170 research outputs found

    High temperature X-ray diffraction and thermo-gravimetrical analysis of the cubic perovskite Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δ under different atmospheres

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    Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3−δ (BSCF) with the cubic perovskite structure is known to be metastable at low temperature under an oxidizing atmosphere. Here, the thermal and chemical expansion of BSCF were studied by in situ high temperature powder X-ray diffraction and thermo-gravimetrical analysis (TGA) in partial pressure of oxygen ranging from an inert atmosphere (∼10−4 bar) to 10 bar O2. The BSCF powder, heat treated at 1000 °C and quenched to ambient temperature prior to the analysis, was shown to oxidize under an oxidizing atmosphere before thermal reduction took place. With decreasing partial pressure of oxygen the initial oxidation was suppressed and only reduction of Co/Fe and loss of oxygen were observed under an inert atmosphere. The thermal expansion of BSCF under different atmospheres was determined from the thermal evolution of the cubic unit cell parameter, demonstrating that the thermal expansion of BSCF depends on the atmosphere. Chemical expansion of BSCF was also estimated based on the diffraction data and thermo-gravimetrical analysis. A hexagonal perovskite phase, coexisting with the cubic BSCF polymorph, was observed to be formed above 600 °C during heating. The phase separation leading to the formation of the hexagonal polymorph was driven by oxidation, and the unit cell of the cubic BSCF was shown to decrease with increasing amounts of the hexagonal phase. The hexagonal phase disappeared upon further heating, accompanied with an expansion of the unit cell of the cubic BSCFAuthor preprin

    Adsorption-capacitive deionization hybrid system with activated carbon of modified potential of zero charge

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    This research article was published by Elsevier, 2023In this study water solutions are desalinated with carbon electrodes of modified surface charges. The idea is to endow the electrodes with the ability to physically adsorb salt ions without applying potential so as to save energy. The modification enhanced to decrease the energy consumption of a newly invented adsorption-CDI hybrid system by 19%, since modified activated carbon cell consumed 0.620 (relative error 3.00%) kWh/m3 compared to pristine activated carbon cell which consumed 0.746 (relative error 1.20%) kWh/m3. Further analysis revealed high adsorption capacity of the modified activated carbon electrode cell which exhibited 9.0 (relative error 2.22%) compared to activated carbon cell with 5.3 (relative error 5.66%) mg g−1. These results show the potential of surface modification in adding value to low cost activated carbons for application in CDI

    Relaxed complex scheme and molecular dynamics simulation suggests small molecule inhibitor of human TMPRSS2 for combating COVID-19

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    This research article was published by Taylor & Francis online in 2021As the coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to pose a health and economic crisis worldwide, the quest for drugs and/or vaccines against the virus continues. The human transmembrane protease serine 2 (TMPRSS2) has attracted attention as a target for drug discovery, as inhibition of its catalytic reaction would result in the inactivation of the proteolytic cleavage of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein. As a result, the inactivation prevents viral cell entry to the host’s cell. In this work, we screened and identified two potent molecules that interact and inhibit the catalytic reaction by using computational approaches. Two docking screening experiments were performed utilizing the crystal structure and holo ensemble structure obtained from molecular dynamics in bound form. There is enhancement and sensitivity of docking results to the holo ensemble as compared to the crystal structure. Compound 1 demonstrated a similar inhibition value to nafamostat by interacting with catalytic triad residues His296 and Ser441, thereby disrupting the already established hydrogen bond interaction. The stability of the ligand–TMPRSS2 complexes was studied by molecular dynamics simulation, and the binding energy was re-scored by using molecular mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area (MM-PBSA) binding free energy. The obtained compounds may serve as an initial point toward the discovery of potent TMPRSS2 inhibitors upon further in vivo validation

    Citraconate inhibits ACOD1 (IRG1) catalysis, reduces interferon responses and oxidative stress, and modulates inflammation and cell metabolism

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    Although the immunomodulatory and cytoprotective properties of itaconate have been studied extensively, it is not known whether its naturally occurring isomers mesaconate and citraconate have similar properties. Here, we show that itaconate is partially converted to mesaconate intracellularly and that mesaconate accumulation in macrophage activation depends on prior itaconate synthesis. When added to human cells in supraphysiological concentrations, all three isomers reduce lactate levels, whereas itaconate is the strongest succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) inhibitor. In cells infected with influenza A virus (IAV), all three isomers profoundly alter amino acid metabolism, modulate cytokine/chemokine release and reduce interferon signalling, oxidative stress and the release of viral particles. Of the three isomers, citraconate is the strongest electrophile and nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) agonist. Only citraconate inhibits catalysis of itaconate by cis-aconitate decarboxylase (ACOD1), probably by competitive binding to the substrate-binding site. These results reveal mesaconate and citraconate as immunomodulatory, anti-oxidative and antiviral compounds, and citraconate as the first naturally occurring ACOD1 inhibitor

    Citraconate inhibits ACOD1 (IRG1) catalysis, reduces interferon responses and oxidative stress, and modulates inflammation and cell metabolism

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    Although the immunomodulatory and cytoprotective properties of itaconate have been studied extensively, it is not known whether its naturally occurring isomers mesaconate and citraconate have similar properties. Here, we show that itaconate is partially converted to mesaconate intracellularly and that mesaconate accumulation in macrophage activation depends on prior itaconate synthesis. When added to human cells in supraphysiological concentrations, all three isomers reduce lactate levels, whereas itaconate is the strongest succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) inhibitor. In cells infected with influenza A virus (IAV), all three isomers profoundly alter amino acid metabolism, modulate cytokine/chemokine release and reduce interferon signalling, oxidative stress and the release of viral particles. Of the three isomers, citraconate is the strongest electrophile and nuclear factor-erythroid 2-related factor 2 (NRF2) agonist. Only citraconate inhibits catalysis of itaconate by cis-aconitate decarboxylase (ACOD1), probably by competitive binding to the substrate-binding site. These results reveal mesaconate and citraconate as immunomodulatory, anti-oxidative and antiviral compounds, and citraconate as the first naturally occurring ACOD1 inhibitor. [Image: see text

    A Novel Peptide ELISA for Universal Detection of Antibodies to Human H5N1 Influenza Viruses

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    BACKGROUND: Active serologic surveillance of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus in humans and poultry is critical to control this disease. However, the need for a robust, sensitive and specific serologic test for the rapid detection of antibodies to H5N1 viruses has not been met. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Previously, we reported a universal epitope (CNTKCQTP) in H5 hemagglutinin (HA) that is 100% conserved in H5N1 human isolates and 96.9% in avian isolates. Here, we describe a peptide ELISA to detect antibodies to H5N1 virus by using synthetic peptide that comprises the amino acid sequence of this highly conserved and antigenic epitope as the capture antigen. The sensitivity and specificity of the peptide ELISA were evaluated using experimental chicken antisera to H5N1 viruses from divergent clades and other subtype influenza viruses, as well as human serum samples from patients infected with H5N1 or seasonal influenza viruses. The peptide ELISA results were compared with hemagglutinin inhibition (HI), and immunofluorescence assay and immunodot blot that utilize recombinant HA1 as the capture antigen. The peptide ELISA detected antibodies to H5N1 in immunized animals or convalescent human sera whereas some degree of cross-reactivity was observed in HI, immunofluorescence assay and immunodot blot. Antibodies to other influenza subtypes tested negative in the peptide-ELISA. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The peptide-ELISA based on the highly conserved and antigenic H5 epitope (CNTKCQTP) provides sensitive and highly specific detection of antibodies to H5N1 influenza viruses. This study highlighted the use of synthetic peptide as a capture antigen in rapid detection of antibodies to H5N1 in human and animal sera that is robust, simple and cost effective and is particularly beneficial for developing countries and rural areas

    Large-Scale Sequence Analysis of Hemagglutinin of Influenza A Virus Identifies Conserved Regions Suitable for Targeting an Anti-Viral Response

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    BACKGROUND: Influenza A viral surface protein, hemagglutinin, is the major target of neutralizing antibody response and hence a main constituent of all vaccine formulations. But due to its marked evolutionary variability, vaccines have to be reformulated so as to include the hemagglutinin protein from the emerging new viral strain. With the constant fear of a pandemic, there is critical need for the development of anti-viral strategies that can provide wider protection against any Influenza A pathogen. An anti-viral approach that is directed against the conserved regions of the hemaggutinin protein has a potential to protect against any current and new Influenza A virus and provide a solution to this ever-present threat to public health. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Influenza A human hemagglutinin protein sequences available in the NCBI database, corresponding to H1, H2, H3 and H5 subtypes, were used to identify highly invariable regions of the protein. Nine such regions were identified and analyzed for structural properties like surface exposure, hydrophilicity and residue type to evaluate their suitability for targeting an anti-peptide antibody/anti-viral response. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: This study has identified nine conserved regions in the hemagglutinin protein, five of which have the structural characteristics suitable for an anti-viral/anti-peptide response. This is a critical step in the design of efficient anti-peptide antibodies as novel anti-viral agents against any Influenza A pathogen. In addition, these anti-peptide antibodies will provide broadly cross-reactive immunological reagents and aid the rapid development of vaccines against new and emerging Influenza A strains

    Tuning the thermoelectric properties of A-site deficient SrTiO3 ceramics by vacancies and carrier concentration

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    Ceramics based on Sr0.8La0.067Ti0.8Nb0.2O3-δ have been prepared by the mixed oxide route. The La1/3NbO3 component generates ∼13.4% A-site vacancies; this was fixed for all samples. Powders were sintered under air and reducing conditions at 1450 to 1700 K; products were of high density (>90% theoretical). Processing under reducing conditions led to the formation of a Ti1-xNbxO2-y second phase, core-shell structures and oxygen deficiency. X-ray diffraction (XRD) confirmed a simple cubic structure with space group Pm3[combining macron]m. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a high density of dislocations while analytical scanning transmission electron microscopy at atomic resolution demonstrated a uniform distribution of La, Nb and vacancies in the lattice. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy and thermogravimetry showed the oxygen deficiency (δ value) to be ∼0.08 in reduced samples with enhanced carrier concentrations ∼2 × 1021 cm-3. Both carrier concentration and carrier mobility increased with sintering time, giving a maximum figure of merit (ZT) of 0.25. Selective additional doping by La or Nb, with no additional A site vacancies, led to the creation of additional carriers and reduced electrical resistivity. Together these led to enhanced ZT values of 0.345 at 1000 K. The contributions from oxygen vacancies and charge carriers have been investigated independently
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