219 research outputs found

    Role of Unorganized Manufacturing in Expanding Employment Opportunities in Assam

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    The unorganized sector plays important role in creating gainful employment opportunities, especially in developing countries, which are, in general, labour abundant. The Eleventh Five Year Plan has emphasized that the unorganized manufacturing sector holds the promise of vast employment creation, and thus, could be a panacea to the burgeoning labour force in India. In this light the present paper analyzes the structure and growth of employment in the unorganized manufacturing sector in Assam. Our main concern is to address the employment potentiality of the sector in the State. We have discussed the issue in the light of different technology parameters such as capital intensity and factor productivity, etc. The analysis has been carried out separately for different enterprise types to get a clear picture about the specific sectors and sub-sectors. The findings suggest that the unorganized manufacturing sector of Assam has witnessed sharp decline during 1994-95 to 2000-01, especially in terms of number of units and employment, but the sector has experienced significant rise in recent years (during 2000-01 to 2005-06). However, this improvement is at the cost of quality of employment, since the number of full-time workers has sharply declined and there has been increase in part-time workers only

    Observational Evidence of Accretion Disk-Caused Jet Precession in Galactic Nuclei

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    We show that the observational data of extragalactic radio sources tend to support the theoretical relationship between the jet precession period and the optical luminosity of the sources, as predicted by the model in which an accretion disk causes the central black hole to precess.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    The crucial role of surface magnetic fields for stellar dynamos : Ï” Eridani, 61 Cygni A, and the Sun

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    Funding: SVJ acknowledges the support of the DFG priority programme SPP 1992 “Exploring the Diversity of Extrasolar Planets (JE 701/5-1)”. RHC’s contribution to this work was supported in part by ERC Synergy Grant WHOLE SUN 810218. RHC benefited from discussions at the ISSI team ‘What determines the dynamo effectively of solar active regions?’. SBS acknowledges funding from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) under the Lise Meitner grant M 2829-N. MMJ acknowledges support from STFC Consolidated Grant ST/R000824/1. VS acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 682393 AWESoMeStars). AAV acknowledges funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No. 817540, ASTROFLOW). Based on observations obtained at the Telescope Bernard Lyot (USR5026) operated by the Observatoire Midi-PyrĂ©nĂ©es, UniversitĂ© de Toulouse (Paul Sabatier), Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique of France. Wilcox Solar Observatory (WSO) data used in this study were obtained via the web site http://wso.stanford.edu, courtesy of J. T. Hoeksema. This work uses data obtained with the TIGRE telescope, located at La Luz observatory, Mexico. TIGRE is a collaboration of the Hamburger Sternwarte, the Universities of Hamburg, Guanajuato and LiĂšge. The Mount Wilson Observatory HK Project was supported by both public and private funds through the Carnegie Observatories, the Mount Wilson Institute, and the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics starting in 1966 and continuing for over 36 years. These data are the result of the dedicated work of O. Wilson, A. Vaughan, G. Preston, D. Duncan, S. Baliunas, and many others. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2013-2016) under grant agreement No. 312430 (OPTICON).Cool main-sequence stars, such as the Sun, have magnetic fields which are generated by an internal dynamo mechanism. In the Sun, the dynamo mechanism produces a balance between the amounts of magnetic flux generated and lost over the Sun's 11-year activity cycle and it is visible in the Sun's different atmospheric layers using multi-wavelength observations. We used the same observational diagnostics, spanning several decades, to probe the emergence of magnetic flux on the two close by, active- and low-mass K dwarfs: 61 Cygni A and Ï” Eridani. Our results show that 61 Cygni A follows the Solar dynamo with a regular cycle at all wavelengths, while Ï” Eridani represents a more extreme level of the Solar dynamo, while also showing strong Solar-like characteristics. For the first time we show magnetic butterfly diagrams for stars other than the Sun. For the two K stars and the Sun, the rate at which the toroidal field is generated from surface poloidal field is similar to the rate at which toroidal flux is lost through flux emergence. This suggests that the surface field plays a crucial role in the dynamos of all three stars. Finally, for Ï” Eridani, we show that the two chromospheric cycle periods, of ~3 and ~13 years, correspond to two superimposed magnetic cycles.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Dependence of radio halo properties on star formation activity and galaxy mass

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    We investigate the relation between the existence and size of radio halos, which are believed to be created by star formation (SF) related energy input into the interstellar medium, and other galaxy properties, most importantly star formation activity and galaxy mass. Based on radio continuum and H-alpha observations of a sample of seven late-type spiral galaxies we find a direct, linear correlation of the radial extent of gaseous halos on the size of the actively star-forming parts of the galaxy disks. Data of a larger sample of 22 galaxies indicate that the threshold energy input rate into the disk ISM per unit surface area for the creation of a gaseous halo depends on the mass surface density of the galaxy, in the sense that a higher threshold must be surpassed for galaxies with a higher surface density. Because of the good prediction of the existence of a radio halo from these two parameters, we conclude that they are important, albeit not the only contributors. The compactness of the SF-related energy input is also found to be a relevant factor. Galaxies with relatively compact SF distributions are more likely to have gaseous halos than others with more widespread SF activity. These results quantify the so-called "break-out" condition for matter to escape from galaxy disks, as used in all current models of the interstellar medium and first defined by Norman and Ikeuchi (1989).Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Multiwavelength star formation indicators: Observations

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    We present a compilation of multiwavelength data on different star formation indicators for a sample of nearby star forming galaxies. Here we discuss the observations, reductions and measurements of ultraviolet images obtained with STIS, on board the Hubble Space Telescope, ground-based Halpha, and VLA 8.46 GHz radio images. These observations are complemented with infrared fluxes, as well as large aperture optical radio and ultraviolet data from the literature. This database will be used in a forthcoming paper to compare star formation rates at different wavebands. We also present spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for those galaxies with at least one far-infrared measurements from ISO, longward of 100 um. These SEDs are divided in two groups, those which are dominated by the far-infrared emission, and those where the contribution from the far-infrared and optical emission is comparable. These SEDs are useful tools to study the properties of high redshift galaxies.Comment: 39 pages, 17 jpeg figures, 1 eps figure, To appear in ApJS May 200

    The Radio Properties of Composite LINER/HII Galaxies

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    Arcsec-resolution VLA observations -- newly obtained as well as published -- of 40 nearby galaxies are discussed, completing a study of the radio properties of a magnitude-limited sample of nearby galaxies of the composite LINER/HII type. Our results reveal an overall detection rate of at least 25% AGN candidates among these composite sources. The general properties of these AGN candidates, as compared to non-AGN composite sources and HII galaxies, are discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    A multifrequency study of giant radio sources-II. Spectral ageing analysis of the lobes of selected sources

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    Multifrequency observations with the GMRT and the VLA are used to determine the spectral breaks in consecutive strips along the lobes of a sample of selected giant radio sources (GRSs) in order to estimate their spectral ages. The maximum spectral ages estimated for the detected radio emission in the lobes of our sources range from ∌\sim6 to 36 Myr with a median value of ∌\sim20 Myr using the classical equipartition fields. Using the magnetic field estimates from the Beck & Krause formalism the spectral ages range from ∌\sim5 to 38 Myr with a median value of ∌\sim22 Myr. These ages are significantly older than smaller sources. In all but one source (J1313+6937) the spectral age gradually increases with distance from the hotspot regions, confirming that acceleration of the particles mainly occurs in the hotspots. Most of the GRSs do not exhibit zero spectral ages in the hotspots, as is the case in earlier studies of smaller sources. This is likely to be largely due to contamination by more extended emission due to relatively modest resolutions. The injection spectral indices range from ∌\sim0.55 to 0.88 with a median value of ∌\sim0.6. We discuss these values in the light of theoretical expectations, and show that the injection spectral index appears to be correlated with luminosity and/or redshift as well as with linear size.Comment: 12 Pages, 13 Figures, 9 Tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Regge behaviour of distribution functions and t and x-evolutions of gluon distribution function at low-x

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    In this paper t and x-evolutions of gluon distribution function from Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi(DGLAP) evolution equation in leading order(LO) at low-x, assuming the Regge behaviour of quark and gluon at this limit, are presented. We compare our results of gluon distribution function with MRST 2001, MRST 2004 and GRV '98 parameterizations and show the compatibility of Regge behaviour of quark and gluon distribution functions with perturbative quantum chromodynamics(PQCD) at low-x. We also discuss the limitations of Taylor series expansion method used earlier to solve DGLAP evolution equations, in the Regge behaviour of distribution functions.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    The Nature of Composite LINER/HII Galaxies, As Revealed from High-Resolution VLA Observations

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    A sample of 37 nearby galaxies displaying composite LINER/HII and pure HII spectra was observed with the VLA in an investigation of the nature of their weak radio emission. The resulting radio contour maps overlaid on optical galaxy images are presented here, together with an extensive literature list and discussion of the individual galaxies. Radio morphological data permit assessment of the ``classical AGN'' contribution to the global activity observed in these ``transition'' LINER galaxies. One in five of the latter objects display clear AGN characteristics: these occur exclusively in bulge-dominated hosts.Comment: 31 pages, 27 figures, accepted by ApJ
