáveis pela gestão de compras de diferentes unidades. Com a adoção de uma metodologia qualitativa na realização do projeto de investigação, foram alcançados, de forma satisfatória, os objetivos do presente relatório, uma vez que a revisão da literatura, os estágios realizados e as entrevistas permitiram identificar os métodos possíveis de implementar e concluir que a eficácia de cada um dependerá, essencialmente, da dimensão da unidade hoteleira.In the context of the Master's degree in Hotel Management at the Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo of Politécnico do Porto, an internship report was carried out on the theme "Purchasing Management In Hotel Industries" whose main objective was to know the purchasing management methods possible to implement in a hotel unit and understand which is the most advantageous to implement in each one. This report focuses on a literature review on purchasing management in hotel industries that seeks proof through observation-participation in two distinct hotel units where internships were carried out - Hotel Arts Barcelona and Santana Hotel & Spa - and interviews with those responsible for purchasing management of different units. With the adoption of a qualitative methodology in the realization of the research project, the objectives of this report were satisfactorily achieved, since the literature review, the internships and the interviews allowed identifying the possible methods of implementing and concluding that the effectiveness of each will depend essentially on the size of the hotel unit

    Nurses' Perceptions of Clinical Decision Making in relation to Patients in Pain

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    Clinical decision-making (CDM) research has focused on diagnostic reasoning, CDM models, factors influencing CDM and the development of expertise. The research approaches used, including phenomenology, have not addressed the question of how CDM is perceived and approached by nurses. This study describes perceptions of CDM in relation to patients in pain using a phenomenographic methodology. At semi-structured interviews, participants were asked to recall their responses to a situation involving a patient in pain. The responses fell into four categories: (1) the effect of the clinical environment; (2) the role of other health professionals; (3) the place of the patient; and (4) the role of experience. Examples of differences in perceptions that were likely to impact on the nurses� approach to CDM include: the ongoing effects of time and workload demands on CDM; nurses are initially dependent but were eventually able to make decisions autonomously; the patient who may be peripheral or central to CDM; and the nurses� move from the use of theoretical principles to experiential knowledge as reflection-on-practice is employed. Perceptions in all categories are strongly implicated in the nurses� sense of confidence and independence. Implications for nursing practice and nursing education suggested by the findings relate to the number of areas in which graduates work in the first year of practice, the size of new graduate workloads, graduate transition programs, the place of reflection-on-practice and undergraduate (UG) program clinical experience patterns. Among issues for further research arising from the study are: replication of the study; detailed examination of the development of CDM in the first year of nursing practice and during UG nursing education programs; the role of other health professionals in the development of CDM behaviour; the links between CDM and clinical knowledge development; and the type of clinical environments that foster confidence and independence. A conclusion of the study is that the way CDM is approached is influenced by the amount, quality, relevancy and recency of clinical experience. In this study, phenomenography was shown to be an appropriate approach to the description of nurses� perceptions of CDM in relation to patients in pain. In addition, nurses� changing perceptions over two years and the subsequent effect on CDM behaviour were described

    Prática de Ensino Supervisionada em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico

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    A unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada (PES), inserida no plano de estudos do segundo ano do curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (1.º CEB), lecionado na Escola Superior de Educação, do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança proporcionou-nos a oportunidade de estagiar em três contextos educativos diferentes: creche, pré-escolar e escola do 1.º CEB. O presente relatório pretende documentar, analisar e refletir sobre a ação educativa desenvolvida nesses três contextos. Decorrente da PES, a ação educativa foi pensada tendo em consideração a articulação curricular, os interesses e necessidades das crianças, bem como os seus ritmos de aprendizagem, onde desenvolvemos experiências de ensino e aprendizagem planificadas com os devidos cuidados de modo a que estas fossem significativas par as crianças. Além disso, no planeamento das atividades recorremos às Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar e aos Programas e Metas Curriculares para o 1.º CEB. Ao longo da prática procurámos encontrar resposta para a questão problema que serviu de mote à investigação De que forma a construção dos portefólios contribui para a integração ativa das crianças no processo de avaliação? Relacionados com esta problemática definiram-se os seguintes objetivos:(i) investigar perspetivas teóricas sobre a avaliação; (ii) conhecer estratégias e instrumentos de avaliação utilizadas por educadores e professores e identificar semelhanças e diferenças entre eles e (iii) recorrer ao portefólio enquanto instrumento de (co)construção da avaliação. De modo a conseguirmos recolher mais informação para a nossa investigação, de natureza qualitativa, selecionámos como técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados a observação participante, as notas de campo, o registo fotográfico e a check list. Como resultados deste estudo percebemos que o processo de construção dos portefólios é uma mais-valia para as crianças, não apenas pelo facto de estas terem a possibilidade de apreciar os seus trabalhos, mas porque, a sua interpretação e análise permitem perceber a evolução, ou não, ao longo do tempo e, assim, refletir sobre os processos e progressos. Concluímos também que ao envolver as crianças no processo de revisão, análise, reflexão e seleção de trabalhos a incluir no seu portfólio elas adquirem uma maior consciência sobre as suas aprendizagens podendo mais facilmente avaliar.The curricular unit of Higher Education Practice, comprised in the syllabus of the second year of the Master Course in Education, Pre-school and Basic Education, is taught at Superior School of Education in the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, which provides an internship opportunity in three different educational contexts, namely: nursery, pre-school and primary school. The following report intends to document, analyse and reflect upon the educational action developed in these three contexts. As a result of Higher Education Practice, an educational action was planned through curricular articulation, taking into account the interests and needs of children, as well as their learning rhythm. In addition, while planning activities, we resorted to the Curricular Orientation for Pre-School Education and the Programme and Curricular Goals for Primary School. Throughout the practice we tried to find an answer to the problem/question that stood as a starting point for the research: How does the construction of portfolios contribute to the active integration of children in the evaluation process? The following objectives were defined in accordance with the problem/question: (i) to investigate theoretical perspectives on the evaluation; (ii) to know strategies and evaluation instruments used by educators and teachers and to identify similarities and differences between them and (iii) to use the portfolio as an instrument for (co) construction of the evaluation. In order to obtain more accurate information for the data search, in terms of quality, we adopted the following methodology: field observation, notes taken in loco, photographic record and a check list. The survey results show that the process of building portfolios is a valuable asset for children, not only because it allows them to appreciate their own works, but because their interpretation and analysis allows us to understand whether there has been an evolution throughout time, thus allowing us to reflect on progress and process. By involving the children in the process of reviewing, analysing, reflecting and selecting the works to be included in their portfolio, they become more aware of what they know and understand the evaluation process better

    Recruitment and Selection as a Tool for Strategic Management of Organizations – El Corte Ingles Case Study

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    The main purpose of this study is to acknowledge how can recruitment process & selection be used as a strategic partner in the management of current organizations. Having as a reference an international prestigious organization recognized, El Corte Ingles, this case study will go from an analysis of the state of the art of this topic, trying to understand how to find different and innovative ways to use, whether recruitment or selection techniques, to leverage the management of intangible assets and get competitive advantage towards the various players in the market, moving on for a qualitative analysis of the case in study and the ways in which this organization uses the process of recruitment and selection, continuously, as an essential tool to achieve the organizational goals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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