114 research outputs found

    Development of efficient electroactive biofilm in urine-fed microbial fuel cell cascades for bioelectricity generation

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    The Microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology harnesses the potential of some naturally occurring bacteria for electricity generation. Digested sludge is commonly used as the inoculum to initiate the process. There are, however, health hazards and practical issues associated with the use of digested sludge depending on its origin as well as the location for system deployment. This work reports the development of an efficient electroactive bacterial community within ceramic-based MFCs fed with human urine in the absence of sludge inoculum. The results show the development of a uniform bacterial community with power output levels equal to or higher than those generated from MFCs inoculated with sludge. In this case, the power generation begins within 2 days of the experimental set-up, compared to about 5 days in some sludge-inoculated MFCs, thus significantly reducing the start-up time. The metagenomics analysis of the successfully formed electroactive biofilm (EAB) shows significant shifts between the microbial ecology of the feeding material (fresh urine) and the developed anodic biofilm. A total of 21 bacteria genera were detected in the urine feedstock whilst up to 35 different genera were recorded in the developed biofilm. Members of Pseudomonas (18%) and Anaerolineaceae (17%) dominate the bacterial community of the fresh urine feed while members of Burkholderiaceae (up to 50%) and Tissierella (up to 29%) dominate the anodic EAB. These results highlight a significant shift in the bacterial community of the feedstock towards a selection and adaptation required for the various electrochemical reactions essential for survival through power generation

    Iron-streptomycin derived catalyst for efficient oxygen reduction reaction in ceramic microbial fuel cells operating with urine

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    © 2019 The Authors In recent years, the microbial fuel cell (MFC) technology has drawn the attention of the scientific community due to its ability to produce clean energy and treat different types of waste at the same time. Often, expensive catalysts are required to facilitate the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and this hinders their large-scale commercialisation. In this work, a novel iron-based catalyst (Fe-STR) synthesised from iron salt and streptomycin as a nitrogen-rich organic precursor was chemically, morphologically and electrochemically studied. The kinetics of Fe-STR with and without being doped with carbon nanotubes (CNT) was initially screened through rotating disk electrode (RDE) analysis. Then, the catalysts were integrated into air-breathing cathodes and placed into ceramic-type MFCs continuously fed with human urine. The half-wave potential showed the following trend Fe-STR > Fe-STR-CNT ≫ AC, indicating better kinetics towards ORR in the case of Fe-STR. In terms of MFC performance, the results showed that cathodes containing Fe-based catalyst outperformed AC-based cathodes after 3 months of operation. The long-term test reported that Fe-STR-based cathodes allow MFCs to reach a stable power output of 104.5 ± 0.0 μW cm−2, 74% higher than AC-based cathodes (60.4 ± 3.9 μW cm−2). To the best of the Authors' knowledge, this power performance is the highest recorded from ceramic-type MFCs fed with human urine

    Clinical Interest of LMO2 Testing for the Diagnosis of Aggressive Large B-Cell Lymphomas

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    MYC rearrangements usually confer aggressive biological behavior to large B-cell lymphomas. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the relevance of LMO2 detection to the clinical approach to these tumors. First, the ability of LMO2 loss of expression to recognize the presence of MYC rearrangements was evaluated. A series of 365 samples obtained from 351 patients, including 28 Burkitt lymphoma, 230 diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, 30 high-grade B-cell lymphoma with MYC and BCL2/BCL6 rearrangements, eight high-grade B-cell lymphoma-NOS, 43 transformed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, and 26 high-grade follicular lymphomas was analyzed. Among the CD10-positive tumors prospectively analyzed in whole tissue sections, LMO2 negative expression obtained values of 88% sensitivity, 94% specificity, and 93% accuracy, proving the utility of LMO2 to screen MYC rearrangements. In addition, survival analyses were performed in a series of 155 patients. As per univariate analyses, the prognosis relevance of LMO2 was as useful as that of the diagnostic categories, MYC rearrangements, and MYC immunohistochemistry. Multivariate models revealed that both LMO2 (hazard ratio 0.51 p = 0.02) and IPI (hazard ratio 1.67 p < 0.005) were independent variables predicting overall survival. Finally, MYC and LMO2 mRNA expression were analyzed in a small group of cases. Taken together, these findings show the interest of LMO2 testing in large B-cell lymphomas

    Urine in bioelectrochemical systems: An overall review

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    In recent years, human urine has been successfully used as an electrolyte and organic substrate in bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) mainly due of its unique properties. Urine contains organic compounds that can be utilised as a fuel for energy recovery in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and it has high nutrient concentrations including nitrogen and phosphorous that can be concentrated and recovered in microbial electrosynthesis cells and microbial concentration cells. Moreover, human urine has high solution conductivity, which reduces the ohmic losses of these systems, improving BES output. This review describes the most recent advances in BESs utilising urine. Properties of neat human urine used in state‐of‐the‐art MFCs are described from basic to pilot‐scale and real implementation. Utilisation of urine in other bioelectrochemical systems for nutrient recovery is also discussed including proofs of concept to scale up systems

    Improving the power performance of urine-fed microbial fuel cells using PEDOT-PSS modified anodes

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    © 2020 The Authors The need for improving the energy harvesting from Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) has boosted the design of new materials in order to increase the power performance of this technology and facilitate its practical application. According to this approach, in this work different poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-polystyrenesulfonate (PEDOT-PSS) modified electrodes have been synthesised and evaluated as anodes in urine-fed MFCs. The electrochemical synthesis of PEDOT-PSS was performed by potentiostatic step experiments from aqueous solution at a fixed potential of 1.80 V (vs. a reversible hydrogen electrode) for different times: 30, 60, 120 and 240 s. Compared with other methods, this technique allowed us not only to reduce the processing time of the electrodes but also better control of the chemical composition of the deposited polymer and therefore, obtain more efficient polymer films. All modified anodes outperformed the maximum power output by MFCs working with the bare carbon veil electrode but the maximum value was observed when MFCs were working with the PEDOT-PSS based anode obtained after 30 s of electropolymerisation (535.1 µW). This value was 24.3% higher than using the bare carbon veil electrode. Moreover, the functionality of the PEDOT-PSS anodes was reported over 90 days working in continuous mode

    Analysis of vaccine responses after anti-CD20 maintenance in B-cell lymphoma in the Balearic Islands. A single reference center experience

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    IntroductionThe use of maintenance approaches with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies has improved the outcomes of B-cell indolent lymphomas but may lead to significant peripheral B-cell depletion. This depletion can potentially hinder the serological response to neoantigens.MethodsOur objective was to analyze the effect of anti-CD20 maintenance therapy in a reliable model of response to neoantigens: SARS-CoV-2 vaccine responses and the incidence/severity ofCOVID-19 in a reference hospital.ResultsIn our series (n=118), the rate of vaccination failures was 31%. Through ROC curve analysis, we determined a cutoff for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine serologic response at 24 months from the last anti-CD20 dose. The risk of severe COVID-19 was notably higher within the first 24months following the last anti-CD20 dose (52%) compared to after this period (just 18%) (p=0.007). In our survival analysis, neither vaccine response nor hypogammaglobulinemia significantly affected OS. While COVID-19 led to a modest mortality rate of 2.5%, this figure was comparable to the OS reported in the general immunocompetent population. However, most patients with hypogammaglobulinemia received intravenous immunoglobulin therapy and all were vaccinated. In conclusion, anti-CD20 maintenance therapy impairs serological responses to SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.DiscussionWe report for the first time that patients during maintenance therapy and up to 24 months after the last anti-CD20 dose are at a higher risk of vaccine failure and more severe cases of COVID-19. Nevertheless, with close monitoring, intravenous immunoglobulin supplementation or proper vaccination, the impact on survival due to the lack of serological response in this high-risk population can be mitigated, allowing for the benefits of anti-CD20 maintenance therapy, even in the presence of hypogammaglobulinemia

    Autologous stem cell transplantation may be curative for patients with follicular lymphoma with early therapy failure without the need for immunotherapy

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    Objective/Background: Patients with follicular lymphoma (FL) with early therapy failure (ETF) within 2 years of frontline therapy have poor overall survival (OS). We recently reported the results of autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in patients from the Grupo Español de Linfomas y Trasplantes de Médula Ósea (GELTAMO) registry treated with rituximab prior to ASCT and with ETF after first-line immunochemotherapy, leading to 81% 5-year OS since ASCT. We explored whether ASCT is also an effective option in the pre-rituximab era—that is, in patients treated in induction and rescued only with chemotherapy. Methods: ETF was defined as relapse/progression within 2 years of starting first-line therapy. We identified two groups: the ETF cohort (n = 87) and the non-ETF cohort (n = 47 patients receiving ASCT but not experiencing ETF following first-line therapy). Results: There was a significant difference in 5-year progression-free survival between the ETF and non-ETF cohorts (43% vs. 57%, respectively; p = .048). Nevertheless, in patients with ETF with an interval from first relapse after primary treatment to ASCT of <1 year, no differences were observed in 5-year progression-free survival (48% vs. 66%, respectively; p = .44) or in 5-year OS (69% vs. 77%, p = .4). Patients in the ETF cohort transplanted in complete remission showed a plateau in the OS curves, at 56%, beyond 13.7 years of follow-up. Conclusion: ASCT may be a curative option for ETF in patients who respond to rescue chemotherapy, without the need for immunotherapy or other therapies, and should be considered as an early consolidation, especially in patients with difficult access to rituximab

    Determinacions del perfil genètic de les malalties neoplàstiques hematològiques

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    Malalties neoplàstiques hematològiques; Perfil genètic; PrecisióEnfermedades neoplásticas hematológicas; Perfil genético; PrecisiónHematological neoplastic diseases; Genetic profile; AccuracyLa patologia hematooncològica s’ha dividit en tres grups: limfoide, mieloide i leucèmia aguda limfoblàstica. S’ha definit la llista de gens adequada per a cada patologia i tots ells han estat seleccionats atenent a: La seva utilitat diagnòstica i de diagnòstic diferencial amb altres entitats i que, per tant, permetin a l’equip diagnòstic (hematòlegs, patòlegs o biòlegs) realitzar un diagnòstic ben fet. La seva utilitat pronòstica i predictiva, sempre que això comporti un canvi d’actitud terapèutica. Per exemple, indicació de trasplantament de progenitors o altres teràpies cel·lulars, canvi en el seguiment i canvi en el tipus de tractament. La seva utilitat terapèutica per a la indicació de l’ús de fàrmacs diana

    Determinacions del perfil genètic de les malalties neoplàstiques hematològiques

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    Malalties neoplàstiques hematològiques; Perfil genètic; PrecisióEnfermedades neoplásticas hematológicas; Perfil genético; PrecisiónHematological neoplastic diseases; Genetic profile; AccuracyLa patologia hematooncològica s’ha dividit en tres grups: limfoide, mieloide i leucèmia aguda limfoblàstica. S’ha definit la llista de gens adequada per a cada patologia i tots ells han estat seleccionats atenent a: La seva utilitat diagnòstica i de diagnòstic diferencial amb altres entitats i que, per tant, permetin a l’equip diagnòstic (hematòlegs, patòlegs o biòlegs) realitzar un diagnòstic ben fet. La seva utilitat pronòstica i predictiva, sempre que això comporti un canvi d’actitud terapèutica. Per exemple, indicació de trasplantament de progenitors o altres teràpies cel·lulars, canvi en el seguiment i canvi en el tipus de tractament. La seva utilitat terapèutica per a la indicació de l’ús de fàrmacs diana

    Expression of MALT1 oncogene in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells recapitulates the pathogenesis of human lymphoma in mice

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    Chromosomal translocations involving the MALT1 gene are hallmarks of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. To date, targeting these translocations to mouse B cells has failed to reproduce human disease. Here, we induced MALT1 expression in mouse Sca1(+)Lin(-) hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, which showed NF-κB activation and early lymphoid priming, being selectively skewed toward B-cell differentiation. These cells accumulated in extranodal tissues and gave rise to clonal tumors recapitulating the principal clinical, biological, and molecular genetic features of MALT lymphoma. Deletion of p53 gene accelerated tumor onset and induced transformation of MALT lymphoma to activated B-cell diffuse large-cell lymphoma (ABC-DLBCL). Treatment of MALT1-induced lymphomas with a specific inhibitor of MALT1 proteolytic activity decreased cell viability, indicating that endogenous Malt1 signaling was required for tumor cell survival. Our study shows that human-like lymphomas can be modeled in mice by targeting MALT1 expression to hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells, demonstrating the oncogenic role of MALT1 in lymphomagenesis. Furthermore, this work establishes a molecular link between MALT lymphoma and ABC-DLBCL, and provides mouse models to test MALT1 inhibitors. Finally, our results suggest that hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells may be involved in the pathogenesis of human mature B-cell lymphomas