100 research outputs found

    StratFit: An Excel Workbook for correlation of multiple stratigraphic trends

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    Correlation of distinct stratigraphic sequences is often critical to characterize evolution of sedimentary basins, as well as for exploration of georesources and for paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions. Stratigraphic correlations are usually based on signal matching between two multiples proxies' records. Commonly, stratigraphers have to approach the correlation issue with time-consumig methods or specific software that may not be aesily accessible or may not allow a full and direct control of the adopted procedure. In this work, we propose a new simple tool, which consists of a single Microsoft Excel workbook (that we named StratFit) organized  in worksheets and allows an easy correlation of different stratigraphic curves and immediate visualization of the results. The correlation process is based on the forecast function and linear regression between subsequent couples of select  tie-points. The program is open source, user-friendly and llows a full control of the correlation process since all the computations are accessible for user's inspection and improvement. The StratFit workbook and the usermanual are freely distributed and can be downloaded as supplementary material

    An anthropogenic origin of the "Sirente crater," Abruzzi, Italy

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    Abstract— In this paper, we review the recent hypothesis, based mostly on geomorphological features, that a ∌130 m‐wide sag pond, surrounded by a saddle‐shaped rim from the Sirente plain (Abruzzi, Italy), is the first‐discovered meteoritic crater of Italy. Sub‐circular depressions (hosting ponds), with geomorphological features and size very similar to those exhibited by the main Sirente sag, are exposed in other neighboring intermountain karstic plains from Abruzzi. We have sampled present‐day soils from these sag ponds and from the Sirente sags (both the main "crater" and some smaller ones, recently interpreted as a crater field) and various Abruzzi paleosols from excavated trenches with an age range encompassing the estimated age of the "Sirente crater." For all samples, we measured the magnetic susceptibility and determined the Ni and Cr contents of selected specimens. The results show that the magnetic susceptibility values and the geochemical composition are similar for all samples (from Sirente and other Abruzzi sags) and are both significantly different from the values reported for soils contaminated by meteoritic dust. No solid evidence pointing at an impact origin exists, besides the circular shape and rim of the main sag. The available observations and data suggest that the "Sirente crater," together with analogous large sags in the Abruzzi intermountain plains, have to be attributed to the historical phenomenon of "transumanza" (seasonal migration of sheep and shepherds), a custom that for centuries characterized the basic social‐economical system of the Abruzzi region. Such sags were excavated to provide water for millions of sheep, which spent summers in the Abruzzi karstic high pasture lands, on carbonatic massifs deprived of natural superficial fresh water. Conversely, the distribution of the smaller sags from the Sirente plain correlates with the local pattern of the calcareous bedrock and, together with the characteristics of their internal structure, are best interpreted as natural dolines. In fact, reported radiocarbon ages for the formation of the main sag pond and of the smaller sags differ (significantly) by more than two millennia, thus excluding that they were all contemporaneously formed by a meteoritic impact

    A refined biomonitoring study of airborne particulate matter pollution in Rome, with magnetic measurements on Quercus Ilex tree leaves

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    Elevated levels of airborne particulate matter (PM) are a current problem for air quality in many major metropolitan areas. Many European cities have tightened the PM limits in the air, due to advances in monitoring PM levels. In order to establish guidelines for monitoring and curbing anthropogenic PM output, a better understanding of its origin, composition and diffusion is required. Biomonitoring of magnetic properties of tree leaves has been suggested previously to be a good approach to measure pollution levels in cities both in space and time. We report on a magnetic biomonitoring study of PM in the city of Rome, conducted from 2005 October to December. We collected approximately 180 different sample sets of tree leaves of Quercus ilex, an evergreen oak widely distributed in Rome, at 112 different locations. Specific magnetic susceptibility χ of the leaf is used as a fast, easy and cost-effective proxy to assess levels of primary anthropogenic airborne PM pollution. Highly polluted areas correlate with high traffic areas, with an average susceptibility value of χ = 3.2 × 10−7 m3 kg−1. Low traffic zones are characterized by values more than an order of magnitude lower at χ = 1.4 × 10−8 m3 kg−1, and the background magnetic susceptibility is around χ = 2.6 × 10−9 m3 kg−1. The data show that distance dependence from the source is the most significant factor for the concentration of magnetic PM, and that pollution levels and sources can be reliably delineated by measuring magnetic susceptibility values on tree leaf samples of Q. ilex. A new protocol for magnetic susceptibility measurements is proposed, in order to account for changes due to water evaporation in the leaves as a function of time after collection of the samples. Additional magnetic analyses, such as acquisition of artificial remanences and hysteresis properties, were used to characterize the mineralogy and grain size of the magnetic PM. The results indicate that the population of ferrimagnetic phases have a homogenous composition and grain size throughout the investigated are

    Neogene and Quaternary geodynamic evolution of the Italian peninsula: the contribution of paleomagnetic data

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    Paleomagnetism has played an important role in the development of geodynamic models for the Italian peninsula. Paleomagnetic data from this area have been increasingly reported since the late 1960s, placing important constraints on geodynamics. A brief outline of the main concepts underlying a paleomagnetic study is provided in the first part of this paper. We also discuss the criteiia for the assessment of the reliability of paleomagnetic data. Finally,the data collected over the past 25 years in peninsular and insular Italy are synthetically reviewed, discussing the main implications for the geodynamic evolution of the Tyrrhenian - Apennines foreland system

    Paleomagnetic dating of non-sulfide Zn-Pb ores in SW Sardinia (Italy): a first attempt

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    A first paleomagnetic investigation aimed at constraining the age of the non-sulfide Zn-Pb ore deposits in the Iglesiente district (SW Sardinia, Italy) was carried out. In these ores, the oxidation of primary sulfides, hosted in Cambrian carbonate rocks, was related to several paleoweathering episodes spanning from the Mesozoic onward. Paleomagnetic analyses were performed on 43 cores from 4 different localities, containing: a) non-oxidized primary sulfides and host rock, b) oxidized Fe-rich hydrothermal dolomites and (c) supergene oxidation ore («Calamine»). Reliable data were obtained from 18 samples; the others show uninterpretable results due to low magnetic intensity or to scattered demagnetization trajectories. Three of them show a scattered Characteristic Remanent Magnetization (ChRM), likely carried by the original (i.e. Paleozoic) magnetic iron sulfides. The remaining 15 samples show a well defined and coherent ChRM, carried by high-coercivity minerals, acquired after the last phase of counterclockwise rotation of Sardinia (that is after 16 Myr), in a time interval long enough to span at least one reversal of the geomagnetic field. Hematite is the main magnetic carrier in the limestone, whereas weathered hydrothermal dolomite contains goethite or a mixture of both. The results suggest that paleomagnetism can be used to constrain the timing of oxidation in supergene-enriched ores

    Environmental control on the occurrence of high-coercivity magnetic minerals and formation of iron sulfides in a 640 ka sediment sequence from Lake Ohrid (Balkans)

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    The bulk magnetic mineral record from Lake Ohrid, spanning the past 637 kyr, reflects large-scale shifts in hydrological conditions, and, superimposed, a strong signal of environmental conditions on glacial–interglacial and millennial timescales. A shift in the formation of early diagenetic ferrimagnetic iron sulfides to siderites is observed around 320 ka. This change is probably associated with variable availability of sulfide in the pore water. We propose that sulfate concentrations were significantly higher before â€‰âˆŒâ€‰â€Ż320 ka, due to either a higher sulfate flux or lower dilution of lake sulfate due to a smaller water volume. Diagenetic iron minerals appear more abundant during glacials, which are generally characterized by higher Fe / Ca ratios in the sediments. While in the lower part of the core the ferrimagnetic sulfide signal overprints the primary detrital magnetic signal, the upper part of the core is dominated by variable proportions of high- to low-coercivity iron oxides. Glacial sediments are characterized by high concentration of high-coercivity magnetic minerals (hematite, goethite), which relate to enhanced erosion of soils that had formed during preceding interglacials. Superimposed on the glacial–interglacial behavior are millennial-scale oscillations in the magnetic mineral composition that parallel variations in summer insolation. Like the processes on glacial–interglacial timescales, low summer insolation and a retreat in vegetation resulted in enhanced erosion of soil material. Our study highlights that rock-magnetic studies, in concert with geochemical and sedimentological investigations, provide a multi-level contribution to environmental reconstructions, since the magnetic properties can mirror both environmental conditions on land and intra-lake processes

    Sediment deposition in response to the glacial-interglacial changes on the continental slope of eastern Pennell-Iselin Bank in the Ross Sea, Antarctica

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    In order to understand the growth and retreat of glaciers in response to the glacial-interglacial changes, subglacial marine sedimentary sequences have been studied extensively in the continental shelf areas of the Ross Sea. The purpose is to comprehend the glaciomarine sedimentation change on the continental slope of eastern Pennell-Iselin Bank in the Ross Sea, using three gravity cores (C1, C2, C3) and three box cores (BC1, BC2, BC3) collected from sites (RS14-1, 2, 3), respectively, across the continental slope to the eastern side of the Pennell-Iselin Bank during XXIX° (2014) PNRA expedition (Rosslope Ⅱ project). Several sedimentological (grain size, magnetic susceptibility), elemental (XRF), geochemical (biogenic opal, total organic carbon, total nitrogen, C/N ratios, CaCO3), and isotopic (ή13C and ή15N of organic matter) parameters were measured along sediment cores with AMS 14C dating of bulk sediments. Core-sediments consist mostly of hemipelagic sandy clay or silty clay with scattered IRDs (Ice-Rafted Debris). A comparison of sediment properties between box cores and the top of gravity cores reveals that the loss of sediment during sampling is trivial. Sediment colors of gravity cores alternate between brown and gray downward. Based on the variation patterns of sediment properties, sediment lithology was divided into different units (A and B), and subunits (B1 and B2). AMS 14C dates and sediment properties assign Unit A, Unit B1, and Unit B2 to interglacial, deglacial, and glacial conditions, respectively. Unit A represents the Holocene and interglacial sediments deposited mainly by the suspension settling of biogenic particles with IRDs in the open marine condition. Unit B1 reflects the deglacial sediments with an increase in IRDs showing the transition of sediment properties from Unit B2 to Unit A by the retreat of subglacial ices. Unit B2 is characterized by different sediment properties, mainly supplied by the continuously lateral melt-water plume or distal part of debris flow originating from the front of grounding floes in the subglacial continental shelf under the ice shelf during the glacial period. Thus, Unit B contains mostly reworked and eroded sediments from the continental shelf with scattered IRDs. The influence of subglacial continental shelf sedimentation in terms of melt-water transport and/or distal stage of debris flow was limited as far as to the middle slope areas (Site 2) during the deglacial and glacial periods. The deeper Site 1 remains in seasonally open marine conditions during the glacial period, due to the peaks of biogenic opal and TOC contents. Keywords: sediment property, subglacial activity, continental slope, Ross Se

    Mediterranean winter rainfall in phase with African monsoons during the past 1.36 million years

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    Mediterranean climates are characterized by strong seasonal contrasts between dry summers and wet winters. Changes in winter rainfall are critical for regional socioeconomic development, but are difficult to simulate accurately1 and reconstruct on Quaternary timescales. This is partly because regional hydroclimate records that cover multiple glacial–interglacial cycles2,3 with different orbital geometries, global ice volume and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are scarce. Moreover, the underlying mechanisms of change and their persistence remain unexplored. Here we show that, over the past 1.36 million years, wet winters in the northcentral Mediterranean tend to occur with high contrasts in local, seasonal insolation and a vigorous African summer monsoon. Our proxy time series from Lake Ohrid on the Balkan Peninsula, together with a 784,000-year transient climate model hindcast, suggest that increased sea surface temperatures amplify local cyclone development and refuel North Atlantic low-pressure systems that enter the Mediterranean during phases of low continental ice volume and high concentrations of atmospheric greenhouse gases. A comparison with modern reanalysis data shows that current drivers of the amount of rainfall in the Mediterranean share some similarities to those that drive the reconstructed increases in precipitation. Our data cover multiple insolation maxima and are therefore an important benchmark for testing climate model performance
