28 research outputs found

    Inclusion of Horizontal Branch stars in the derivation of star formation histories of dwarf galaxies: the Carina dSph

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    We present a detailed analysis of the Horizontal Branch of the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy by means of synthetic modelling techniques, taking consistently into account the star formation history and metallicity evolution as determined from main sequence and red giant branch spectroscopic observations. We found that a range of integrated red giant branch mass loss values of 0.1-0.14 M, increasing with metallicity, is able to reproduce the colour extension of the old Horizontal Branch. However, leaving the mass loss as the only free parameter is not enough to match the detailed morphology of Carina Horizontal Branch. We explored the role played by the star formation history on the discrepancies between synthetic and observed Horizontal Branches. We derived a toy bursty star formation history that reproduces the horizontal branch star counts, and also matches qualitatively the red giant and the turn off regions. This star formation history is made of a subset of age and [M/H] components of the star formation history based on turn off and red giants only, and entails four separate bursts of star formation of different strenghts, centred at 2, 5, 8.6 and 11.5 Gyr, with mean [M/H] decreasing from \sim -1.7 to \sim -2.2 for increasing ages, and a Gaussian spread of 0.1 dex. The comparison between the metallicity distribution function of our star formation history and the one measured from the infrared CaT feature using a CaT-[Fe/H] calibration shows a qualitative agreement, once taken into account the range of [Ca/Fe] abundances measured in a sample of Carina stars, that biases the derived [Fe/H] distribution toward too low values. In conclusion, we have shown how the information contained within the horizontal branch of Carina (and dwarf galaxies in general) can be extracted and interpreted to refine the star formation history derived from red giants and turn off stars only. Abridge

    Evolutionary and pulsation properties of Type II Cepheids

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    We discuss the observed pulsation properties of Type II Cepheids (TIICs) in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds. The period (P) distributions, luminosity amplitudes and population ratios of the three different sub-groups (BL Herculis[BLH, P20 days]) are quite similar in different stellar systems, suggesting a common evolutionary channel and a mild dependence on both metallicity and environment. We present a homogeneous theoretical framework based on Horizontal Branch (HB) evolutionary models, envisaging that TIICs are mainly old (t<10 Gyr), low-mass stars. The BLHs are predicted to be post early asymptotic giant branch (PEAGB) stars (double shell burning) on the verge of reaching their AGB track (first crossing of the instability strip), while WVs are a mix of PEAGB and post-AGB stars (hydrogen shell burning) moving from cool to hot (second crossing). Thus suggesting that they are a single group of variable stars. RVTs are predicted to be a mix of post-AGB stars along their second crossing (short-period tail) and thermally pulsing AGB stars (long-period tail) evolving towards their white dwarf cooling sequence. We also present several sets of synthetic HB models by assuming a bimodal mass distribution along the HB. Theory suggests, in agreement with observations, that TIIC pulsation properties marginally depend on metallicity. Predicted period distributions and population ratios for BLHs agree quite well with observations, while those for WVs and RVTs are almost a factor of two smaller and larger than observed, respectively. Moreover, the predicted period distributions for WVs peak at periods shorter than observed, while those for RVTs display a long period tail not supported by observations. We investigate several avenues to explain these differences, but more detailed calculations are required to address them

    On the separation between RR Lyrae and Type II Cepheids and their importance for distance determination: the case of ωω Cen

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    The separation between RR Lyrae (RRLs) and Type II Cepheid (T2Cs) variables based on their period is debated. Both types of variable stars are distance indicators and we aim to promote the use of T2Cs as distance indicators in synergy with RRLs. We adopted new and existing optical and Near-Infrared (NIR) photometry of \wcen~to investigate several diagnostics (colour-magnitude diagram, Bailey diagram, Fourier decomposition of the light curve, amplitude ratios) for their empirical separation. We found that the classical period threshold at 1 day is not universal and does not dictate the evolutionary stage: V92 has a period of 1.3 days but is likely to be still in its core Helium-burning phase, typical of RRLs. We also derived NIR Period-Luminosity relations and found a distance modulus of 13.65±\pm0.07 (err.)±\pm0.01 (σ\sigma) mag, in agreement with the recent literature. We also found that RRLs and T2Cs obey the same PL relations in the NIR. This equivalence gives the opportunity to adopt RRLs+T2Cs as an alternative to classical Cepheids to calibrate the extragalactic distance scale

    CCD time-series photometry of the globular cluster NGC 5053: RR Lyrae, Blue Stragglers and SX Phoenicis stars revisited

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    We report the results of CCD VV, rr and II time-series photometry of the globular cluster NGC 5053. New times of maximum light are given for the eight known RR Lyrae stars in the field of our images and their periods are revised. Their VV light curves were Fourier decomposed to estimate their physical parameters. A discussion on the accuracy of the Fourier-based iron abundances, temperatures, masses and radii is given. New periods are found for the 5 known SX Phe stars and a critical discussion of their secular period changes is offered. The mean iron abundance for the RR Lyrae stars is found to be [Fe/H] ∌−1.97±0.16\sim -1.97 \pm 0.16 and lower values are not supported by the present analysis. The absolute magnitude calibrations of the RR Lyrae stars yield an average true distance modulus of 16.12±0.0416.12 \pm 0.04 or a distance of 16.7±0.316.7 \pm 0.3 kpc. Comparison of the observational CMD with theoretical isochrones indicates an age of 12.5±2.012.5 \pm 2.0 Gyrs for the cluster. A careful identification of all reported Blue Stragglers (BS) and their V,IV,I magnitudes leads to the conclusion that BS12, BS22, BS23 and BS24 are not BS. On the other hand, three new BS are reported. Variability was found in seven BS, very likely of the SX Phe type in five of them, and in one red giant star. The new SX Phe stars follow established PLPL relationships and indicate a distance in agreement with the distance from the RR Lyrae stars.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures, 11 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. I. Young, intermediate and old stellar populations

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    We present accurate and deep multi-band (g,r,ig,r,i) photometry of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. The images were collected with wide field cameras at 2m/4m- (INT,CTIO,CFHT) and 8m-class telescopes (SUBARU) covering a 2 square degrees FoV across the center of the galaxy. We performed PSF photometry of ≈\approx7,000 CCD images and the final catalog includes more than 1 million objects. We developed a new approach to identify candidate field and galaxy stars, and performed a new estimate of the galaxy center by using old stellar tracers finding that it differs by 1.15 (RA) and 1.53 (DEC) arcmin from previous estimates. We also found that young (Main Sequence, Red Supergiants), intermediate (Red Clump, Asymptotic Giant Branch [AGB]) and old (Red Giant Branch [RGB]) stars display different radial distributions. Old stellar population is spherically distributed and extends to radial distances larger than previously estimated (∌\sim1 degree). The young population shows a well defined bar and a disk-like distribution, as suggested by radio measurements, that is off-center compared with old population. We discuss pros and cons of the different diagnostics adopted to identify AGB stars and develop new ones based on optical-NIR-MIR color-color diagrams (CCDs) to characterize Oxygen and Carbon (C) rich stars. We found a mean population ratio between Carbon and M-type (C/M) stars of 0.67±\pm0.08 (optical/NIR/MIR) and we used the observed C/M ratio with empirical C/M-metallicity relations to estimate a mean iron abundance of [Fe/H]∌\sim-1.25 (σ\sigma=0.04 dex) that agrees quite well with literature estimates.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 34 pages, 22 figures, 6 table

    MORGOTH: incorporating horizontal branch modelling into star formation history determinations

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    We present a new method that incorporates the horizontal branch morphology into synthetic colour-magnitude diagram based star formation history determinations. This method, we call MORGOTH, self-consistently takes into account all the stellar evolution phases up to the early asymptothic giant branch, flexibly modelling red giant branch mass loss. We test MORGOTH on a range of synthetic populations, and find that the inclusion of the horizontal branch significantly increases the precision of the resulting star formation histories. When the main sequence turn-off is detected, MORGOTH can fit the star formation history and the red giant branch mass loss at the same time, efficiently breaking this degeneracy. As part of testing MORGOTH, we also model the observed colour-magnitude diagram of the well studied Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy. We recover a new more detailed star formation history for this galaxy. Both the new star formation history and the red giant branch mass loss we determined for Sculptor with MORGOTH are in good agreement with previous analyses, thus demonstrating the power of this new approach

    On a new parameter to estimate the helium content in old stellar systems

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    We introduce a new parameter {\Delta}{\xi} - the difference in magnitude between the red giant branch (RGB) bump and a point on the main sequence (MS) at the same color as the bump, the "benchmark" - to estimate the helium content in old stellar systems. Its sensitivity to helium is linear over the entire metallicity range, it is minimally affected by age, uncertainties in the photometric zero-point, reddening or the effects of evolution on the horizontal branch. The two main drawbacks are the need for precise and large photometric data sets, and a strong dependence of the {\Delta}Y/{\Delta}{\xi} slope on metallicity. To test the {\Delta}{\xi} parameter we selected 22 Galactic Globular Clusters (GGCs) with low foreground reddening, a broad range of iron abundance and precise, relatively deep, and homogeneous multi-band (B,V,I) photometry. We found that the observed {\Delta}{\xi} and those predicted from {\alpha}-enhanced models agree quite well if we assume Y=0.20. Comparison with canonical primordial helium content models (Y=0.245, {\Delta}Y/{\Delta}Z=1.4) indicates that the observed {\Delta}{\xi} values are systematically smaller than predicted. The outcome is the same if predicted parameters are based on models that take into account also CNO enhancements and becomes even larger if we consider He-enhanced models. These findings suggest that current stellar evolutionary models overestimate the luminosity of the RGB bump. We also found that including envelope overshooting can eliminate the discrepancy, as originally suggested by Alongi et al. (1993, aaps, 97, 851). The {\Delta}{\xi} parameter of GGCs, in spite of the possible limitations concerning the input physics of current evolutionary models, provides an independent detection of pre-stellar helium at least at the 5{\sigma} level

    On the Dwarf Irregular Galaxy NGC 6822. I. Young, Intermediate, and Old Stellar Populations

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    We present accurate and deep multiband (g, r, i) photometry of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy NGC 6822. The images were collected with wide-field cameras at 2 m/4 m (INT, CTIO, CFHT) and 8 m class telescopes (Subaru) covering a 2 deg2 field of view across the center of the galaxy. We performed point-spread function photometry of ≈7000 CCD images, and the final catalog includes more than 1 million objects. We developed a new approach to identify candidate field and galaxy stars and performed a new estimate of the galaxy center by using old stellar tracers, finding that it differs by 1.â€Č15 (R.A.) and 1.â€Č53 (decl.) from previous estimates. We also found that young (main sequence, red supergiants), intermediate (red clump, asymptotic giant branch (AGB)), and old (red giant branch) stars display different radial distributions. The old stellar population is spherically distributed and extends to radial distances larger than previously estimated (∌1°). The young population shows a well-defined bar and a disk-like distribution, as suggested by radio measurements, that is off-center compared with the old population. We discuss pros and cons of the different diagnostics adopted to identify AGB stars and develop new ones based on optical-near-IR-mid-IR color-color diagrams to characterize oxygen- and carbon-rich stars. We found a mean population ratio between carbon and M-type (C/M) stars of 0.67 ± 0.08 (optical/near-IR/mid-IR), and we used the observed C/M ratio with empirical C/M-metallicity relations to estimate a mean iron abundance of [Fe/H] ∌-1.25 (σ = 0.04 dex), which agrees quite well with literature estimates

    On the Use of Field RR Lyrae As Galactic Probes: IV. New Insights Into and Around the Oosterhoff Dichotomy*

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    We discuss the largest and most homogeneous spectroscopic data set of field RR Lyrae variables (RRLs) available to date. We estimated abundances using both high-resolution and low-resolution (ΔS method) spectra for fundamental (RRab) and first overtone (RRc) RRLs. The iron abundances for 7941 RRLs were supplemented with similar estimates that are available in the literature, ending up with 9015 RRLs (6150 RRab, 2865 RRc). The metallicity distribution shows a mean value of 〈[Fe/H]〉 = −1.51 ± 0.01, and σ(standard deviation) = 0.41 dex with a long metal-poor tail approaching [Fe/H] ≃ − 3 and a sharp metal-rich tail approaching solar iron abundance. The RRab variables are more metal-rich (〈[Fe/H]〉ab = −1.48 ± 0.01, σ = 0.41 dex) than RRc variables (〈[Fe/H]〉c = −1.58 ± 0.01, σ = 0.40 dex). The relative fraction of RRab variables in the Bailey diagram (visual amplitude versus period) located along the short-period (more metal-rich) and the long-period (more metal-poor) sequences are 80% and 20%, while RRc variables display an opposite trend, namely 30% and 70%, respectively. We found that the pulsation period of both RRab and RRc variables steadily decreases when moving from the metal-poor to the metal-rich regime. The visual amplitude shows the same trend, but RRc amplitudes are almost two times more sensitive than RRab amplitudes to metallicity. We also investigated the dependence of the population ratio (Nc/Ntot) of field RRLs on the metallicity and we found that the distribution is more complex than in globular clusters. The population ratio steadily increases from ∌0.25 to ∌0.36 in the metal-poor regime, it decreases from ∌0.36 to ∌0.18 for −1.8 ≀ [Fe/H] ≀ −0.9 and it increases to a value of ∌0.3 approaching solar iron abundance

    On the Use of Field RR Lyrae as Galactic Probes. III. The α-element abundances

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    We provide the largest and most homogeneous sample of α\alpha-element (Mg, Ca, Ti) and iron abundances for field RR Lyrae (RRLs, 162 variables) by using high-resolution spectra. The current measurements were complemented with similar abundances available in the literature for 46 field RRLs brought to our metallicity scale. We ended up with a sample of old (t≄\ge 10 Gyr), low-mass stellar tracers (208 RRLs: 169 fundamental, 38 first overtone, 1 mixed mode) covering three dex in iron abundance (-3.00≀\le[Fe/H]≀\le0.24). We found that field RRLs are ∌\sim0.3 dex more α\alpha-poor than typical Halo tracers in the metal-rich regime, ([Fe/H]≄\ge-1.2) while in the metal-poor regime ([Fe/H]≀\le-2.2) they seem to be on average ∌\sim0.1 dex more α\alpha-enhanced. This is the first time that the depletion in α\alpha-elements for solar iron abundances is detected on the basis of a large, homogeneous and coeval sample of old stellar tracers. Interestingly, we also detected a close similarity in the [α\alpha/Fe] trend between α\alpha-poor, metal-rich RRLs and red giants (RGs) in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy as well as between α\alpha-enhanced, metal-poor RRLs and RGs in ultra faint dwarf galaxies. These results are supported by similar elemental abundances for 46 field Horizontal Branch (HB) stars. These stars share with RRLs the same evolutionary phase and the same progenitors. This evidence further supports the key role that old stellar tracers play in constraining the early chemical enrichment of the Halo and, in particular, in investigating the impact that dwarf galaxies have had in the mass assembly of the Galaxy