19 research outputs found


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    Three species of the genus Trachypogon cited for the Amazon region, but the delimitation of these taxa is questioned. In this study, the morphological variations in 12 populations of the genus in the region are being presented and discussed. For the study, Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) was used to evaluate the morphological variation between the populations and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to indicate the morphological variable with greater variation. The results did not show separation of these populations. Only the height of the plants was informative, which is not sufficient and leads us to infer from the sampling carried out that in the region there is only one species, T. spicatus.Key words: Amazonian Savannah; Morphology; Poaceae.Três espécies do gênero Trachypogon são citadas para a região amazônica, porém a delimitação destes táxons é questionada. Neste estudo estão sendo apresentadas e discutidas as variações morfológicas em 12 populações do gênero na região. Para o estudo foram utilizadas Análise de Coordenadas Principais (PCoA) utilizada para avaliar a variação morfológica entre as populações e Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) para apontar a variável morfológica com maior variação. Os resultados não evidenciaram separação destas populações. Apenas a altura das plantas foi informativa o que não é suficiente e nos leva a inferir, diante da amostragem realizada, que na região ocorre apenas uma espécie, T. spicatus.Palavras-chave: Morfologia, Poaceae, Savana Amazônica

    Diversidade florística em dois trechos de Floresta Secundária na Amazônia Oriental, estado do Amapá.

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    The increasing importance of secondary forests all over the world alerts us to the urgent need to understand the biophysical and social underlying factors that affect its regeneration after the abandonment of agricultural practices and natural disturbances. In the state of Amapá, studies related to the structure of secondary forests are still scarce. Therefore, this article aims to characterize the floristic composition and structure in two stretches of secondary forest in the eastern Amazon, state of Amapá. For the floristic and phytosociological study of tree species, 10 plots of 10 x 100 m (1.0 ha) were established: five plots in the community of São Francisco do Iratapuru and five plots in the community of Santo Antônio waterfall, totaling half a hectare (0,5 ha) in each area. In all plots, subjects with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 5 cm were considered. In total, 1,183 subjects were sampled in the two stretches of forest. In stretch 01, 565 subjects belonging to 74 species, 55 genera and 33 families were recorded. In stretch 02, 618 subjects belonging to 26 species, 23 genera and 15 families were recorded. The Shannon diversity index (H'), estimated for stretch 1, was 3.52; and for stretch 2 (2.23). The two studied stretches, despite being registered at the same age, showed significant difference in the species richness, which is the major factor for diversity differences, resulting in low similarity between the studied forests.O reconhecimento do papel das florestas secundárias na manutenção estrutural e funcional da biodiversidade em nível de paisagem e seu potencial ecológico passa pela intensificação dos estudos sobre sua dinâmica, conhecimento florístico e das condições atuais em que elas se encontram em diversas paisagens antropizadas. Este artigo objetivou caracterizar a diversidade florística em dois trechos de floresta secundária na Amazônia oriental, estado do Amapá. Para o estudo florístico e fitossociológico das espécies arbóreas, foram estabelecidas 10 parcelas de 10 x 100 m (1,0 ha): cinco na comunidade de São Francisco do Iratapuru e cinco na comunidade de Santo Antônio da cachoeira, totalizando meio hectare (0,5 ha) em cada área. Em todas as parcelas foram mensurados indivíduos arbóreos com diâmetro a 1,30 cm do solo (DAP) ≥ 5 cm. No total, foram amostrados 1.183 indivíduos nos dois trechos de floresta. No trecho 1 foram registrados 565 indivíduos, distribuídos em 74 espécies, 55 gêneros e 33 famílias. No trecho 2 foram registrados 618 indivíduos, distribuídos em 26 espécies, 23 gêneros e 15 famílias. O índice de diversidade de Shannon para o trecho 1 foi de H’=3,52 e para o trecho 2 foi de H’=2,23. Os dois trechos estudados, embora registrados com a mesma idade, apresentaram expressiva diferença na riqueza de espécies, sendo este o fator preponderante para diferenças de diversidade, culminando com a baixa similaridade entre as florestas estudadas.


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    As savanas do Estado do Amapá compõem a segunda maior área contínua desse tipo de vegetação na Amazônia, apresentando conexão com as savanas do Escudo das Guianas. Neste tipo de vegetação, as Leguminosae são um dos grupos mais importantes. Este trabalho objetivou realizar o levantamento de Leguminosae ocorrentes em áreas de savanas do Amapá. Foram analisadas informações de herbários, literatura e coletas, sendo a partir de então definidos os padrões de distribuição. Foram registrados 62 táxons, correspondendo a quase 25 % das Leguminosae citadas para o Amapá. Cinco táxons são novos registros para o Amapá. Os gêneros mais representativos foram Aeschynomene L., Chamaecrista Moench, Senna Mill. e Stylosanthes Sw.. A subfamília Papilionoideae apresentou maior número de táxons. Chamaecrista desvauxii var. saxatilis (Amshoff) H.S. Irwin & Barneby, no Brasil, é citada somente para as savanas amapaenses. A maior parte dos táxons possui ampla distribuição na América do Sul, principalmente em áreas de Cerrado do Brasil Central, compondo uma flora mista, juntamente com os táxons das savanas das GuianasPalavras-chave: Amazônia, Fabaceae, fitogeografia.The savannas of the Amapá have the second largest area of this type of vegetation in the Amazon, with connection to the savannas of the Guyana. In this vegetation type, the Leguminosae are one of the most important plant groups. This study aimed to survey the Leguminosae occurring in areas of savannas of Amapá. Data obtained from botanical expeditions, literature and herbaria thus the patterns of distribution were determined. We registered 62 taxa, corresponding to almost 25 % of Leguminosae cited in the Amapá. Five taxa are new records for the flora of Amapá State. The most representative genera were Aeschynomene, Chamaecrista, Senna and Stylosanthes. Subfamily Papilionoideae had the greatest number of taxa. Chamaecrista desvauxii var. saxatilis, in Brazil, is only registered for the Amapá savanna. Most of the recorded taxa have a wide distribution in South America, especially in areas of Cerrado of Central Brazil, forming a mixed flora, with taxa of the savannas Guianas.Keywords: Amazon; Fabaceae; phytogeography


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    Orchidaceae of the Fazendinha Enviromental Protection Area, Amapá, Brazil. The family Orchidaceae is composed of perennial herbaceous plants with diverse morphology and are distributed throughout the globe, making up one of the largest plant families. Despite this great biological diversity, large portions of the area that never were inventoried and Brazil, specifically in the Amazon. The state of Amapá has the Environmental Protection Area of Fazendinha that never was study about the orchid flora. Thus, this study aimed to conduct a floristic-taxonomic survey to species of Orchidaceae in the area, located between the cities of Macapá and Santana, in the Amapá. Was produced an identification key and a brief description of each species of orchid. Voucher was deposited in the Herbarium of the Institute of Scientific and Technological Research of the State of Amapá (HAMAB). Were identified in 14 genera and 21 species of orchids. Among the species found, there is the first record of Vanilla cribbiana for Amapá.Keywords: Amazon; biodiversity; Floodplains forest; Orchidologic flora; TaxonomyOrchidaceae é composta plantas com morfologia diversificada e estão distribuídas por toda bioesfera. Apesar da grande diversidade biológica, existem grandes porções de área que nunca foram inventariadas no Brasil, especificamente na Amazônia. O Estado do Amapá possui a Área de Proteção Ambiental da Fazendinha que nunca tinha sido estudada quanto a flora de orquídeas. Deste modo, este trabalho objetivou realizar um levantamento florístico-taxonômico das espécies de Orchidaceae ocorrentes na área, que é uma unidade de conservação localizada entre os municípios de Macapá e Santana, no Amapá. Foi elaborada uma chave de identificação e uma breve descrição de cada espécie de orquídea encontrada. Materiais testemunho foram depositados no Herbário do Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá (HAMAB). Foram identificados 14 gêneros e 21 espécies. Dentre as espécies encontradas, destaca-se o primeiro registro de Vanilla cribbiana para o Amapá.Palavras-chave: Amazônia, Biodiversidade, Flora Orquidológica, Floresta de várzea, taxonomia

    Identification of the secretory structures present in the trunk of Protium Burm. f. (Burceraceae) exuding oil-resin / Identificação das estruturas secretoras presentes no tronco da Protium Burm. f. (Burceraceae) que exalam óleo-resina

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    P. altsonii Sandwith and P. tenuifolium (Engl.) Engl. has representatives of economic importance in the state of Amapá, called "Amazon breu". The objective was to perform the morphological characterization, besides the identification of the secretory structures present in P. altsonii and P. tenuifolium wood, which are responsible for the conduction of the secondary metabolites identified in the oil may contribute to the utilization and better use of this species by the chemical and pharmacological industries. The study was conducted in the region of the Iratapuru - SDR Sustainable Development Reserve in the municipality of Laranjal do Jari. The wood samples were identified and the specimens were saturated and boiled in a 1:1 ratio of water and glycerin for approximately two hours for softening. Subsequently, micrometric sections were obtained with the aid of a slip microtome, 15 to 20 µm thick. These sections were divided into two groups, one of them subjected to clarification and staining and the other, natural for observing cell inclusions and histochemical tests with Sudam solution. The bark, in longitudinal section, has numerous heterodiametric cells, with secretory channels and cells with content. In histochemical tests presence of lipids, mucilage and phenolic substances. Presence of simple intercellular channels secreting oil in tangential longitudinal section and prismatic crystals within square or erect ray cells in radial longitudinal section. This study concludes that trunk morphology, wood color and odor are important traits for field species identification, the presence of intercellular channels in the rays of both species guarantees the distribution of resin oil along the stem, so any trunk injury allows for immediate exudation of the oil, and the anatomical characterization of the species is very similar to other species of the genus

    Biodiversity, threats and conservation challenges in the Cerrado of Amapá, an Amazonian savanna

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    An Amazonian savanna in northern Brazil known as the Cerrado of Amapá is under imminent threat from poor land-use planning, the expansion of large-scale agriculture and other anthropogenic pressures. These savannas house a rich and unique flora and fauna, including endemic plants and animals. However, the area remains under-sampled for most taxa, and better sampling may uncover new species. We estimate that only ∼9.16% of these habitats have any kind of protection, and legislative changes threaten to further weaken or remove this protection. Here we present the status of knowledge concerning the biodiversity of the Cerrado of Amapá, its conservation status, and the main threats to the conservation of this Amazonian savanna. To secure the future of these unique and imperilled habitats, we suggest urgent expansion of protected areas, as well as measures that would promote less-damaging land uses to support the local population. Copyright © 2017 Karen Mustin et al

    Social wasps of two wetland ecosystems in brazilian Amazonia (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae)

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    In Brazilian Amazonia, 20 genera and more than 200 species of polistine wasps are recorded. Local faunas with 70 to 80 species are usually found in non floodable forest environments. However, a variety of wetlands exist in the region, the most expressive in surface area being varzea systems. In this paper, information is presented on polistines from two areas of wetlands in the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Amapá. These are reciprocally compared and also with nearby terra firme locations. Collecting methods consisted of active search for nests, handnetting and automatic trapping of individuals. Forty-six species of 15 genera were collected in Mamirauá, AM, most being widespread common wasps. However, five species deserve special mention in virtue of rarity and/or restricted distribution: Metapolybia rufata, Chartergellus nigerrimus, Chartergellus punctatior, Clypearia duckei, and Clypearia weyrauchi. In Região dos Lagos, AP, 31 species of 9 genera were collected, nearly all being common species with the exception of some Polistes, like P. goeldi and P. occipitalis. Even though less rich than vespid faunas from terra firme habitats, the Mamirauá fauna proved to be quite expressive considering limitations imposed by the hydrological regime. In Região dos Lagos, however, the very low diversity found was below the worst expectations. The virtual absence of otherwise common species in environments like tidal varzea forests along Araguari River is truly remarkable. The causes of low diversity are probably related to isolation and relative immaturity of the region, allied to strong degradation of forested habitats