103 research outputs found

    Memory impairment in older adults’ diversionary thoughts

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    The diversion paradigm was created in the context of explaining the effect of the instruction to forget some recently encoded material in the list-method of the directed forgetting paradigm. The current study of healthy older adults employed the diversion paradigm with two main goals: to determine whether thinking about an autobiographical memory interferes with the recall of recently encoded information and to explore whether the degree of forgetting depends on the temporal distance created by the diversionary thought. Ninety non-institutionalized Portuguese older adults (47 females and 43 males), aged 65 to 69 years, with education levels of between 3 and 6 years participated in this study. The exclusion criteria were as follows: presence of depressive symptomatology (assessed with the Geriatric Depression Scale-30) and global cognitive deterioration (assessed with the Mini–Mental State Examination). Concerning the diversion paradigm, one group was instructed to think about an autobiographical event (remembering one’s childhood home or the last party that one had attended) after studying one word list (List 1) and before viewing the second word list (List 2). After a brief distraction task, the participant had to recall the words from both of the studied lists. In the control group, the procedure was the same, but the diversionary thought was substituted by a speed reading task. The obtained results showed the amnesic effect of diversionary thought but did not show a greater degree of forgetting when the autobiographical events in the diversionary thoughts were temporally more distant. Considering the practical implications of these results, this study alerts us to the importance of promoting strategies that enable older adults to better remember important information and effectively forget irrelevant information

    Sugestionabilidade interrogativa em crianças de 8 e 9 anos de idade

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    Para estudar a influência das variáveis idade, inteligência, memória, ansiedade geral e desejabilidade social na sugestionabilidade avaliaram-se crianças de 8 e 9 anos de idade com o Bonn Test of Statement Suggestibility (BTSS). Em 145 crianças averiguou-se o efeito das variáveis memória e inteligência não verbal e, numa subamostra de 74 crianças, para além das variáveis referidas, considerou-se também a inteligência verbal, ansiedade geral e desejabilidade social. As crianças de 8 anos são mais sugestionáveis do que as crianças mais velhas. No grupo dos 8 anos, aquelas com melhores desempenhos ao nível da inteligência não verbal (medida pelas Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven – MPCR), e na evocação da história do BTSS são menos sugestionáveis comparativamente às crianças com piores desempenhos nestas provas. De modo análogo, as crianças com 9 anos são tanto mais sugestionáveis quanto piores os desempenhos nas MPCR, evocação da história do BTSS e subtestes informação, vocabulário e aritmética da WISC–III. As crianças deste grupo etário que apresentam desejabilidade social elevada (avaliada pela RCMAS) são também mais sugestionáveis. Estes resultados são discutidos considerando a sua relevância para o âmbito forense.To study the influence of the variables age, intelligence, memory, general anxiety and social desirability in suggestibility, 8 and 9-year-old children were assessed using the Bonn Test of Statement Suggestibility (BTSS). The effect of the variables memory and non-verbal intelligence was studied in 145 children while, in a subsample of 74 children, the variables verbal intelligence, general anxiety and social desirability were also taken into account besides the ones previously referred to. Eight-year-old children are more suggestible than older children. In the eightyear- old group, those with better performances in nonverbal intelligence (measured by Raven’s Coloured Progressive Matrices – RCPM), and in the BTSS story recall are less suggestible compared to the children with worse performances in these tests. Similarly, the worse the performance achieved by nine-year-old children in RCPM, in the BTSS story recall and in the subtests of information, vocabulary and arithmetic of WISC-III are, the more suggestible they are. The children belonging to this age group who show high social desirability (evaluated by RCMAS) are also more suggestible. These results are discussed according to its relevance in the scope of the forensic field.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Capturing expert knowledge for the personalization of cognitive rehabilitation: study combining computational modeling and a participatory design strategy

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    Background: Cognitive impairments after stroke are not always given sufficient attention despite the critical limitations they impose on activities of daily living (ADLs). Although there is substantial evidence on cognitive rehabilitation benefits, its implementation is limited because of time and human resource’s demands. Moreover, many cognitive rehabilitation interventions lack a robust theoretical framework in the selection of paper-and-pencil tasks by the clinicians. In this endeavor, it would be useful to have a tool that could generate standardized paper-and-pencil tasks, parameterized according to patients' needs. Objective: In this study, we aimed to present a framework for the creation of personalized cognitive rehabilitation tasks based on a participatory design strategy. Methods: We selected 11 paper-and-pencil tasks from standard clinical practice and parameterized them with multiple configurations. A total of 67 tasks were assessed according to their cognitive demands (attention, memory, language, and executive functions) and overall difficulty by 20 rehabilitation professionals. Results: After assessing the internal consistency of the data—that is, alpha values from .918 to .997—we identified the parameters that significantly affected cognitive functions and proposed specific models for each task. Through computational modeling, we operationalized the tasks into their intrinsic parameters and developed a Web tool that generates personalized paper-and-pencil tasks—the Task Generator (TG). Conclusions: Our framework proposes an objective and quantitative personalization strategy tailored to each patient in multiple cognitive domains (attention, memory, language, and executive functions) derived from expert knowledge and materialized in the TG app, a cognitive rehabilitation Web tool.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A comparison of two personalization and adaptive cognitive rehabilitation approaches: a randomized controlled trial with chronic stroke patients

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    Background: Paper-and-pencil tasks are still widely used for cognitive rehabilitation despite the proliferation of new computer-based methods, like VR-based simulations of ADL’s. Studies have established construct validity of VR assessment tools with their paper-and-pencil version by demonstrating significant associations with their traditional construct-driven measures. However, VR rehabilitation intervention tools are mostly developed to include mechanisms such as personalization and adaptation, elements that are disregarded in their paper-and-pencil counterparts, which is a strong limitation of comparison studies. Here we compare the clinical impact of a personalized and adapted paper-and-pencil training and a content equivalent and more ecologically valid VR-based ADL’s simulation. Methods: We have performed a trial with 36 stroke patients comparing Reh@City v2.0 (adaptive cognitive training through everyday tasks VR simulations) with Task Generator (TG: content equivalent and adaptive paper-and-pencil training). The intervention comprised 12 sessions, with a neuropsychological assessment pre, post-intervention and follow-up, having as primary outcomes: general cognitive functioning (assessed by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment - MoCA), attention, memory, executive functions and language specific domains. Results: A within-group analysis revealed that the Reh@City v2.0 improved general cognitive functioning, attention, visuospatial ability and executive functions. These improvements generalized to verbal memory, processing speed and self-perceived cognitive deficits specific assessments. TG only improved in orientation domain on the MoCA, and specific processing speed and verbal memory outcomes. However, at follow-up, processing speed and verbal memory improvements were maintained, and a new one was revealed in language. A between-groups analysis revealed Reh@City v2.0 superiority in general cognitive functioning, visuospatial ability, and executive functions on the MoCA. Conclusions: The Reh@City v2.0 intervention with higher ecological validity revealed higher effectiveness with improvements in different cognitive domains and self-perceived cognitive deficits in everyday life, and the TG intervention retained fewer cognitive gains for longer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sugestionabilidade interrogativa em crianças de 8 e 9 anos de idade

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    Para estudar a influência das variáveis idade, inteligência, memória, ansiedade geral e desejabilidade social na sugestionabilidade avaliaram-se crianças de 8 e 9 anos de idade com o Bonn Test of Statement Suggestibility (BTSS). Em 145 crianças averiguou-se o efeito das variáveis memória e inteligência não verbal e, numa subamostra de 74 crianças, para além das variáveis referidas, considerou-se também a inteligência verbal, ansiedade geral e desejabilidade social. As crianças de 8 anos são mais sugestionáveis do que as crianças mais velhas. No grupo dos 8 anos, aquelas com melhores desempenhos ao nível da inteligência não verbal (medida pelas Matrizes Progressivas Coloridas de Raven – MPCR), e na evocação da história do BTSS são menos vsugestionáveis comparativamente às crianças com piores desempenhos nestas provas. De modo análogo, as crianças com 9 anos são tanto mais sugestionáveis quanto piores os desempenhos nas MPCR, evocação da história do BTSS e subtestes informação, vocabulário e aritmética da WISC–III. As crianças deste grupo etário que apresentam desejabilidade social elevada (avaliada pela RCMAS) são também mais sugestionáveis. Estes resultados são discutidos considerando a sua relevância para o âmbito forense

    Alojamento local : tributação em IRS

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    A presente dissertação surgiu da necessidade de um esclarecimento no que ao regime jurídico aplicável ao alojamento local concerne, nomeadamente o seu regime fiscal controverso e as consequências jurídicas da sua inserção no ordenamento português. Visa-se, num primeiro momento, esclarecer a origem deste fenómeno de hospedagem. Em segundo lugar, devido à constante comparação entre a tributação dos rendimentos provenientes do alojamento local e os rendimentos provenientes do arrendamento urbano, há uma tendência global que gerou uma sensação de injustiça e desigualdade, criando, assim, a necessidade de um aprofundamento sobre esta temática, urgindo uma concetualização distintiva entre os dois regimes e conceitos. De salientar ainda a problemática da tributação das mais-valias geradas com a afetação e desafetação dos imóveis do património particular para o empresarial e vice-versa. Por último, a par da caraterização do regime fiscal português, as suas caraterísticas, vantagens e lacunas, pretende-se alcançar uma exegese da lei, clara o suficiente para que quem exerce este tipo de atividade o possa fazer em consciência e para que possa perceber quais as opções de tributação mais favoráveis in casu.The present dissertation arose from the need for clarification regarding the legal regime applicable to local housing, namely its controversial tax regime and the legal consequences of its inclusion in the Portuguese ordering. It is intended, at first, to clarify the origin of this lodging phenomenon. Secondly, due to the constant comparison between the taxation of local housing income and urban lease income, there is a global trend that has created a sense of injustice and inequality, thus creating the need for the need for further study on this subject, urging a distinctive conceptualization between the two regimes and concepts. It should also be pointed out the problem of taxing the capital gains generated by the allocation and disinfection of real estate from private to corporate assets and vice versa. Lastly, along with the characterization of the Portuguese tax system, its characteristics, advantages and shortcomings, it is intended to achieve an exegesis of the law, clear enough that those who practice this type of activity can do so in the most favorable tax options in casu

    Sugestionabilidade em pessoas idosas: Um estudo com a Escala de Sugestionabilidade de Gudjonsson (GSS 1)

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    O presente trabalho teve como principal objetivo compreender alguns fatores que influenciam a sugestionabilidade interrogativa em pessoas idosas. Neste âmbito, procurou-se analisar a existência de diferenças na sugestionabilidade interrogativa em função da idade, bem como averiguar a sua relação com variáveis cognitivas e de ansiedade. A amostra incluiu 52 adultos idosos (78-83 anos), e igual número de adultos mais novos entre 42 e 52 anos. Utilizaram-se os seguintes instrumentos de avaliação: Escala de Sugestionabilidade de Gudjonsson 1 (GSS 1), Mini Mental State Examination, teste de Fluência Verbal de Categorias, subtestes Vocabulário e Memória de Dígitos da Escala de Inteligência para Adultos de Wechsler-III, Inventário de Ansiedade Estado-Traço para Adultos e Matrizes de Raven. Entre os grupos verificaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas nos resultados Cedência 1 e Mudança da GSS 1, Fluência Verbal, Memória de Dígitos e Ansiedade. No que respeita a valores de correlação moderados entre sugestionabilidade interrogativa e medidas cognitivas e de ansiedade, estes somente foram registados entre Sugestionabilidade Total e tempo de realização nas Matrizes de Raven, em ambos os grupos etários. Observou-se ainda que o conhecimento prévio, por parte de vários participantes, da entrevistadora que administrou a GSS 1 pode influenciar os resultados obtidos nesta escala. Os vários resultados são discutidos considerando a sua relevância forense

    Ningún efecto del estrés sobre el reconocimiento falso

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    Ausencia de efecto del estrés sobre el reconocimiento falso. Antecedentes: en este estudio se analiza el efecto del estrés agudo sobre el reconocimiento falso empleando el paradigma Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM). En este paradigma se estudian listas de palabras asociadas a una palabra crítica no presentada, palabras a menudo falsamente recordadas en una posterior prueba de memoria. Método: se realizaron dos experimentos en los que los participantes se distribuían aleatoriamente en dos grupos: grupo estrés (Trier Social Stress Test) y grupo control no-estrés. En los dos experimentos se controló el nivel de procesamiento empleado durante la codifi cación. En el Experimento 1, los participantes debían crear una imagen visual mental para cada palabra estudiada (codifi cación profunda). En el Experimento 2, los participantes realizaban una codifi cación superfi cial (responder si cada palabra contenía la letra “o”). Resultados: los resultados indicaban que, en ambos experimentos, como se predecía, la tasa cardiaca y las puntuaciones en el STAI-E aumentaban solo en el grupo estrés. En cambio, el reconocimiento falso no difería entre los grupos. Conclusiones: los datos sugieren que, aunque se consiguió inducir adecuadamente estrés psicosocial, no se incrementó la vulnerabilidad de los individuos sometidos a estrés al reconocimiento falso, con independencia del nivel de procesamiento que se hubiera empleadoBackground: The present study aimed to analyze the effect of acute stress on false recognition in the Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. In this paradigm, lists of words associated with a non-presented critical lure are studied and, in a subsequent memory test, critical lures are often falsely remembered. Method: In two experiments, participants were randomly assigned to either the stress group (Trier Social Stress Test) or the nostress control group. Because we sought to control the level-of-processing at encoding, in Experiment 1, participants created a visual mental image for each presented word (deep encoding). In Experiment 2, participants performed a shallow encoding (to respond whether each word contained the letter “o”). Results: The results indicated that, in both experiments, as predicted, heart rate and STAI-S scores increased only in the stress group. However, false recognition did not differ across stress and nostress groups. Conclusions: Results suggest that, although psychosocial stress was successfully induced, it does not enhance the vulnerability of individuals with acute stress to DRM false recognition, regardless of the level of processing

    No effect of stress on false recognition

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    [ENG]Background: The present study aimed to analyze the effect of acute stress on false recognition in the Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. In this paradigm, lists of words associated with a non-presented critical lure are studied and, in a subsequent memory test, critical lures are often falsely remembered. Method: In two experiments, participants were randomly assigned to either the stress group (Trier Social Stress Test) or the nostress control group. Because we sought to control the level-of-processing at encoding, in Experiment 1, participants created a visual mental image for each presented word (deep encoding). In Experiment 2, participants performed a shallow encoding (to respond whether each word contained the letter “o”). Results: The results indicated that, in both experiments, as predicted, heart rate and STAI-S scores increased only in the stress group. However, false recognition did not differ across stress and nostress groups. Conclusions: Results suggest that, although psychosocial stress was successfully induced, it does not enhance the vulnerability of individuals with acute stress to DRM false recognition, regardless of the level of processing. [ES]Ausencia de efecto del estrés sobre el reconocimiento falso. Antecedentes: en este estudio se analiza el efecto del estrés agudo sobre el reconocimiento falso empleando el paradigma Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM). En este paradigma se estudian listas de palabras asociadas a una palabra crítica no presentada, palabras a menudo falsamente recordadas en una posterior prueba de memoria. Método: se realizaron dos experimentos en los que los participantes se distribuían aleatoriamente en dos grupos: grupo estrés (Trier Social Stress Test) y grupo control no-estrés. En los dos experimentos se controló el nivel de procesamiento empleado durante la codifi cación. En el Experimento 1, los participantes debían crear una imagen visual mental para cada palabra estudiada (codifi cación profunda). En el Experimento 2, los participantes realizaban una codifi cación superfi cial (responder si cada palabra contenía la letra “o”). Resultados: los resultados indicaban que, en ambos experimentos, como se predecía, la tasa cardiaca y las puntuaciones en el STAI-E aumentaban solo en el grupo estrés. En cambio, el reconocimiento falso no difería entre los grupos. Conclusiones: los datos sugieren que, aunque se consiguió inducir adecuadamente estrés psicosocial, no se incrementó la vulnerabilidad de los individuos sometidos a estrés al reconocimiento falso, con independencia del nivel de procesamiento que se hubiera empleado