536 research outputs found

    Phaeomelanin- and carotenoid-based pigmentation reflect oxidative status in two populations of the yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia)

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    Carotenoid- and phaeomelanin-based sexual pigmentation may signal a capacity to maintain oxidative balance and viability. However, diverse empirical results leave the association between pigmentation and oxidative stress (OS) unclear. We assessed the hypothesis that population-specific levels of oxidative challenge, or strategies for managing OS, affect relationships between sexual pigmentation and OS. Specifically, intense oxidative challenge in migratory, temperate breeding birds might enhance correlations between pigmentation and OS relative to allied tropical breeders, since quality-based differences in OS may arise only under intense oxidative challenge. Alternatively, in temperate breeders with intense within-season reproductive effort, high-quality birds may invest in reproduction over oxidative balance, dampening negative correlations between pigmentation and OS. To assess these alternatives, we compared prenesting relationships between pigmentation and OS in a migratory, Californian population of yellow warblers (Setophaga petechia brewsteri) and in a resident, Mexican population (Setophaga petechia bryanti, "mangrove warblers"). Yellow warblers displayed higher OS than mangrove warblers. However, year of capture and sex had bigger influences on correlations between pigmentation and OS than population. Males with more intense melanin pigmentation had lower OS among mangrove warblers and yellow warblers captured in 2011, but not among yellow warblers captured in 2012. In females only, lower OS levels were associated with more colorful carotenoid pigmentation. Results suggest that both phaeomelanin- and carotenoid-based pigmentation have the potential to correlate with OS levels, but that the signaling potential of pigmentation may shift with inter-annual variation in environmental conditions and display sex-specific dynamics. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Etiopathology of chronic tubular, glomerular and renovascular nephropathies: Clinical implications

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) comprises a group of pathologies in which the renal excretory function is chronically compromised. Most, but not all, forms of CKD are progressive and irreversible, pathological syndromes that start silently (i.e. no functional alterations are evident), continue through renal dysfunction and ends up in renal failure. At this point, kidney transplant or dialysis (renal replacement therapy, RRT) becomes necessary to prevent death derived from the inability of the kidneys to cleanse the blood and achieve hydroelectrolytic balance. Worldwide, nearly 1.5 million people need RRT, and the incidence of CKD has increased significantly over the last decades. Diabetes and hypertension are among the leading causes of end stage renal disease, although autoimmunity, renal atherosclerosis, certain infections, drugs and toxins, obstruction of the urinary tract, genetic alterations, and other insults may initiate the disease by damaging the glomerular, tubular, vascular or interstitial compartments of the kidneys. In all cases, CKD eventually compromises all these structures and gives rise to a similar phenotype regardless of etiology. This review describes with an integrative approach the pathophysiological process of tubulointerstitial, glomerular and renovascular diseases, and makes emphasis on the key cellular and molecular events involved. It further analyses the key mechanisms leading to a merging phenotype and pathophysiological scenario as etiologically distinct diseases progress. Finally clinical implications and future experimental and therapeutic perspectives are discussed

    Awareness of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Tests and Use of Genetic Tests Among Puerto Rican Adults, 2009

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    Introduction: Genetic testing remains low among racial/ethnic minority populations in the United States. We aimed to determine the prevalence and correlates of awareness of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests and the prevalence of genetic test use in a population-based sample of adults in Puerto Rico. Methods: We analyzed data from adults aged 18 years or older who completed information on genetic test awareness (n = 611; 96% of study population) from the Health Information National Trends Survey conducted in Puerto Rico in 2009. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were estimated by using logistic regression models to identify factors associated with awareness of DTC genetic tests. Results: The majority of respondents (56%) were aware of direct-to-consumer genetic tests, and approximately 4% had ever undergone any genetic test. Respondents who had never been married were less likely to be aware of DTC tests, as were current smokers. Respondents who ever sought cancer information were more likely to be aware of these tests. Conclusion: We provide the first published data on the awareness of DTC genetic tests and on use of genetic testing in Puerto Rico. Forty-four percent of our sample of Puerto Rican adults were unaware of direct-to-consumer genetic tests. Given the lack of clear benefits of DTC genetic tests to the general population, educational interventions should be developed to increase awareness and specific knowledge regarding the appropriate use of DTC genetic tests among people who are already aware of their existence

    Association of VAV2 and VAV3 polymorphisms with cardiovascular risk factors

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    Hypertension, diabetes and obesity are cardiovascular risk factors closely associated to the development of renal and cardiovascular target organ damage. VAV2 and VAV3, members of the VAV family proto-oncogenes, are guanosine nucleotide exchange factors for the Rho and Rac GTPase family, which is related with cardiovascular homeostasis. We have analyzed the relationship between the presence of VAV2 rs602990 and VAV3 rs7528153 polymorphisms with cardiovascular risk factors and target organ damage (heart, vessels and kidney) in 411 subjects. Our results show that being carrier of the T allele in VAV2 rs602990 polymorphism is associated with an increased risk of obesity, reduced levels of ankle-brachial index and diastolic blood pressure and reduced retinal artery caliber. In addition, being carrier of T allele is associated with increased risk of target organ damage in males. On the other hand, being carrier of the T allele in VAV3 rs7528153 polymorphism is associated with a decreased susceptibility of developing a pathologic state composed by the presence of hypertension, diabetes, obesity or cardiovascular damage, and with an increased risk of developing altered basal glycaemia. This is the first report showing an association between VAV2 and VAV3 polymorphisms with cardiovascular risk factors and target organ damage

    Urinary transferrin pre-emptively identifies the risk of renal damage posed by subclinical tubular alterations

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    Nephrotoxicity is an important limitation to the clinical use of many drugs and contrast media. Drug nephrotoxicity occurs in acute, subacute and chronic manifestations ranging from glomerular, tubular, vascular and immunological phenotypes to acute kidney injury. Pre-emptive risk assessment of drug nephrotoxicity poses an urgent need of precision medicine to optimize pharmacological therapies and interventional procedures involving nephrotoxic products in a preventive and personalized manner. Biomarkers of risk have been identified in animal models, and risk scores have been proposed, whose clinical use is abated by their reduced applicability to specific etiological models or clinical circumstances. However, our present data suggest that the urinary level of transferrin may be indicative of risk of renal damage, where risk is induced by subclinical tubular alterations regardless of etiology. In fact, urinary transferrin pre-emptively correlates with the subsequent renal damage in animal models in which risk has been induced by drugs and toxins affecting the renal tubules (i.e. cisplatin, gentamicin and uranyl nitrate); whereas transferrin shows no relation with the risk posed by a drug affecting renal hemodynamics (i.e. cyclosporine A). Our experiments also show that transferrin increases in the urine in the risk state (i.e. prior to the damage) precisely as a consequence of reduced tubular reabsorption. Finally, urinary transferrin pre-emptively identifies subpopulations of oncological and cardiac patients at risk of nephrotoxicity. In perspective, urinary transferrin might be further explored as a wider biomarker of an important mechanism of predisposition to renal damage induced by insults causing subclinical tubular alterations.Research from the authors’ laboratory supporting part of the information incorporated into this article was funded by grants from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI14/01776, DT15S/00166, PI15/01055 and PI17/01979, and Retic RD016/0009/0025, REDINREN), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (IPT-2012-0779-010000), Junta de Castilla y León (Consejería de Sanidad, BIO/SA20/14, BIO/SA66/15; and Consejería de Educación, SA359U14), and FEDER funds

    Degradación química en Acrisoles bajo diferentes usos y pendientes en la sabana de Huimanguillo, Tabasco, México

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    Objective: To evaluate the chemical soil degradation caused by nutrients lost in Acrisols from the Savannah of Huimanguillo, Tabasco, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: The effect of two factors, land use and slope relief, were study. Properties evaluated were soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (Nt), available phosphorus (P), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and exchangeable cations (K, Ca, Mg, Na). Results: The content of SOM were considerate rich to very rich, and did not showed any significant differences between factors. Nt was statistically high, and K was statistically low. P, CEC, Ca, Mg and Na showed statistically differences and lower contents. Limitations of study/implications: Soil degradation is a global problem, therefore the necessity of studies to understand the effect of land use over soil fertility and land chemical conditions. Findings/conclusions: The results indicates presence of chemical degradation in Acrisols, mostly by effect of land use and suggest the necessity of conservation strategies.Objetivo: Evaluar la degradación química del suelo por pérdida de nutrientes en Acrisoles de la Sabana de Huimanguillo, Tabasco, México. Diseño/Metodología/Aproximación: Se estudió el efecto de dos factores, los usos del suelo y las pendientes del relieve. Las propiedades evaluadas fueron materia orgánica del suelo (MOS), nitrógeno total (Nt), fosforo extraíble (P), Capacidad de Intercambio Catiónico (CIC), y bases intercambiables (K, Ca, Mg, Na). Resultados: Los contenidos de MOS son considerados de ricos a muy ricos, sin diferencias significativas entre factores. El Nt fue alto y el K intercambiable bajo, mostrando diferencias significativas. El P, CIC, Ca, Mg y Na mostraron diferencias significativas y contenidos bajos. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: La degradación del suelo constituye un problema global, es necesario estudiar el efecto que tiene el uso del suelo sobre la fertilidad y condiciones químicas de la tierra. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Los resultados muestran la existencia de degradación química en Acrisoles del área de estudio principalmente por efecto del uso del suelo, sugiriendo la necesidad de estrategias de conservación

    Abnormalities in gray matter volume in patients with borderline personality disorder and their relation to lifetime depression: A VBM study

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    Background Structural imaging studies of borderline personality disorder (BPD) have found regions of reduced cortical volume, but these have varied considerably across studies. Reduced hippocampus and amygdala volume have also been a regular finding in studies using conventional volumetric measurement. How far comorbid major depression, which is common in BPD and can also affect in brain structure, influences the findings is not clear. Methods Seventy-six women with BPD and 76 matched controls were examined using whole-brain voxel-based morphometry (VBM). The hippocampus and amygdala were also measured, using both conventional volume measurement and VBM within a mask restricted to these two subcortical structures. Lifetime history of major depression was assessed using structured psychiatric interview. Results At a threshold of p = 0.05 corrected, the BPD patients showed clusters of volume reduction in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex bilaterally and in the pregenual/subgenual medial frontal cortex. There was no evidence of volume reductions in the hippocampus or amygdala, either on conventional volumetry or using VBM masked to these regions. Instead there was evidence of right-sided enlargement of these structures. No significant structural differences were found between patients with and without lifetime major depression. Conclusions According to this study, BPD is characterized by a restricted pattern of cortical volume reduction involving the dorsolateral frontal cortex and the medial frontal cortex, both areas of potential relevance for the clinical features of the disorder. Previous findings concerning reduced hippocampus and amygdala volume in the disorder are not supported. Brain structural findings in BPD do not appear to be explainable on the basis of history of associated lifetime major depression

    Urinary transferrin pre-emptively identifies the risk of renal damage posed by subclinical tubular alterations

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    Nephrotoxicity is an important limitation to the clinical use of many drugs and contrast media. Drug nephrotoxicity occurs in acute, subacute and chronic manifestations ranging from glomerular, tubular, vascular and immunological phenotypes to acute kidney injury. Pre-emptive risk assessment of drug nephrotoxicity posesman urgent need of precision medicine to optimize pharmacological therapies and interventional procedures involving nephrotoxic products in a preventive and personalized manner. Biomarkers of risk have been identified in animal models, and risk scores have been proposed, whose clinical use is abated by their reduced applicability to specific etiological models or clinical circumstances. However, our present data suggest that the urinary level of transferrin may be indicative of risk of renal damage, where risk is induced by subclinical tubular alterations regardless of etiology. In fact, urinary transferrin pre-emptively correlates with the subsequent renal damage in animal models in which risk has been induced by drugs and toxins affecting the renal tubules (i.e. cisplatin, gentamicin and uranyl nitrate); whereas transferrin shows no relation with the risk posed by a drug affecting renal hemodynamics (i.e. cyclosporine A). Our experiments also show that transferrin increases in the urine in the risk state (i.e. prior to the damage) precisely as a consequence of reduced tubular reabsorption. Finally, urinary transferrin pre-emptively identifies subpopulations of oncological and cardiac patients at risk of nephrotoxicity. In perspective, urinary transferrin might be further explored as a wider biomarker of an important mechanism of predisposition to renal damage induced by insults causing subclinical tubular alterations