161 research outputs found

    Freshwater ecotoxicity characterisation factor for metal oxide nanoparticles: A case study on titanium dioxide nanoparticle

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    The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is widely applied in several industrial sectors to evaluate the environmental performance of processes, products and services. Recently, several reports and studies have emphasized the importance of LCA in the field of engineered nanomaterials. However, to date only a few LCA studies on nanotechnology have been carried out, and fewer still have assessed aspects relating to ecotoxicity. This is mainly due to the lack of knowledge in relation on human and environmental exposure and effect of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs). This bottleneck is continued when performing Life Cycle Impact Assessment, where characterization models and consequently characterization factors (CFs) for ENPs are missing. This paper aims to provide the freshwater ecotoxicity CF for titanium dioxide nanoparticles (nano-TiO2). The USEtoxℱ model has been selected as a characterisation model. An adjusted multimedia fate model has been developed which accounts for nano-specific fate process descriptors (i.e. sedimentation, aggregation with suspended particle matter, etc.) to estimate the fate of nano-TiO2 in freshwater. A literature survey of toxicity tests performed on freshwater organism representative of multiple trophic levels was conducted, including algae, crustaceans and fish in order to collect relevant EC50 values. Then, the toxic effect of nano-TiO2 was computed on the basis of the HC50 value. Thus, following the principle of USEtoxℱ model and accounting for nano-specific descriptors a CF for the toxic impact of freshwater ecotoxicity of 0.28 PAF day m3 kg− 1 is proposed

    Opportunities of 5G Mobile Technology for Climate Protection in Switzerland

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    5G mobile networks are intended to meet the increasing requirements placed on mobile communications. Producing and operating 5G infrastructure causes direct effects on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Meanwhile, 5G is expected to support applications that contribute to GHG abatement. We investigated (i) the GHG footprint of 5G infrastructure, and (ii) the GHG abatement potential of four 5G-supported use cases (i.e., flexible work, smart grids, automated driving and precision farming) for Switzerland in 2030. Our results show that 5G infrastructure is expected to cause 0.018 Mt CO2 e/year. Per unit of data transmitted, 5G is expected to cause 85% less GHG emissions in 2030 than today’s 2G/3G/4G network mix. The four 5G-supported use cases have the potential to avoid up to 2.1 Mt CO2 e/year; clearly more than the predicted GHG footprint of 5G infrastructure. The use cases benefit especially from ultra-low latency, the possibility to connect many devices, high reliability, mobility, availability and security provided by 5G. To put 5G at the service of climate protection, measures should be taken in two fields. First, the GHG footprint of 5G should be kept small, by installing only as much 5G infrastructure as required, running 5G with electricity from renewable energy sources, and decommissioning older network technologies once 5G is widely available. Second, the GHG abatements enabled by 5G-supported use cases should be unleashed by creating conditions that target GHG reductions and mitigate rebound effects. The final outcome depends largely on the political will to steer the development into the direction of a net GHG reduction

    Facility management information taxonomy framework for queries in healthcare buildings

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    Healthcare facilities need to ensure providing safer services to patients without interruptions since disease diagnosis and treatments highly depend on medical equipment and spaces. Therefore, facility management (FM) of healthcare facilities requires a clear and rapid information flow for decision making processes to impede possible interruptions. Non-availability of information, accuracy problems and incomplete information induce more severe problems such as cost overruns, reduced productivity and decrease in customer satisfaction. Thus, this paper aims to develop a strategic information taxonomy framework for FM inquiries in healthcare facilities to address the research problem. Design Science Research methodology cycles such as relevance, rigor and design are adopted during the flow of the research. In the relevance cycle, research requirements and the importance of FMITs were firstly observed with two scenarios, then in the rigor cycle, 64 FM information types (FMITs) were determined, classified and refined under three categories such as; managerial, technical, and financial as a result of literature review and pilot study. Determined FMITs were analyzed with newly developed MonteCarlo Simulation and TOPSIS Techniques on healthcare facilities. As a result of analysis, 62 FMITs were found important for healthcare facilities. The most important FM Informations Types were found as “identification of hazardous or other risks to people or property” (0,985), “real-time operation parameters/post occupancy data integration” (0,939), and “predicted lifetime of assets” (0,818) in managerial, technical and financial information types respectively. Finally, in design cycle, facility management information taxonomy, which was created from determined FMITs, and importance levels of determined FMITs were evaluated with two case studies. Results showed that while maintenance contracts have a positive impact to prevent negative impact of costs, they can cause interruption in information management in facility management. Additionally, there are some view difference in professions. For example, construction management literature focuses wastes that are incurred at the end of building lifecycle or construction process. However, there aren't much attention to manage wastes that occurred during operation and maintenance stage. Beside this, regulations and standards have importance to store, use and manage FMITs. The analysis results acknowledged that the use of information taxonomy framework can increase the effectiveness of the healthcare FM

    Faire construire une maison "sur plan" : collaborations, oppositions, désenchantements

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    D’aprĂšs plusieurs travaux de recherche, rĂ©alisĂ©s Ă  diffĂ©rents moments depuis l’aprĂšs-guerre, les maisons individuelles seraient la catĂ©gorie d’habitation prĂ©fĂ©rĂ©e par les français (Damon 2017; DjĂ©fal et EugĂšne 2004; Giard et Stoetzl 1947). Toutefois, il apparaĂźt qu’il existerait un dĂ©calage entre un certain « rĂȘve » pavillonnaire (Haumont 1966), qui guiderait les mĂ©nages vers le choix de « faire construire » des maisons « sur plan », et un progressif « dĂ©senchantement » qui se manifesterait au fil de la construction et de l’appropriation de cette typologie de logement (Lambert 2015; RougĂ© 2005). Constatant cette insatisfaction, une association regroupant plusieurs entreprises industrielles du secteur du bĂątiment a financĂ© une recherche doctorale afin de saisir le processus Ă  travers lequel les familles prennent les diffĂ©rentes dĂ©cisions qui permettent d’établir l’emplacement, le coĂ»t ainsi que les caractĂ©ristiques techniques, architecturales et esthĂ©tiques de leur futur logement. Ainsi, une enquĂȘte longitudinale a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e entre 2018 Ă  2020 dans les cinq aires urbaines de Paris, de Lyon, de Lille, de Chambery-Aix-les-Bains-Annecy et du bassin minier du Pas-de-Calais. Au cours de cette pĂ©riode, un panel d’une vingtaine de familles a pu ĂȘtre suivi de maniĂšre longitudinale lors des diffĂ©rents rendez-vous rĂ©alisĂ©s avec des vendeurs et des conducteurs de travaux en vue de la rĂ©alisation de leur maison. A cĂŽtĂ© de ces observations, des entretiens ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©s de maniĂšre rĂ©itĂ©rĂ©e Ă  trois moments clĂ© de ce processus, afin de rendre compte de l’évolution du regard des familles sur leur projet. Enfin, de prises de vue photographiques des chantiers et des maisons en cours de rĂ©alisation ont complĂ©tĂ© cette collecte de donnĂ©es. L’enquĂȘte a permis de montrer que la conception et la rĂ©alisation des projets de construction s’effectue sous une contrainte budgĂ©taire forte, aggravĂ©e, au cours de la pĂ©riode Ă©tudiĂ©e, par la progressive rĂ©duction des aides publiques Ă  la construction de logements individuels. Contraintes Ă  rĂ©aliser de nombreux arbitrages, les familles sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement guidĂ©es, orientĂ©es voire influencĂ©es par des professionnels qui, spĂ©cialistes de leur domaine, ont une meilleure maĂźtrise des Ă©lĂ©ments techniques, normatifs et budgĂ©taires qui caractĂ©risent leur projet. Cette communication prĂ©sentera, dans un premier temps, la maniĂšre dont les familles clientes et les professionnels parviennent Ă  Ă©tablir un lien de confiance et Ă  collaborer malgrĂ© la dissymĂ©trie de connaissances qui caractĂ©rise leur relation. Ensuite, dans un deuxiĂšme temps, seront prĂ©sentĂ©s les oppositions et les conflits qui peuvent caractĂ©riser leurs Ă©changes, ainsi que la dĂ©ception qui peut ĂȘtre Ă©prouvĂ©e par les familles, Ă  partir du moment oĂč les Ă©lĂ©ments qui constituent la maison viennent Ă  ĂȘtre davantage figĂ©s
