370 research outputs found

    Economic Analysis in the Pacific Northwest Land Resources Project: Theoretical Considerations and Preliminary Results

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    The Pacific Northwest Land Resources Inventory Demonstration Project i s an a ttempt to combine a whole spectrum of heterogeneous geographic, institutional and applications elements in a synergistic approach to the evaluation of remote sensing techniques. This diversity is the prime motivating factor behind a theoretical investigation of alternative economic analysis procedures. For a multitude of reasons--simplicity, ease of understanding, financial constraints and credibility, among others--cost-effectiveness emerges as the most practical tool for conducting such evaluation determinatIons in the Pacific Northwest. Preliminary findings in two water resource application areas suggest, in conformity with most published studies, that Lands at-aided data collection methods enjoy substantial cost advantages over alternative techniques. The pntential for sensitivity analysis based on cost/accuracy tradeoffs is considered on a theoretical plane in the absence of current accuracy figures concerning the Landsat-aided approach

    Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Provides Additional Prognostic Information in Cystic Fibrosis

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    RATIONALE: The prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) for survival in cystic fibrosis (CF) in the context of current clinical management, when controlling for other known prognostic factors, is unclear. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prognostic value of CPET-derived measures beyond peak oxygen uptake (V.o2peak) following rigorous adjustment for other predictors. METHODS: Data from 10 CF centers in Australia, Europe, and North America were collected retrospectively. A total of 510 patients completed a cycle CPET between January 2000 and December 2007, of which 433 fulfilled the criteria for a maximal effort. Time to death/lung transplantation was analyzed using Cox proportional hazards regression. In addition, phenotyping using hierarchical Ward clustering was performed to characterize high-risk subgroups. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Cox regression showed, even after adjustment for sex, FEV1% predicted, body mass index (z-score), age at CPET, Pseudomonas aeruginosa status, and CF-related diabetes as covariates in the model, that V.o2peak in % predicted (hazard ratio [HR], 0.964; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.944–0.986), peak work rate (% predicted; HR, 0.969; 95% CI, 0.951–0.988), ventilatory equivalent for oxygen (HR, 1.085; 95% CI, 1.041–1.132), and carbon dioxide (HR, 1.060; 95% CI, 1.007–1.115) (all P < 0.05) were significant predictors of death or lung transplantation at 10-year follow-up. Phenotyping revealed that CPET-derived measures were important for clustering. We identified a high-risk cluster characterized by poor lung function, nutritional status, and exercise capacity. CONCLUSIONS: CPET provides additional prognostic information to established predictors of death/lung transplantation in CF. High-risk patients may especially benefit from regular monitoring of exercise capacity and exercise counseling

    Theorising variation in engagement in professional and curriculum development: performativity, capital, systems and purpose

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    Increasingly, policymakers seek to improve the quality of teaching through curriculum innovations and continuing professional development (CPD) programmes. However, engagement by schools and teachers varies due to mediating influences of neoliberal policies. In this article, we contribute to understanding how these tendencies affect participation. Problematising the notion of context, we examine ways in which systemic influences interacted with participation in a government-funded mathematics professional and curriculum development programme and also with participants’ purposes. A 3-level clustered Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) and an implementation and process evaluation were augmented by in-depth case studies, cross-case analysis and the application of theoretical constructs to interpret findings. Theories of capital, figured worlds and systemic coupling are utilised to theorise context. Different levels of engagement are partly explainable by: the interaction of schools' relative systemic advantage and disadvantage; their orientation and coupling to performativity regimes; and the alignment or dissonance between continuing professional development or change programmes and the pedagogical and CPD cultures and purposes of the ‘actors’ (schools, departments and teachers). Performativity concerns restricted what were considered legitimate outcomes in some case study schools. This depended on teachers and schools' positioning in terms of relative degrees of systemic privilege or disadvantage - understood as economic, cultural, social and symbolic capital - and also in terms of figured worlds and system coupling. The case studies provide insights into how collaborative professional learning can be fostered more productively. Methodologically, we demonstrate the power of combining methodologies and applying explanatory social theory to augment quasi-experimental paradigms

    ‘It’s never okay to say no to teachers’: children’s research consent and dissent in conforming schools contexts

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    This article examines the limits to children giving research consent in everyday school contexts that emphasises their conformity to comply with adult expectations, and highlights children’s competence and agency in navigating this conformity through different practices of dissent. It draws on research into children’s agency, using a multimodal ethnography of Year 1 classrooms in two English primary schools. The article includes a reflexive methodological focus, exploring the extent to which I counter the schools’ emphasis on conformity. This includes creating visuals for children to practice consent; positioning myself as the researcher in a non‐teacher role, as ‘least adult’ and the one who ‘least knows’; and designing interview spaces markedly different from classrooms. The article examines how children navigate conforming discourses by finding different ways to dissent in the research. Firstly, children demonstrate a sophisticated awareness of the cultural norms of indicating refusals beyond saying the word ‘No’. Secondly, children achieve unnoticeablity, by which they absent themselves from the ‘on‐task’ classroom culture, and by extension the research process. Thirdly, they engage in playful dissent, demonstrating their political knowingness of the classroom social order. The article discusses the implications for educational research when the values of consent are in conflict with a schooling focused on conformity. This includes emphasising the limits of consent procedures, paying closer attention to how researchers recognise and respond ethically to children’s multiple practices of dissent, and using research to disrupt problematic power structures in education settings that limit possibilities for children’s consent

    Requirements of Business Judgment Rule and Their Effect on the Practical Use of the Rule

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    Pravilo poslovne presoje ima v Združenih državah Amerike že dolgo tradicijo, v evropskih državah s kontinentalnimi pravnimi sistemi pa so se ga sodišča pri presoji poslovnih odločitev članov organov vodenja in nadzora začela posluževati šele v zadnjih desetletjih. Slovenija je ena izmed vse manjše skupine držav, ki pravila poslovne presoje in njihovih kriterijev še ni prenesla iz sodne prakse v zakonodajo. Pravilo poslovne presoje omogoča sodiščem, da pri presoji, ali so člani organov vodenja in nadzora odškodninsko odgovorni za družbi škodljive odločitve, s pomočjo upoštevanja kriterijev pravila prilagodijo presojo specifičnemu položaju tožencev. Magistrska naloga z namenom iskanja bistva in praktičnega pomena kriterijev pravila poslovne presoje najprej pojasni pojem korporacijskega upravljanja in dinamiko akterjev v delovanju gospodarskih družb. Po kratki naslovitvi dolžnosti članov organov vodenja in nadzora tako v našem pravu kot v pravu tujih držav sledi pregled razvoja kriterijev pravila skozi sodno prakso v njegovem domicilu, Združenih državah Amerike. Kratko so predstavljene različne variacije pravila poslovne presoje v različnih zakonodajnih in kvazizakonodajnih aktih ter pojasnjeni razlogi za njegove pojavne oblike, ki jih v največji meri zaznamujejo različna razumevanja njegovega namena. Sledi podrobna obravnava posameznih kriterijev pravila od prve omembe do sodobne interpretacije, z ozirom na način njegove razlage v slovenski teoriji in praksi. Dilema (ne)pravilnosti slovenske percepcije pravila poslovne presoje se prevesi v zaključni sklep, ki predvsem poudarja pomen prostega polja presoje, ki ga sodiščem omogoča določena mera nedoločenosti kriterijev.Although business judgment rule has a long tradition in the United States of America, the courts in European countries with continental legal systems have only started to use it in the last decades for dealing with business decisions of management. Slovenia is one of the shrinking group of countries that has not yet transferred the rule from case law to law in books. Business judgment rule enables the courts to make use of requirements of the rule in order to properly adjust the judicial decision whether board members are liable for business decisions that resulted in losses for the company. In pursuit of finding the core purpose and practical contribution of requirements of the rule, this master\u27s thesis first explains the concept of corporate governance and dynamics among the different subjects in the company\u27s framework. After a brief mention of management\u27s duties in Slovenian law as well as the law in other countries, thesis continues with an overview of development of the rule\u27s requirements in the rule\u27s cradle, the United States of America. Following is the presentation of different varieties of business judgment rule in different legislative and quasi-legislative acts and the clarification of reasons for so many variations of the rule, which are shaped mostly by different understandings of its core purpose. Detailed explanation of each individual requirement is next, from its first mentions in case law to its modern interpretation with respect to the way each requirement is interpreted in Slovenian case law. The question of suitability of the Slovenian perception of business judgment rule is followed by final conclusion which emphasizes the importance of discretion field the rule\u27s requirements create if they are, to the certain extent, undetermined

    Four aspects of self-image close to death at home

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    Living close to death means an inevitable confrontation with one's own existential limitation. In this article, we argue that everyday life close to death embodies an identity work in progress. We used a narrative approach and a holistic-content reading to analyze 12 interviews conducted with three persons close to death. By illuminating the unique stories and identifying patterns among the participants’ narratives, we found four themes exemplifying important aspects of the identity work related to everyday life close to death. Two of the themes, named “Inside and outside of me” and “Searching for togetherness,” represented the core of the self-image and were framed by the other themes, “My place in space” and “My death and my time.” Our findings elucidate the way the individual stories moved between the past, the present, and the future. This study challenges the idea that everyday life close to impending death primarily means limitations. The findings show that the search for meaning, new knowledge, and community can form a part of a conscious and ongoing identity work close to death

    Transcriptome analysis of embryonic mammary cells reveals insights into mammary lineage establishment

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    Introduction: The mammary primordium forms during embryogenesis as a result of inductive interactions between its constitutive tissues, the mesenchyme and epithelium, and represents the earliest evidence of commitment to the mammary lineage. Previous studies of embryonic mouse mammary epithelium indicated that, by mid-gestation, these cells are determined to a mammary cell fate and that a stem cell population has been delimited. Mammary mesenchyme can induce mammary development from simple epithelium even across species and classes, and can partially restore features of differentiated tissue to mouse mammary tumours in co-culture experiments. Despite these exciting properties, the molecular identity of embryonic mammary cells remains to be fully characterised. Methods: Here, we define the transcriptome of the mammary primordium and the two distinct cellular compartments that comprise it, the mammary primordial bud epithelium and mammary mesenchyme. Pathway and network analysis was performed and comparisons of embryonic mammary gene expression profiles to those of both postnatal mouse and human mammary epithelial cell sub-populations and stroma were made. Results: Several of the genes we have detected in our embryonic mammary cell signatures were previously shown to regulate mammary cell fate and development, but we also identified a large number of novel candidates. Additionally, we determined genes that were expressed by both embryonic and postnatal mammary cells, which represent candidate regulators of mammary cell fate, differentiation and progenitor cell function that could signal from mammary lineage inception during embryogenesis through postnatal development. Comparison of embryonic mammary cell signatures with those of human breast cells identified potential regulators of mammary progenitor cell functions conserved across species. Conclusions: These results provide new insights into genetic regulatory mechanisms of mammary development, particularly identification of novel potential regulators of mammary fate and mesenchymal-epithelial cross-talk. Since cancers may represent diseases of mesenchymal-epithelial communications, we anticipate these results will provide foundations for further studies into the fundamental links between developmental, stem cell and breast cancer biology

    The uses and abuses of power: teaching school leadership through children's literature

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    There are relatively few studies of how representations of teachers, schools and educational administrators in popular films and television might be, and are, used in leadership preparation. This paper seeks to add to this small body of work; it reports on an exploratory study of the representation of headteachers in contemporary children's fiction. Thirty-one texts are analysed to ascertain key themes and the major characterisations. The paper draws on children's literature scholars to argue that both the historical school story and its contemporary counterpart focus heavily on the power of the head to control the micro-world of the school. Because these fictional accounts deal with issues of power and justice more openly than many mainstream educational administration texts, this makes them particularly useful in the preparation of potential school leaders

    ‘Scaling up’ educational change: some musings on misrecognition and doxic challenges

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    Educational policy-makers around the world are strongly committed to the notion of ‘scaling up’. This can mean anything from encouraging more teachers to take up a pedagogical innovation, all the way through to system-wide efforts to implement ‘what works’ across all schools. In this paper, I use Bourdieu’s notions of misrecognition to consider the current orthodoxies of scaling up. I argue that the focus on ‘process’ and ‘implementation problems’: (1) both obscures and legitimates the ways in which the field logics of practice actually work and, (2) produces/reproduces the inequitable distribution of educational benefits (capitals and life opportunities). I suggest that the notion of misrecognition might provide a useful lens through which to examine reform initiatives and explanations of their success/failure
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