13 research outputs found

    Learner’s Autonomy in Learning English as a Foreign Language : A Case Study at a State University in Bandung

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    This paper presents the outcome of a case study research which is particularly aimed at investigating dimensions and degree of learner autonomy in EFL learning particularly in an English education program, situations under which learners learn autonomously, and how lecturers’ perception of learner autonomy influences their efforts to encourage learner autonomy. To collect the data, a questionnaire adapted from Murase (2009) was distributed to fourty first-year undergraduate students of a university in Bandung and interview was addressed to nine undergraduate learners and four lecturers. The findings showed that all dimensions of learner autonomy are found and each dimension is reflected in various degrees. The degree of technical and political dimensions of learner autonomy is in respect not as satisfactory as expected. However, the degree of learner autonomy in the psychological and socio-cultural dimension is high enough. There are four major aspects related to situations under which learners learn autonomously, including the subject matter, the lecturer, the time, and the challenging task. The lecturers’ perception about learner autonomy influences their efforts to encourage learner autonomy in their courses. They attempted to promote learner autonomy in terms of the technical, psychological, and social dimensions. It is recommended for further research to investigate learner autonomy in a more specific context of class, for example learner autonomy in a speaking class, in order to get more in-depth data. ; Artikel ini menampilkan hasil penelitian studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dimensi dan tingkat learner autonomy dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing khususnya pada program pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, situasi dimana mahasiswa belajar secara otonomi, dan bagaimana persepsi dosen tentang learner autonomy mempengaruhi upaya mereka untuk mendorong otonomi mahasiswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data, sebuah kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari Murase (2009) didistribusikan kepada empat puluh mahasiswa tingkat satu di sebuah universitas di Bandung dan wawancara ditujukan pada sembilan mahasiswa dan empat dosen. Penemuan menunjukkan bahwa semua dimensi learner autonomy ditemukan dan masing-masing dimensi memiliki tingkat yang berbeda-beda. Tingkat learner autonomy dalam dimensi teknis dan politis tidak sesuai harapan. Akan tetapi, tingakt learner autonomy pada dimensi psikologis dan sosial-budaya cukup tinggi. Ada empat aspek yang berkaitan dengan situati dimana mahasiswa belajar secara otonomy, yaitu berkaitan dengan mata kuliah, dosen, waktu, dan tugas yang menantang. Persepsi dosen tentang learner autonomy mempengaruhi upaya mereka untuk mendorong learner autonomy di kelas mereka. Mereka berusaha mendorong learner autonomy pada dimensi teknis, psikologis, dan sosial. Disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya untuk menginvestigasi learner autonomy dalam konteks kelas yang lebih spesifik, contohya learner autonomy pada kelas speaking, untuk mendapatkan data yang lebih mendalam

    Teachers and Students Perceptions of Grammar Teaching in Curriculum 13

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    This research is aimed at investigating teachers’ and students’ perceptions on the role of grammar in English teaching learning and how grammar is taught in curriculum 13. The research employed a qualitative descriptive design. The data were gathered through questionnaire and interview. The participants involved in this research were three English teachers and thirty students of grade X and XI in a private senior high school in Bandung. The findings revealed that the teachers and students had the same view about the importance of grammar both in language teaching learning and communication. Although the majority of them agreed that the knowledge of grammar is beneficial in both speaking and writing activities, there were a few of them who disagreed its importance in speaking. Furthermore, teachers and students in this research were aware that grammar in the curriculum 13 is more appropriate to be taught under Communicative Language Teaching (in which grammar is taught integrated into communicative activities, inductively, and with contextualized grammar practice) than under Grammar Translation Method (in which grammar is taught in separate lesson, in deductive approach, and emphasizing practice of patterns). From the findings, it was recommended that grammar needs to be taught in the current curriculum using Communicative Language Teaching method


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    This paper presents the outcome of a case study research which is particularly aimed at investigating dimensions and degree of learner autonomy in EFL learning particularly in an English education program, situations under which learners learn autonomously, and how lecturers’ perception of learner autonomy influences their efforts to encourage learner autonomy. To collect the data, a questionnaire adapted from Murase (2009) was distributed to fourty first-year undergraduate students of a university in Bandung and interview was addressed to nine undergraduate learners and four lecturers. The findings showed that all dimensions of learner autonomy are found and each dimension is reflected in various degrees. The degree of technical and political dimensions of learner autonomy is in respect not as satisfactory as expected. However, the degree of learner autonomy in the psychological and socio-cultural dimension is high enough. There are four major aspects related to situations under which learners learn autonomously, including the subject matter, the lecturer, the time, and the challenging task. The lecturers’ perception about learner autonomy influences their efforts to encourage learner autonomy in their courses. They attempted to promote learner autonomy in terms of the technical, psychological, and social dimensions. It is recommended for further research to investigate learner autonomy in a more specific context of class, for example learner autonomy in a speaking class, in order to get more in-depth data. ; Artikel ini menampilkan hasil penelitian studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dimensi dan tingkat learner autonomy dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing khususnya pada program pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, situasi dimana mahasiswa belajar secara otonomi, dan bagaimana persepsi dosen tentang learner autonomy mempengaruhi upaya mereka untuk mendorong otonomi mahasiswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data, sebuah kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari Murase (2009) didistribusikan kepada empat puluh mahasiswa tingkat satu di sebuah universitas di Bandung dan wawancara ditujukan pada sembilan mahasiswa dan empat dosen. Penemuan menunjukkan bahwa semua dimensi learner autonomy ditemukan dan masing-masing dimensi memiliki tingkat yang berbeda-beda. Tingkat learner autonomy dalam dimensi teknis dan politis tidak sesuai harapan. Akan tetapi, tingakt learner autonomy pada dimensi psikologis dan sosial-budaya cukup tinggi. Ada empat aspek yang berkaitan dengan situati dimana mahasiswa belajar secara otonomy, yaitu berkaitan dengan mata kuliah, dosen, waktu, dan tugas yang menantang. Persepsi dosen tentang learner autonomy mempengaruhi upaya mereka untuk mendorong learner autonomy di kelas mereka. Mereka berusaha mendorong learner autonomy pada dimensi teknis, psikologis, dan sosial. Disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya untuk menginvestigasi learner autonomy dalam konteks kelas yang lebih spesifik, contohya learner autonomy pada kelas speaking, untuk mendapatkan data yang lebih mendalam

    Learner’s Autonomy in Learning English as a Foreign Language : A Case Study at a State University in Bandung

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    This paper presents the outcome of a case study research which is particularly aimed at investigating dimensions and degree of learner autonomy in EFL learning particularly in an English education program, situations under which learners learn autonomously, and how lecturers’ perception of learner autonomy influences their efforts to encourage learner autonomy. To collect the data, a questionnaire adapted from Murase (2009) was distributed to fourty first-year undergraduate students of a university in Bandung and interview was addressed to nine undergraduate learners and four lecturers. The findings showed that all dimensions of learner autonomy are found and each dimension is reflected in various degrees. The degree of technical and political dimensions of learner autonomy is in respect not as satisfactory as expected. However, the degree of learner autonomy in the psychological and socio-cultural dimension is high enough. There are four major aspects related to situations under which learners learn autonomously, including the subject matter, the lecturer, the time, and the challenging task. The lecturers’ perception about learner autonomy influences their efforts to encourage learner autonomy in their courses. They attempted to promote learner autonomy in terms of the technical, psychological, and social dimensions. It is recommended for further research to investigate learner autonomy in a more specific context of class, for example learner autonomy in a speaking class, in order to get more in-depth data. ; Artikel ini menampilkan hasil penelitian studi kasus yang bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi dimensi dan tingkat learner autonomy dalam kegiatan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing khususnya pada program pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, situasi dimana mahasiswa belajar secara otonomi, dan bagaimana persepsi dosen tentang learner autonomy mempengaruhi upaya mereka untuk mendorong otonomi mahasiswa. Untuk mengumpulkan data, sebuah kuesioner yang diadaptasi dari Murase (2009) didistribusikan kepada empat puluh mahasiswa tingkat satu di sebuah universitas di Bandung dan wawancara ditujukan pada sembilan mahasiswa dan empat dosen. Penemuan menunjukkan bahwa semua dimensi learner autonomy ditemukan dan masing-masing dimensi memiliki tingkat yang berbeda-beda. Tingkat learner autonomy dalam dimensi teknis dan politis tidak sesuai harapan. Akan tetapi, tingakt learner autonomy pada dimensi psikologis dan sosial-budaya cukup tinggi. Ada empat aspek yang berkaitan dengan situati dimana mahasiswa belajar secara otonomy, yaitu berkaitan dengan mata kuliah, dosen, waktu, dan tugas yang menantang. Persepsi dosen tentang learner autonomy mempengaruhi upaya mereka untuk mendorong learner autonomy di kelas mereka. Mereka berusaha mendorong learner autonomy pada dimensi teknis, psikologis, dan sosial. Disarankan untuk penelitian selanjutnya untuk menginvestigasi learner autonomy dalam konteks kelas yang lebih spesifik, contohya learner autonomy pada kelas speaking, untuk mendapatkan data yang lebih mendalam

    An Analysis of Anomalous Exchange in Young Learners’ Classroom Interaction

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    This research aims to analyze the classroom interaction in teaching learning process and the categories of anomalous exchanges that occur during classroom interaction in a fifth grade of an elementary school. The research employed a case study as a research methodology. Document analysis was used as data collection technique of this research. The documents analyzed were videos of teaching learning process in an elementary school in Bandung. The findings showed that the classroom interaction was dominated by Teacher Talk in which the teacher delivered information mostly through question and answer activities. Unanswered questions by the learners and no feedback from the teacher contributed to the occurrence of anomalous exchanges. In terms of anomalous exchanges, the findings revealed that defective exchanges and elliptical exchanges mostly occurred during the classroom interaction. Several factors which influenced the occurrence of these exchanges were the topic discussed, the wait-time, the types of teacher’s questions, and the non-conducive of learners’ situation

    Montessori Method in Academic Flow Development

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    This research aimed to describe the implementation of the Montessori Method in academic flow development for students. A Qualitative approach and intrinsic case study design were used in this research. The participants of this research were five students of the Arabic Language Study Program in one of university in Bandung, West Java. The participants were selected using purposive sampling technique. The findings revealed that students were able to achieve academic flow, which was marked by the achievement of all indicators in the aspect of absorption by activity. However, the indicator of thinking included in the aspect of fluency by performance was difficult to be achieved by the students. The results of this research are expected to be utilized by those who play a role in developing students' potential, which was guidance and counseling service units based in universities and academic supervisors

    Permasalahan Pola Asuh dalam Mendidik Anak di Era Digital

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    Orang tua saat ini dihadapkan dengan berbagai problematika yang terjadi dalam mendidik anak di tengah perkembangan digital yang begitu pesat. Sontak, hal ini menimbulkan berbagai kekhawatiran terhadap tumbuh kembang anak. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengupas problematika yang terjadi dalam proses mendidik anak di era digital seperti sekarang ini. Seluruh persoalan mendidik anak seharusnya diatasi dengan pola dan pendekatan yang tepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan research synteshis dalam menggali teori yang relevan terkait issue yang dibahas. Analisis secara kualitatif menjadi tombak penelitian untuk memantapkan akurasi data yang dikumpulkan. Di  era ini, banyak anak-anak yang memiliki perilaku ketergantungan terhadap perangkat digital yang cukup riskan terhadap sisi negatif. Oleh karena itu, pentingnya mengendalikan digital era yang dipegang oleh anak-anak untuk memfokuskan bidang pendidikan perlu dilakukan supaya motivasi dapat terbentuk dan tujuan pendidikan juga bisa tercapai dengan baik dengan sinergisitas antara stakeholder lembaga pendidikan (sekolah) dengan yang lainnya (tri logi pendidikan)

    Integrating Technologies in the New Normal: A Study of Blended Learning

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    The objective of this research is to describe how the teacher integrates technologies in blended learning and to analyze students’ perception and challenges in blended learning. The research was conducted in a private senior high school in Bandung and used a qualitative descriptive method. The data were collected through interview and questionnaire. The findings show that the teacher had already integrated technologies to run the process of teaching and learning in the new normal era as a replacement of a face to face learning due to Covid-19 pandemic. In the blended learning, the teacher integrated the variety of technologies in teaching-learning activities, namely zoom meeting and WhatsApp group chatting for the synchronous learning and she utilized google classroom, screencast o matic screen recorder, viva video editor, YouTube, and Quizizz the synchronous learning. The students perceived  blended learning positively and determined that it is it is one of the effective ways of teaching. The biggest challenge overcome by the teacher is more time needed to learn and adapt to this new situation where they must employ technology in our educational culture. For the students, the stability of internet connection also becomes major obstacle in blended learning. Apart from that, blended learning can be an option applied in the learning process in the current pandemic era