2,012 research outputs found

    Analysing motivation to do medicine cross-culturally : the international motivation to do medicine scale

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    Vaglum, Wiers-Jensen & Ekeberg (1999) developed an instrument to assess motivation to study medicine. This instrument has been applied in different countries but it has not been studied cross-culturally. Our aims were to develop a Motivation to do Medicine Scale for use in international studies and to compare motivations of UK and Spanish medical students (UK: n= 375; Spain: n= 149). A cross-sectional and cross-cultural study was conducted. The Vaglum et al. (1999) Motivation to do Medicine Scale (MMS) was used. The original MMS factor structure was not supported by the Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Exploratory Factor Analyses within each country identified four factors: 'People', 'Status', 'Natural Science' and 'Research'. Students scored higher on the 'People' and 'Natural Science' than on the other factors. The UK sample scored higher than the Spanish sample on the 'Research' factor and there were greater difference between genders in Spain for both 'People' and 'Research' factors. The scale is suitable for use in cross-cultural studies of medical students' motivation. It can be used to investigate differences between countries and may be used to examine changes in motivation over time or over medical disciplines

    La gestion contractuelle du risque industriel

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    L’action des pouvoirs publics oblige Ă  la gestion du risque industriel. La problĂ©matique de dĂ©part rĂ©sidait dans la dĂ©termination de la fonction du contrat au regard de la gestion de ce risque. AprĂšs avoir recensĂ© les dispositifs lĂ©gislatifs et la position de la jurisprudence, il s’est avĂ©rĂ© que le droit oriente la gestion vers la prĂ©vention des atteintes. Pour s’assurer de l’objet Ă  gĂ©rer, le risque industriel devait ĂȘtre dĂ©terminĂ©. Le risque ayant une connotation nĂ©gative, celle-ci ne pouvait ĂȘtre traduite juridiquement que par la potentialitĂ© de prĂ©judices. La gestion du risque industriel rĂ©side dans la prĂ©vention de la rĂ©alisation des prĂ©judices. D’aprĂšs cette analyse, le contrat amĂ©liore la connaissance de ce risque. L’apport principal du contrat rĂ©side dans l’éveil de la conscience de la rĂ©alitĂ© du risque industriel. Cet effet est le pilier de sa gestion contractuelle. Le contrat favorise la connaissance du risque industriel que les parties encourent et, par lĂ  mĂȘme, Ă©veille leur conscience sur les prĂ©judices potentiels. Par cet Ă©veil de conscience, les cocontractants devraient ĂȘtre disposĂ©s Ă  investir dans la prĂ©vention de la rĂ©alisation des prĂ©judices. Le contrat apporte vĂ©ritablement une plus-value dans la gestion du risque industriel.The action of public authorities forces an industrial risk management. The initial problem resided in determining the function of a contract under an industrial risk management. After having identified the legislative devises and the position of jurisprudence, it turned out that the law orients the management towards the prevention of attacks. To ensure the object of management, the industrial risk had to be determined. The risk having a negative aspect could be legally translated by potential losses. The industrial risk management lies in preventing the realization of losses. After this analysis, a contract improves the knowledge of a risk. The main contribution of the contract lies in the awakening of consciousness of the reality of industrial risk. This effect is the pillar of its contract management. The contract promotes knowledge of the industrial risk the parties incur, as well as the awakening of their consciousness about the potential harm. By the awakening of their consciousness, the contractors should be prepared to invest in preventing the realization of losses. The contract truly brings added value in the industrial risk management

    Field Guide to a Hybrid Landscape

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    In Field Guide to a Hybrid Landscape Dana Fritz traces the evolution of the Bessey Ranger District and Nursery of the Nebraska National Forest and Grasslands. Fritz’s contemporary photographs of this unique ecosystem, with provocative environmental essays, maps, and historical photographs from the U.S. Forest Service archives, illuminate the complex environmental and natural history of the site, especially as it relates to built environments, land use, and climate change. The Nebraska National Forest at Halsey, as it is known colloquially, is the largest hand-planted forest in the Western Hemisphere, and formerly in the world. This hybrid landscape of a conifer forest overlaid onto a semiarid grassland just west of the one-hundredth meridian was an ambitious late nineteenth-century idea to create a timber industry, to reclaim a landscape considered disordered and unproductive, and to change the local climate in northcentral Nebraska. While the planners seemed not to appreciate the native grasslands that form the ecosystem of the Nebraska Sandhills, they did recognize the reliable water from the Dismal and Middle Loup Rivers that border the site. In 1902 the first federal nursery was established as part of the Dismal River Forest Reserve to produce seedlings for plains homesteads and the adjacent treeless tract of land. At that time tree planting was not used for carbon sequestration but to mitigate the wind and evaporation of moisture. The Bessey Nursery now produces replacement seedlings for burned and beetle-damaged forests in the Rocky Mountains and for the Nebraska Conservation Trees Program. This constructed landscape of row-crop trees that were protected from fire for decades, yet never commercially harvested for timber, provides a rich metaphor for current environmental predicaments. The late nineteenth-century effort to reclaim with trees what was called the Great American Desert has evolved to a focus on twenty-first-century conservation, grassland restoration, and reforestation, all of which work to sequester carbon, maintain natural ecosystem balance, and mitigate large-scale climate change. Field Guide to a Hybrid Landscape offers a visual and critical examination of this unique managed landscape, which has implications far beyond its borders. 144 pages 78 photographs, 2 illustrations, 9 maps This book is available from University of Nebraska Press: https://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/bison-books/9781496227775

    Assessing the potential of an algorithm based on mean climatic data to predict wheat yield

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    The real-time non-invasive determination of crop biomass and yield prediction is one of the major challenges in agriculture. An interesting approach lies in using process-based crop yield models in combination with real-time monitoring of the input climatic data of these models, but unknown future weather remains the main obstacle to reliable yield prediction. Since accurate weather forecasts can be made only a short time in advance, much information can be derived from analyzing past weather data. This paper presents a methodology that addresses the problem of unknown future weather by using a daily mean climatic database, based exclusively on available past measurements. It involves building climate matrix ensembles, combining different time ranges of projected mean climate data and real measured weather data originating from the historical database or from real-time measurements performed in the field. Used as an input for the STICS crop model, the datasets thus computed were used to perform statistical within-season biomass and yield prediction. This work demonstrated that a reliable predictive delay of 3-4 weeks could be obtained. In combination with a local micrometeorological station that monitors climate data in real-time, the approach also enabled us to (i) predict potential yield at the local level, (ii) detect stress occurrence and (iii) quantify yield loss (or gain) drawing on real monitored climatic conditions of the previous few days.Suivi en temps rĂ©el de l’environnement d’une parcelle agricole par un rĂ©seau de micro-capteurs en vue d’optimiser l’apport en engrais azotĂ©


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    This study was designed to assess the ability of the Talk Test (TT) to track training-related changes in ventilatory threshold (VT). Thirteen recreational athletes (mean±SD; age, 20.5±1.91 years, (Males=7, Females=6) completed two incremental exercise tests (one with respiratory gas exchange and one with the TT) before and after 6-weeks of self-directed increases in training load. The TT was used to predict VT by assessing the ability to speak comfortably after 3-minute exercise stages based on speech comfort during a 100-word passage. Training load was documented using exercise logs based on sRPE and training duration. Repeated measures ANOVA, with Tukey’s post-hoc analysis, was used to detect differences between the changes in power output at the equivocal stage of the Talk Test and VT measured by gas exchange (p&lt;.05). Significant mean differences were found between pre vs post training power output at the equivocal stage of the Talk Test (125+40.8 vs 135+29.8 Watts) and measured VT (116+32.4 vs 134+32.4 Watts) (p&gt;.05). However, the increase in power output at VT (+15.5%) was significantly underestimated by the change in power output at equivocal stage of the TT (+8.0%).&nbsp; The correlation between changes in power output at VT and PO at the equivocal stage of the TT was r=0.66. However, about 50% of subjects did not change their power output at the equivocal stage of the TT, so the individual correspondence between Talk Test and measured VT was only moderately strong.</p

    The influence of personality on the effect of iTBS after being stressed on cortisol secretion

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    Over the last years, individualization of repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) parameters has been a focus of attention in the field of non-invasive stimulation. It has been proposed that in stress-related disorders personality characteristics may influence the clinical outcome of rTMS. However, the underlying physiological mechanisms as to how personality may affect the rTMS response to stress remains to be clarified. In this sham-controlled crossover study, after being stressed by the Trier Social Stress Test, 38 healthy females received two sessions of intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) applied to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. To take possible personality influences into account, they also completed the Temperament and Character Inventory. Mood and salivary cortisol were assessed throughout the experimental protocol. Overall, two iTBS sessions did not significantly alter mood or influenced cortisol secretion. When taking into account personality features, higher scores on the character dimension Cooperativeness was related to decreased cortisol output, only when active iTBS was administered after the social stressor. In line with other studies, personality features such as the character dimension Cooperativeness may be of particular interest to explain individual neurobiological responses to neurostimulation

    Procrastination and Occupational Stress of Teachers in Philippine Public Schools

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    This descriptive-correlational study aimed to determine the extent of procrastination and level of occupational stress of teachers in the Schools Division of Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental, Philippines, when taken as a whole and when classified according to key stages (grade level taught), teaching position, educational attainment, years in service, and take- home pay. The study's respondents were the 284 public school teachers selected using stratified random sampling. The adopted research instrument contains the demographic profile of the respondents and the statements on procrastination and occupational stress. The results revealed that the respondents' procrastination and occupational stress were low when taken as a whole. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in the respondents' procrastination and occupational stress when grouped according to the abovementioned variables. Finally, data revealed a significant relationship between the respondents' extent of procrastination and their level of occupational stress. The findings of this study may provide relevant and significant information which would serve as a baseline for all the policymakers in devising, crafting, and designing activities such as training, workshops, seminars, and stress intervention programs. Furthermore, this study may help the teachers better establish and develop themselves to become adaptive to the demands and trends of the present educational landscape

    Correction: critical role for sec22b-dependent antigen cross-presentation in antitumor immunity

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    The authors regret that in the original version of their paper, they mistakenly used the phrase OVA-expressing cells instead of OVA-secreting cells in parts of the text and cited reference Boissonnas et al. (2007. http://dx.doi.org/10.1084/jem.20061890) instead of Zeelenberg et al. (2008. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-07-3163) and Sedlik et al. (2014. http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/jev.v3.24646). The Results and discussion paragraph containing the corrected references and full bibliographic information appear below.Fil: Alloatti, Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Rosario. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Bioquímicas y Farmacéuticas. Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Rookhuizen, Derek C.. Institute Curie. U-932 Immunity And Cancer; FranciaFil: Joannas, Leonel. Institute Curie. U-932 Immunity And Cancer; FranciaFil: Carpier, Jean-Marie. Institute Curie. U-932 Immunity And Cancer; FranciaFil: Iborra, Salvador. Institute Curie. U-932 Immunity And Cancer; FranciaFil: Magalhaes, Joao G.. Institute Curie. U-932 Immunity And Cancer; FranciaFil: Yatim, Nader. Institut Pasteur, Paris; FranciaFil: Kozik, Patrycja. Institute Curie. U-932 Immunity And Cancer; FranciaFil: Sancho, David. Institute Curie. U-932 Immunity And Cancer; FranciaFil: Albert, Matthew L.. Institut Pasteur, Paris; FranciaFil: Amigorena, Sebastian. Institute Curie. U-932 Immunity And Cancer; Franci
