584 research outputs found

    Contribution of Collaborative Work to Teacher Reflection and the Transformation of Pedagogical Practices of School and University Science Teachers // Contribución del trabajo colaborativo en la reflexión docente y en la transformación de las prácticas pedagógicas de profesores de ciencia escolares y universitarios

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    Poor results of science learning, both at school and university, have led us to acknowledge the need to transform our teaching. Currently, reflection and collaborative work with colleagues are conceived as being key factors in the process of the transformation of practices. Based on the experiences of a group of school and university science teachers working on action-research, we describe the contribution that collaborative work has on reflection for the transformation of practices. The main aspects are the recognition of strengths and weaknesses, listening to and learning from the experience of others, and the discussion of specific classroom practices. On the other hand, these reflections contribute to the transformation at different levels: the teacher, classroom teaching practices, and the school community. The fact that it is a diverse group that includes both school and university teachers generate enriching reflections that help to transform practices in both areas. These reflections not only benefit the school system, but also science teachers education, and provide insights on a new University-School relationship // Los deficientes resultados de aprendizaje en el área de las ciencias, tanto en el ámbito escolar como universitario, nos han llevado a la necesidad de transformar nuestra enseñanza. En la actualidad, la reflexión y el trabajo colaborativo con colegas se conciben como claves en el proceso de transformación de las prácticas. A partir de la experiencia de un grupo de docentes escolares y universitarios de ciencia que realiza una investigación-acción, describimos la contribución que tiene el trabajo colaborativo sobre la reflexión para la transformación de las prácticas. Destacan aspectos como el reconocimiento de debilidades y fortalezas, el escuchar y aprender de la experiencia de otros y la discusión de prácticas concretas de aula. Por otra parte, estas reflexiones contribuyen a la transformación en diferentes niveles: del profesor, de las prácticas del docente en el aula y de la comunidad escolar. El hecho de que sea un grupo diverso, que incluye a profesores tanto del sistema escolar como universitario, genera reflexiones enriquecedoras, que ayudan a transformar las prácticas en estos dos ámbitos, beneficiando no solo al sistema escolar, sino también a la formación de profesores de ciencia, y dando luces acerca de una nueva relación universidad-escuela

    Principios de Desarrollo Profesional Docente construidos por y para Profesores de Ciencia: una propuesta sustentable que emerge desde la indagación de las propias prácticas / Principles of Teacher Professional Development built by and for Science Teachers: a sustainable proposal that emerges from the inquiry of self-practices

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    La transformación de las prácticas de los docentes en el área de ciencias, tanto a nivel escolar como universitario (incluida la formación inicial), constituye una necesidad urgente si pretendemos alfabetizar científicamente a la población. Este estudio muestra una propuesta de cinco principios para el desarrollo profesional docente en ciencias, que emergen desde la indagación colaborativa de las propias prácticas de un conjunto de docentes de educación primaria, secundaria y universitaria, quienes trabajan hace cuatro años en un proceso de desarrollo profesional conjunto. Estos principios incluyen la construcción de una visión común acerca del para qué enseñar ciencias, la indagación de las prácticas a partir de las particularidades de la educación científica, la reflexión individual y colectiva sobre las prácticas, la valoración de la autoridad de la experiencia para el aprendizaje docente y la promoción de un ambiente de desarrollo profesional que involucre diversidad de contextos y niveles de enseñanza. // The transformation of teaching practices in the area of sciences, both at school and university levels (including initial training), is an urgent need if we intend to achieve scientific literacy in the population. This study shows a proposal of five principles for teacher professional development in sciences, emerged from the collaborative inquiry of self-practices in a group of primary, secondary and university teachers, who have been working together for four years in a professional development process. These principles include the construction of a common vision on the purpose for teaching sciences; the inquiry of practices starting from the distinctive features of scientific education; individual and collective reflection on practices; the valuation of the authority of experience for teacher learning; and the promotion of an environment of professional development involving diverse contexts and teaching levels. Implications for professional development are discussed

    Identification of coherent flood regions across Europe by using the longest streamflow records

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    This study compiles a new dataset, consisting of the longest available flow series from across Europe, and uses it to study the spatial and temporal clustering of flood events across the continent. Hydrological series at 102 gauging stations were collected from 25 European countries. Five geographically distinct large-scale homogeneous regions are identified: (i) an Atlantic region, (ii) a Continental region, (iii) a Scandinavian region, (iv) an Alpine region, and (v) a Mediterranean region. The months with a higher likelihood of flooding were identified in each region. The analysis of the clustering of annual counts of floods revealed an over-dispersion in the Atlantic and Continental regions, forming flood-rich and flood-poor periods, as well as an under-dispersion in the Scandinavian region that points to a regular pattern of flood occurrences at the inter-annual scale. The detection of trends in flood series is attempted by basing it on the identified regions, interpreting the results at a regional scale and for various time periods: 1900-1999; 1920-1999; 1939-1998 and 1956-1995. The results indicate that a decreasing trend in the magnitude of floods was observed mainly in the Continental region in the period 1920-1999 with 22% of the catchments revealing such a trend, as well as a decreasing trend in the timing of floods in the Alpine region in the period 1900-1999 with 75% of the catchments revealing this trend. A mixed pattern of changes in the frequency of floods over a threshold and few significant changes in the timing of floods were detected

    Systematic Characterizations of Text Similarity in Full Text Biomedical Publications

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    Computational methods have been used to find duplicate biomedical publications in MEDLINE. Full text articles are becoming increasingly available, yet the similarities among them have not been systematically studied. Here, we quantitatively investigated the full text similarity of biomedical publications in PubMed Central.72,011 full text articles from PubMed Central (PMC) were parsed to generate three different datasets: full texts, sections, and paragraphs. Text similarity comparisons were performed on these datasets using the text similarity algorithm eTBLAST. We measured the frequency of similar text pairs and compared it among different datasets. We found that high abstract similarity can be used to predict high full text similarity with a specificity of 20.1% (95% CI [17.3%, 23.1%]) and sensitivity of 99.999%. Abstract similarity and full text similarity have a moderate correlation (Pearson correlation coefficient: -0.423) when the similarity ratio is above 0.4. Among pairs of articles in PMC, method sections are found to be the most repetitive (frequency of similar pairs, methods: 0.029, introduction: 0.0076, results: 0.0043). In contrast, among a set of manually verified duplicate articles, results are the most repetitive sections (frequency of similar pairs, results: 0.94, methods: 0.89, introduction: 0.82). Repetition of introduction and methods sections is more likely to be committed by the same authors (odds of a highly similar pair having at least one shared author, introduction: 2.31, methods: 1.83, results: 1.03). There is also significantly more similarity in pairs of review articles than in pairs containing one review and one nonreview paper (frequency of similar pairs: 0.0167 and 0.0023, respectively).While quantifying abstract similarity is an effective approach for finding duplicate citations, a comprehensive full text analysis is necessary to uncover all potential duplicate citations in the scientific literature and is helpful when establishing ethical guidelines for scientific publications

    Occupational Toluene Exposure Induces Cytochrome P450 2E1 mRNA Expression in Peripheral Lymphocytes

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    Print workers are exposed to organic solvents, of which the systemic toxicant toluene is a main component. Toluene induces expression of cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1), an enzyme involved in its own metabolism and that of other protoxicants, including some procarcinogens. Therefore, we investigated the association between toluene exposure and the CYP2E1 response, as assessed by mRNA content in peripheral lymphocytes or the 6-hydroxychlorzoxazone (6OH-CHZ)/chlorzoxazone (CHZ) quotient (known as CHZ metabolic ratio) in plasma, and the role of genotype (5′-flanking region RsaI/PstI polymorphic sites) in 97 male print workers. The geometric mean (GM) of toluene concentration in the air was 52.80 ppm (10–760 ppm); 54% of the study participants were exposed to toluene concentrations that exceeded the maximum permissible exposure level (MPEL). The GM of urinary hippuric acid at the end of a work shift (0.041 g/g creatinine) was elevated relative to that before the shift (0.027 g/g creatinine; p < 0.05). The GM of the CHZ metabolic ratio was 0.33 (0–9.3), with 40% of the subjects having ratios below the GM. However, the average CYP2E1 mRNA level in peripheral lymphocytes was 1.07 (0.30–3.08), and CYP2E1 mRNA levels within subjects correlated with the toluene exposure ratio (environmental toluene concentration:urinary hippuric acid concentration) (p = 0.014). Genotype did not alter the association between the toluene exposure ratio and mRNA content. In summary, with further validation, CYP2E1 mRNA content in peripheral lymphocytes could be a sensitive and noninvasive biomarker for the continuous monitoring of toluene effects in exposed persons

    Reduced Diversity and High Sponge Abundance on a Sedimented Indo-Pacific Reef System: Implications for Future Changes in Environmental Quality

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    Although coral reef health across the globe is declining as a result of anthropogenic impacts, relatively little is known of how environmental variability influences reef organisms other than corals and fish. Sponges are an important component of coral reef fauna that perform many important functional roles and changes in their abundance and diversity as a result of environmental change has the potential to affect overall reef ecosystem functioning. In this study, we examined patterns of sponge biodiversity and abundance across a range of environments to assess the potential key drivers of differences in benthic community structure. We found that sponge assemblages were significantly different across the study sites, but were dominated by one species Lamellodysidea herbacea (42% of all sponges patches recorded) and that the differential rate of sediment deposition was the most important variable driving differences in abundance patterns. Lamellodysidea herbacea abundance was positively associated with sedimentation rates, while total sponge abundance excluding Lamellodysidea herbacea was negatively associated with rates of sedimentation. Overall variation in sponge assemblage composition was correlated with a number of variables although each variable explained only a small amount of the overall variation. Although sponge abundance remained similar across environments, diversity was negatively affected by sedimentation, with the most sedimented sites being dominated by a single sponge species. Our study shows how some sponge species are able to tolerate high levels of sediment and that any transition of coral reefs to more sedimented states may result in a shift to a low diversity sponge dominated system, which is likely to have subsequent effects on ecosystem functioning. © 2014 Powell et al

    Comparative evaluation of methods for estimating retinal ganglion cell loss in retinal sections and wholemounts

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    To investigate the reliability of different methods of quantifying retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in rat retinal sections and wholemounts from eyes with either intact optic nerves or those axotomised after optic nerve crush (ONC). Adult rats received a unilateral ONC and after 21 days the numbers of Brn3a+ , bIII-tubulin+ and Islet-1+ RGCs were quantified in either retinal radial sections or wholemounts in which FluoroGold (FG) was injected 48 h before harvesting. Phenotypic antibody markers were used to distinguish RGCs from astrocytes, macrophages/microglia and amacrine cells. In wholemounted retinae, counts of FG+ and Brn3a+ RGCs were of similar magnitude in eyes with intact optic nerves and were similarly reduced after ONC. Larger differences in RGC number were detected between intact and ONC groups when images were taken closer to the optic nerve head. In radial sections, Brn3a did not stain astrocytes, macrophages/microglia or amacrine cells, whereas βIII-tubulin and Islet-1 did localize to amacrine cells as well as RGCs. The numbers of βIII-tubulin+ RGCs was greater than Brn3a+ RGCs, both in retinae from eyes with intact optic nerves and eyes 21 days after ONC. Islet-1 staining also overestimated the number of RGCs compared to Brn3a, but only after ONC. Estimates of RGC loss were similar in Brn3astained radial retinal sections compared to both Brn3a-stained wholemounts and retinal wholemounts in which RGCs were backfilled with FG, with sections having the added advantage of reducing experimental animal usage

    Mutational Analysis of the Cyanobacterial Nitrogen Regulator PipX

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    PipX provides a functional link between the cyanobacterial global transcriptional regulator NtcA and the signal transduction protein PII, a protein found in all three domains of life as integrators of signals of the nitrogen and carbon balance. PipX, which is toxic in the absence of PII, can form alternative complexes with NtcA and PII and these interactions are respectively stimulated and inhibited by 2-oxoglutarate, providing a mechanism by which PII can modulate expression at the NtcA regulon. Structural information on PipX-NtcA complexes suggests that PipX coactivates NtcA controlled genes by stabilizing the active conformation of NtcA bound to 2-oxoglutarate and by possibly helping recruit RNA polymerase. To get insights into PipX functions, we perform here a mutational analysis of pipX informed by the structures of PipX-PII and PipX-NtcA complexes and evaluate the impact of point mutations on toxicity and gene expression. Two amino acid substitutions (Y32A and E4A) were of particular interest, since they increased PipX toxicity and activated NtcA dependent genes in vivo at lower 2-oxoglutarate levels than wild type PipX. While both mutations impaired complex formation with PII, only Y32A had a negative impact on PipX-NtcA interactions

    Identification of Thioredoxin Glutathione Reductase Inhibitors That Kill Cestode and Trematode Parasites

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    Parasitic flatworms are responsible for serious infectious diseases that affect humans as well as livestock animals in vast regions of the world. Yet, the drug armamentarium available for treatment of these infections is limited: praziquantel is the single drug currently available for 200 million people infected with Schistosoma spp. and there is justified concern about emergence of drug resistance. Thioredoxin glutathione reductase (TGR) is an essential core enzyme for redox homeostasis in flatworm parasites. In this work, we searched for flatworm TGR inhibitors testing compounds belonging to various families known to inhibit thioredoxin reductase or TGR and also additional electrophilic compounds. Several furoxans and one thiadiazole potently inhibited TGRs from both classes of parasitic flatworms: cestoda (tapeworms) and trematoda (flukes), while several benzofuroxans and a quinoxaline moderately inhibited TGRs. Remarkably, five active compounds from diverse families possessed a phenylsulfonyl group, strongly suggesting that this moiety is a new pharmacophore. The most active inhibitors were further characterized and displayed slow and nearly irreversible binding to TGR. These compounds efficiently killed Echinococcus granulosus larval worms and Fasciola hepatica newly excysted juveniles in vitro at a 20 µM concentration. Our results support the concept that the redox metabolism of flatworm parasites is precarious and particularly susceptible to destabilization, show that furoxans can be used to target both flukes and tapeworms, and identified phenylsulfonyl as a new drug-hit moiety for both classes of flatworm parasites

    A simulation study on the effects of neuronal ensemble properties on decoding algorithms for intracortical brain-machine interfaces

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    Background: Intracortical brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) harness movement information by sensing neuronal activities using chronic microelectrode implants to restore lost functions to patients with paralysis. However, neuronal signals often vary over time, even within a day, forcing one to rebuild a BMI every time they operate it. The term &quot;rebuild&quot; means overall procedures for operating a BMI, such as decoder selection, decoder training, and decoder testing. It gives rise to a practical issue of what decoder should be built for a given neuronal ensemble. This study aims to address it by exploring how decoders&apos; performance varies with the neuronal properties. To extensively explore a range of neuronal properties, we conduct a simulation study. Methods: Focusing on movement direction, we examine several basic neuronal properties, including the signal-to-noise ratio of neurons, the proportion of well-tuned neurons, the uniformity of their preferred directions (PDs), and the non-stationarity of PDs. We investigate the performance of three popular BMI decoders: Kalman filter, optimal linear estimator, and population vector algorithm. Results: Our simulation results showed that decoding performance of all the decoders was affected more by the proportion of well-tuned neurons that their uniformity. Conclusions: Our study suggests a simulated scenario of how to choose a decoder for intracortical BMIs in various neuronal conditions