20 research outputs found

    La Globalización Económica como paradigma de desarrollo

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    Disentangling the Drivers of Obesity : An Analytical Framework Based on Socioeconomic and Intrapersonal Factors

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    Borjas (1987, 1991 and 1994) developed the self-selection theory, applying Roy's model (1951) to migration studies. He establishes that the characteristics of migrants in terms of skills and abilities are driven by wage distribution differences between the host country and home. In this regard, when the country of origin has higher relative returns for skills and more disperse income distribution, a negative selection of migrants is generated, and vice versa. A great deal of literature has studied Self-selection model to analyse how wage distribution influences migrants' decisions, leading to consistent and inconsistent results. Given the conflicting results in the literature, this paper examines how migration costs and wage differences influence self-selection patterns -i.e. skills in terms of schooling levels. Taking into account that self-selection can not be studied systematically by means of standard data sources because of the lack of data, we propose an analytical model based on the individual investment decision theory (Human Capital theory), applying simulated data by Monte-Carlo method. The theory of individual investment decisions allows us to analyze self-selection patterns across differences in wages and economic conditions at home and in host countries and to introduce uncertainty using a stochastic framework. An empirical application for long-distant migrations -from Ecuador to Spain- is implemented. Our findings show that migrants are positively selected on observable skills between Spain and Ecuador, considering both constant direct migration costs and constant direct migration costs-plus-variable opportunity migration costs. Secondary data from official sources confirm this tendency

    Análisis de la demanda de los andaluces hacia su agricultura y la utilidad social que les proporciona mediante un proceso analítico jerárquico (AHP)

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    La Política Agraria Común (PAC), diseñada en la Unión Europea (UE) para el conjunto de sus Estados miembros en la búsqueda de la mejora del bienestar ciudadano, pese a sus reformas y al intento de adaptarse a la realidad, ha recibido numerosas criticas respecto a su escasa eficiencia, particularmente se aduce que no ha sido capaz de integrar las prioridades sociales hacia la agricultura. Este trabajo pretende contribuir a implementar instrumentos analíticos adecuados para la identificación y cuantificación de las preferencias ciudadanas hacia la agricultura y de la satisfacción reportada por dicha actividad, así como a esclarecer si los decisores políticos de la Unión Europea han integrado en la nueva Política Agraria Común las demandas de la sociedad para la que trabajan. Para ello, centra su investigación en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, en la que mediante una encuesta a 409 sujetos y la aplicación del método multicriterio, Proceso Analítico Jerárquico (AHP), se obtiene una jerarquización de las demandas. Posteriormente se elabora y calcula un índice de utilidad social que refleja la utilidad que la actividad agraria, como productora de bienes y servicios, reporta a la región de Andalucía.The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was designed in the European Union (EU) for the set of its Member States, trying to improve the citizen welfare. Nevertheless, and despite the reforms undertaken on it in an attempt to adapt this Policy to the reality, the CAP has been widely criticized for its low efficiency, particularly because it has not been able to integrate the social preferences related to agriculture. This paper tries to contribute to implement adequate analytical tools for the identification and quantification of citizens preferences toward agriculture and of citizens´ satisfaction reported by this activity, and to clarify whether the policymakers of the European Union have integrated into the new Common Agricultural Policy the demands derived from the society they are working for. To get these aims, the research are focussed on the region of Andalusia, where based on a survey of 409 polled and the application of the multicriteria method, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a hierarchization of the demands are obtained. Lately, a social utility index is calculated which represents the utility reported by agricultural activity, as a producer of goods and service, to the region of Andalusia.Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA) RTA2006-0055Unión Europea RTA2006-005

    A consumer behaviour approach to analyse handmade and locally made agrifood products in Western Honduras

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    [EN] This research analyses consumer behaviour related to the purchase of handmade and locally made agrifood products in Western Honduras (Occidental Region). A relational model was built, and structural equation modelling (SEM) by means of variance-based partial least squares (PLS) path modelling was applied. The existence of a mediator variable was also examined. The results showed that the consumption of handmade and locally made agrifood products increases for consumers who read nutrition labels and health claim information and for those with higher income and who are younger.[ES] La presente investigación analiza el comportamiento del consumidor en relación con la compra de productos elaborados de forma artesanal y local en el área occidental de Honduras (Región Occidental). Para ello, ha sido diseñado un modelo relacional y aplicada la metodología de Ecuaciones Estructurales por regresión de mínimos cuadrados parciales (PLS) basada en varianza, comprobándose la existencia de una variable mediadora. Los resultados indican que el consumo de productos agrarios artesanales y locales aumenta cuando se considera en la elección de compra la información nutricional y alegaciones beneficiosas para la salud, se tienen mayores ingresos y se es más joven.Salazar-Ordóñez, M.; Cordón-Pedregosa, R.; Rodríguez-Entrena, M. (2019). A consumer behaviour approach to analyse handmade and locally made agrifood products in Western Honduras. Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales - Agricultural and Resource Economics. 18(2):5-27. https://doi.org/10.7201/earn.2018.02.01SWORD52718

    Flipped Classroom in higher education: Do the students’ field of knowledge influence on their own perception and preferences?

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    El objetivo es profundizar en el conocimiento de la percepción y preferencias del alumnado de grado hacia la técnica de flipped classroom como alternativa a las clases tradicionales magistrales, pero en un entorno on-line. Además, se examinan las diferencias entre dos ramas de formación: ciencias sociales e ingeniería; manteniendo la edad y género como variables control. Así, la muestra de 133 alumnos de la Universidad de Córdoba se analizó mediante técnicas estadísticas, mostrando que con esta metodología se percibió una mayor flexibilidad y capacidad de auto organización. También aparecieron diferencias entre ramas de formación.This paper aims to improve knowledge of the undergraduate students’ perception and preferences towards the flipped classroom as an alternative of the conventional teaching, but in an on-line environment. Furthermore, the differences between the abovementioned perceptions and preferences were researched according to students’ field of literacy: social science and engineering; including age and gender as control variables. The sample of 133 students from the University of Córdoba was analysed using statistical techniques. The results showed the students perceived higher flexibility and self-organization skills when flipped classroom was applied and some differences were also found according to the field of literacy

    A straightforward diagnostic tool to identify attribute non-attendance in discrete choice experiments

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    To distinguish between respondents that have attended to/ignored an attribute in discrete choice experiments (DCE), Hess and Hensher (HH) apply the coefficient of variation of the conditional distribution, setting a threshold of 2 as a conservative rule of thumb. This paper develops an analytical framework (piecewise regression analysis — PWRA) to refine the HH approach, offering a flexible method to identify attribute non-attendance (ANA) in highly context-dependent DCE. It is empirically tested on a datasetusedtovalueagriculturalpublicgoods.Theresultssuggestthattheidentification of non-attendance and goodness of fit of different random parameter logit models that accommodate ANA are better when the framework developed in this research is applied. When comparing welfare estimates from the HH and PWRA approach, significant differences are observed. Consequently, the flexibility of the PWRA notably contributes to revealing context-specific ANA patterns that can help to provide more accurate welfare measures and therefore policy recommendations

    La responsabilidad social corporativa en las empresas agroalimentarias: un análisis de su divulgación mediante informes de sostenibilidad

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    Las empresas agroalimentarias son consideradas industrias medioambientalmente sensibles, adquiriendo cada vez más relevancia la divulgación de información sobre el impacto de sus actividades en términos de sostenibilidad. Este estudio analiza el nivel de divulgación de la información sobre sostenibilidad divulgada por empresas del sector agroalimentario español. Para ello, se realiza un análisis de contenido de informes de sostenibilidad publicados por empresas pertenecientes al sector agroalimentario de acuerdo con los estándares exigidos tras la implementación de la Ley 11/2018, transposición española de la Directiva 2014/95/EU, es decir, en los años 2018 o 2019. Los resultados indican que las empresas tienen dificultades (o poco interés) en divulgar información sobre Bloques como el de Medioambiente, Derechos Humanos, y Anticorrupción y Soborno. Además, se obtienen mejores resultados en el nivel de divulgación para aquellos Bloques que representan información más laxa, como la incluida en Comunidades Locales Sociales, y Empleados. Esto lleva a cuestionar el nivel de divulgación del sector agroalimentario español, pese a la elevada la influencia, en la conformación de las preferencias ciudadanas, del conocimiento sobre prácticas sostenibles. Así, las empresas deben comenzar a preocuparse no solo por divulgar, como exige la mencionada Directiva, sino también porque la información divulgada sea completa y de calidad

    Hybridizing consumer behavioural approaches on agrifood markets: Attitudes, judgements and choices

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    The attitudinal approach, represented by the Theory of Reasoned Action and, subsequent, Theory of Planned Behaviour, and the judgements and choices – also called decision – approach, rendered by the Classical Utility Economic Theory, are the two mainstream frameworks to explain consumer behaviour. The former explains consumer behaviour based on beliefs and behavioural intentions, and the latter on products’ attributes and prices. Both are criticized by having drawbacks, which may limit their explicative and predictive power, such as the attitude-behaviour or intention-behaviour gap in the former, and both the divergence between monetary assessment and predicted utility as well as the failures to maximize the utility of the choices in the latter. Our aim was to assess the potentiality of a hybrid approach which integrates instruments from both theories in order to unravel consumer behaviour in agri-food markets. The empirical research was performed using a daily agri-food product under volitional control, olive oil, and variance-based structural equation modelling by means of the Partial Least Squares (PLS) technique, collecting data from consumers in Southern Spain. The results show there are key factors from both approaches such as attitude, expected outcomes, and socioeconomic features, which makes us conclude that it is necessary to move forward on the convergence and integration of different theories. Indeed, testable knowledge must be produced which has meaningful implications for predicting behaviours in consumption

    Flipped Classroom en la enseñanza superior: ¿Influye la Rama de Formación del Alumnado en su percepción y preferencias?

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     El objetivo es profundizar en el conocimiento de la percepción y preferencias del alumnado de grado hacia la técnica de flipped classroom como alternativa a las clases tradicionales magistrales, pero en un entorno on-line. Además, se examinan las diferencias entre dos ramas de formación: ciencias sociales e ingeniería; manteniendo la edad y género como variables control. Así, la muestra de 133 alumnos de la Universidad de Córdoba se analizó mediante técnicas estadísticas, mostrando que con esta metodología se percibió una mayor flexibilidad y capacidad de auto organización. También aparecieron diferencias entre ramas de formación. &nbsp