111 research outputs found

    Adopting a High-Polyphenolic Diet Is Associated with an Improved Glucose Profile: Prospective Analysis within the PREDIMED-Plus Trial

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    The prevalence of diabetes is experiencing an increasing trend, and in 2019 it was the ninth leading cause of death in the world. Additionally, individuals with diabetes are more likely to suffer from other noncommunicable diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, or kidney disease. The expectations for the forthcoming years are not encouraging since the prevalence of diabetes has been increasing over the past decades. Nevertheless, type-2 diabetes (T2D), the most prevalent type, can be prevented by modifying harmful behavioral risk factors such as smoking, an unhealthy diet, sedentarism, and alcohol abuse [1]. In the search for the best dietary pattern to prevent or stop the progression of T2D, plant-based diets such as Mediterranean-style, vegetarian or vegan diets have been studied in several prospective observational studies and clinical trials [2]. Healthy plant-based diets are based on the consumption of large amounts of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, and nuts, as well as healthy fats such as extra virgin olive oil, which are associated with a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and T2D [3]. A trait all these foods have in common is a richness in polyphenols, bioactive plant secondary metabolites with a vast structural diversity. According to their structure, polyphenols are classified into two main groups: flavonoids and non-flavonoids. Polyphe nols in the flavonoid group share the C6-C3-C6 structure and can be divided into the following subgroups: flavones, flavonols, theaflavins, catechins, proanthocyanidins (poly meric forms), flavanones, anthocyanidins, and isoflavones, whereas the non-flavanoids are classified as phenolic acids, lignans, and stilbenes [4]. Protective effects of polyphenols against the incidence and complications of T2D are supported by mechanistic studies conducted in animals [5] as well as clinical and epidemiological studies [6], although the available evidence is still limited and inconsistent. Furthermore, no previous study has examined the association between changes in the intake of all polyphenolic groups and subgroups and T2D-related parameters in a population with or at high-risk of T2D. The aim of the present work was to determine whether changing to a high polyphenol diet is associated with an improved glucose profile. Due to the heterogeneity of polyphenols in terms of bioavailability and metabolism, they were studied in separate groups

    Unveiling the Synergistic Interplay of Neuropeptides for Novel Therapeutic Approaches in Neurodegenerative and Depressive Disorders.

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    The intricate relationship between hippocampal neurogenesis dysregulation and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, as well as depression, has sparked an urgent call for innovative therapeutic strategies. Our groundbreaking study delves into the interaction of Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and galanin (GAL) agonists, two neuromodulatory systems with a substantial presence in the limbic system, and their potential neurogenic impact on both the dorsal and ventral hippocampus. Through meticulous examination of the subchronic e"ects of NPY Y1 (Y1R) and GAL2 (GALR2) agonists on hippocampal cell proliferation, survival, and neuroprotective factor expression, we reveal a fascinating cascade of cellular responses. These include increased cell proliferation (PCNA), enhanced hippocampal cell survival (BrdU), and induction of neuroprotective factors (BDNF). Our functional assessment showcases the resulting improvements in spatial memory performance in the object-in-place task and antidepressant-like e"ects in the forced swimming test. These outcomes are attributed to the synergistic interaction between Y1R and GALR2 receptors, which promote neuronal survival and neurite outgrowth in hippocampal cells. This pioneering research paves the way for the development of heterobivalent agonist pharmacophores that target Y1R-GALR2 heterocomplexes. By acting on neuronal precursor cells in the dentate gyrus of the dorsal hippocampus, these novel compounds hold immense promise as transformative therapies for cognitive and a"ective impairments in neurodegenerative and depressive diseases.Supported by the Proy_Excel_2021_0613 (Junta de Andalucía) and Proyecto Puente (B4-2021) (UMA), Spain to MN. Swedish Medical Research Council, Sweden (62X-00715-50-3), to KF, by Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare to KF, and by Hjärnfonden, Sweden (F02018-0286), Hjärnfonden, Sweden (F02019-0296) and EMERGIA2020 (Junta de Andalucía), to DOBE. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Potencial productivo y dinamica de tallos de dos brachiarias a edades de rebrote en otoño: Productive potential and stem dynamics of two brachiarias species at regrowth ages in autumn

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    La estacionalidad y la frecuencia de cosecha tienen un efecto en la tasa de rebrote en los pastos y pueden disminuir el porcentaje de senescencia y descomposición del forraje, por lo tanto, influyen en el rendimiento, en la calidad y la persistencia de la pradera. El objetivo fue evaluar el potencial productivo y dinámica de tallos de los ecotipos Insurgente (Brachiaria brizantha Hochst. Stapf Cv. Insurgente) y Mulato (Brachiaria hibrido Cv. Mulato II) en tres periodos de corte (21, 42, y 63 días) en Otoño. En el Campus Tuxpan de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias y Ambientales, de Iguala, Gro. Las variables evaluadas fueron: rendimiento de forraje (kg MS ha-1), producción de componentes morfológicos (HOJA Y TALLO), relación hoja tallo (H:T), densidad poblacional (DPT), tasa de aparición de tallos (TAT), tasa de muerte de tallos (TMT), tasa de sobrevivencia de tallos (TST) e índice de estabilidad de tallos (IET), Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completamente al azar con arreglo bifactorial (Factor 1: Brachiarias, Factor 2: periodos de corte). Los datos se analizaron con el procedimiento ANOVA del paquete estadístico SAS® versión 9.2 para Windows®. La comparación de medias se realizó con la prueba de “t” de “Student” (P<0.05). La producción total de materia seca (4392.7 Kg MS ha-1), la de hoja (3084.8 Kg MS ha-1), la tasa de crecimiento (209.17 Kg MS ha-1) y la relación hoja tallo (4.2943 Kg MS kg-1) fueron afectados por los periodos de corte (P <0001) y por los ecotipos, el Mulato presentó los valores más altos. La mayor producción de hoja, tallo y total de materia seca se presentó en el tercer periodo de corte y de igual forma la tasa de crecimiento. En la dinámica de tallos los ecotipos no presentaron diferencias, los periodos de corte si afectaron a la TAT (81.87 tallos m2) y al IET (1.79), en los que el periodo de corte 1 presento los valores más altos. &nbsp

    Enhancement of neurogenesis and cognition through intranasal co-delivery of galanin receptor 2 (GALR2) and neuropeptide Y receptor 1 (NPY1R) agonists: a potential pharmacological strategy for cognitive dysfunctions.

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    Background: Spatial memory deficits and reduced neuronal survival contribute to cognitive decline seen in the aging process. Current treatments are limited, emphasizing the need for innovative therapeutic strategies. This research explored the combined effects of intranasally co‑administered galanin receptor 2 (GALR2) and neuropeptide Y1 receptor (NPY1R) agonists, recognized for their neural benefits, on spatial memory, neuronal survival, and differentiation in adult rats. After intranasal co‑delivery of the GALR2 agonist M1145 and a NPY1R agonist to adult rats, spatial memory was tested with the object‑in‑place task 3 weeks later. We examined neuronal survival and differentiation by assessing BrdUIR profiles and doublecortin (DCX) labeled cells, respectively. We also used the GALR2 antagonist M871 to confirm GALR2’s crucial role in promoting cell growth. Results: Co‑administration improved spatial memory and increased the survival rate of mature neurons. The positive effect of GALR2 in cell proliferation was confirmed by the nullifying effects of its antagonist. The treatment boosted DCX‑labeled newborn neurons and altered dendritic morphology, increasing cells with mature dendrites. Conclusions: Our results show that intranasal co‑delivery of GALR2 and NPY1R agonists improves spatial memory, boosts neuronal survival, and influences neuronal differentiation in adult rats. The significant role of GALR2 is emphasized, suggesting new potential therapeutic strategies for cognitive decline.UMA18‑FEDERJA‑100 and ProyExcel_00613, Junta de Andalucía, Spain, to MN. Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga. Cátedra Imbrain: Neurociencia integrada y bienestar to MN. The Swedish Medical Research Council, Sweden (62X‑00715‑50‑3) to KF, by Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare to KF, and by Hjärnfonden, Sweden (F02018‑0286), Hjärnfonden, Sweden (F02019‑0296), EMERGIA 2020‑39318 (Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación 2020), and CONSOLIDACION INVESTIGADORA (CNS2022‑136008, Programa Estatal para Desarrollar, Atraer y Retener Talento, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 20212023) and Karolinska Institutet Forskningsstiftelser, Sweden, to D.B.‑E

    Aquacultural Homoeopathy: A Focus on Marine Species

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    Homoeopathy is an alternative medical system proposed by Samuel Hahnemann in the eighteenth century. It uses highly diluted and agitated substances that derived from plants, minerals or animals, which have shown to be effective in human medicine, agronomy, veterinary, and as a novelty, in marine aquaculture. Aquacultural homoeopathy has developed rapidly in recent years, partially motivated by the misuse of powerful drugs (hormones, antibiotics, disinfectants) that when solving a problem generate undesirable side effects. In the last 10 years, scientific articles have been published on its application in freshwater fish native to Brazil, obtaining beneficial effects on growth, survival, hepatosomatic index, development of muscle fibres and lipid content in muscle. At Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR, Mexico: www.cibnor.mx), we have studied the effects of homoeopathy to improve the culture of economically important marine species of molluscs, fish and shrimp. In this chapter, we show a selection of different research with preliminary or advanced results, related to the use of homoeopathy and its impact on zootechnic, biochemical, genomic and transcriptomic parameters in marine molluscs, fish and crustaceans. The results obtained suggest that homoeopathy is an eco-friendly alternative applicable in aquaculture industry to improve various productive and health aspects

    Deslizamientos submarinos y tsunamis en el Mar de Alborán. Un ejemplo de modelización numérica

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    Los componentes principales de este libro son: a) conocer y estudiar determinados fenómenos naturales de consecuencias catastróficas, como los tsunamis, y b) identificar los útiles científicos para representar estos fenómenos. Por ello, es necesario disponer de un profundo conocimiento del fondo marino donde se produce el fenómeno, conocimiento que proviene del análisis de datos geológicos y geofísicos, y por otro lado, es encesario hacer uso de la potencialidad de los modelos matemáticos que permiten realizar simulaciones numéricas precisas. El libro presenta los resultados de la simulación numérica de un tsunami generado en la cuenca del Mar de Alborán y su propagación e interacción con la morfología submarina de dicho área geográfica.Versión del edito

    Desired weight loss and its association with health, health behaviors and perceptions in an adult population with weight excess: One-year follow-up

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    Background: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) worsens quality of life and increases mortality. Dissatisfaction with weight in patients with MetS may modify the effect of lifestyle interventions to achieve changes in health-related behaviors. Objective: To assess 1-year changes in cardiovascular risk scores, self-perceived general health and health-related behaviors according to observed changes in desired weight loss during the first year of intervention in a large cardiovascular prevention trial. Design: Prospective analysis of the PREDIMED-PLUS trial, including 5,499 adults (55-75 years old) with overweight or obesity at baseline. Methods: The desired weight loss was the difference between ideal and measured weight. Tertiles of change in desired weight loss (1 year vs. baseline) were defined by the following cut-off points: >= 0.0 kg (T1, n = 1,638); 0.0 to -4.0 kg (T2, n = 1,903); <=-4.0 kg (T3, n = 1,958). A food frequency questionnaire assessed diet and the Minnesota-REGICOR questionnaire assessed physical activity. The Framingham equation assessed cardiovascular risks. The changes in the severity of MetS were also assessed. The Beck Depression Inventory assessed depressive symptoms and the SF-36 assessed health-related quality of life. Data were analyzed using general linear models. Results: BMI decreased at T2 and T3 (T1: 0.3, T2: -0.7, T3: -1.9). The most significant improvement in diet quality was observed at T3. Cardiovascular risk decreased at T2 and T3. Mean reductions in MetS severity score were: -0.02 at T1, -0.39 at T2 and -0.78 at T3. The perception of physical health increases in successive tertiles. Conclusions: In older adults with MetS, more ambitious desired weight loss goals were associated with improvements in diet, cardiovascular health and perceived physical health during the first year of a healthy lifestyle intervention programme. Weight dissatisfaction needs to be considered by health professionals

    Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and adherence to Mediterranean diet in an adult population: the Mediterranean diet index as a pollution level index

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    Background Research related to sustainable diets is is highly relevant to provide better understanding of the impact of dietary intake on the health and the environment. Aim To assess the association between the adherence to an energy-restricted Mediterranean diet and the amount of CO2 emitted in an older adult population. Design and population Using a cross-sectional design, the association between the adherence to an energy-reduced Mediterranean Diet (erMedDiet) score and dietary CO2 emissions in 6646 participants was assessed. Methods Food intake and adherence to the erMedDiet was assessed using validated food frequency questionnaire and 17-item Mediterranean questionnaire. Sociodemographic characteristics were documented. Environmental impact was calculated through greenhouse gas emissions estimations, specifically CO2 emissions of each participant diet per day, using a European database. Participants were distributed in quartiles according to their estimated CO2 emissions expressed in kg/day: Q1 (= 2.80 kg CO2). Results More men than women induced higher dietary levels of CO2 emissions. Participants reporting higher consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, whole cereals, preferring white meat, and having less consumption of red meat were mostly emitting less kg of CO2 through diet. Participants with higher adherence to the Mediterranean Diet showed lower odds for dietary CO2 emissions: Q2 (OR 0.87; 95%CI: 0.76-1.00), Q3 (OR 0.69; 95%CI: 0.69-0.79) and Q4 (OR 0.48; 95%CI: 0.42-0.55) vs Q1 (reference). Conclusions The Mediterranean diet can be environmentally protective since the higher the adherence to the Mediterranean diet, the lower total dietary CO2 emissions. Mediterranean Diet index may be used as a pollution level index