221 research outputs found

    Efficient removal of partially hydrolysed polyacrylamide in polymer-flooding produced water using photocatalytic graphitic carbon nitride nanofibres

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    In this work, graphitic carbon nitride (GCN) photocatalyst-incorporated polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibres (GCN/PAN nanofibres) were successfully prepared using electrospinning technique. The physicochemical properties of the fabricated GCN/PAN nanofibres were analysed using field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), elemental analyser, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy. The photocatalytic degradation by GCN/PAN nanofibres exhibited 90.2% photodegradation of partially hydrolysed polyacrylonitrile (HPAM) after 180 min under UV light irradiation in a suspension photocatalytic reactor. The results suggest that the photodegradation of HPAM contaminant by GCN/PAN nanofibres was due to the synergetic effects of HPAM adsorption by the PAN nanofibres and HPAM photodegradation by the GCN. This study provides an insight into the removal of HPAM from polymer-flooding produced water (PFPW) through photocatalytic degradation of liquid-permeable self-supporting nanofibre mats as a potentially promising material to be used in industrial applications

    Mechanistic insight of the formation of visible-light responsive nanosheet graphitic carbon nitride embedded polyacrylonitrile nanofibres for wastewater treatment

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    Effective capture and in situ photodegradation of methylene blue (MB) dye is a promising technique to purify wastewater containing MB. With recently elicited ripples of discovery on graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4), this study investigates the performance of g-C3N4 on photodegradation of MB. In this study, polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibres embedded with g-C3N4 photocatalyst was successfully prepared using electrospinning technique which produced liquid-permeable self-supporting photocatalytic nanofibre mats that can be handled easily. Different configurations of g-C3N4 were synthesised, bulk g-C3N4 (bg-C3N4) and nanosheets g-C3N4 (nsg-C3N4) from urea using a green facile template-free method. Effective photocatalytic activity of the g-C3N4 nanofibres was confirmed by 97.3% degradation of MB under visible light irradiation. Photodegradation of MB in aqueous solution by g-C3N4 nanofibres predominantly attributed to the synergetic effects of MB adsorption by PAN nanofibres and photocatalytic degradation of MB by g-C3N4 photocatalyst. This present work not only presents the simplest ecofriendly and economical approach to fabricate g-C3N4 nanofibre photocatalyst, but also paves new opportunities for this advanced photocatalyst as great potential in environmental remediation for treatment of industrial MB wastewater

    Current–Voltage Characteristics in Individual Polypyrrole Nanotube, Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanowire, Polyaniline Nanotube, and CdS Nanorope

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    In this paper, we focus on current–voltage (I–V) characteristics in several kinds of quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) nanofibers to investigate their electronic transport properties covering a wide temperature range from 300 down to 2 K. Since the complex structures composed of ordered conductive regions in series with disordered barriers in conducting polymer nanotubes/wires and CdS nanowires, all measured nonlinearI–Vcharacteristics show temperature and field-dependent features and are well fitted to the extended fluctuation-induced tunneling and thermal excitation model (Kaiser expression). However, we find that there are surprisingly similar deviations emerged between theI–Vdata and fitting curves at the low bias voltages and low temperatures, which can be possibly ascribed to the electron–electron interaction in such quasi-1D systems with inhomogeneous nanostructures

    Current–Voltage Characteristics in Individual Polypyrrole Nanotube, Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) Nanowire, Polyaniline Nanotube, and CdS Nanorope

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    In this paper, we focus on current–voltage (I–V) characteristics in several kinds of quasi-one-dimensional (quasi-1D) nanofibers to investigate their electronic transport properties covering a wide temperature range from 300 down to 2 K. Since the complex structures composed of ordered conductive regions in series with disordered barriers in conducting polymer nanotubes/wires and CdS nanowires, all measured nonlinearI–Vcharacteristics show temperature and field-dependent features and are well fitted to the extended fluctuation-induced tunneling and thermal excitation model (Kaiser expression). However, we find that there are surprisingly similar deviations emerged between theI–Vdata and fitting curves at the low bias voltages and low temperatures, which can be possibly ascribed to the electron–electron interaction in such quasi-1D systems with inhomogeneous nanostructures

    Mesoporous monoliths of inverse bicontinuous cubic phases of block copolymer bilayers

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    Solution self-assembly of block copolymers into inverse bicontinuous cubic mesophases is a promising new approach for creating porous polymer films and monoliths with highly organized bicontinuous mesoporous networks. Here we report the direct self-assembly of block copolymers with branched hydrophilic blocks into large monoliths consisting of the inverse bicontinuous cubic structures of the block copolymer bilayer. We suggest a facile and scalable method of solution self-assembly by diffusion of water to the block copolymer solution, which results in the unperturbed formation of mesoporous monoliths with large-pore (>25nm diameter) networks weaved in crystalline lattices. The surface functional groups of the internal large-pore networks are freely accessible for large guest molecules such as protein complexes of which the molecular weight exceeded 100kDa. The internal double-diamond (Pn3m) networks of large pores within the mesoporous monoliths could be replicated to self-supporting three-dimensional skeletal structures of crystalline titania and mesoporous silica.open2

    Electrical Conductivity Studies on Individual Conjugated Polymer Nanowires: Two-Probe and Four-Probe Results

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Two- and four-probe electrical measurements on individual conjugated polymer nanowires with different diameters ranging from 20 to 190 nm have been performed to study their conductivity and nanocontact resistance. The two-probe results reveal that all the measured polymer nanowires with different diameters are semiconducting. However, the four-probe results show that the measured polymer nanowires with diameters of 190, 95&#8211;100, 35&#8211;40 and 20&#8211;25 nm are lying in the insulating, critical, metallic and insulting regimes of metal&#8211;insulator transition, respectively. The 35&#8211;40 nm nanowire displays a metal&#8211;insulator transition at around 35 K. In addition, it was found that the nanocontact resistance is in the magnitude of 10<sup>4</sup>&#937; at room temperature, which is comparable to the intrinsic resistance of the nanowires. These results demonstrate that four-probe electrical measurement is necessary to explore the intrinsic electronic transport properties of isolated nanowires, especially in the case of metallic nanowires, because the metallic nature of the measured nanowires may be coved by the nanocontact resistance that cannot be excluded by a two-probe technique.</p

    Preparation and characterization of self-assembled conducting polymer nanofibers(Poster session 2, New Frontiers in Colloidal Physics : A Bridge between Micro- and Macroscopic Concepts in Soft Matter)

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    この論文は国立情報学研究所の電子図書館事業により電子化されました。アニソールを溶媒としたウィスカー法を使用して、ポリ(3-アルキルチオフェン)のナノファイバーを作製した。原子間力顕微鏡の観察からこのナノファイバーは高さが5nmと細く、アスペクト比が10^3にも達する非常によい1次元性を有することを確認した。紫外可視吸収スペクトルの変化がナノファイバーの形成過程とよい相関を示し、X線回折測定により結晶性ナノファイバーであることが明らかになったので、溶液中での高分子の結晶化がナノファイバーの形成の駆動力であると結論付けた。We prepared one-dimensional nanofibrillar structure of poly(3-alkylthiophenes) (P3ATs) via whisker precipitation in anisole. P3ATs self-assembled into nanofibers whose height and aspect ratio was 5nm and on the order of 10^3, respectively. UV-Vis absorption spectra showed the relationship between the change of absorption spectra and nanofiber formation in P3ATs solutions. X-ray diffraction measurements showed P3AT nanofibers involve microcrystalline structures. The results indicate that crystallization of P3ATs in a solution, which was driven by strong π-π interaction between polymer backbones, plays a crucial role in nanofiber formation

    Liquid crystals: A molecular transporter

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