86 research outputs found

    High Energy Electron Reconstruction in the BeamCal

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    This note discusses methods of particle reconstruction in the forward region detectors of future e+e- linear colliders such as ILC or CLIC. At the nominal luminosity the innermost electromagnetic calorimeters undergo high particle fluxes from the beam-induced background. In this prospect, different methods of the background simulation and signal electron reconstruction are described

    Radiation and background levels in a CLIC detector due to beam-beam effects

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    Der Kompakte Linearbeschleuniger CLIC, ist ein Konzept für einen zukünftigen Elektron– Positron Beschleuniger mit einer Schwerpunktsenergie von 3 TeV. Die hohen Ladungsdichten, verursacht durch kleine Strahlgrößen, und die hohe Strahlenergie am CLIC, führen zur Produktion einer großen Menge von Teilchen durch Strahl-Strahl-Wechselwirkungen. Ein großer Teil dieser Teilchen wird den Detektor ohne Wechselwirkung verlassen, aber eine signifikante Menge Energie wird dennoch im Vorwärtsbereich des Detektors deponiert. Dadurch werden Sekundärteilchen erzeugt, von denen Einige Untergrund im Detektor verursachen werden. Es werden auch einige Teilchen mit inhärent großem Polarwinkel erzeugt, die direkt Untergrund in den Spurdetektoren und Kalorimetern verursachen können. Die Hauptursache von Untergrund im Detektor, entweder direkt oder durch Sekundärteilchen, sind inkohärente e+e− Paare und Teilchen aus hadronischen Zwei-Photon Ereignissen. Die Untergrund- und Strahlungspegel im Detektor müssen bestimmt werden, um zu untersuchen, ob ein Detektor mit den Untergrundbedingungen bei CLIC zurechtkommen kann. Mit Hilfe von Simulation der inkohärenten Paare in dem auf GEANT4 basierendem Programm MOKKA, wird die Geometrie eines auf Detektors für CLIC optimiert um den Untergrund im Vertexdetektor zu minimieren. In diesem optimiertem Detektor werden die Untergrund- und Strahlungspegel durch inkohärente e+e− Paare und hadronischen Zwei-Photon Ereignissen bestimmt. Des Weiteren wird die Möglichkeit untersucht, ob Schauer von hochenergetischen Elektron bei kleinen Polarwinkeln im BeamCal zu identifizieren sind.The high charge density—due to small beam sizes—and the high energy of the proposed CLIC concept for a linear electron–positron collider with a centre-of-mass energy of up to 3 TeV lead to the production of a large number of particles through beam-beam interactions at the interaction point during every bunch crossing (BX). A large fraction of these particles safely leaves the detector. A still significant amount of energy will be deposited in the forward region nonetheless, which will produce secondary particles able to cause background in the detector. Furthermore, some particles will be created with large polar angles and directly cause background in the tracking detectors and calorimeters. The main sources of background in the detector, either directly or indirectly, are the incoherent e+e− pairs and the particles from gamma gamma to hadron events. The background and radiation levels in the detector have to be estimated, to study if a detector is feasible, that can handle the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) background conditions. Based on full detector simulations of incoherent e+e− pairs with the GEANT4 based MOKKA program, the detector geometry of a CLIC detector is optimised to minimise the background in the vertex detector. Following the optimisation of the geometry, the background and radiation levels for incoherent pairs and gamma gamma to hadron events are estimated. The possibility of identifying high energy electron showers with the most forward calorimeter, the BeamCal, is investigated

    Physics performances for Scalar Electrons, Scalar Muons and Scalar Neutrinos searches at CLIC

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    The determination of scalar leptons and gauginos masses is an important part of the program of spectroscopic studies of Supersymmetry at a high energy linear collider. In this talk we present results of a study of pair produced Scalar Electrons, Scalar Muons and Scalar Neutrinos searches in a Supersymmetric scenario at 3 TeV at CLIC. We present the performances on the lepton energy resolution and report the expected accuracies on the production cross sections and on the scalar leptons and gauginos masses.Comment: Linera Collider Workshop, LCWS11, 6 pages, 2 figures, 4 table

    Physics performances for Scalar Electron, Scalar Muon and Scalar Neutrino searches at 3 TeV and 1.4 TeV at CLIC

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    The determination of scalar lepton and gaugino masses is an important part of the programme of spectroscopic studies of Supersymmetry at a high energy e+e- linear collider. In this article we present results of a study of the processes: e+e- -> eR eR -> e+e- chi0 chi, e+e- -> muR muR -> mu mu- chi0 chi0, e+e- -> eL eL -> e e chi0 chi0 and e+e- -> snu_e snu_e -> e e chi+ chi-in two Supersymmetric benchmark scenarios at 3 TeV and 1.4 TeV at CLIC. We characterize the detector performance, lepton energy resolution and boson mass resolution. We report the accuracy of the production cross section measurements and the eR muR, snu_e, chi+ and chi0 mass determination, estimate the systematic errors affecting the mass measurement and discuss the requirements on the detector time stamping capability and beam polarization. The analysis accounts for the CLIC beam energy spectrum and the dominant beam-induced background. The detector performances are incorporated by full simulation and reconstruction of the events within the framework of the CLIC_ILD_CDR detector concept

    Forward tracking at the next \boldmath{e+ee^+e^-} collider Part II: experimental challenges and detector design

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    We present the second in a series of studies into the forward tracking system for a future linear e+e e^+ e^- collider with a center-of-mass energy in the range from 250 GeV to 3 TeV. In this note a number of specific challenges are investigated, that have caused a degradation of the tracking and vertexing performance in the forward region in previous experiments. We perform a quantitative analysis of the dependence of the tracking performance on detector design parameters and identify several ways to mitigate the performance loss for charged particles emitted at shallow angle

    The ATLAS experiment software on ARM

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    With an increased dataset obtained during the Run 3 of the LHC at CERN and the even larger expected increase of the dataset by more than one order of magnitude for the HL-LHC, the ATLAS experiment is reaching the limits of the current data processing model in terms of traditional CPU resources based on x86_64 architectures and an extensive program for software upgrades towards the HL-LHC has been set up. The ARM architecture is becoming a competitive and energy efficient alternative. Some surveys indicate its increased presence in HPCs and commercial clouds, and some WLCG sites have expressed their interest. Chip makers are also developing their next generation solutions on ARM architectures, sometimes combining ARM and GPU processors in the same chip. Consequently it is important that the ATLAS software embraces the change and is able to successfully exploit this architecture. We report on the successful porting to ARM of the Athena software framework, which is used by ATLAS for both online and offline computing operations. Furthermore we report on the successful validation of simulation workflows running on ARM resources. For this we have set up an ATLAS Grid site using ARM compatible middleware and containers on Amazon Web Services (AWS) ARM resources. The ARM version of Athena is fully integrated in the regular software build system and distributed in the same way as other software releases. In addition, the workflows have been integrated into the HEPscore benchmark suite which is the planned WLCG wide replacement of the HepSpec06 benchmark used for Grid site pledges. In the overall porting process we have used resources on AWS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and CERN. A performance comparison of different architectures and resources will be discussed

    A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s

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    Particle physics has an ambitious and broad experimental programme for the coming decades. This programme requires large investments in detector hardware, either to build new facilities and experiments, or to upgrade existing ones. Similarly, it requires commensurate investment in the R&D of software to acquire, manage, process, and analyse the shear amounts of data to be recorded. In planning for the HL-LHC in particular, it is critical that all of the collaborating stakeholders agree on the software goals and priorities, and that the efforts complement each other. In this spirit, this white paper describes the R&D activities required to prepare for this software upgrade.Peer reviewe

    25th International Conference on Computing in High Energy & Nuclear Physics

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    Detector optimisation and physics performance studies are an integral part for the development of future collider experiments. The Key4hep project aims to design a common set of software tools for future, or even present, High Energy Physics projects. These proceedings describe the main components that are developed as part of Key4hep: the event data model EDM4hep, simulation interfaces to Delphes and Geant4, the k4MarlinWrapper to integrate iLCSoft components, and build and validation tools to ensure functionality and compatibility among the components. They also include the different adaptation processes by the CEPC, CLIC, FCC, and ILC communities towards this project, which show that Key4hep is a viable long term solution as baseline software for high energy experiments