14 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Using Instagram Application on Students’ Vocabulary Size in Papua Senior High School

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    This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of using the Instagram application to increase the vocabulary. This research employed an experimental design. The populations were the students of SMA Negeri 1 Sentani in the academic year 2021/2022. The sample consisted of 34 students from grade 11 (19 females and 15 males) chosen by using a purposive sampling technique. The instruments of this research were pre-tests, treatment and post-tests. The data was analyzed by using SPSS for Windows. As per the data, the experimental group experienced improvement in their understanding of using the Instagram application to increase the vocabulary and order indicated by the post-test mean score (84.7). The gain score of the experimental group was (55.7). Another supporting indicator is the t-test value, which was higher than the t-table value (8.379>2.035). The result of this study showed that experimental performance had improved significantly. Which mean null hypothesis (H0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. As a result, it was determined that the Instagram application was effective in increasing the size of students' vocabulary. The author suggests that more research be completed on using Instagram as a teaching tool to improve students' four skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing

    Politeness strategies used by Papuan students in virtual communication practices at university

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    This study aims at investigating and revealing language politeness strategies, as well as the factors that influence politeness strategies used by Papuan students during virtual in the context of virtual academic consultations as a practice of virtual communications to the lecturers. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods and purposive sampling to choose two lecturers and fifteen university students from the Papua as participants. Data was also gathered through online observation, offline interviews, and documentation. Online observations were made by evaluating screenshots of Google Classroom comments and recording of written conversations on WhatsApp and SMS sent by ten Papuan students. At the same time, offline interviews were carried out 10 students and 2 instructors. The data is then analysed using discourse analysis, which consists of multiple steps, including data recording, data transcription, data selection, and data interpretation. In line with the findings of this study, Papuan students use four types of politeness strategies when consulting with lecturers via virtual communication. They are positive, negative, bald on record, and off the record politeness strategies. In online communication, the negative politeness strategy is the most prevalent among Papuan students. The diversity of politeness strategies that are replicated, even if they appear unpleasant at times, is not an aspect of purposeful or disrespectful behaviour toward the interlocutor. But let us get back to the level of language skills, which still require more attention and are impacted by a variety of internal factors such as personality and age, and external factors such as culture, facilities obtained. The findings indicate that even when language capabilities are restricted in virtual communication, Papuan students receive enough education. This situation will improve the civility of language that students in Papua use while conversing digitally. As a result, higher education institutions in Papua should pay more attention to standard communication patterns when academic consulting with lecturers as speech partners in the context of higher education in Papua in order to develop comprehensive and effective communication practices

    The Correlation between EFL Students' Anxiety and Their English Writing Skills

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    Anxiety in writing contains tension, nervousness, worry, and a wide variety of other negative feelings when someone is given a task to write in a certain situation. The objective of this study is to figure out whether or not there is a significant correlation between EFL students' anxiety and their English writing skills. The subject of the study is the fourth semester of EFL students in the State Islamic Institute of Fattahul Muluk Papua. The study focused on a correlational method of two quantifiable variables involving anxiety and English writing skills. Two instruments are used in this study including Foreign Language Writing Anxiety Inventory (FLWAI) developed by Cheng and the writing test developed by Heaton. The samples are 40 EFL students as the respondents and the data were calculated by Pearson product-moment. The findings reveal that there is a significant correlation between EFL students’ anxiety and their English writing skills at a high level. It means that the lower anxiety belongs to EFL students, the better they write in English. Moreover, cognitive anxiety is the most influential anxiety on EFL students’ English writing skills. Then, it is followed by somatic anxiety, and avoidance behavior is also fairly influential

    TUTORIAL; Menulis Bersama Mendeley

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    Dalam penulisan karya ilmiah baik untuk publikasi di jurnal ataupun untuk kepentingan seminar dan konferensi diperlukan ketepatan dalam melakukan sitasi. Sitasi adalah pengutipan sumber dari penelitian sebelumnya atau karya-karya ilmiah yang pernah diterbitkan sehingga dapat dijadikan referensi tulisan kita. Sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Dirjen Dikti bahwa lulusan S1,S2, dan S3 harus memiliki tulisan dalam jurnal lokal, nasional terakreditasi, atau internasional maka sebuah karya ilmiah yang baik harus memiliki referensi yang benar dan cara pengutipan yang tepat dan sinkron antara sitasi di artikel dengan yang tertuang dalam daftar pustaka. Hal ini dilakukan untuk menghindari tindakan-tindakan plagiat yang selama ini menjadi catatan khusus dalam proses pendidikan di Indonesia khususnya di Perguruan Tinggi. Dengan kebutuhan tersebut, maka kita membutuhkan alat bantu berupa perangkat lunak yang mampu melakukan sitasi dengan tepat berdasarkan sumber yang benar dan akurat. Salah satu perangkat lunak yang bisa digunakan adalah mendeley desktop. Freeware pabrikan Amerika ini mampu melakukan otomasi dalam melakukan sitasi dan manajemen referensi, sehingga buku, jurnal, dan karya ilmiah yang menjadi referensi tulisan dapat terdokumentasi dengan baik. Selain itu mendeley desktop juga dapat diunduh bebas sehingga memudahkan kita untuk memperoleh perangkat ini. Berikut tutorial sederhana pengunaan mendeley desktop. Semoga bermanfaat, dan selamat berkarya


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    This study investigates the use of Translanguaging as a Pedagogical Strategy by an EFL teacher in terms of interaction between the teacher and the students in teaching and learning process. It focuses to explore in what situation, do the practices of translanguaging which go on in EFL classroom. This study applied qualitative method. Two meetings of classroom observations were recorded by using audio recorder. Also, a teacher and ten students were interviewed after the classroom observation. The recordings and interviews were transcribed and analyzed based on in what situation, do the the practices of translanguaging go on in EFL classroom. In the research findings there were three kinds of languages namely English as the Foreign language, Indonesia as the national language, and Konjo as the local language that used by the teacher and students in practice of translanguaging during teaching and learning process in EFL Classroom. Therefore, the researcher found that the teacher used translanguaging in seven situations during teaching process. And students used translanguaging in six situations during the teaching and learning process

    Wahdat Al-Syuhud : Ahmad Sirhindi's Criticism on The Concept of Wahdat Al-Wujud Ibn 'Arabi

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    This paper presents Sirhindi's criticism of the concept of Wahdat al-wujudIbn 'Arabi which is called Wahdatsyuhud. Comparing these two concepts will encounter obstacles, because the basis of thinking of Sufism for the two Sufis is different, IbnArabi emphasizes philosophical Sufism and Sirhindi emphasizes Sunni Sufism. However, the thoughts of both can be compared by presenting reasoning arguments that support constructing the two concepts as they are. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative, bibliographic data collection methods and data analysis uses comparative critical analysis with content analysis techniques. The results showed that Ibn 'Arabi in the doctrine of Wahdah al-wujud believes that the state of union with God is the peak stage and the highest point of attainment of a Sufi, tawhid - when understood in the sense of union with God - is the highest stage of Sufi life. However, Sirhindi sees tauhid - in the same sense - only as one of the suluk stages of a Sufi. The final stage is servitude and the final truth is difference. A different state after union which is completely different from that of pre-union is the highest state in the life of Sufism. The implementation of the research shows that intellectual dynamics is a characteristic of Muslim life, including the field of Sufism. Constructive discourse dialectics like this must be developed so as to enrich the treasures of Sufism in contemporary times


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    This study aims to explore and identify the role of the four pillars in building harmonious relations between religious groups in Jayapura-Papua City. The four pillars referred to here are traditional leaders, community leaders, religious leaders, and the government. This qualitative research is in the form of a case study. Data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed the synergy of the role of the four pillars in building harmonious relations between religious groups in Jayapura City through two fundamental processes. First, as a communicator through mediation communication strategies and media tools. The second is as a coordinator to overcome conflict tensions and continuity in coordination and coordination that is dynamic. The theoretical implications of this study show that synergy is needed for the role of traditional leaders, community leaders, religious leaders, and the government in realizing harmony between religious people. The limitations of this study have not examined the constraints, obstacles, or challenges of the synergy of the role of the four pillars in realizing harmonious relations between religious people in Jayapura City-Papua

    The Traits of Efficacious and Inefficacious EFL Teachers Based on Students’ Insight

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    This research aimed at (i) probing traits of efficacious EFL teachers based on students’ insight; (ii) delving traits of inefficacious EFL teachers based on students’ insight; (iii) finding out students’ different experiences on efficacious and inefficacious EFL teachers. This qualitative research used constructivism approach in gaining data and applied coding method in data analysis. The research subjects were 15 students of SMKK Dr. Wahidin Makassar. Five of them were interviewed to gain a deeper explanation about their experiences on the traits of efficacious and inefficacious teachers. The results indicated that built upon the students’ insight (i) the traits of efficacious EFL teachers are having pleasant figure, responsive, mastering the subject taught, promoting students to learn, mastering teaching and learning strategies, able to create a good relation, and performing a good appearance; (ii) inefficacious EFL teachers are indicated by having unpleasant behavior, lack of ability in presenting materials, not supporting students to learn, not mastering teaching strategies, and discriminating; (iii) there is different experience about the traits of efficacious and inefficacious EFL teachers namely teaching based on the textbook only. Some students perceived it was effective for elementary school students, while others perceived it was ineffective for senior high school students


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    This article comes with a new perspective to understand the community transactions dynamics at the Saga Abepura Mall, Papua (MSA). The Covid-19 period challenges MSA managers in carrying out contract transformation. This article takes a close look at the changes in the muamalah fiqh agreement from offline to online, significantly transforming contract transactions at MSA during the Covid-19 pandemic. Two points are studied. First, muamalah fiqh transactions concerning contract transformation. Second, an analysis of contract changes. The focus of this article is on changing the old contract to the new contract. This article considers that a new contract is allowed in muamalah jurisprudence as long as there is no opposition with the Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadith. This article seeks answers to questions using observational data and interviews. The interview involved seven informants. They are four MSA employees and three customers. Transactions in a new contract do not mean replacing the old contract law. Creating a muamalah contract transformation does not have to eliminate other covenants. The existence of transforming an online buying and selling contract gave birth to a new form of contract at MSA, namely the order contract. First, the salam contract is the contract when the goods are paid for in advance, while the isthisnah contract was the contract when the order is paid when the good is in hand. Thus, all agents, MSA managers, customers, and employees should pay attention to contract transformation.تأتي هذه المقالة مع منظور جديد لفهم ديناميكيات المجتمع في الصفقة في مولSaga Abepura-Papua (MSA) ، تمثل فترة كوفيد-19 تحديات لمديري المول في تنفيذ تغيير العقد. تنظر هذه المقالة نظرة فاحصة على التغيير في عقد فقه المعاملة من العقد المباشر وغير المباشر عبر الإنترنيت في المول فترة كوفيد-19. هناك شيئان مهمان يتم دراستهما الأول صفقة فقه المعاملة المتعلقة بتغيير العقد والثاني تحليل تغيير العقد. التركيز في هذه المقالة هو تغيير العقد القديم إلى العقد الجديد. تعتبر هذه المقالة أن العقد الجديد مسموح به في فقه المعاملة بشرط عدم وجود دليل في القرآن الكريم والسنة النبوية على تحريمه. تسعى هذه المقالة للحصول على إجابات للأسئلة باستخدام بيانات المراقبة والمقابلات. تشمل المقابلة سبعة مخبرين، أربعة موظفي المول وثلاثة عملاء، الصفقة في العقد الجديد لا تعني محو حكم العقد القديم، التغيير في فقه المعاملة لا يلزم إلغاء العقود الأخرى، وقوع التغيير في عقد المعاملة عبر الإنترنيت يؤدي إلى ظهور شكل جديد من العقود في المول وهو عقد الطلب. الأول عقد السلم هو دفع قيمة البضائع المطلوبة مقدمًا، وأما عقد الاستصناع هو دفع ثمن البضائع المطلوبة في النهاية عند استلام الطلب. وهكذا كل الأطراف من مديري المول والعملاء والموظفون يهتمون بتغيير العقد.Artikel ini hadir dengan perspektif baru untuk memahami dinamika masyarakat dalam bertransaksi di Mall Saga Abepura-Papua (MSA). Masa Covid-19 memberikan tantangan terhadap pengelola MSA dalam melakukan transfomasi akad.Artikel ini melihat dari dekat kaitan perubahan akad fikih muamalah dari offline ke online khususnya bagaimana transformasi akad bertransaksi di MSA pada masa pandemi covid-19. Ada dua hal penting yang dikaji. Pertama, transaksi fikih muamalah tentang transformasi akad. Kedua, analisis perubahan akad. Fokus dalam artikel ini adalah perubahan akad lama kepada akad baru. Artikel ini memandang bahwa akad baru dibolehkan dalam fikih muamalah asalkan tidak ada dalil Alqur’an dan Alhadis yang melarangnya. Artikel ini mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan dengan menggunakan data observasi dan wawancara. Wawancara melibatkan tujuh informan. Empat orang karyawan MSA dan tiga orang konsumen. Transaksi dalam akad baru bukan berarti manghapus hukum akad yang telah lama. Menciptakan transformasi akad muamalah tidak harus menghilangkan akad-akad yang lainnya. Adanya transformasi akad jual beli online melahirkan bentuk akad baru di MSA, yakni akad pesanan. Pertama akad salam adalah pembayaran barang pesanan yang di bayar diawal, sedangkan akad isthisnah adalah pembayaran barang pesanan yang dilakukan diakhir yakni ketika pesanan sudah di tangan. Dengan demikian semua pihak, pengelola MSA, pelanggan dan karyawan memperhatikan transformasi akad