334 research outputs found
Involvement, consistency and adaptability in the new style of relations (ner). The experience of ner Group in the Basque Country
[ES] Este artículo analiza la percepción que tienen las personas de las organizaciones de ner Group ubicadas en el País Vasco, de las características culturales del nuevo estilo de relaciones (ner), desarrollado por Koldo Saratxaga durante su exitosa dirección en Irizar Group. El ner, una innovación en cultura y gestión organizacional, una respuesta a los retos planteados por las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y la sociedad del conocimiento, se basa en las personas, pilares básicos de las organizaciones, quienes trabajan en equipos autogestionados con responsabilidad, confianza y libertad para alcanzar la satisfacción del cliente. El compromiso de las personas con sus organizaciones se potencia mediante la solidaridad interna, expresada en la reducción de las diferencias salariales, el reparto de resultados, y la seguridad en el empleo ante situaciones de crisis, garantizada por las reubicaciones entre organizaciones del grupo.
El estudio empírico desarrollado, para el que se ha diseñado un cuestionario específico, permite concluir que la gran mayoría de las personas manifiesta un alto grado de Implicación, considera que el ner facilita orientar la actividad hacia la satisfacción del cliente, perciben la Consistencia existente, facilitadora de relaciones de igualdad en un entorno de confianza mutua, y otorgan altas puntuaciones a la Adaptabilidad, interna (compromiso con la solidaridad interna) y externa (compromiso con el entorno social).[EN] This paper analyses the perception the people working at the organizations of ner Group in the Basque Country have of the cultural features of the new style of relationships (ner), created by Koldo Saratxaga during his successful running of Irizar Group. The ner, an innovation in culture and management, an answer to the challenges placed by the Technologies of Information and Communication and the Knowledge Society, is based on persons, basic pillars of the organizations; persons who work in self-managed teams with responsibility, confidence and freedom to reach customers satisfaction. The commitment and integration of persons with the organization they work for are strengthened by implementing internal solidarity based on the reduction of the wage differences, the profit sharing and the employment security in case of crisis, using then the relocations between organizations of ner Group.
The developed empirical research, once designed an specific questionnaire, allows us to conclude that the majority of the people declare a high level of Involvement, consider the ner an organizational and management tool which makes directing activity to reach customer satisfaction feasible, they perceive the existing Consistency and voice that this makes possible relationships based on mutual trust and they judge positively the existing Adaptability, portrayed by commitment to the internal solidarity and to society and community
Los titulados universitarios que reciben las empresas
La demanda de puestos de trabajo para los universitarios en las empresas españolas es relativamente baja como consecuencia de las bases del crecimiento económico y el escaso tamaño medio del tejido empresarial español
Sex differences in gene expression related to antipsychotic induced weight gain
Antipsychotics are crucial for the treatment of schizophrenia and contribute to weight gain in psychosis, particularly during early phases. Antipsychotic Induced Weight Gain (AIWG) might contribute to reduce the quality of life, drug compliance and to increase mortality. To characterize sex differences of gene expression related to AIWG, we sequenced total mRNA from blood samples of schizophrenia patients, before and after 3 months of antipsychotic-treatment. We analyzed schizophrenia patients according to their sex (38 males and 39 females) and their BMI increase after medication, characterizing the differential gene expression before and after medication. Individuals in each group were categorized in patients who gain weight and those whose do not gain weight. The ?weight gain? groups included patients with an increase of body mass index (BMI) > 1.0 points (27 males and 23 females with a median BMI increase of 2.68 and 2.32 respectively). The ?no weight gain? groups included patients with a change of BMI between -1.0 points (11 males and 16 females with a median BMI increase of 0.21 and 0.16 respectively). The males had 331 genes with significant differential expression in the weight gain group and 24 genes in the no weight gain group. The females had 119 genes with significant differential expression in the weight gain group and 75 genes in the no weight gain group. Both weight gain groups were significantly enriched with ?obesity? genes (Fisher; p = 1.1E-09 and p = 0.0001 respectively), according to the Gene Reference into Function (GeneRIF) database.In conclusion, we characterized genes with differential expression associated to AIWG that are specific to males, to females and common to both sexes. These genes are good candidates to depict the biological processes involved in AIWG and provide additional evidence of the genetic links between weight gain and the immune system.Bioinformatics work was partially performed using the Altamira supercomputer (Spanish Supercomputing Network). We thank the Valdecilla Biobank for blood RNA sampling handling and storage and the CNAG for mRNA sequencing. We also wish to thank the participants and their families for enrolling in this stud
Aplicación de la prospección geofísica a la caracterización geológica del entorno de Zaragoza
Los valles de fondo plano son uno de los relieves más característicos y abundantes del sector central de la Cuenca del Ebro. Existe la incógnita de si estos valles en profundidad tienen la geometría de la base plana o en embudo (“V”), como los valles fluviales. Para caracterizar estos valles se ha realizado una prospección magnética y tomado muestras de suelos, con el propósito de realizar un modelo 2,5D, un mapa de anomalías magnéticas y curvas termomagnéticas. A partir de todos estos métodos se observa que los valles de fondo plano tienen una susceptibilidad magnética mayor que las litologías que los rodean. Otra de las conclusiones que se obtienen, en este caso, a partir de la modelización 2,5D, es que muy probablemente, la base de los valles de fondo plano es plana. A estas conclusiones se llega únicamente a partir del estudio de las propiedades magnéticas. Para poder realizar una óptima caracterización de los valles de fondo plano sería conveniente utilizar más métodos geofísicos e incluirlos a un estudio multidisciplinar junto con el estudio mineralógico, estratigráfico y sedimentológico
Aplicaciones clínicas del strain de la aurícula izquierda
Atrial strain is a novel echocardiographic technique for assessing atrial function, which is composed of 3 phases: reservoir, conduit and pump. Advances in analysis software and the standardisation of its measurement have allowed its use to increase exponentially in recent years. This technique has been evaluated in multiple scenarios, and has been shown to provide diagnostic and prognostic value in various cardiovascular pathologies. In this review we present how atrial strain is obtained, as well as the prognostic role of this technique in different clinical settingsEl strain auricular es una técnica ecocardiográfica novedosa que permite evaluar la función auricular, que se compone de 3 fases: reservorio, conducto y bomba. Los avances en los softwares de análisis y la estandarización de su medición han permitido que su uso haya aumentado de forma exponencial en los últimos años. Esta técnica se ha evaluado en múltiples escenarios, y se ha demostrado que aporta valor diagnóstico y pronóstico en diversas patologías cardiovasculares. En esta revisión presentamos la forma de obtener el strain auricular, así como el papel pronóstico de esta técnica en distintos contextos clínicos
Aplicación de la prospección geofísica a la caracterización geológica del entorno de Zaragoza
Los valles de fondo plano son uno de los relieves más característicos y abundantes del sector central de la Cuenca del Ebro. Existe la incógnita de si estos valles en profundidad tienen la geometría de la base plana o en embudo (“V”), como los valles fluviales. Para caracterizar estos valles se ha realizado una prospección magnética y tomado muestras de suelos, con el propósito de realizar un modelo 2,5D, un mapa de anomalías magnéticas y curvas termomagnéticas. A partir de todos estos métodos se observa que los valles de fondo plano tienen una susceptibilidad magnética mayor que las litologías que los rodean. Otra de las conclusiones que se obtienen, en este caso, a partir de la modelización 2,5D, es que muy probablemente, la base de los valles de fondo plano es plana. A estas conclusiones se llega únicamente a partir del estudio de las propiedades magnéticas. Para poder realizar una óptima caracterización de los valles de fondo plano sería conveniente utilizar más métodos geofísicos e incluirlos a un estudio multidisciplinar junto con el estudio mineralógico, estratigráfico y sedimentológico
“External and total hip rotation range of motion predispose to low back pain in elite Spanish inline hockey player”
Low back pain (LBP) is a common ailment in competitive athletes. Although the association
between limited range of motion (ROM) and prevalence of LBP has been widely investigated in other
sports, there is no research about this topic in inline hockey (IH). The main purposes of this study in IH
players were (1) to analyze the association between hip ROM and LBP and (2) to establish a diagnostic
cuto for ROM of high risk of LBP. Twenty elite IH players from the two Spanish National Teams
(male and female) were assessed for passive maximum hip ROMs; the movement evaluated were the
hip external [HER] and internal [HIR] rotation, hip flexion with flexed [HF-KF] and extended [HF-KE]
knee, hip adduction with flexed hip [HAD-HF], hip abduction with neutral [HAB] and flexed [HAB-HF]
hip, and hip extension [HE]. LBP was retrospectively monitored for the last 12 months before the date of
ROM assessment by using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed via a binary logistic regression and
receiver operating characteristic curves. The 70% of players had developed LBP during the retrospective
study period. Significant dierences between LBP group and asymptomatic group for HER (p = 0.013,
d [Cohen’s eect size] = 1.17) and hip total rotation [HTR] (p = 0.032, d [Cohen’s eect size] = 1.05) were
observed. The cuto points with the greatest discriminatory capacity were 56.5 for HER and 93 for
"INTERGROWTH21st vs customized fetal growth curves in the assessment of the neonatal nutritional status: a retrospective cohort study of gestational diabetes"
Background Gestational diabetes mellitus is associated with increased incidence of adverse perinatal outcomes including newborns large for gestational age, macrosomia, preeclampsia, polyhydramnios, stillbirth, and neonatal morbidity. Thus, fetal growth should be monitored by ultrasound to assess for fetal overnutrition, and thereby, its clinical consequence, macrosomia. However, it is not clear which reference curve to use to define the limits of normality. Our aim is to determine which method, INTERGROWTH21st or customized curves, better identifies the nutritional status of newborns of diabetic mothers. Methods This retrospective cohort study compared the risk of malnutrition in SGA newborns and the risk of overnutrition in LGA newborns using INTERGROWTH21st and customized birth weight references in gestational diabetes. The nutritional status of newborns was assessed using the ponderal index. Additionally, to determine the ability of both methods in the identification of neonatal malnutrition and overnutrition, we calculate sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and likelihood ratios. Results Two hundred thirty-one pregnant women with GDM were included in the study. The rate of SGA indentified by INTERGROWTH21st was 4.7% vs 10.7% identified by the customized curves. The rate of LGA identified by INTERGROWTH21st was 25.6% vs 13.2% identified by the customized method. Newborns identified as SGA by the customized method showed a higher risk of malnutrition than those identified as SGA by INTERGROWTH21st. (RR 4.24 vs 2.5). LGA newborns according to the customized method also showed a higher risk of overnutrition than those classified as LGA according to INTERGROWTH21st. (RR 5.26 vs 3.57). In addition, the positive predictive value of the customized method was superior to that of INTERGROWTH21st in the identification of malnutrition (32% vs 27.27%), severe malnutrition (22.73% vs 20%), overnutrition (51.61% vs 32.20%) and severe overnutrition (28.57% vs 14.89%). Conclusions In pregnant women with DMG, the ability of customized fetal growth curves to identify newborns with alterations in nutritional status appears to exceed that of INTERGROWTH21s
Variáveis sociodemográficas e percepção de preconceito de pessoas com deficiência
People with disabilities face numerous social barriers, including prejudices, defined as hostile and aversive attitudes towards members of a stigmatized group. The prejudice's perception among people with disabilities may be a function of sociodemographic variables, however, only a few studies have deepened such differences in the experience of people with disabilities, especially in the Mexican context. The present study examines the opinions of 5145 people with disabilities through the Encuesta Nacional de Discriminación (ENADIS) 2017 (National Survey about Discrimination) by age, sex, socioeconomic level, location size and the Human Development Index (HDI). The confirmatory factor analysis shows two factors: in-group and out-group prejudices. Results in the comparisons reveal that the elderly, people with low sociodemographic status, and those living in locations with low HDI face higher means of prejudice on the total and in-group scales. The impact of aging and the availability of social services on the perception of prejudice by people with disabilities is discussed.Entre las barreras sociales que enfrentan las personas con discapacidad se encuentran los prejuicios, definidos como actitudes de aversión y hostilidad por la pertenencia a un grupo al que se le adjudican características indeseables. La percepción de prejuicios puede estar determinada por factores vinculados a variables sociodemográficas; sin embargo, pocos estudios se han enfocado en diferenciar las experiencias de las personas con discapacidad, en especial en el contexto mexicano. Se examinaron las opiniones de 5145 personas con discapacidad, a través de la Encuesta Nacional de Discriminación 2017, comparando la percepción de prejuicios de las personas con discapacidad a través de la edad, el género, el nivel socioeconómico, el tamaño de la localidad y el índice de desarrollo humano (IDH). El análisis factorial confirmatorio arroja una estructura con dos factores: prejuicios endogrupales y exogrupales. Los resultados indican que los adultos mayores, las personas que pertenecen a estratos sociodemográficos bajos y quienes habitan en localidades con un IDH bajo enfrentan mayores prejuicios en la escala total y en prejuicios endogrupales. Se discute el impacto del envejecimiento y la disponibilidad de recursos sociales en la percepción de prejuicios de las personas con discapacidad.Entre as barreiras sociais enfrentadas pelas pessoas com deficiência estão os preconceitos, definidos como atitudes de aversão e hostilidade por pertencer a um grupo, sob as quais são atribuídas condições indesejáveis. A percepção do preconceito das pessoas com deficiência pode ser determinada por fatores ligados a variáveis sociodemográficas como idade, gênero, nível socioeconômico, tamanho da localidade e Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), porém, poucos estudos têm focado em diferenciar as experiências de pessoas com deficiência, especialmente no contexto mexicano. Esta pesquisa analisa as opiniões de 5,145 pessoas com deficiência, por meio da Encuesta Nacional de Discriminación (ENADIS) 2017, usando análise de variância. A análise fatorial confirmatória produz uma estrutura com dois fatores: um endógeno e outro exógeno. Os resultados indicam que idosos, pessoas que vivem em estratos sociodemográficos baixos e que vivem em localidades com baixo IDH enfrentam maior preconceito. Discute-se o impacto do envelhecimento e da disponibilidade de recursos sociais na percepção do preconceito das pessoas com deficiência
Neuroanatomical differences between first-episode psychosis patients with and without neurocognitive deficit: a 3-year longitudinal study
This is an open access
article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).[Background]: The course of cognitive function in first-episode psychosis (FEP) patients suggests that some individuals are normal or near normal whereas some cases present a marked decline. The goal of the present longitudinal study was to identify neuroanatomical differences between deficit and non-deficit patients. [Methods]: Fifty nine FEP patients with neuroimage and neurocognitive information were studied at baseline and 3 year after illness onset. A global cognitive function score was used to classify deficit and non-deficit patients at baseline. Analysis of covariances and repeated-measures analysis were performed to evaluate differences in brain volumes. Age, premorbid IQ, and intracranial volume were used as covariates. We examined only volumes of whole brain, whole brain gray and white matter, cortical CSF and lateral ventricles, lobular volumes of gray and white matter, and subcortical (caudate nucleus and thalamus) regions. [Results]: At illness onset 50.8% of patients presented global cognitive deficit. There were no significant differences between neuropsychological subgroups in any of the brain regions studied at baseline [all F(1, 54) ≤ 3.42; all p ≥ 0.07] and follow-up [all F(1, 54) ≤ 3.43; all p ≥ 0.07] time points. There was a significant time by group interaction for the parietal tissue volume [F(1, 54) = 4.97, p = 0.030] and the total gray matter volume [F(1, 54) = 4.31, p = 0.042], with the deficit group showing a greater volume decrease. [Conclusion]: Our results did not confirm the presence of significant morphometric differences in the brain regions evaluated between cognitively impaired and cognitively preserved schizophrenia patients at the early stages of the illness. However, there were significant time by group interactions for the parietal tissue volume and the total gray matter volume during the 3-year follow-up period, which might indicate that cognitive deficit in schizophrenia would be associated with progressive brain volume loss.The present study was carried out at the Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, under the following grant support: Instituto de Salud Carlos
III PI020499, PI050427, PI060507, PI1000183, SENY Fundació Research Grant CI 2005-0308007, and Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla API07/011. We wish to thank the PAFIP researchers. Adele Ferro was sustained by the funds of the 2007/2013 European
Social Fund Operational Programme of the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.Peer Reviewe
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