81 research outputs found

    L’évolution de la cohabitation intergĂ©nĂ©rationnelle au Maroc : les solidaritĂ©s privĂ©es mises Ă  l’épreuve ?

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    International audienceDans les pays occidentaux, les relations entre gĂ©nĂ©rations prennent aujourd’hui rarement la forme d’une cohabitation au sein du mĂȘme logement, alors que dans les pays du Sud la prĂ©sence d’au moins deux gĂ©nĂ©rations adultes est encore rĂ©pandue. Nous Ă©tudions cette situation au Maroc oĂč l’achĂšvement de la transition dĂ©mographique est proche, lequel entraĂźnera un fort vieillissement dĂ©mographique dans les prochaines dĂ©cennies (dĂ©jĂ  2,4 millions de personnes ĂągĂ©es de 60 ans et plus et 5,8 millions attendus en 2030).Au Maghreb, la famille est la clĂ© de voute de la sociĂ©tĂ©. Elle repose sur des principes qui mettent en exergue la fonction patriarcale, le respect des aĂźnĂ©s, la famille Ă©largie. En milieu rural oĂč subsiste une Ă©conomie traditionnelle, on trouve encore couramment des relations d’entraide entre les diffĂ©rents membres d’une mĂȘme famille allant jusqu’au partage du logement. En revanche, cette situation est moins frĂ©quente en milieu urbain et s’attĂ©nue Ă  chaque enquĂȘte ou recensement. Nous proposons de mieux apprĂ©cier les raisons de la dĂ©cohabitation intergĂ©nĂ©rationnelle. Si l’exode rural, la taille des logements en milieu urbain (
) sont des arguments frĂ©quemment Ă©voquĂ©s, il convient aussi de considĂ©rer certaines Ă©volutions socio-culturelles : la plus grande recherche d’intimitĂ© du couple vis-Ă -vis des ascendants, l’évolution du statut des femmes, l’influence des modes de vie occidentaux via les mĂ©dias (
).La moindre cohabitation intergĂ©nĂ©rationnelle dont on peut penser qu’elle se diffusera aussi en milieu rural est-elle associĂ©e Ă  un affaiblissement des relations d’entraide entre gĂ©nĂ©rations ? A partir des donnĂ©es de l’enquĂȘte nationale sur les personnes ĂągĂ©es au Maroc (ENPA-2006), nous montrons que la solidaritĂ© entre gĂ©nĂ©rations offre une certaine « rĂ©sistance », que d’aucuns prĂ©sentent comme une possible spĂ©cificitĂ© de la sociĂ©tĂ© marocaine (voire maghrĂ©bine). Le recul de la cohabitation intergĂ©nĂ©rationnelle, qui apparaĂźt notamment Ă  travers les donnĂ©es collectĂ©es par les diffĂ©rents recensements, ne semble donc pas traduire un affaiblissement des solidaritĂ©s familiales envers les aĂźnĂ©s mais plutĂŽt rĂ©vĂ©ler une modification des formes de ces solidaritĂ©s. Toutefois, dans un pays oĂč les systĂšmes de retraite sont loin d’ĂȘtre arrivĂ©s Ă  maturitĂ©, la nuclĂ©arisation des mĂ©nages sera problĂ©matique pour certaines personnes modestes et pauvres, peu entourĂ©es socialement : les femmes veuves, analphabĂštes, dĂ©munies Ă©conomiquement, sont Ă  ce titre les plus vulnĂ©rables. Plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement, on peut redouter que l’allongement de la durĂ©e de la vie, associĂ© Ă  la disparition de la cohabitation entre les gĂ©nĂ©rations provoquent de fortes inĂ©galitĂ©s entre les personnes ĂągĂ©es dĂ©tentrices de pensions retraite ou d’un patrimoine et celles qui ont peu de capital ; entre celles qui vivent en couple, bien entourĂ©es par leurs proches, et les personnes veuves isolĂ©es ; entre celles bĂ©nĂ©ficiant d’une assurance mĂ©dicale et celles ayant des difficultĂ©s d’accĂšs aux soins
 Au final, la gĂ©rontocroissance entraĂźnera vraisemblablement une mise Ă  l’épreuve des solidaritĂ©s familiales et une dĂ©gradation des conditions de vie de certaines personnes ĂągĂ©es, si ne se met pas en place une politique publique de soutien spĂ©cifiquement dĂ©diĂ©e aux aĂźnĂ©s vulnĂ©rables, concernant notamment le logement, les revenus et les soins mĂ©dicaux. L’instauration d’une politique publique ciblant spĂ©cifiquement la population ĂągĂ©e semble souhaitable pour agir en complĂ©mentaritĂ© avec les solidaritĂ©s familiales qui ne disparaissent pas mais se transforment. Une telle politique sera d’autant plus efficace qu’elle sera articulĂ©e Ă  une maturation du systĂšme de protection sociale dans son ensemble.DonnĂ©es et mĂ©thodes : Nous travaillons sur les donnĂ©es de l’enquĂȘte nationale sur les personnes ĂągĂ©es au Maroc (ENPA-2006) et sur les donnĂ©es des Recensements GĂ©nĂ©raux de la Population et de l’Habitat de 1982, 1994 et 2004 afin de pouvoir faire des comparaisons entre dates diffĂ©rentes

    Effect of a Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet on Circulating Myokine Levels Compared with the Effect of Bariatric Surgery or a Low-Calorie Diet in Patients with Obesity

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    : The preservation of muscle mass and muscle function after weight loss therapy is currently a considerable challenge in the fight against obesity. Muscle mass secretes proteins called myokines that have relevant functions in the regulation of metabolism and health. This study was aimed to evaluate whether a very low-calorie ketogenic (VLCK) diet may modulate myokine levels, in addition to changes in body composition, compared to a standard, balanced low-calorie (LC) diet or bariatric surgery in patients with obesity. Body composition, ketosis, insulin sensitivity and myokines were evaluated in 79 patients with overweight/obesity after a therapy to lose weight with a VLCK diet, a LC diet or bariatric surgery. The follow-up was 6 months. The weight loss therapies induced changes in myokine levels in association with changes in body composition and biochemical parameters. The effects on circulating myokine levels compared to those at baseline were stronger after the VLCK diet than LC diet or bariatric surgery. Differences reached statistical significance for IL-8, MMP2 and irisin. In conclusion, nutritional interventions or bariatric surgery to lose weight induces changes in circulating myokine levels, being this effect potentially most notable after following a VLCK diet

    Inflammation and Obesity (Lipoinflammation)

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    Obesity is a chronic disease with multiple origins. It is a widespread global phenomenon carrying potentially serious complications which requires a multidisciplinary approach due to the significant clinical repercussions and elevated health costs associated with the disease. The most recent evidence indicates that it shares a common characteristic with other prevalent, difficult-to-treat pathologies: chronic, low-grade inflammation which perpetuates the disease and is associated with multiple complications. The current interest in lipoinflammation or chronic inflammation associated with obesity derives from an understanding of the alterations and remodelling that occurs in the adipose tissue, with the participation of multiple factors and elements throughout the process. Recent research highlights the importance of some of these molecules, called pro-resolving mediators, as possible therapeutic targets in the treatment of obesity. This article reviews the evidence published on the mechanisms that regulate the adipose tissue remodelling process and lipoinflammation both in obesity and in the mediators that are directly involved in the appearance and resolution of the inflammatory process

    Effect of A Very Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet on Food and Alcohol Cravings, Physical and Sexual Activity, Sleep Disturbances, and Quality of Life in Obese Patients

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    Psychological well-being and hunger and food control are two relevant factors involved in the success of weight-loss therapy in treating obesity. Thus, this study aims to evaluate food and alcohol cravings, physical and sexual activity, sleep, and life quality (QoL) in obese patients following a very low-calorie ketogenic (VLCK) diet, as well as the role of weight lost and ketosis on these parameters. A battery of psychological test was performed in twenty obese patients (12 females, 47.2 +/- 10.2 year and BMI of 35.5 +/- 4.4) through the course of a 4-month VLCK diet on four subsequent visits: baseline, maximum ketosis, reduced ketosis, and endpoint. Each subject acted as their own control. Relevantly, the dietary-induced changes in body composition (7.7 units of BMI lost, 18 kg of fat mass (1.2 kg of visceral fat mass)) were associated with a statistically significant improvement in food craving scores, physical activity, sleepiness, and female sexual function. Overall, these results also translated in a notable enhancement in QoL of the treated obese patients. Therefore, the rapid and sustained weight and fat mass (FM) loss induced by the VLCK diet is associated with good food control and improvements in the psychological well-being parameters in obese subjects, which could contribute to the long-term success of this therapy

    Epigenetic Landscape in Blood Leukocytes Following Ketosis and Weight Loss Induced by a Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD) in Patients With Obesity

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    [Abstract] Background:The molecular mechanisms underlying the potential health benefits of a ketogenic diet areunknown and could be mediated by epigenetic mechanisms.Objective:To identify the changes in the obesity-related methylome that are mediated by the inducedweight loss or are dependent on ketosis in subjects with obesity underwent a very-low calorie ketogenicdiet (VLCKD).Methods:Twenty-one patients with obesity (nÂŒ12 women, 47.9±1.02 yr, 33.0±0.2 kg/m2) after 6months on a VLCKD and 12 normal weight volunteers (nÂŒ6 women, 50.3±6.2 yrs, 22.7±1.5 kg/m2)were studied. Data from the Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip methylomes of blood leukocytes wereobtained at time points of ketotic phases (basal, maximum ketosis, and out of ketosis) during VLCKD(nÂŒ10) and at baseline in volunteers (nÂŒ12). Results were further validated by pyrosequencing inrepresentative cohort of patients on a VLCKD (nÂŒ18) and correlated with gene expression.Results:After weight reduction by VLCKD, differences were found at 988 CpG sites (786 unique genes).The VLCKD altered methylation levels in patients with obesity had high resemblance with those fromnormal weight volunteers and was concomitant with a downregulation of DNA methyltransferases(DNMT)1, 3a and 3b. Most of the encoded genes were involved in metabolic processes, protein meta-bolism, and muscle, organ, and skeletal system development. Novel genes representing the top scoringassociated events were identified, includingZNF331,FGFRL1(VLCKD-induced weight loss) andCBFA2T3,C3orf38,JSRP1, andLRFN4(VLCKD-induced ketosis). Interestingly,ZNF331andFGFRL1were validated inan independent cohort and inversely correlated with gene expression.Conclusions:The beneficial effects of VLCKD therapy on obesity involve a methylome more suggestive ofnormal weight that could be mainly mediated by the VLCKD-induced ketosis rather than weight loss.This work was supported by the PronoKal GroupÂź and grants from the Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria as well as PI17/01287, PI20/00628 and PI20/00650 research projects and CIBERobn from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)-Subdireccion General de Evaluacion y Fomento de la InvestigaciĂłn; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Ana B Crujeiras is funded by a research contract “Miguel Servet” (CP17/00088) from the ISCIII, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and Xunta de Galicia-GAIN (IN607B2020)Xunta de Galicia; IN607B202

    Effect of a Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet on Circulating Myokine Levels Compared with the Effect of Bariatric Surgery or a Low-Calorie Diet in Patients with Obesity

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    The preservation of muscle mass and muscle function after weight loss therapy is currently a considerable challenge in the fight against obesity. Muscle mass secretes proteins called myokines that have relevant functions in the regulation of metabolism and health. This study was aimed to evaluate whether a very low-calorie ketogenic (VLCK) diet may modulate myokine levels, in addition to changes in body composition, compared to a standard, balanced low-calorie (LC) diet or bariatric surgery in patients with obesity. Body composition, ketosis, insulin sensitivity and myokines were evaluated in 79 patients with overweight/obesity after a therapy to lose weight with a VLCK diet, a LC diet or bariatric surgery. The follow-up was 6 months. The weight loss therapies induced changes in myokine levels in association with changes in body composition and biochemical parameters. The effects on circulating myokine levels compared to those at baseline were stronger after the VLCK diet than LC diet or bariatric surgery. Differences reached statistical significance for IL-8, MMP2 and irisin. In conclusion, nutritional interventions or bariatric surgery to lose weight induces changes in circulating myokine levels, being this effect potentially most notable after following a VLCK dietThis work was supported by the PronoKal Group¼ and grants from the Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria, PI17/01287 research projects and CIBERobn (CB06/03/0003, CB12/03/30007, CB12/03/30002, CB06/03/0018) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)-Subdireccion General de Evaluacion y Fomento de la Investigación; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) and the Health Department of the Government of Navarra (48/2009), Spain and Linea Especial “Nutrition, Obesity and Health” (University of Navarra LE/97). Ana B Crujeiras is funded by a research contract “Miguel Servet” (CP17/00088) from the ISCIII, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)S

    Epigenetic Landscape in Blood Leukocytes Following Ketosis and Weight Loss Induced by a Very Low Calorie Ketogenic Diet (VLCKD) in Patients with Obesity

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    Background: The molecular mechanisms underlying the potential health benefits of a ketogenic diet are unknown and could be mediated by epigenetic mechanisms. Objective: To identify the changes in the obesity-related methylome that are mediated by the induced weight loss or are dependent on ketosis in subjects with obesity underwent a very-low calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD). Methods: Twenty-one patients with obesity (n ÂŒ 12 women, 47.9 ± 1.02 yr, 33.0 ± 0.2 kg/m2 ) after 6 months on a VLCKD and 12 normal weight volunteers (n ÂŒ 6 women, 50.3 ± 6.2 yrs, 22.7 ± 1.5 kg/m2 ) were studied. Data from the Infinium MethylationEPIC BeadChip methylomes of blood leukocytes were obtained at time points of ketotic phases (basal, maximum ketosis, and out of ketosis) during VLCKD (n ÂŒ 10) and at baseline in volunteers (n ÂŒ 12). Results were further validated by pyrosequencing in representative cohort of patients on a VLCKD (n ÂŒ 18) and correlated with gene expression. Results: After weight reduction by VLCKD, differences were found at 988 CpG sites (786 unique genes). The VLCKD altered methylation levels in patients with obesity had high resemblance with those from normal weight volunteers and was concomitant with a downregulation of DNA methyltransferases (DNMT)1, 3a and 3b. Most of the encoded genes were involved in metabolic processes, protein metabolism, and muscle, organ, and skeletal system development. Novel genes representing the top scoring associated events were identified, including ZNF331, FGFRL1 (VLCKD-induced weight loss) and CBFA2T3, C3orf38, JSRP1, and LRFN4 (VLCKD-induced ketosis). Interestingly, ZNF331 and FGFRL1 were validated in an independent cohort and inversely correlated with gene expression. Conclusions: The beneficial effects of VLCKD therapy on obesity involve a methylome more suggestive of normal weight that could be mainly mediated by the VLCKD-induced ketosis rather than weight loss.This work was supported by the PronoKal GroupÂź and grants from the Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria as well as PI17/01287, PI20/00628 and PI20/00650 research projects and CIBERobn from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)-Subdireccion General de Evaluacion y Fomento de la InvestigaciĂłn; Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) Ana B Crujeiras is funded by a research contract “Miguel Servet” (CP17/00088) from the ISCIII, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and Xunta de Galicia-GAIN (IN607B2020). The funding source had no involvement in the study design or interpretation of the result

    Efficacy of very low-calorie ketogenic diet with the PronokalÂź method in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a 16-week randomized controlled trial

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    Objective: The aim of this study isto assess the efficacy of a very low-calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) method vs a Mediterranean low-calorie diet (LCD) in obese polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) women of a reproductive age.Design: Randomized controlled open-label trial was performed in this study. The treatment period was 16 weeks; VLCKD for 8 weeks then LCD for 8 weeks, according to the Pronokal (R) method (experimental group; n = 15) vs Mediterranean LCD for 16 weeks (control group; n = 15). Ovulation monitoring was carried out at baseline and after 16 weeks, while a clinical exam, bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), anthropometry, and biochemical analyses were performed at baseline, at week 8, and at week 16.Results: BMI decreased significantly in both groups and to a major extent in the experimental group (-13.7% vs -5.1%, P = 0.0003). Significant differences between the experimental and the control groups were also observed in the reduction of waist circumference (-11.4% vs -2.9%), BIA-measured body fat (-24.0% vs -8.1%), and free testosterone (-30.4% vs -12.6%) after 16 weeks (P = 0.0008, P = 0.0176, and P = 0.0009, respectively). Homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance significantly decreased only in the experimental group (P = 0.0238) but without significant differences with respect to the control group (-23% vs -13.2%, P > 0.05). At baseline, 38.5% of participants in the experimental group and 14.3% of participants in the control group had ovulation, which increased to 84.6% (P = 0.031) and 35.7% (P > 0.05) at the end of the study, respectively.Conclusion: In obese PCOS patients, 16 weeks of VLCKD protocol with the Pronokal (R) method was more effective than Mediterranean LCD in reducing total and visceral fat, and in ameliorating hyperandrogenism and ovulatory dysfunction.Significance statements: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first randomized controlled trial on the use of the VLCKD method in obese PCOS. It demonstrates the superiority of VLCKD with respect to Mediterranean LCD in reducing BMI with an almost selective reduction of fat mass and a unique effect of VLCKD in reducing visceral adiposity, insulin resistance, and in increasing SHBG with a consequent reduction of free testosterone. Interestingly, this study also demonstrates the superiority of the VLCKD protocol in improving ovulation, whose occurrence increased by 46.1% in the group treated by the VLCKD method against a rise of 21.4% in the group treated by Mediterranean LCD. This study extends the therapeutic approach possibilities in obese PCOS women

    Effect of a Very-Low-Calorie Ketogenic Diet on Circulating Myokine Levels Compared with the Effect of Bariatric Surgery or a Low-Calorie Diet in Patients with Obesity

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    The preservation of muscle mass and muscle function after weight loss therapy is currently a considerable challenge in the fight against obesity. Muscle mass secretes proteins called myokines that have relevant functions in the regulation of metabolism and health. This study was aimed to evaluate whether a very low-calorie ketogenic (VLCK) diet may modulate myokine levels, in addition to changes in body composition, compared to a standard, balanced low-calorie (LC) diet or bariatric surgery in patients with obesity. Body composition, ketosis, insulin sensitivity and myokines were evaluated in 79 patients with overweight/obesity after a therapy to lose weight with a VLCK diet, a LC diet or bariatric surgery. The follow-up was 6 months. The weight loss therapies induced changes in myokine levels in association with changes in body composition and biochemical parameters. The effects on circulating myokine levels compared to those at baseline were stronger after the VLCK diet than LC diet or bariatric surgery. Differences reached statistical significance for IL-8, MMP2 and irisin. In conclusion, nutritional interventions or bariatric surgery to lose weight induces changes in circulating myokine levels, being this effect potentially most notable after following a VLCK diet
