28 research outputs found

    Keinotodellisuuden hyödyntäminen liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön toimialalla. Selvitys

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    Raportti selvittää keinotodellisuuden ja lisätyn todellisuuden nykytilaa ja hyödyntämisen mahdollisuuksia liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön toimialalla. Lisätty todellisuus on jo pitkään ollut osa ajoneuvojen teknologiaa heijastusnäyttöjen kautta, ja lentosimulaattori edustaa jo kauan käytössä ollutta keinotodellisuussovellusta. Tällä hetkellä liikenteen alalla kehitteillä ja käytössä on useita sovelluksia erityisesti lisätylle todellisuudelle: päälle puettavia heijastusnäyttöjä, laivojen ja ajo-neuvojen etäohjausjärjestelmiä ja erilaisia kuluttajia opastavia sovelluksia. Uutis- ja viihdemedia sen sijaan vasta kokeilee keinotodellisuuden käyttöä. Läpimurtoa suuren yleisön käyttöön tai laajaan yrityskäyttöön nämä teknologiat eivät kuitenkaan ole vielä tehneet. Lähitulevaisuudessa moni suuri toimija tulee panostamaan lisätyn todellisuuden sovelluksiin, mikä heijastunee niiden käyttöasteeseen. Mahdollinen laajamittainen käyttö heijastuu tulevaisuudessa myös tietoliikenteen määrään ja laatuvaatimuksiin. Raportti kuvaa suomalaista yrityskenttää ja Suomen asemoitumista teknologian kehityksessä. Raportissa päädytään pitämään erilaisia etäohjauksen sovelluksia – erityisesti miehittämätöntä, etäohjattua merenkulkua – Suomen liikennesektorin kannalta kiinnostavina kehityskohteina. Uusien teknologioiden mahdollisuuksien hyödyntäminen edellyttää kuitenkin tehokkaita ja häiriöttömiä verkkoja ja langattomia yhteyksiä, suotuisaa lainsäädäntökehystä, osaamisen kehittämistä sekä aktiivista vuoropuhelua eri osapuolten välill

    Treating gambling disorder with as needed administration of intranasal naloxone : a pilot study to evaluate acceptability, feasibility and outcomes

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    Correction:Background and aim There is growing interest in the use of medication-assisted treatments for gambling disorder (GD). Opioid receptor antagonists are hypothesised to blunt the craving associated with gambling. This study was designed to assess the feasibility of using an intranasal naloxone spray to treat GD. Design An 8-week, open-label, uncontrolled pilot study. Setting A single study site in the capital region of Finland. Subjects Twenty problem gamblers (nine men) were randomised into two groups. Group A (n=10) took one dose into one nostril (2mg naloxone), as needed, with a maximum of 4 doses/day (max. 8mg/day). Group B (n=10) took one dose into each nostril (4mg naloxone) as needed, with a maximum of 4 doses/day (max. 16mg/day). Intervention Naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray. Measures Acceptability and feasibility of the intervention were assessed. Use of study medication, adverse events, gambling frequency and gambling expenditure were recorded in a mobile diary. Problem gambling: South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), depressive symptoms: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and alcohol use: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test were recorded. Results Study completion rate was 90%. Acceptability and feasibility scores were high. Group B used intranasal naloxone more frequently than group A, and consequently used more naloxone. No serious adverse events were reported. The postintervention SOGS scores were lower (median=4 (IQR=3.75) versus preintervention scores (median=12 (IQR=4.75)). Depressive symptoms were reduced during the trial (preintervention BDI median=9, IQR=9vs postintervention BDI median=6, IQR=6). Conclusions The acceptability and feasibility of using intranasal naloxone were high, and no serious adverse events were reported. Preliminary results suggest mixed results in terms of gambling behaviour (ie, reduced frequency but not expenditure) and decreased depressive symptoms. Trial registration number EudraCT2016-001828-56Peer reviewe

    Selective targeting and tissue penetration to the retina by a systemically administered vascular homing peptide in oxygen induced retinopathy (OIR)

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    Pathological angiogenesis is the hallmark of ischemic retinal diseases among them retinopa-thy of prematurity (ROP) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). Oxygen-induced retinopathy (OIR) is a pure hypoxia-driven angiogenesis model and a widely used model for ischemic retinopathies. We explored whether the vascular homing peptide CAR (CARSKNKDC) which recognizes angiogenic blood vessels can be used to target the retina in OIR. We were able to demonstrate that the systemically administered CAR vascular homing peptide homed selectively to the preretinal neovessels in OIR. As a cell and tissue-penetrating peptide, CAR also penetrated into the retina. Hyperoxia used to induce OIR in the retina also causes bronchopulmonary dysplasia in the lungs. We showed that the CAR peptide is not targeted to the lungs in normal mice but is targeted to the lungs after hyperoxia-/hypoxia-treatment of the animals. The site-specific delivery of the CAR peptide to the pathologic retinal vasculature and the penetration of the retinal tissue may offer new opportunities for treating retinopathies more selectively and with less side effects.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Treating gambling disorder with as needed administration of intranasal naloxone: A pilot study to evaluate acceptability, feasibility and outcomes

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    Background and aim There is growing interest in the use of medication-assisted treatments for gambling disorder (GD). Opioid receptor antagonists are hypothesised to blunt the craving associated with gambling. This study was designed to assess the feasibility of using an intranasal naloxone spray to treat GD.Design An 8-week, open-label, uncontrolled pilot study.Setting A single study site in the capital region of Finland.Subjects Twenty problem gamblers (nine men) were randomised into two groups. Group A (n=10) took one dose into one nostril (2 mg naloxone), as needed, with a maximum of 4 doses/day (max. 8 mg/day). Group B (n=10) took one dose into each nostril (4 mg naloxone) as needed, with a maximum of 4 doses/day (max. 16 mg/day).Intervention Naloxone hydrochloride nasal spray.Measures Acceptability and feasibility of the intervention were assessed. Use of study medication, adverse events, gambling frequency and gambling expenditure were recorded in a mobile diary. Problem gambling: South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS), depressive symptoms: Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and alcohol use: Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test were recorded.Results Study completion rate was 90%. Acceptability and feasibility scores were high. Group B used intranasal naloxone more frequently than group A, and consequently used more naloxone. No serious adverse events were reported. The postintervention SOGS scores were lower (median=4 (IQR=3.75) versus preintervention scores (median=12 (IQR=4.75)). Depressive symptoms were reduced during the trial (preintervention BDI median=9, IQR=9 vs postintervention BDI median=6, IQR=6).Conclusions The acceptability and feasibility of using intranasal naloxone were high, and no serious adverse events were reported. Preliminary results suggest mixed results in terms of gambling behaviour (ie, reduced frequency but not expenditure) and decreased depressive symptoms.</div

    Ajotavan analysointi paikannustiedosta

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    Insinöörityössä oli tavoitteena laatia laskentamenetelmä ajotavan analysoimiseen paikannustiedosta sekä kehittää ohjelma, joka laskentamenetelmän avulla luokittelisi ajoneuvoja. Laskentamenetelmän kuului löytää ajoneuvojen paikkatiedoista tapahtumat, jolloin ajoneuvo on kiihdyttänyt tai jarruttanut liian kovaa. CGI:n asiakkaiden kannalta oli olennaista selvittää, mitkä ajoneuvot ajavat poikkeuksellisesti sekä mahdollistaa ajoneuvojen välinen vertailu ajotavan perusteella. Työn alkuvaiheessa laskentamenetelmän kehittäminen oli insinöörityön kannalta kriittisintä, koska ohjelmointia ei voinut aloittaa ennen sen laatimista. Laskentamenetelmä laadittiin ajoneuvoseurantajärjestelmän rajoitteet huomioon ottaen mahdollisimman yleiskäyttöiseksi. Tavoitteena oli saada laskentamenetelmä ja sen myötä myös ohjelma, joka toimisi saumattomasti useammassa eri järjestelmässä. Insinöörityössä tehtiin kaksi paikannustietoa käsittelevää PHP-ohjelmaa. Raskaat laskutyöt suoritettiin yhdessä ja huomattavasti kevyemmät luokittelutyöt suoritettiin toisessa. Kaksijakoisuuden ansiosta pystyttiin keskittymään molempien osien itsenäiseen kehittämiseen ja optimointiin. Työn aikana menetelmiä paranneltiin, ja ohjelmat saivat jatkuvasti parannuksia sekä enemmän ominaisuuksia. Lopputuloksena syntyi toimiva laskentamenetelmä sekä ohjelmat, jotka tuottavat arvokasta tietoa asiakkaille. Aikaisemmin ajoneuvoseurantajärjestelmissä ei ollut ajoneuvojen välistä vertailua, joka nyt mahdollistettiin. Projektin kokemukset osoittivat suunnittelun tärkeyden pitkäkestoisissa laskennoissa, jotka virhetilanteissa joutui pahimmassa tapauksessa käynnistämään alusta uudestaan. Insinöörityössä valmistuneet ohjelmat tulevat tarjoamaan asiakkaille täysin uudenlaista tietoa ajoneuvokalustonsa käytöstä.The study had two goals. The first goal was to develop a counting method to analyze driving patterns from position data. The second goal was to develop a program which would classify vehicles based on the results of the counting method. The counting method was supposed to find in the position data of the vehicle, all the events when the vehicle had been accelerating or braking too hard. From the perspective of CGI customers, it was critical to find out which vehicles were driving abnormally and to enable comparison between vehicles based on their driving patterns. In the early stages of the study it was critical to develop the counting method first, because the programming was dependent on the counting method. The counting method was developed with the limitations of the vehicle tracking system in mind, as well to be as widely usable as possible. The aim was to create a counting method and with it a program that would work seamlessly in different systems. For the study, two separate PHP-programs were developed to handle position data. The heavy calculations were done in one and the considerably less time consuming groupings in the other. Because of this twofold approach, both parts could be developed and optimized independently. During the project, the methods were improved and the programs continually got amendments and new features. The result of the study was a functional counting method, as well as programs which produce valuable information for the client. Previously it was impossible to do comparisons between vehicles, and now this is possible. The experience from the project showed the importance of planning when dealing with time consuming calculations, which in the worst case scenario have to be restarted if an error is encountered. The programs created here will provide the clients with completely new kind of information about the usage of their vehicle fleet