187 research outputs found

    Are nursing students trained to meet the needs of cancer survivors and their families? New challenges, new opportunities

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    Current cancer treatments, along with more effective prevention measures, are producing increased cancer survival globally;(1) becoming – in many cases – a chronic disease.(2) Care of patients and families, living with a chronic disease, like cancer, constitutes one of the principal challenges for most health systems because they represent a heavy burden in terms of morbidity and mortality and carry a high percentage of the public expenditure in health.(3) Above all, the impact of cancer entails suffering and represents an important limitation in the quality of life, productivity, and functional state of the sick individuals and those living with them, that is, their family. More so, with evidence of the progressive increase of the number of older people with cancer, who are more prone to having comorbidities and other problems associated with their age, like dementia, depression, cerebrovascular accident, and diabetes


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    Geological, geochemical and mineralogical characteristics of REE-bearing Las Mercedes bauxite deposit, Dominican Republic

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    Bauxite deposits, traditionally the main source of 'aluminum, have been recently targeted for their remarkable contents in rare earth elements (REE). With Sigma REE (lanthanoids + Sc + Y) concentrations systematically higher than similar to 1400 ppm (ay. = 1530 ppm), the Las Mercedes karstic bauxites in the Dominican Republic rank as one of the REE-richest deposits of its style.The bauxitic ore in the Las Mercedes deposit is mostly unlithified and has a homogeneous-massive lithostructure, with only local cross-stratification and graded bedding. The dominant arenaceous and round-grained texture is composed of bauxite particles and subordinate ooids, pisoids and carbonate clasts. Mineralogically, the bauxite ore is composed mostly of gibbsite and lesser amounts of kaolinite, hematite, boehmite, anatase, goethite, chromian spinel and zircon. Identified REE-minerals include cerianite and monazite-Ce, whose composition accounts for the steady enrichment in light-relative to medium-and heavy-REE of the studied bauxites.Considering the paleo-geomorphology of the study area, we propose that bauxites in the Las Mercedes deposit are the product of the erosion and deposition of lithified bauxites located at higher elevations in the Bahoruco ranges. Based on the available data, we suggest a mixed lithological source for the bauxite deposits at the district scale: bedrock carbonates and an igneous source of likely mafic composition. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Novel multimetabolite prediction of walnut consumption by a urinary biomarker model in a free-living population: the PREDIMED Study

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    The beneficial impact of walnuts on human health has been attributed to their unique chemical composition. In order to characterize the dietary walnut fingerprinting, spot urine samples from two sets of 195 (training) and 186 (validation) individuals were analyzed by an HPLC-q-ToF-MS untargeted metabolomics approach, selecting the most discriminating metabolites by multivariate data analysis (VIP ≥ 1.5). Stepwise logistic regression analysis was used to design a multimetabolite prediction biomarker model. The global performance of the model and each included metabolite in it was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic curves, using the area under the curve (AUC) values. Dietary exposure to walnuts was characterized by 18 metabolites, including markers of fatty acid metabolism, ellagitannin-derived microbial compounds, and intermediate metabolites of the tryptophan/serotonin pathway. The predictive model of walnut exposure included at least one compound of each class. The AUC (95% CI) for the combined biomarker model was 93.4% (90.1-96.8%) in the training set and 90.2% (85.9-94.6%) in the validation set. The AUCs for individual metabolites were ≤85%. As far as we know, this is the first study proposing a combination of biomarkers of walnut exposure in a population under free-living conditions, as considered in epidemiological studies examining associations between diet and health outcomes

    A metabolomics-driven approach to predict cocoa product consumption by designing a multimetabolite biomarker model in free-living subjects from the PREDIMED study

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    SCOPE: The aim of the current study was to apply an untargeted metabolomics strategy to characterize a model of cocoa intake biomarkers in a free-living population. METHODS AND RESULTS: An untargeted HPLC-q-ToF-MS based metabolomics approach was applied to human urine from 32 consumers of cocoa or derived products (CC) and 32 matched control subjects with no consumption of cocoa products (NC). The multivariate statistical analysis (OSC-PLS-DA) showed clear differences between CC and NC groups. The discriminant biomarkers identified were mainly related to the metabolic pathways of theobromine and polyphenols, as well as to cocoa processing. Consumption of cocoa products was also associated with reduced urinary excretions of methylglutarylcarnitine, which could be related to effects of cocoa exposure on insulin resistance. To improve the prediction of cocoa consumption, a combined urinary metabolite model was constructed. ROC curves were constructed to evaluate the model and individual metabolites. The AUC values (95% CI) for the model were 95.7% (89.8-100%) and 92.6% (81.9-100%) in training and validation sets, respectively, whereas the AUCs for individual metabolites were <90%. CONCLUSIONS: The metabolic signature of cocoa consumption in free-living subjects reveals that combining different metabolites as biomarker models improves prediction of dietary exposure to cocoa

    Urolithins Are the Main Urinary Microbial-Derived Phenolic Metabolites Discriminating a Moderate Consumption of Nuts in FreeLiving Subjects with Diagnosed Metabolic Syndrome

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    Walnuts (Juglans regia L.), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.), and almonds (Prunus dulcis Mill.) are rich sources of ellagitannins and proanthocyanidins. Gut microbiota plays a crucial role in modulating the bioavailability of these high molecular weight polyphenols. However, to date there are no studies evaluating the capacity to produce nut phenolic metabolites in subjects with metabolic syndrome (MetS), a pathology associated with an altered gut bacterial diversity. This study applied a LC-MS targeted approach to analyze the urinary excretion of nut phenolic metabolites in MetS subjects following 12 weeks of nut consumption, compared to sex- and age-matched individuals given a nut-free control diet. Metabolites were targeted in both hydrolyzed and nonhydrolyzed urine by LC-PDA-QqQ-MS/MS analysis, and identification of metabolites lacking available standards was confirmed by LC-ESI-ITD-FT-MS. Ellagitannin-derived urolithins A and B significantly increased after the nutenriched-diet, urolithins C and D were also detected, and a complex combination of urolithin-conjugated forms was observed in nonhydrolyzed urine, confirming an extensive phase II metabolism after absorption. In contrast, no significant increases in proanthocyanidin microbial metabolites were observed in urine following nut consumption. Because the intestinal microbiota of the subjects in this study could catabolize ellagitannins into a wide range of urolithins, further research is strongly warranted on the in vivo potential of these microbial metabolites in reducing cardiometabolic risk

    Cisplatin resistance involves a metabolic reprogramming through ROS and PGC-1α in NSCLC which can be overcome by OXPHOS inhibition

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    Background: Platinum-based chemotherapy remains the standard of care for most lung cancer cases. However chemoresistance is often developed during the treatment, limiting clinical utility of this drug. Recently, the ability of tumor cells to adapt their metabolism has been associated to resistance to therapies. In this study, we first described the metabolic reprogramming of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) in response to cisplatin treatment. Methods: Cisplatin-resistant versions of the A549, H1299, and H460 cell lines were generated by continuous drug exposure. The long-term metabolic changes, as well as, the early response to cisplatin treatment were analyzed in both, parental and cisplatin-resistant cell lines. In addition, four Patient-derived xenograft models treated with cisplatin along with paired pre- and post-treatment biopsies from patients were studied. Furthermore, metabolic targeting of these changes in cell lines was performed downregulating PGC-1α expression through siRNA or using OXPHOS inhibitors (metformin and rotenone). Results: Two out of three cisplatin-resistant cell lines showed a stable increase in mitochondrial function, PGC1-α and mitochondrial mass with reduced glycolisis, that did not affect the cell cycle. This phenomenon was confirmed in vivo. Post-treatment NSCLC tumors showed an increase in mitochondrial mass, PGC-1α and a decrease in the GAPDH/MT-CO1 ratio. In addition, we demonstrated how a ROS-mediated metabolism reprogramming, involving PGC-1α and increased mitochondrial mass, is induced during short-time cisplatin exposure. Moreover, we tested how cells with increased PGC-1a induced by ZLN005 treatment, showed reduced cisplatin-driven apoptosis. Remarkably, the long-term metabolic changes, as well as the metabolic reprogramming during short-time cisplatin exposure can be exploited as an Achilles’ heel of NSCLC cells, as demonstrated by the increased sensitivity to PGC-1α interference or OXPHOS inhibition using metformin or rotenone. Conclusion: These results describe a new cisplatin resistance mechanism in NSCLC based on a metabolic reprogramming that is therapeutically exploitable through PGC-1α downregulation or OXPHOS inhibitors.Work in the authors’ laboratories is supported by ‘‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III’’ PI13/01806 and PIE14/0064 to M.P. A.C-B, received a Spanish Lung Cancer Group fellowship. R.L-B, is supported by Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid “Garantía juvenil” contrac