183 research outputs found

    Process monitoring of continuous flow organic syntheses by means of inline fiber optical Raman spectroscopy

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    The objective of the current study was to investigate the feasibility of the inline optical fiber Raman spectroscopy as a tool for the process monitoring of the continuous flow organic syntheses. The synthesis of 2-bromo-3,4,5-trimethoxytoluene (product) was studied as a model reaction under a set of different conditions. The reaction was carried out under the batch as well as in the multi jet oscillating disc (MJOD) milli reactor. The reaction was varied by doubling the concentration of the substrate; 3,4,5-trimethoxytoluene (0.15M, 0.3M and 0.6M) whereas the concentration of the solvent (acetic anhydride) was kept constant. The Raman instrument was adjusted to record five spectra per minute. The recorded spectral data was then preprocessed employing the second order differentiation to minimize the band overlapping in the spectra. Multivariate data analysis namely, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), was used to evaluate the spectra due to the presence of overlapping bands for the purpose of process monitoring. The measurement system was tested against the possible process disturbances, the oscillator and the feeding pumps. PCA showed that these disturbances had no impact on the measurement system. The Raman instrument successfully monitored the different organic reactions and discriminated them on the basis of the type of variation occurred. The Raman frequencies; 675, 1050 and 550 cm-1 were assigned to the solvent, substrate and the product. The various reactions undergoing any disagreement were differentiated from the normal reactions mainly due to the temperature effect, malfunctioning of the pump, lower conversion of the substrate, lower yield of the product, formation of the intermediates etc. The offline results obtained from the NMR spectroscopy verified the outcomes of Raman measurements. Thus, it was concluded that the optical fiber Raman spectroscopy proved to be a reliable, rapid and sensitive inline analytical method for the monitoring of the organic processes. Raman spectroscopy along with an appropriate chemometric tool could be employed as a Process Analytical Technology (PAT) in the pharmaceutical and fine chemical industry

    Determination of Yearly Wind Energy Potential and Extraction of Wind Energy Using Wind Turbine for Coastal Cities of Baluchistan, Pakistan

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    04 March, 2019 Accepted: 24 April, 2019Abstract: Wind energy assessment of Ormara, Gwadar and Lasbela wind sites which are located in provinceBaluchistan is presented. The daily averaged wind speed data for the three sites is recorded for a period of four yearsfrom 2010-2013 at mast heights 7 m, 9.6 m and 23 m. Measured wind data are extrapolated to heights 60 m (Ormara),80 m (Gwadar) and 60 m (Lasbela). Yearly averaged wind speeds are modeled using a two parameters Weibullfunction whose shape (k) and scale (c) parameters are computed using seven well known numerical iterative methods.Reliability of the fitting process is assessed by employing three goodness-of-fit test statistics, namely, RMSE, R2 and χ2tests. Tests indicate that MLE, MLM and EPFM outperformed other Weibull parameter estimation methods for a betterfit behavior. Yearly Weibull pdf and cdf are obtained and Weibull wind characteristics are determined. Wind turbinesEcotecnia 60/1.67 MW and Nordex S77 1500 kW are used to extract wind energy on yearly basis. Estimated yearlyWeibull power densities are in the range 623.00 - 700.13 W/m2, 276.04 – 307.55 W/m2 and 66.85 – 75.93 W/m2 forOrmara, Gwadar and Lasbela respectively. Extracted wind energy values for Ormara and Gwadar using wind turbinesare reported as ca. 8623 kWh and ca. 4622 kWh, respectively


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    In the 21st century, states use nation-branding techniques to safeguard their national interests. They employ public diplomacy strategies to maintain their international image. Through branding techniques and public diplomacy strategies, nations can build a positive image among the committee of nations. It is argued in this paper that the international image of Pakistan is required to be improved, and there is a need to shun the notion of negative characteristics associated with terrorism, religious extremism, Talibanization, and allegedly branding as a failed state. There is also a need to study the mindset for conducting various surveys about Pakistan’s image and its sponsors. The main argument of this research work is that Pakistan has all the variables required for nation branding and building positive public perception. To improve its international image, Pakistan has to adopt innovative nation-branding techniques and public diplomacy strategies.    Bibliography Entry Kayani, Saima Ashraf, and Muhammad Saif ur Rehman. 2022. "Employing Nation Branding and Public Diplomacy: Strategies for Pakistan." Margalla Papers 26 (1): 34-46

    Theorizing Beta Thalassemia Major: an Overview of Health Sociology

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    This research focuses on specific models of health and illness, explored by many researchers across the world. The sequential variations and critic of each model is summed up by researcher and the relevant theoretical orientations of beta thalassemia major have been tried to integrate. Beta thalassemia major is a common genetic disorder, due to abnormalities in human globin (alpha or beta). The highest prevalence rate of disease has been seen in Saudi Arabia, Jordon, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, due to repeated cousin marriages, strong beliefs of cultural and traditional practices and lack of knowledge for the prevention and management of beta thalassemia major. The focus of epidemiologists remained on genetic causes and ignored the social, cultural, religious and psychological factors which preponderate over biological aspects of health. The academician and health experts lacked to focus the theoretical orientations of beta thalassemia major, this paper elucidates the models of health and illness and provides and logical theoretical itinerary for beta thalassemia major

    Theorizing Beta Thalassemia Major: an Overview of Health Sociology

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    This research focuses on specific models of health and illness, explored by many researchers across the world. The sequential variations and critic of each model is summed up by researcher and the relevant theoretical orientations of beta thalassemia major have been tried to integrate. Beta thalassemia major is a common genetic disorder, due to abnormalities in human globin (alpha or beta). The highest prevalence rate of disease has been seen in Saudi Arabia, Jordon, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan, due to repeated cousin marriages, strong beliefs of cultural and traditional practices and lack of knowledge for the prevention and management of beta thalassemia major. The focus of epidemiologists remained on genetic causes and ignored the social, cultural, religious and psychological factors which preponderate over biological aspects of health. The academician and health experts lacked to focus the theoretical orientations of beta thalassemia major, this paper elucidates the models of health and illness and provides and logical theoretical itinerary for beta thalassemia major

    Interprofessional Education: A Basic Need of Healthcare Department in Pakistan

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    Inter professional education (IPE) is the core concept of healthcare department in most of the developed countries on both student and professional level. There is no objection on its necessity. Top ranking universities of the world, especially of developed countries are working on IPE. But some of developing countries like Pakistan are almost unaware of this concept. No one is having the basic concept of IPE, except few, and they are not practicing in IPE so far. Talking about Punjab, there is no awareness for the concept of IPE. It is the need of our healthcare department that we must introduce IPE to improve healthcare quality. This survey was conducted to check the readiness for IPE among pharm D and MBBS students in different institutes of medicine and pharmacy of Lahore. Team went to different pharmacy and medical colleges and asked the students to fill in a questionnaire having 19 items, which was rated by the students on Likert scale. The result shows a conflict in the opinion of pharmacy and medical students. Team also interviewed the respondents shortly. This interview showed many reasons explained by medical students for their response but the most prominent one was the superiority complex. The need of the hour is to introduce IPE in universities for changing the attitude of medical students towards IPE

    A Critical Review of Capital Structure Theories

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    The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize and appreciate the theories of capital structure starting from theory of Miller and Modigliani (1958) of capital structure, which is also known as irrelevance theory of capital structure and also including theory like pecking order theory, trade off theory, market timing theory and agency cost theory. In addition, authors have tried to explain the theories and their contradiction with each other in detail. This paper will be an addition to understand the theories of capital structure

    The Pashtuns use of Suicide Bombing as a Military Operation in Afghanistan and Pakistan

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    This paper provided a new framework i.e., fifth-generation literature on suicide bombings. The latter have always been a central debate/value in warfare; however, they have taken a centre stage in asymmetric warfare. The lethality and commitment to the cause makes a suicide attacker a real danger. The Iraqi episode of Al-Qaeda used suicide bombings as a military operation, and it transferred the expertise to Taliban to fight against the U.S-led Allied Forces in Afghanistan. From there the same tactics proliferated to Pakistani Taliban who used it as a military operation against the security and civil establishments of Islamabad. Apart from the Pashtunwali Code and the strict adherence to the Deobandi School of thought, the Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan readily accepted to recruit and train suicide attackers and employed suicide bombings as a military operation. This analytical and explanatory study generally banked on secondary data, normally gathered from the academic sources; however, primary data was also used, and an interview of an anonymous security official was conducted as well. This paper is a concentrated effort to probe and investigate the advent of suicide bombings in Afghanistan and Pakistan and to examine that how and why the Pashtuns used it as a military operation to achieve their desired objectives. The article found that the selection and indoctrination of a suicide bomber involves almost eight stages

    Performance Evaluation of Models Established for the Estimation of Diffused Solar Radiation: Case Study Lahore, Pakistan

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    A suitable design of solar power project requires accurate measurements of solar radiation for the site ofinvestigation. Such measurements play a pivotal role in the installation of PV systems. While conducting such studies,in general, global solar radiation (GSR) is recorded, whereas diffuse component of solar radiation on a horizontalsurface is seldom recorded. The objective of the present study is to assess diffuse solar radiation (DSR) on horizontalsurfaces by using polynomial models for Lahore, Pakistan (27.89 N, 78.08 E) and by correlating clearness index withdiffuse fraction. The established models are compared with some of the existing models from the literature.Performance of models is evaluated by employing five goodness-of-fit (GoF) tests that are, mean bias error (MBE),root mean square (RMSE), Coefficient of Determination (R2), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and Akaike’sInformation Criterion (AIC). The comparison of the results of goodness-of-fit tests with those of existing modelsindicate that the models established in the present study are performed better as compared to the existing models. Thevalues of statistical error analysis further suggested that a cubic model with a good accuracy of 97.5% and AIC of -22.8is relatively more suitable for this climatic region for estimating diffuse solar radiation. The study shows that the modeldeveloped is in good agreement with Elhadidy and Nabi model with an accuracy of 96.1% and AIC of 4.4 andsatisfactory results are obtained for Lahore. The findings can help to give a generous understanding of solar radiation inorder to optimize the solar energy conversion systems. The results of this study provide a better understanding of theassociations between global solar radiation, clearness index and diffused fraction for the region under study
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